26 04 23

Avtalsrätt juridisk rådgivning senaste utvecklingen med Alexander Suliman, Stockholm just nu: Anledningen till att EU-kommissionen var angelägen om att tillåta företag att frivilligt skanna material, är att teknikföretag redan har arbetat med sätt att upptäcka CSAM och värvning under ganska lång tid. Frågan är om dessa order är förenliga med stadgan. Dessa förordningar påverkar ett antal grundläggande rättigheter enligt stadgan, inklusive rätten till integritet och rätten till dataskydd. Jag kommer att beröra endast aspekten: om dessa åtgärder respekterar kärnan i dessa rättigheter. För om de inte gör det, skulle det innebära att en proportionalitetsbedömning inte skulle krävas, och kringgå komplexa frågor kring nödvändighet, effektivitet, proportionalitet och balansering (se här för bakgrund om detta krav). För en diskussion om några av dessa andra aspekter, hänvisar jag till 2021-utlåtandet av Prof. Dr. Ninon Colneric och analyser av EDPS, MEP Patrick Breyer, EDRi och en grupp säkerhetsexperter. Läs mer information på Alexander Suliman.

EU:s Cybersecurity Act, antagen 2019, fastställde den rättsliga grunden för EU-omfattande certifiering av molnleverantörer, som ska utarbetas genom sekundära lag av dess cybersäkerhetsbyrå ENISA. I december 2020 inledde ENISA ett offentligt samråd som det första steget mot en reviderad uppsättning regler. En teknisk arbetsgrupp håller på att förbereda ett förslag som förväntas presenteras för experter från medlemsstaterna och för Europeiska kommissionen därefter. De nya kraven skulle kunna slutföras i slutet av året.

Under det senaste året har Europeiska unionens ambitiösa den digitala regleringsagendan har stadigt utvecklats. EU antog de långtgående lagarna om digitala marknader och digitala tjänster, och det slutför förhandlingar med USA om en reviderad ordning för dataöverföring, döpt till Transatlantic Data Privacy Framework (TADPF), som krävdes av Schrems II-domen av Europeiska unionens domstol (CJEU). Denna utveckling har haft en betydande inverkan på de transatlantiska ekonomiska förbindelserna, och till och med stimulerat lagstiftningsinitiativ om integritet och antitrust i USA. Man skulle kunna tro att en lösning av sådana kontroversiella ämnen skulle skapa förutsättningar för en lugnare, mer harmonisk fas i den transatlantiska teknikpolitiska relationen.

IT, företag juridisk rådgivning senaste utvecklingen av Alexander Suliman idag: Samboende definieras som en intim personlig relation där paret delar skyldigheter och privilegier som normalt är förknippade med ett äktenskap eller en civil union. Det är den juridiska definitionen. När sambo existerar har en före detta make möjlighet att begära uppsägning eller uppskov med underhållsbidrag som betalas ut. Folk undrar ofta hur de kan bevisa samlevnad. Det är inte alltid lätt att bevisa. Vi tittar på saker som sociala medier. Vi kommer att gå på Facebook-sidor, och vi kommer att se om paret semester tillsammans, om de är igenkända i sina sociala kretsar som ett par, om de är på speciella evenemang tillsammans. Vi kommer ofta att anlita en privatdetektiv för att utföra övervakning och gå till ett hushåll och se om det är en pojkvän som klipper gräsmattan eller gör reparationer runt hushållet eller andra typer av hushållssysslor som du normalt skulle associera med ett gift par eller en civil union. Se ytterligare info på Alexander Suliman, Stockholm.

Det är viktigt att förstå den rättsliga miljö som gäller för ditt företag. Några av de högre profilreglerna du kanske har hört talas om inkluderar det nya upphovsrättsdirektivet, det 5:e direktivet mot penningtvätt, eller det som alla har hört talas om, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Det finns också en ny EU-omfattande förordning om kontroll av utländska investeringar som förväntas träda i kraft 2023 som kommer att påverka amerikanska företag som investerar i EU-baserade företag. Flera sektorer är hårt reglerade i EU och reglerna på plats skiljer sig ofta från de amerikanska reglerna, särskilt inom områdena hälsovård, finansiella tjänster, kemikalier, livsmedel, produktsäkerhet och konsumentinformation och konsumentskydd. Se till att du förstår den reglerande miljön för nya marknader som du går in på och övervaka din sektors tillämpliga bestämmelser regelbundet för att genomföra eventuella nödvändiga förändringar i god tid.

