Manaslu base camp trek recommendations, an amazing travel location. Here are some tips if you plan to tour Himalaya.
Mustang is a sacred pace for both Buddhist and Hindu people. It belongs to the Muktinath Valley in the northwestern part of Nepal and has two different parts referred popularly as Upper and Lower Mustang Valleys. Here you may found the lifestyle and culture of Sherpa people and old villages. In addition, you will be able to explore the entire kingdom of the Upper Mustang Region. Highlights the Tibetan Culture and its Landscape: Mustang region has rich Buddhist culture to allow individuals in experiencing the landscape and culture followed by the Tibetan people. Mustang Region Trekking thus takes you to a mysterious region of Nepal, especially in the upper part of the country. Chance to Visit Lo, the Old Buddhist Kingdom: Mustang Trekking gives you the opportunity to bring trekkers into the hidden world of Lo, the old Buddhist Kingdom. Being closely tie to Tibet, Lo highlights almost similar culture, as followed in Tibet culture, geography and language. In fact, isolation of the region from outer world to a highly preserve culture of Tibet and its unspoiled nature.
Don’t be Afraid of a Little Headache. I hate to say it, but it is almost inevitable that you will get some sort of headache at some stage on the trip. Unfortunately, I suffer from bad headaches at altitude and have had to learn ways to manage them and not let them ruin my experience. One of the best ways to combat these headaches is by listening to the advice of Tip 4; always drink plenty of water while in the mountains. One of the greatest causes of headaches in the mountains is due to dehydration, so drinking water can greatly help to eliminate or lessen your headaches. Another trick that I have found to be helpful is to add a Disprin to my water every morning and another each evening. This will help to slightly thin out your blood and help to reduce headaches caused by the thickening of your blood at altitude. We highly recommend taking Ibuprofen helps reduce inflammation and pressure in your brain. These headaches are completely normal to experience at high to extreme altitude and they are not something to be too afraid of, however if these headaches get very extreme and limit your ability to think straight, eat, sleep, or walk in the mountains, you may need to seek medical attention.
Everest region is rich in flora and fauna. There are quiet diverse since the region ranges in altitude from less than 2000 meters above sea level at Jiri to the high peaks of the Himalaya at over 8000 meters. Up to 4000 meters you will find dense stands of forest including pine, oak and the spectacular flowering rhododendrons. The crop under cultivation will depend on the season that you visit but expect to see wheat, barley, corn and potatoes at some stage. Domesticated animals will range from cattle, buffalo, goats and pigs to the all-purpose beast of mountains-the yak.
Top tips : Help save the environment and your pocket book. Just fill water as you go for free anywhere and purify it yourself. Steripens work great using ultraviolet light to purify water in 30 seconds.
Beside incredible views and sceneries of high mountains of Manaslu-Boudha-Himal- Chuli extends to Ganesh Himal towards east and Manaslu Himalaya in the west.On this trek exploring varied range of culture of Hindu religion in the low and mid hills to Tibetan culture interwoven of Buddhism religion on higher areas of Manaslu. Find extra info at Manaslu circuit trekking.
Take Care of Your Feet – Bad blisters can end a trek just as easily as altitude sickness. I recommend brining some duct tape or moleskin and treating as soon as you start to feel discomfort and not after it becomes an actual blister. Getting a Good Night’s Rest – You will probably be surprised at how comfortable the tea houses are on the trek but the bedroom walls are thin and noise carries quite easily. If you’re a light sleeper I recommend bring some foam ear plugs for a good night’s sleep. While it might be warm trekking during the day its definetly cold at night so make sure you have a warm sleeping bag and thermals. The sleeping bags we rent are -20C and plenty warm.
Experience a Sri Lanka safari with Go4Safari team! Sri Lanka is a fabulous country with many beautiful travel locations. Yala National Park is home to many wildlife animals including leopards if you have a very special fond affection towards the big cat family and you love to see these feline in their natural habitat you have come to the right place, all you have to do is book a ticket to Sri Lanka and book Sri Lanka Safari through go for Safari they have an early morning special Leopard Safari game drive programs that cater to cat lovers who desperate to see leopards in Sri Lanka.
