17 03 20

US immigration lawyers advices for chinese applicants
How to pick the best New York immigration lawyer for chinese US visa applicants: Learn the benefits of taking an English proficiency test, such as the IELTS, TOEFL, or Duolingo English test, and then practice to improve your score. Cybercrime is one of the biggest risks that you are likely to encounter in the United States. Make sure that your accounts are safe from hackers. Engineering is one of the most popular STEM fields studied and practiced by immigrants in the U.S. Discover how to find employment through this career field. Then, determine if it is right for you. Before you go on job interviews, learn how to leverage your international education and work experience in the U.S.

Compare recommendations by discussing your green card application with multiple immigration lawyers: Although most good immigration lawyers can be very busy, you should be able to talk to them and their office staff to understand their commitment to their clients and their overall style and honesty. Before choosing someone to represent you, talking to several lawyers will provide you with some basis for comparison, and some law firms offer the first free consultation. It will give you the opportunity to “feel” various lawyers to understand their personality and work philosophy to determine if they are right for you. In some cases, obtaining a second opinion may reveal that the first immigration lawyer did not fully understand your case or law, or attempted to use your money for something that was impossible or unethical.

Did you know that there are important cultural customs regarding your behavior after a job interview? Here’s how to follow up with your prospective employer. Make the most of LinkedIn: Write an attention-grabbing headline such as: “Motivated, experienced sales manager.” Under each job title or previous position, you should have at least three bullet points with strong examples of your expertise. Your employer is likely to look at your public social media pages—so you might want to consider cultivating a personal brand. Define your vision, mission, and core values. Your job application, social media presence, and LinkedIn profile should combine to create a narrative about your professional experience. Show employers your career trajectory—instead of just a list of jobs. See extra info at h1blegal.com.

For our chinese readers:

虽然大多数优秀的移民律师可能会非常忙碌,但您应该能够与他们及其办公室工作人员交谈,以了解他们对客户的承诺以及他们的整体风度和诚实的印象。在选择代表你的人之前,与几位律师交谈将为你提供一些比较基础,有些律所会提供第一次免费咨询。它将让您有机会“感受”各种律师,以了解他们的个性和工作理念,以确定他们是否适合您。在某些情况下,获得第二意见可能会发现第一位移民律师没有完全理解您的案件或法律,或者试图将您的钱用于做一些不可能或不道德的事情。 移民律师 收费: 收费标准必须合理,最好是可以分步骤来收费。(首先这样可以确保律师认真的做好绿卡申请的每一个环节,而且也能减少部分经济方面的负担) 中国VS外国移民律师

这是一人移民全家移民的方式,获得美国绿卡的人,可以为自己未成年子女、父母申请美国绿卡,而获得美国公民后,条件更加优越,父母、未成年儿女不用说,还可以为成年子女、兄弟姐妹申请美国绿卡。当然,这种方式需要等待移民排期,等10年8年很正常。申请政治庇护获得绿卡: 这种方式在过去让一些人轻易地拿到美国绿卡,最近几年,移民局发现有不少人是钻空子,完全是借个理由,编造故事,目的就是为了拿绿卡。因此,移民局目前对这类案子审查的相当严。 美国绿卡 申请步骤 因为绿卡种类众多,每个种类的申请步骤可能都有差别,也比较繁琐,以下仅是工作绿卡的大致申请过程。(1)确定你是否符合绿卡申请资格 (2)劳工证——除了EB1和符合国家利益豁免要求的绿卡申请者(这两种绿卡申请者可以直接跳到步骤5),EB2、EB3绿卡申请者均需要等待雇主获得劳工证,以证明无法招聘到符合职位要求的美籍员工。这个阶段可能要持续半年甚至数年

工作绿卡(Employment Based Green Card),顾名思义给予在美工作人士的绿卡,所以它的获取流程是这样的:获得工作签证在美合法工作(通常是H1-B, L1-A,L1-B) -> 提交工作绿卡申请。工作绿卡分为EB-1,EB-2,EB-3,EB-4和EB-5。其中,EB-5是投资移民,EB-4是给宗教人士和在美军部队服役或美国政府海外机构的工作人员等特殊职业的,EB-1给杰出科研人才的,EB-2给硕士或者博士,或者本科但拥有至少五年相关工作经验的人士的,余下的在美工作人士就归于EB-3了。 在网站上阅读更多信息 绿卡申请流程.