13 04 23

Avtalsrätt juridisk rådgivning strategier från Alexander Suliman, Stockholm 2023: Att följa GDPR-kraven är nyckeln för alla företag som är verksamma i EU (eller till och med de med EU-kunder). ). Det finns också särskilda skyldigheter för dem som överför personuppgifter från EU och varje nationell dataskyddsmyndighet övervakar företag noggrant. Se till att ditt företag vidtar åtgärder för att följa förordningen och överväga att granska dina dataskyddspolicyer, tillsammans med dina databehandlingsavtal, och utse ett dataskyddsombud för att säkerställa efterlevnad av GDPR. Brott mot GDPR-bestämmelserna kommer sannolikt att leda till avsevärda böter: till exempel, den franska dataskyddstillsynsmyndigheten, CNIL, bötfällde Google 50 euro eftersom Googles policyer för datasamtycke visade sig inte vara lättillgängliga eller transparenta för dess användare som går i strid med GDPR-bestämmelserna. För ytterligare bakgrund, läs vår senaste granskning av GDPR-tillämpningsåtgärder i hela EU. Upptäck ytterligare info at Alexander Suliman.

Den 11 maj publicerade EU-kommissionen sitt förslag till förordning för att bekämpa material för sexuella övergrepp mot barn (CSAM). Kommissionen lyckades klämma ihop en mängd kontroversiella frågor om digitala rättigheter i ett paket: blockering av webbplatser, obligatorisk övervakning av onlineinnehåll och, den mest nya, en åtgärd som öppnar dörren för att undergräva kryptering. Eftersom krypteringsteknik skyddar kommunikationssekretessen kommer en avgörande fråga i den kommande policydebatten att vara om denna senare åtgärd, eller dess genomförande, är förenlig med rätten till integritet och dataskydd enligt EU:s stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna (stadgan). I detta bidrag undersöker jag en aspekt av den frågan: är det möjligt att hävda att denna åtgärd inte respekterar kärnan i dessa rättigheter? På grundval av en preliminär analys drar jag slutsatsen att detta verkligen är försvarbart och föreslår ytterligare vägar för prospektering.

EU:s Cybersecurity Act, antagen 2019, fastställde den rättsliga grunden för EU-omfattande certifiering av molnleverantörer, som ska utarbetas genom sekundära lag av dess cybersäkerhetsbyrå ENISA. I december 2020 inledde ENISA ett offentligt samråd som det första steget mot en reviderad uppsättning regler. En teknisk arbetsgrupp håller på att förbereda ett förslag som förväntas presenteras för experter från medlemsstaterna och för Europeiska kommissionen därefter. De nya kraven skulle kunna slutföras i slutet av året.

Under det senaste året har Europeiska unionens ambitiösa den digitala regleringsagendan har stadigt utvecklats. EU antog de långtgående lagarna om digitala marknader och digitala tjänster, och det slutför förhandlingar med USA om en reviderad ordning för dataöverföring, döpt till Transatlantic Data Privacy Framework (TADPF), som krävdes av Schrems II-domen av Europeiska unionens domstol (CJEU). Denna utveckling har haft en betydande inverkan på de transatlantiska ekonomiska förbindelserna, och till och med stimulerat lagstiftningsinitiativ om integritet och antitrust i USA. Man skulle kunna tro att en lösning av sådana kontroversiella ämnen skulle skapa förutsättningar för en lugnare, mer harmonisk fas i den transatlantiska teknikpolitiska relationen.