The Temple of the Tooth is a highly sacred place. The temple contains one of Buddha’s teeth. Legend has it that the tooth was taken from the Buddha on his deathbed, then smuggled to Sri Lanka from India. It was smuggled in the hair of a princess, after her father’s kingdom had been besieged. It immediately became an object of great importance and has been celebrated and paraded throughout history. However, many attempts have also been made to steal or destroy the tooth. Twice daily, pujas are held to celebrate the relic and offer visitors and devotees the chance to get a glimpse of the tooth within its casing. At the summit of Adam’s Peak is a footprint cast in stone. It has spiritual significance to a number of different religions, however, there is currently a Buddhist monastery at the summit. To the Buddhists, the footprint is that of Buddha’s; to Christians, the footprint is Adam’s; and to Hindus, the footprint is attributed to Shiva. The site is a popular place of pilgrimage, especially on full moon nights. The trek to the top of the mountain to see the footprint is via a steep staircase containing over 5000 steps. The trail is lined with many tea stalls and food shops which act as places of rest. Most people begin their hike at 2:30 am to reach the summit in time for sunrise.
Hiking in Riverston Sri Lanka was an unexpected highlight of my journey throughout the island. Riverston is a region best defined by the popular term, ‘off the beaten path’. We drove for several hours, parked in the middle of nowhere and then embarked on a hike. We headed across the river and through the rice fields and farmland. There is minimal signage but luckily we had our guide Lukobanda to guide us up. The hike doesn’t have a specific name according to the locals other than the Riverston Hike. The hike looks out over the Knuckles mountain range and the surrounding highlands. It’s one of the short day trip hikes in the area. The end of the hike ends with a sharp 300m drop, which made for some pretty epic photos. From here you can chill and take in the views of the Thelgamuwa Valley, the terraced rice fields, and the Knuckles mountain range. This spot is called ‘The Worlds End’.The hike is 5km long but not incredibly difficult. See more info on Sri Lanka Safari.
Lipton Tea is a staple item in the cupboard of most families around the world. Never did I expect to be trekking with a 60-yr-old local Sri Lankan up and down the steep mountains home amongst the famous Lipton Tea and other highly lauded tea estates. If you are looking to gain historical context and perspective this is one of the best things to do in Sri Lanka. The Royal Tea Trail begins innocuously by the roadside before beginning to the wind between steep tea terraces. Although unlike the rice terraces in Bali these are not tiered. There are no steps and the tea-pluckers must scale the sharp incline. The tea plants are scattered with no particular pattern although they are often layered creating a beautiful linear design on the side of the mountains.
One of Sri Lanka’s seven World Heritage Sites, this rock-top fortress dates back to the 5th century AD. The atmosphere is more spiritual than militant: in its time it has acted as a royal palace and Buddhist monastery. The site is also regarded as one of the most important urban planning projects of the first millennium, and is home to some of the oldest landscaped gardens in the world. Look out too for the mirror wall, a masonry wall that was so well-polished that the king could see his reflection in it.
Why Wilpattu Safari ? Wilpattu national park in Sri Lanka has the most leopard density when compared to other national parks, also the national park is among the top national parks in the world for its ? leopard population, Wilpattu harbor extremely high biodiversity, including 31 species of mammals, sloth bear (Melursus Ursinus inornatus), water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), elephant (Elephas Maximus Maximus), Sambhur (Rusa unicolor unicolor), Spotted deer (Axis axis ceylonensis), Mongoose, and shrew are most known. Since this is not the most famous park here on the Island, despite the peak season visitor numbers remain low, which gives Wilpattu a genuine sense of wilderness. Wilpattu park is mostly good to visit all around the year and less crowded with tourists. You will have a close encounter with beautiful jungle trails with lots of mixed geographical features from grassy plains amidst the dense jungle, to wetlands called “Villu”, aka “Willu-Pattu” translated to Land of Lakes. 75% of the national park is covered with thick jungle, therefore you need more time and patient to spot leopards, best if you book a full day Safari and take the most out your encounter with wildlife.
Lofthigher is travel accessories provider, offering top quality travel related products for the best prices. The big product selection is making sure that the online store responds to all travel needs for women, men, babies, kids and youngsters. High quality travel accessories are required if you want to have a pleasant trip, without accidents and disconfort created by equipment failures, like broken bottles, wet clothes, unonfortable backpacks and things like this.
Lofthigher offer includes a wide range of travel bags, first aid camping kits, anti insects products, all types of backpacks, trolley suitcases, liquid carry bags, health and hygiene products for travellers and many more. For example Waterproof travel electronic accessories.
You want a backpack that is big enough to hold just a bit more than the stuff you are bringing and not more than that. If a backpack fits everything you want, has a bit of extra room, and feels comfortable, then you have found the perfect backpack size. Manufacturers also have suggested torso and waist sizes for each model they produce, but I’ve found that the best way to know if a backpack feels right is to simply try it on. When you are at the store (and any good camping/outdoors store will do this), they should be able to stuff your backpack with the equivalent of 30 pounds (15 kilograms) so you can see how that much weight feels on your back.