咨询意见信真实性不够高: 申请O-1时需要从领域内的权威性组织或个人处获得咨询意见信。如何准备↓咨询意见信需要有明显的水印或其他明显的标记,显示文件的真实性,以免引起移民局的怀疑。咨询意见信在下面三种情况下可以不用提交:你在艺术领域具有杰出能力,你的雇主在两年内曾经为类似的申请提交过咨询意见信。这种情况下,你的雇主需要提交豁免申请以及之前的咨询意见信的副本。你可以证明没有相关组织或权威人士能够出具咨询意见信。情况紧急,比如马上就要来美国参加某项活动,可以不用提交咨询意见信

14 07 19

Personal injury guidance. Here are some tips for improving your chances. Don’t assume that you’re limited to any one type of damages. There are several different types of damages you may suffer because of your injury. You may not even be aware of all of the kinds of injuries and losses that you have. You can claim compensation for loss of regular use of body functions and even emotional damages. These are in addition to recovering your out-of-pocket losses. An experienced Nevada personal injury lawyer can consult with you to evaluate these categories of damages individually.

If in your first conversation, the adjuster makes an offer so low that it is obviously just a negotiating tactic to see if you know what your claim is really worth, do not immediately lower the amount you put in your demand letter. Instead, ask the adjuster to give you the specific reasons why the offer is so low. Make notes of the conversation. Then write a brief letter responding to each of the factors the adjuster has mentioned. Depending on the strength of any of the adjuster’s reasons, you can lower your demand slightly, but before lowering your demand very far, wait to see whether the adjuster will budge after receiving your reply letter. The next time you speak with the adjuster, begin by asking for a response to your reply letter. The adjuster should now make you a reasonable offer upon which you will be able to bargain and arrive at a fair final settlement figure.

Insurance company private investigators have been known to carry concealed tape recorders to interview claimants and their friends or acquaintances. You should never discuss your case with anyone other than your attorney and your treating doctors or therapists. It is extremely important that you advise your attorney of any PRIOR ACCIDENTS, PRE-EXISTING INJURIES or PRE ACCIDENT PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS. Many good cases are compromised or lost because the injured person forgets or conceals previous injuries or history of physical complaints from his or her own attorney.

Personal injury lawsuit and social media : Counsel family members to exercise good judgment with their posts, Unfortunately, not only are you responsible for your own posts, but you’re also responsible for the posts of any family members who might tag you on their own social media accounts. Because of this, it’s prudent to caution your friends and family members to refrain from tagging you in any posts that may have a negative impact on your case. In some instances, if a confidential settlement is reached, it can be necessary to counsel family to adhere to the agreement and refrain from posting anything that could be considered in violation of your settlement. For a recent example, look no further than the headline grabbing case in which a man’s daughter cost him an $80,000 settlement after she publicly gloated on Facebook.

This site covers valuable and key information on lawyers and lawsuits; this will include well researched, simple explanations and help on what to do when you are in a legal situation. Our site, specifically covers a few topics, one specific topic is lawyers. There are many different types of lawyers but they all do roughly the same thing; this is representing their clients in court. See more info on personal injury lawyers.

29 06 19

Divorce is a very complex situation and nobody should get through it alone. Divorce community Don’t post on social media it about. During my time of divorce, I wanted to defend my name against assumptions people made as they saw things that were happening to my ex-husband. Instead, I just stayed quiet. I knew that one day my name would be vindicated, and I didn’t want to look insane during the divorce process by venting my dirty laundry on social media.