If your pack doesn’t have two zippers, you can always get Pacsafe (, which wraps a lockable metal mesh around your whole bag and can be tied to a large object. It means that not only is no one breaking into your stuff, no one is walking away with it either. Pacsafe is a good form of protection for your bag, especially if you are going to be somewhere where your bag will be unattended for a long time. One thing to remember about Pacsafe is that this metal mesh also adds a lot of weight to your bag and it can be burdensome to carry around. Most people I know who use Pacsafe are photographers who carry a lot of expensive equipment around.
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Lofthigher professionalism is showing in some of the features they offer to customers. If the product is different than the image or the product has a defect or damage, they will refund or resend the product. Communication with the customer is essential for a very good shopping experience and it also creates trust between the seller and the buyer.
But what sets Lofthigher apart from most other travel accessories online stores is the buy now, pay later option. The customer has to pay only 40% of the whole price and can pay the rest during a period of two to eight months, without interest or additional fees. If you decide to use their down payment services, they will first charge you 40% of the item price to preauthorize your card and initiate an individual payment plan. After that, you will be able to pay for the rest of your order in maximum 8 installments with no extra charge. Combine this with the quality of their travel accessories like [here we will rotate the other half of the producs, to get more unique versions, around 100 words]. Amazing!
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Paris e uma das cidades europeias com o maior numero de mercados de rua, ou feiras livres como chamamos no Brasil. Nesses mercados voce encontrara tudo, mas alguns deles sao dedicados a um tema como arte, produtos organicos ou ate mesmo flores. Selecionei para voce os melhores mercados de rua em Paris para voce visitar durante a sua viagem.
Boulevard Beaumarchais: Apos o sucesso da gigante e maravilhosa loja conceito Merci, muitas grifes francesas abriram sua loja principal na avenida Beaumarchais. Todas essas lojas incriveis como A.P.C., Kitsune e AMI valem a pena conferir nessa rua. Andando pelo Marais voce vai encontrar tudo o que precisa, desde farmacias a lojas de souvenirs. No Marais fiam a loja da Repetto (a loja tradicional das bailarinas) e da Maison Fragonard (perfumes franceses tradicionais e com bons precos), e alguns brechos de itens de luxo.
Este mercado e considerado um dos monumentos historicos de Paris. No coracao do Marais, o Marche des Enfants Rouges leva o nome do orfanato que costumava ocupar o local. Este autentico mercado parisiense e cheio de cor e sabor. O que diferencia esse mercado para mim e poder experimentar pratos da gastronomia francesa e internacional. Voce vai encontrar comida japonesa, chinesa, creole, marroquina e por ai vai. A comida vendida nas barraquinhas e deliciosa e com preco muito em conta. Voce pode comer la mesmo ou levar para viagem e comer no hotel ou apartamento. Da pra montar um pequeno pequenique e levar para comer na Place des Vosges que fica bem perto dali. Eu adoro esse mercado, e sempre que vou a Paris, nao deixo de visitar!
Esse monumento fica fora de Paris, mas a sua historia faz com que seja um dos monumentos mais visitados da regiao, considerado como uma visita obrigatoria para quem passa pela capital. O Castelo, construido a partir de 1623 (sob Luis XIII, ate entao uma pequena cabana de caca), e um dos monumentos mais visitados da regiao. Lar de muitos reis da Franca, de Luis XIII a Luis XVI, o local e uma das mais belas testemunhas da historia pre e pos-Revolucao Francesa. Para a visita a Versailles, se voce nao quiser passar metade do seu dia em uma longuissima fila, e imprescindivel ja levar seu ingresso. 25 coisas que voce precisa comer em Paris.
Sua comida nem sempre precisa ser cozida para ficar deliciosa. Carne crua, um ovo e outros ingredientes sao misturados para fazer este prato iconico. Esse e um daqueles pratos controversos. Uns amam, e para outros nem pensar. Eu sou da turma do nem pensar. Mas, nao poderia deixar fora da lista algo tao tradicional da culinaria francesa. Se posso dizer algo a seu favor, tenho certeza de que a carne utilizada sera da melhor qualidade. O que vai garantir um prato ainda mais saboroso para aqueles que apreciam o Steak Tartare. Se voce quiser um lugar confiavel para voce comer em Paris a sua carne crua, eu indico o restaurante La Rotonde. Ele serve um dos melhores Steak Tartare para voce comer em Paris.
Provavelmente o melhor de todos os restaurantes romanticos em Paris perto da Torre Eiffel, Le Jules Verne oferece uma experiencia de jantar como nenhum outro. Situado no segundo andar do monumento, a decoracao deste lugar e classica luxuosa francesa e assim e a comida. Acompanhado por uma excelente colecao de vinhos, este restaurante centra-se na heranca culinaria francesa e no romance, claro!
O que e otimo nesta loja de vinhos e que eles tem mais de 4.000 rotulos na selecao de vinhos franceses, com precos que vao de menos de €10 euros ate €20,000 euros! Sua caverna subterranea tambem armazena vinhos internacionais do Novo e do Velho Mundo. A loja fica a apenas a 2 minutos da Igreja Madeleine, os vendedores de vinho multilingues em Lavinia estao la para te dar a melhor orientacao. Seja voce um especialista em vinhos ou um novato, voce podera encontrar a melhor sugestao numa com eles.
Localizado numa das melhores areas para se fazer compras na margem esquerda, o Le Bon Marche foi a primeira loja de departamentos de Paris e do mundo. Serviu de inspiracao para Au bonheur des dames, o famoso romance de Emile Zola. Esta luxuosa loja de departamentos esta localizada no 7º arrondissement, a apenas 20 minutos a pe da Torre Eiffel. A loja passou por uma grande reforma a alguns anos, e e uma verdadeira joia! A moda, seja para a casa ou uso pessoal, e de vanguarda. Aqui tambem voce vai encontrar uma livraria e um cafe escondidos no ultimo andar.
Encontrar um hotel barato em Paris e possivel. Quando se planeja uma viagem para Paris os custos de passagem aerea e hotel sao os que mais pesam. Aperta daqui, aperta dali, nem sempre se consegue cortar o custo na passagem aerea, entao acaba sobrando tentar pagar menos na hospedagem. Nao e tarefa das mais faceis encontrar um hotel barato em Paris, mas da para encontrar um hotel que caiba no bolso. Tudo vai depender do que voce esta diposto a abrir mao na sua viagem.
Situado na Boulevard Garibaldi, perto da sede da UNESCO e da Agencia Espacial Europeia, o Hotel Eiffel Segur oferece um ponto de partida perfeito para explorar Paris. A Esplanada Jacques Chaban-Delmas fica a apenas cinco minutos a pe e leva ao Tumulo de Napoleao e a alguns dos melhores museus da cidade. A Torre Eiffel e o Champ de Mars ficam a uma curta distancia a pe de 20 minutos.
Uma das melhores area para se hospedar em Paris, o bairro de Les Halles / Le Marais e um dos mais importantes da cidade. Ele escapou da grande modernizacao de Paris iniciada por Haussmann durante o seculo 19 por causa doseu tipo de solo. Portanto, esta e a razao pela qual as ruas sao tao tortas, simplesmente porque datam dos tempos medievais. Tantas coisas para ver neste distrito! Voce precisaria de um fim de semana inteiro para ver tudo e uma vida inteira para conhecer os pequenos segredos! Aqui a cultura esta em toda parte.
A apenas 30 minutos ao sul de Paris fica o Parc de Sceaux (pronuncia-se “So”), um lindo e pouco conhecido chateau com imensos jardins. Projetado por le Notre, os jardins sao incrivelmente vastos, entao eu recomendo gastar um bom tempo la para realmente fazer justica a eles. O castelo e muito charmoso, decorado em tons pastel e vermelhos ricos com candelabros extravagantes que iluminam os quartos. A visita e especialmente agradavel na primavera, quando voce pode fazer um piquenique sob as cerejeiras em flor de cerejeira. Vale a visita.
Travel industry news : newsletters with AMP for E-mail. What is AMP for Email ? AMP for Email will make it possible to take simple actions (like booking a calendar appointment or RSVP-ing an event) directly within the layout of the email – users can interact with content without leaving the Gmail client and without visit a website.
Like Doodle, takes advantage of AMP’s dynamic content to deliver users a better experience in email. In this case, it relates to their search for lodging. As you see in this first email, offers its users a room recommendation with an image. But, one thumbnail? That’s hardly all you need to see to decide on a room, but unlike static email, which would force you to click through to the listing page to see the photos of this apartment, AMP for email allows the user to click the arrow on the edge of the image to slide to the next photo, seen below, The user gets a more informed view of the listing without ever having to leave the email. While an email slider like this can be created with CSS, it’s been called a far smoother experience with AMP for email.
AMP for Email is currently exclusively available for Gmail users. While Gmail is one of the most popular email clients with 26% of all emails opened in a Gmail inbox, on average, the audience for consumers that could see AMP-powered emails is limited. And it could be lower depending on your own audience. Tracking may be limited: Tracking is crucial to optimization. Currently, marketers can track opens, clicks, etc. to improve campaigns. When you add to the list of actions users can take, you also add to what marketers must to track. Will there be ways to track them?