If you have debt in your name, like credit cards or student loans, you will want to pay those debts down as much as possible before a divorce. Most American families spend close to their entire income, if not more, and when one household becomes two, there is often not enough money to pay the both sets of expenses unless something changes. You may have to cut down disposable purchases, sell your car and get a less expensive model, or maybe sell the house. If your spouse does not voluntarily support you and the children, your remedy is to ask the Court to order support. You will not have a good prediction of any of this and you will not know the answers for sure until the agreement is signed or the judge makes a ruling. But, the point is to think about it and identify problems and possible solutions. Then take the actions that you can take and avoid missteps.

Allow time to fully heal and reconnect with yourself before entering another relationship of any kind. The process of divorce is emotionally grueling. There is a lot to sift through and heal from. This is not the time to look to soothe oneself by entering another relationship. People make this mistake all the time. I personally went into a rebound relationship with someone who was sadder than I (like truly attracts like). It devastated me when it ended because I sought happiness and fulfillment outside of myself. This only leads to the same pattern to happen again. Learning this hard lesson pushed me forward and transformed me. I have a totally different mindset toward unconditional love and relationships now and I share this with my clients all the time.

The biggest mistake divorcing spouses can make is being in the dark about finances. If your spouse has always handled all of the financial decisions in your household and you don’t have any information about you and your spouse’s income and assets, your spouse will have an unfair advantage over you when it comes time to settle the financial issues in your divorce. If you suspect your spouse is planning a divorce, get as much information as you can now. Make copies of important financial records such as account statements (eg., savings, brokerage, and retirement) and all other data that relates to your marital lifestyle (eg., checking accounts, charge card statements, tax returns).

We are an online divorce community and one stop divorce shop for all things divorce. We incorporate a marketplace specializing in selling items associated with one time dreams with our Ultimate Divorce Resource Directory full of secondary divorce services and a community of like-minded individuals, who we invite to connect with each other for support, friendship, dating and networking. See more info at Divorce community.

24 06 19

Divorce is a very complex process and nobody should get through it alone. Divorce support Whether you’re at the beginning of the divorce process or in the thick of it, I can’t stress enough how helpful it can be to share your experience with others who are in or have gone through a divorce. Connecting with someone who’s been in your shoes can help put things in perspective, or at least make you feel a little less alone. If you don’t already have a friend who has gone through divorce, you can seek out a community that suits you.

If you are currently using a desk calendar or day planner, include your divorce events. You will need to track meetings with your lawyer and especially court deadlines. It may be helpful to also keep track of discussions with your spouse. A divorce calendar may be used as evidence in your case when your spouse did not keep an appointment, or violated an agreement or court order in some fashion. Visitation dates with children need to be written down. You will also want to keep track of appointments with your children’s teachers, doctors, coaches, and tutors. This may become evidence of your participation in your children’s lives in your divorce.

The best advice for divorcing parents I’ve received and share with my clients is: Be sure that you love your kids more than you may hate your ex! Otherwise, you will make decisions based on anger, resentment, revenge, hurt, or retaliation. And that ultimately affects the well-being of your children. Kids love both parents and are hurt, confused and torn when parents ask them to take sides, become confidants, messengers, or spies. What I learned is that children not put in this position do better during and after the divorce. They are not exposed to parental conflict and they adapt better to post-divorce life. The advice I have for all divorcing parents is to be a role model for your children. Show them how to cope with challenges and adversity with dignity, maturity, and integrity. Teach them to pick their battles and learn to let go of anger and resentment. Your kids will thank you in the long run.

This is a very bad idea for two reasons. First, except in extremely egregious cases, most courts won’t punish your spouse financially for being a bad person. Second, hiring an attorney to punish your spouse will cost you because your attorney will need to increase the number of hours spent on your case. Increased attorney hours means higher divorce costs, and higher divorce costs means there will be fewer assets and cash left for you and your family. Try to take the emotion out of your divorce, and treat your case as a business arrangement. The best revenge is to live well after the divorce is over.