What are the benefits in Email Marketing for the Travel Industry? Offering hotels, flights and holiday packages through an email newsletter channel has been a challenge in the travel business as customer satisfaction can be very cumbersome. By the time a newsletter subscriber opens the email, it is likely that hotel prices have changed or flights are already sold out. The travel seeker has to leave the email realm and is forced to visit the travel agencies’ website to check prices and availability again. In such cases, the traveler is also tempted to involve another travel provider in the search. With the launch of Google AMP for Email, however, that information and usability gap can now be closed, eventually leading to a higher ROI for the whole travel industry in email marketing. Save website bandwith: Especially during seasonal peaks (i.e. winter holidays) booking websites tend to reach their request limits rather quickly. AMP-based emails will help to keep your customer busy and up-to-speed even if the website is down or slow. Read extra info at Travel industry developments : newsletters with AMP for E-mail.
Clearly, marketers are excited about the prospect of leveraging AMP to easily create interactive experiences for their audiences. For a long time, interactive email has been seen as a technique that only large brands with extensive development and design resources can execute on. AMP for Email could make creating interactive email more accessible for all marketers, especially those with lots of Gmail users among their subscribers.
Email developers have long craved the kind of coding standardization that the web has had for years. Despite efforts from the email community, that standardization still hasn’t happened. AMP-powered emails rely on client-specific coding—again, it’s only supported by Gmail. That is another step away from email coding standardization, and will require email developers to learn another specific skill set in order to simply build an email.
Email is about to become more useful and interactive – or even more annoying and distracting, depending on how you look at it – thanks to Google’s new AMP for Email project. Essentially, the search giant is seeking to save people who get lost in the rabbit hole that is their smartphone. You know when you’re reading something on your phone and after clicking around for a few minutes you think to yourself, “what app am I in again?” And then it turns out you’re not actually reading that article in Safari – you’re in Facebook.
Paris versus Bangkok ? 2 completely different cities. Here are some tips if you visit one of them. Top destinations in Paris and shopping,food and packing tips. Created between 1755 and 1775 by the architect of King Louis XV, this impressive octagonal square is at the heart of 18th-century Paris. With its majestic dimensions, the Place de la Concorde is one of the most attractive squares in the city. It was the scene of several key historical events, including the execution of King Louis XVI, and it was part of Napoleon’s triumphal route. The square offers sensational views of the triumphal route towards the Arc de Triomphe and the Defense, and towards the Louvre, as well as to the Madeleine and the Palais-Bourbon. At the center is an Egyptian obelisk, which was presented to Charles X by the Viceroy of Egypt. During summer, there is a Ferris wheel here.
Sainte-Chapelle is rarely used for mass but often serves as a venue for music concerts. Listening to a choir or classical music performance in this space is an inspiring spiritual experience. Sainte-Chapelle is considered a rare jewel among medieval houses of worship and is certainly one of the most exquisite churches in Paris. This masterpiece of Rayonnant Gothic architecture was built from 1242 to 1248 for King Louis IX (Saint Louis) to house the precious relics he had acquired from the Byzantine Emperor. The altar displays a relic of the Crown of Thorns. The chapel is renowned for its breathtaking stained-glass windows, which give the sanctuary an iridescent glow and serene aura. (It’s recommended to visit in the morning and especially on sunny days to appreciate the windows at their most brilliant.) The chapel has 15 stained-glass windows (covering 600 square meters) depicting over 1,000 scenes from the bible, both Old Testament and New Testament stories. The colors and light symbolize divinity and the Heavenly Jerusalem. Read more details at
Paris restaurant pick : The one haute-cuisine restaurant in Paris that’s really, truly worth it? L’Astrance. Chef Pascal Barbot has the most elegantly lyrical gastronomic imagination of any chef working in Paris today, and it’s expressed by dishes that are often spectacularly simple, like his buttermilk and burnt toast crumb soup. The dish is not always on the menu, but if you tell them you’re desperate for it when you make your reservation, Barbot and maitre d’hotel Christophe Rohat are such nice guys, they might make it for you. Otherwise, you should beg for the mille-feuille of white mushrooms, apple, and foie gras.
Paris shopping pick : Rue du Commerce We’ve named Rue du Commerce the Best Hidden Shopping Street in Paris for its excellent selection of popular brand shops, small boutiques and traditional Parisian charm. Located in the 15th arrondissement just a short stroll from the Eiffel Tower, this is where Parisians head when looking for the latest trends without the expensive price tags. There’s something for everyone along Rue du Commerce with over 100 shops along the way! With limited traffic along the narrow one-way street, you can easily crisscross your way down the street hitting your favorite shops.