Letting go of our unwanted items bought for our one-time dreams can bring joy and happiness to the next owner of the item, while providing them with high quality wedding items and other items at a fraction of the cost! Our very wise brides and grooms understand that diamonds are millions of years old and the vast majority are already recycled through jewelers and pawn shops, they understand that a 10K dress worn for a few hours can be purchased at 50% or more less than retail. Not only selling but buying too makes sense for everyone. See extra info at Divorce community.

20 06 19

Time equals money and people, both legal professionals and normal people needing legal services, are very busy this day. There are many things to do and wasting time, visits, phone calls for getting the right legal form for your need or having to submit a legal form again because the legal form you filled doesn’t comply with the regulations is simply not acceptable and it also costs a lot of money.

With so many different kinds of legal documents that regular persons, business people and managers need at every times it can be hard to stay up to date with all types of paper copies of necessary legal forms for all kind of situations.

Filling out paperwork is not exactly an enjoyable experience for most people. Scanning and uploading documents is even worse, and most people don’t even have fax machines anymore. Fortunately, the benefits of using online intake forms are not just limited to the law firm’s operations. Online forms tend to be much easier on clients as well. When you move your intake paperwork online, your clients no longer have to print, scan, or fax anything. They can fill out forms and sign documents on their iPhone (or Android if you’re not an Apple person) from anywhere in the world. This makes life easy for clients. Not only will they be more likely to actually submit the information you need to do your job, but more importantly, they will have a better experience working with your firm and be more likely to recommend you and make referrals in the future.

Keeping 100’s of sample paper forms with all the Business Legal Forms you might need is extremely inefficient. It’s much more efficient to use online legal forms providers and online document storages for all the legal forms you need. If you are a regular person needing, for example, a power of attorney form, you can save a lot of time by using a professional , step by step, online legal form filler. This online legal forms solutions are designed to use the correct legal form based on your needs, the state you are living in or the state in which the targeted legal subject lives.

Attorneys are expensive, even for simple issues such as petitioning for a name change. Most legal needs, however, can be done on your own. All you have to do is fill out the proper form and pay the filing fee at the courthouse. Even complex issues, such as divorce or establishing a DBA (doing business as), can be done entirely on your own with the right paperwork. Online legal services have the forms you need in addition to some tips on how to fill them out and file them.

Online legal forms can be kept online, which is a secure and easily accessible solution to keep track/organize of important legal documents. Speed and cost are not the only benefits. Using online legal forms also helps to be sure that your legal documents are compliant with the appropriate laws and regulations and suited to your specific needs.

Do you need a lease agreement form ? You can have your legal form filled correctly in a matter of minutes. What kind of legal forms can you fill there ? For example last will and testament forms, quit claim deed, power of attorney forms, free rental lease agreements, lease agreement forms, bill of sale forms, vehicle bill of sale and not many other types of legal forms.

Online legal forms platforms make it possible for you to organize or gain access to your collection of legal documents at any time, from any location where you have internet access. When the stakes are very high you don’t errors in your legal documents.

13 06 19

Time equals money and people, both legal professionals and normal people needing legal services, are very busy this day. There are many things to do and wasting time, visits, phone calls for getting the right legal form for your need or having to submit a legal form again because the legal form you filled doesn’t comply with the regulations is simply not acceptable and it also costs a lot of money.

With so many different kinds of legal documents that regular persons, business people and managers need at every times it can be hard to stay up to date with all types of paper copies of necessary legal forms for all kind of situations.

The easiest way to get data from a piece of paper into a computer is with a scanner. But scanners aren’t sophisticated enough to actually parse out the data and store it in a usable format, meaning somebody will have to type it in at some point, making data collection with paper forms highly inefficient. When data is captured directly into a database from an online intake form, it is already in an easily usable format. It can instantly be plugged into a wide variety of other programs, using the power of APIs which are becoming so commonplace in today’s open-source software world.

Keeping 100’s of sample paper forms with all the Business Legal Forms you might need is extremely inefficient. It’s much more efficient to use online legal forms providers and online document storages for all the legal forms you need. If you are a regular person needing, for example, a last will and testament form Texas, you can save a lot of time by using a professional , step by step, online legal form filler. This online legal forms solutions are designed to use the correct legal form based on your needs, the state you are living in or the state in which the targeted legal subject lives.

Attorneys are expensive, even for simple issues such as petitioning for a name change. Most legal needs, however, can be done on your own. All you have to do is fill out the proper form and pay the filing fee at the courthouse. Even complex issues, such as divorce or establishing a DBA (doing business as), can be done entirely on your own with the right paperwork. Online legal services have the forms you need in addition to some tips on how to fill them out and file them.

Online legal forms can be kept online, which is a secure and easily accessible solution to keep track/organize of important legal documents. Speed and cost are not the only benefits. Using online legal forms also helps to be sure that your legal documents are compliant with the appropriate laws and regulations and suited to your specific needs.

Do you need some dmv bill of sale ? You can have your legal form filled correctly in a matter of minutes. What kind of legal forms can you fill there ? For example last will and testament forms, quit claim deed, power of attorney forms, free rental lease agreements, lease agreement forms, bill of sale forms, vehicle bill of sale and not many other types of legal forms.

Online legal forms platforms make it possible for you to organize or gain access to your collection of legal documents at any time, from any location where you have internet access. When the stakes are very high you don’t errors in your legal documents.

26 03 19

What to do after a personal injury accident in Ireland : Determining that an injury has occurred — either physical or psychological — can be proven by the victim´s medical records. However, establishing liability for the injury can often be complicated when negligence is disputed or a counter claim is made that the victim contributed to their injuries by their own lack of care. Most claims for personal injury compensation are resolved without the need for litigation in court, but your solicitor will always prepare the strongest possible personal injury claim on your behalf in case court action is required to obtain a fair settlement.

Although it is not mandatory to use a personal injury solicitor to prepare and pursue personal injury claims, most plaintiffs in Ireland choose to pursue compensation with professional legal representation. Although your case will not be guaranteed to be successful if you use a solicitor, it will help to ensure that your claim runs smoothly so you can recover any compensation you are entitled to in the shortest possible time frame. You stand to benefit considerably by seeking legal advice before you proceed with your claim and most personal injury solicitors offer a claim assessment without charge or obligation. We therefore recommend seeking legal advice before you initiate your claim for a personal injury.

However, it is still possible for the child to receive compensation without waiting until adulthood. If a parent or guardian for the minor acts as his or her “next friend”, they can make a claim on the child’s behalf. This has its advantage, as it allows for delays in proceedings, but also enables the collection of fresher – and hence more reliable – evidence. See more info on Car accident claims Ireland.

Once adequate time has been provided by the claimant to their solicitor to initiate legal proceedings, the Statute of Limitations should not affect one’s entitlement to compensation. There are, however, some crucial dates involved in the calculation of the Statute of Limitations for personal injuries in Ireland.

The aforementioned example – where a driver was assigned contributory negligence for failing to observe safety laws and wear a seatbelt – is perhaps the most common instance in Ireland where the claimant is assigned a portion of the liability. However, there are many other such instances that would lead to a reduction in compensation for the injured party. These include, though are certainly not limited to, the following: accidents as a result of a failed brake light; work accidents where the employee have not engaged in adequate preventative measures (such as wearing protective equipment supplied by their employer) and exacerbating an injury as the result of an accident by failing to seek prompt medical help. See extra details at http://www.personal-injury-ireland.com/.

Workplace compensation claims can differ substantially from other, more straightforward personal injury claims. One unique factor is the claimant’s employment status – many potential claimants believe that they are “employed” when his or her accident happens when in fact they are an agency worker, self-employed, sub-contracted or a relation of the employer. In 2009, thirty percent of “employed” claimants did not actually fall into that category. This does not affect the claimant’s right to compensation, though it does mean that they will likely be making a claim against someone other than the original plaintiff. The employer may accuse their injured employee of contributory negligence, which again complicates the process of receiving compensation. The employer’s insurance company will probably approach the injured party with a settlement of compensation that will likely be inadequate for the injuries sustained, so it is important to consult with a solicitor before the settlement is considered.