Bangkok travel tips
Sheer luck (or lack thereof) makes this attraction special. During the 1950s, the East Asiatic Company purchased the land around the temple. A condition of the sale was the removal of a plaster statue of Buddha, but the statue proved too heavy for the crane being used. The cable parted and the figure was dropped, being left overnight where it fell. It happened to be in the rainy season, and when next morning some monks walked past, they noticed a glint of gold shining through the plaster. The coating was removed, revealing a 3.5 m Buddha cast from 5.5 tons of solid gold. All attempts to trace the origin of this priceless statue have so far failed, but it is assumed to date from the Sukhothai period, when marauding invaders threatened the country and its treasures, and it became common practice to conceal valuable Buddha figures beneath a coating of plaster. No one knows how it came to Bangkok, but here it stands available for the admiration of visitors from all over the world. Read extra info at
No attraction is more likely to take visitors’ breathe away than the Grand Palace. Visitors kill two birds with one stone by visiting these historical grounds, as this is where the shimmering Wat Phra Kaew is also found. The white exterior walls keep the relics hidden from the public up until the moment they enter. Upon paying the B500 entrance fee, visitors will behold an abundance of traditional Thai architecture making up the majority of buildings found on the grounds, of which there are more than 100. Some areas were greatly inspired by the European renaissance era, which visitors may catch glimpses of as they explore the three main zones which make up the Grand Palace.
Bangkok shopping pick : Pan Tip Plaza One-stop-shop for electronics: Its hundreds of shops make up a massive place for electronics of all kinds. From computer hardware and software to tech-related gadgets. You name it, Pantip Plaza has it. Best place to buy computers in Thailand: It is simply because many of large computer shops in this building have their main focus on wholesaling computer and its equipment from popular brands. So buyers have many options to choose from and can get things at competitive and wholesale prices.
Just by the name itself, you might have guessed that Terminal 21 has a certain theme to it and what else would it be but everything related to travel! The design starting from the airport-esque feel of the glass and steel front to the electronic display boards to the Golden Gate Bridge spanning across an entire floor, Terminal 21 truly resonates the traveller spirit in you. Each floor resembles a famous world city. There’s Tokyo City, Carnaby Street in London , an Istanbul Souk, and Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco. Here you can shop anything from clothes to accessories to home decor.
If you have your eye on everything high class, luxurious, and upscale, Gaysorn Village is the shopping mall in Bangkok to go to. The marble and chrome interiors reeks nothing but sophistication and class. To put it simply, Gaysorn is where the rich and famous head to for their fill on fashion and fun. In this exclusive shopping centre, an impulse of shoppers isn’t the normal case here but just a few elite members out on a splurge. Other than the international brands such as Ermenegildo Zegna, Louis Vuitton, and Hugo Boss, another note-worthy feature here is its innovative ‘Purely Gaysorn’ campaign that aims to offer a gold standard lifestyle shopping with its new Lifestyle Consultant team that exclusively helps you out on your style, parties, and gifts. With only a few shoppers at a time, the shopping experience here is truly relaxed. Expect only up-market fashion brands, jewellers, and the like when you enter Gaysorn Village. For more please see , a complete travel blog.
Hawai equals beaches, sun, volcanoes, lava, tourism, travel and more. The Kona Coffee Living History Farm is the only living history farm in the nation that is dedicated to the history and traditions of coffee farming. Costumed interpreters can be found throughout the grounds, going about daily tasks, from food preparation to farming chores, always happy to answer questions. Visitors are also free to explore the plantation, which still produces coffee, where you might even spot a Kona Nightingale. Visitors can also find tours of modern Kona coffee producers, including plantation tours at Hula Daddy and roasting facility tours at Mountain Thunder Plantation.
Kilauea is sometimes called “the world’s only drive-in volcano.” This prolific volcano produces 250,000-650,000 cubic yards of lava per day-enough to resurface a 20-mile-long, two-lane road each day. As of January 1994, 875 acres of new land have been created on the island of Hawaii. Many locals say that Pele, the volcano goddess who lives here, is very unpredictable. The extraordinary natural diversity of the park was recognized in 1980 when it was named a World Biosphere Site by UNESCO and in 1987 when the park was honored as a World Heritage Site. Begin your visit at the Kilauea Visitor Center for a great introduction to the park. Ranger talks are offered, hike suggestions for the day, and ranger-guided activities. Pick up maps, learn about the park’s hikes and get the latest volcano updates here.
The Big Island of Hawaii was formed entirely by volcanic activity. There are five separate volcanoes which have, over the past million-or-so years, combined to form the island. Of these five volcanoes, one is considered to be extinct and in transition between its post shield and erosional stage; one is considered dormant, and the three remaining volcanoes are active with Kilauea volcano the most dangerous.
Get access to basic information on the islands, from weather to where to stay, for free! Each of the categories has select free sections so you get a sneak peek at what the full package will include. More at Volcano Lava Flow. “The app is so conversational and fun to read. I love the humour in the entries and how straightforward the reviews are! A must-have app when travelling to any of Hawaii’s major islands!”
Kilauea is considered one of the worlds most frequently active volcanoes. If you just look at the number of Kilauea eruptions recorded since Europeans arrived, there have been 62 eruptions in 245 years, which comes out to 1 eruption every 3.95 years. However, this completely ignores the fact that some of the eruptions lasted a long time. For example, the current eruption started in January of 1983 and has been continuous ever since! Likewise, there was an active lava lake in the summit caldera from at least 1823 until 1924, while at the same time eruptions would take place elsewhere on the flanks of the volcano.
Fabulous Turkey … the location at the center between East and West cultures. Renowned as one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, the spellbinding Byzantine glory of the Aya Sofya Museum (Hagia Sophia) is not only one of the top things to do in Istanbul, but also in Turkey. The staggering bulk of its exterior is rimmed by the delicate minarets added after the Ottoman conquest, while the sumptuous and cavernous frescoed interior is a grand reminder of old Constantinople’s might and power. This famed monument is a must-do for every tourist visiting the country.
Located in the city of Bodrum in southwest Turkey, Bodrum Castle was built by the Crusaders in the 15th century as the Castle of St. Peter. It is one of the world’s best preserved monuments dating back to medieval times. The castle now operates as a museum, with the focus on the Museum of Underwater Archaeology. It overlooks the internal marina of Bodrum filled with millions of dollars worth of sailing crafts. Extra details on Turkey family vacations.
The fifteenth century former residence of the Ottoman Sultans, the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul is a huge, ornate palatial compound which was a focal point of Istanbul’s social and political life for hundreds of years. A UNESCO World Heritage site, visitors flock through its gates to see its Ottoman architecture, courtyards and famous Muslim and Christian relics. A must see sight, it consistently ranks among the top attractions in Turkey. The Harem is also quite popular, but costs extra. Audio tours are available.
Travelers who love to shop shouldn’t miss out on a visit to the Grand Bazaar, with 5,000 shops making it one of the largest indoor marketplaces in the world. Receiving more than a quarter-million visitors a day, the bazaar features such items as jewelry, carpets that may or may not fly, spices, antiques and hand-painted ceramics. The bazaar dates back to 1461 and today is home to two mosques, four fountains, two hammams or steam baths, and the Cevahir Bedesten, where the rarest and most valuable items have been found traditionally. Here is where shoppers will find old coins, jewelry with precious gems, inlaid weapons and antique furniture.
Tourist Attraction of the day in Cappadocia : There are dozens of hiking trails, so it’s the perfect opportunity to grab your walking shoes and head out onto the paths. Three particular attractions within Rose Valley are the Kolonlu Kilise (Columned Church); Ha?li Kilise (Church of the Cross), with its mammoth cross carved into the cave ceiling; and the U? Ha?li Kilise (Church of the Three Crosses), with its amazingly preserved ceiling carvings and interesting (though severely damaged) frescoes
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Although most people tend to focus on the destination or activities available in port, your ship choice may make or break your vacation. Some cruises are known for being family friendly, while others are better suited for a romantic gettaway or singles escape. Each cruise line has its own personality, so you’ll want to be sure to choose the right atmosphere for you. There’s also a lot of variety among ships when it comes to onboard facilities. These days you can enjoy everything from fine dining and spa treatments to zip lining and water slides, all while still at sea! With the vast array of amenities and itineraries each cruise has to offer, you’re bound to find a boat that sparks your interest. Just be sure to match your preferences with a fitting ship. That way you can make the most of your vacation time, both at port and on the open ocean.
Parking at the port is extremely convenient, but it will cost you. Rates are $17 per day. For seven days of parking you’ll spend nearly $120. Luckily, there are a number of independent lots located within a few minutes of the port that are considerably cheaper. Your options run about $10 per day, which is a considerable discount off parking at the port. As well, these independent lots offer free shuttles to the port, so you can get right to your ship conveniently. Extra details on Port Canaveral cruise parking.