It is important to speak to a solicitor as soon as possible after an accident occurs; the Injuries Board Ireland have unclear guidelines outlining what exactly is considered a “special damages cost”. As such, without guidance, the claimant may invoke an expense that he or she may not be able to reclaim when seeking compensation. However, this should not prevent treatment, but rather influence other associated costs. The solicitor will ask for evidence of the long-term impacts of the injury, including how it has impacted the victim’s life and employment prospects. He or she will then ask for a review of the costs already incurred by the accident, as well as any current and projected costs. The solicitor will then advise their client on what expenses they can claim under special damages. These damages will then be submitted to the Injuries Board Ireland, alongside the personal injuries claim. Read more info at http://www.personal-injury-ireland.com/work-injury-claims-ireland/.

4 03 19

When you work for an employer, irrespective of your occupation, he has a legal obligation under regulations laid down in various Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Acts to provide a safe environment for you to work in. His responsibilities include making a risk assessment of any job you are required to undertake, provide adequate training to enable you to do the job safely and ensure any tools or equipment that you use in the execution of the task are maintained to an appropriate standard.

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22 01 19

While it is important to have an attorney that you can trust, it is equally important that he or she has extensive experience in the area of law for which you require their services. For example, you should you use an attorney with estate planning experience to draft your will, a divorce attorney to draft divorce papers and a trial lawyer to defend you in a criminal case. General practitioners are good for basic real estate transactions, or other non-complex matter, but their lack of detailed knowledge and experience in a given field can hurt your case.

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24 12 17

We are an end-to-end ICO agency provider for all types of cryptocurrency startups. We do a 2-week sprint with you and your team to kickstart development and marketing efforts to go live and start raising funds. In first 2 weeks, our team develops smart contracts for pre-sale and crowd-sale. In parallel, we develop the website, landing page and also make a custom marketing plan to achieve the goals.

We have partnered with top ICO listing sites, forums, PR sites and therefore guarantee to get your ICO maximum visibility and quick traction. Our support team works round the clock to give you top notch service and answer every query that your investors might ask before being involved with your startup.

Examples of our work :


Decentralized Identity Management System on the Hedera Hashgraph to solve the global problem of Identity Management. Current identity management process hinders the access to basic and advanced services, like banking, health, insurance, immigration, utilities, etc. due to the common problems of Identity Thefts and Frauds.

LeewayHertz is managing the end to end ICO launch. Starting from Token creation, community management, and marketing, LeewayHertz is working closely with the MyEarthID team to complete a $30M initial coin offering.

Our ICO Services :

Smart Contract for Pre-Sale/Crowd Sale Token

Smart contract definition consist of various attributes Like Ownable, Mintable, Burnable, Transferable Soft Cap, Hard Cap, ICO Date, Bonus, and refund which will be finalized as part of the token definition document

Token Definition Document
Launch smart contract on 2 Test Network
Launch smart contract on Live Network
Github Setup
Result of Testing on test network

Social Media Service

Social Media setup involves setting up a clean and crisp profile with custom graphics and content.

Set up social media accounts
Graphic Assets
Website LIVE
Set up of ticketing system(Zendesk) and config the workflow
Set up the Hotline number

Growth Hack / ICO Marketing Services

Growth hacking is a process of rapid experimentation across marketing channels, and other areas of the business to identify the most efficient ways to grow a community and sales

Digital Strategy
Content Strategy
Influence Marketing
Website Marketing
Campaign Management
Email Marketing
PR & Outreach
Performance Marketing

Contact Details:

Website : https://www.leewayhertz.com/ico-launch-services/
San Francisco
388 Market Street
Suite 1300
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: 877-801-8115