Cruising is a vacation value, for sure, but driving to your cruise is a money saver as well. Not only are you saving money on airfare and bag fees, but you have the opportunity to save on parking too. Hotels in many ports offer some sort of “cruise and stay” package where you can park your car at the hotel for the duration of your cruise for free provided you’re staying there at least one night before or after you sail. Some hotels even offer free or discount shuttles to and from the cruise terminal. In Port Canaveral, nearly a dozen hotels — from Holiday Inns to Best Westerns to Four Points by Sheraton — offer cruise and stay packages. Spend a few minutes online looking for packages at hotels near your cruise terminal and you’ll find similar arrangements no matter where you depart.
Admittedly, I’ve only sailed Disney Cruise Line from Port Canaveral, and I’ve always found the process to be easy and straightforward. If you are taking the Disney transportation from the airport, you’ll leave your luggage before boarding the motor coach at the airport. Once you arrive at the port, you’ll be directed through security, then will travel upstairs to the check in area. The Disney terminal is so well appointed, and it really gets you in the spirit of traveling with Disney. There are three separate check-in areas. One is for first-time cruisers, one is for Castaway Club silver and gold members, and one is for concierge guests and Platinum Castaway Club members.
Park N Cruise is a family owned and operated parking and shuttle service. We’re dedicated to providing outstanding value at a discounted rate while maintaining the highest level of customer service available. Book today to discover better, easier, and faster off-site Port Canaveral cruise parking! Not convinced? Check out more about us below and learn a little Park N Cruise history.
Switzerland is a fabulous location but also one of the most expensive. Not having your legal documents in order can cost you a lot here. So we will talk about the amazing locations and also the practical advices regarding insurance and other legal issues. Lake Geneva, Europe’s largest Alpine lake, straddles the Swiss/French border, and laps at the shores of some of Switzerland’s most popular cities. The city of Geneva (in French Geneve; in German Genf) sits between pretty snow-capped peaks at the point where the Rhine spills into Lake Geneva. This French-speaking “capital of peace” is the European seat of the United Nations and exudes a pleasing blend of French joie de vivre and Swiss structure. Promenades, parks, and gardens surround the lake, and the old town is a lovely spot to stroll among the historic buildings. The Jet d’Eau, a fountain in Lake Geneva shooting water 150 meters into the air, is a famous landmark. Cultural attractions include the Opera House and the Grand Theatre, which stages international acts. Also on the lake, about 62 kilometers from Geneva, Lausanne boasts lovely views over the surrounding region and the lake, with the Alps rising in the distance. Take a stroll through the medieval old town with its cute cafes and boutiques and stunning Gothic cathedral. At the foot of the Alps, on Lake Geneva, Montreux hosts the world-famous Montreux Jazz Festival in June/July.
Chillon Castle (Château de Chillon) is located on the shores of Lake Geneva. For over four centuries, the water castle was the main fortress that monitored water freight on the lake, and guarded the land route to St Bernhard Pass. The castle boasts art from the 14th century, subterranean vaults, 25 separate buildings with three courtyards, and two circular walls. Hundreds of thousands of guests each year tour the castle. For those who dream of the ultimate big fairy tale wedding, the castle can be privately rented for personal events.
Expat savvy is your most reliable insurance advisor in Switzerland. Adapting to a whole new environment, culture, language, and people can be daunting – but with Expat-savvy, you can find all your insurances and start fresh and stress-free. We will help you understanding the swiss healthcare system, how to find out what deductable fits you the best and what supplemetary coverage is available for your and your familys needs. we compare over all the options in switzerland to make sure you find your best package. We are Swiss’ most reliable platform for expats that offers information on the most pressing issues anyone moving to Switzerland might be having. From helping you to find a job, look for an apartment, choose a doctor, or pick a health insurance – we offer absolutely everything in one place. If you seek health insurance advice, we are a neutral body to consult with. Expat-savvy partners with only the most trusted insurance companies in Switzerland so you can be certain that we will help you select the one that will best respond to your needs. Get in touch with Expat-savvy to outline your requirements and we will provide free health insurance advice. Contact us on Skype, WhatsApp, or Viber and one of our experts will be right with you! Read extra info on reliable insurance advisor in Switzerland
The Rhaetian Railway connects Switzerland to Italy through the mountains of Graubünden and is a remarkable feat of engineering through one of the country’s most photogenic regions. On the 130km ride, you’ll pass over 196 bridges and go through 55 tunnels, with the curving Landwasser viaduct being a spectacular highlight. Vineyards stretch as far as the eyes can see in Switzerland’s longest vineyard region (843 hectares to be precise). On a leisurely hike along the vineyard trail, you can stop by and taste some of the local produce for yourself. Just remember you have to walk back.