Kvalitet företag och integritet juridisk rådgivning råd med Alexander Suliman, Sverige: Vad är medling föräldraskap? Medling är ett utmärkt alternativ till rättstvister inom många områden av skilsmässa och ärenden efter skilsmässa. Många tror att medling mest används för ekonomiska frågor och tänker inte riktigt på medling för vårdnad och föräldratidsfrågor. Jag tror att medling är det perfekta forumet för att diskutera och lösa frågor om föräldratid och vårdnad oavsett om det är i en skilsmässa eller efter skilsmässa. Det bästa med medling för föräldratid och vårdnadsfrågor är att medlaren och parterna kan arbeta tillsammans i en miljö utanför rättssalen som fokuserar på barnens bästa. Förutom under extrema omständigheter vill de flesta föräldrar det som är bäst för deras barn. Ibland har de bara problem med att nå dessa mål, och ibland står deras känslor i vägen för klart tänkande. Läs ytterligare information på Alexander Suliman, Sweden.

21 02 23

Get to know Brittanye Morris from Houston, Texas and some of her fair legal justice accomplishments: Houston native Brittanye Morris was taught early in life the importance of serving others and being the change she desired in her community. The daughter of an educator and a retired lieutenant with the Houston Police Department, Brittanye grew up watching her parents work as public servants and dedicate their lives to helping others. Brittanye knows first-hand the challenges faced by working-class families striving to create better lives for themselves and their communities. See even more info on Brittanye Morris Houston.

Brittanye’s decision to run for judge is guided by one main principle: justice for all. Our legal system, courtrooms, and judges are tools meant to ensure justice for all…not just the rich, or the connected, or those that can afford an attorney. Our judges, as administrators of the courtrooms and legal system, are there to ensure that each and every Harris County resident has an equal opportunity at justice. Residents should not have to choose between missing valuable work hours to care for their families, and sitting in a courtroom all day waiting for their name to be called. Our legal system and courtrooms should be fair, accessible, and, most importantly, transparent. Our judges should be fair and impartial. If Brittanye is fortunate enough to earn your vote, Brittanye promises that her courtroom will remain fair, accessible, and transparent for all litigants. As your judge, Brittanye promises to ensure that she and her courtroom will be fair to all, accessible to all, and transparent to all, with the ultimate goal of ensuring justice for all.

Brittanye Morris Houston

Native Houstonian Brittanye Morris has devoted her career to a variety of areas of law, concentrating on property law in and around the Houston area. Morris, a 29-year old woman of color and a rising force for common-sense government, recently won an uncontested race to become Harris County District Court Judge for the 333rd District in Houston, TX. At a time where citizens are demanding that politicians serve constituents’ interests at an unprecedented decibel, Morris’s election brings some harmony to an otherwise cacophonous fever pitch.

A driving spirit and fierce intellect carried Morris through the difficulty of paying her own way through law school, balancing a full course load against part-time shifts at the local post office. “It was just impossible,” she said emphatically. Fortunately, ‘impossible’ was only a feeling and not a fact. Morris graduated on time and continued to intern for the Bankruptcy Trustee’s Office while committing herself to studying for the grueling bar exam. “It wasn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination,” she said, “but I think it’s those trying times that really made me appreciate where I have gotten in life.”

For those looking to leave their own positive mark on history, Morris offered, “Be open. That’s the biggest advice I can give to anybody… It’s those opportunities, those possibilities and those twists and turns that get you where you ultimately need to be.” It’s how she managed to overcome every challenge she’s faced so far. It’s how she’ll successfully overcome those that still lie ahead.

Morris’s experience-rich background lends a core competency to her legal expertise. “I’ve been through situations to where you’re working the best you can, and for whatever reason, your ends don’t meet,” Morris recalled. “That’s a different perspective than someone who had a life where things were afforded to them.” Harris County is the third most populous county in the United States. The Houston Metropolitan area needs genuine, representative leadership just like any East Coast hamlet or bread basket village. “The pendulum is shifting,” Morris noted. “In our community in particular, more and more people are wanting more representation. More and more people are wanting more diversity on the bench.”

“First and foremost, I want to create a judiciary that’s going to be open, accessible, and transparent,” Morris said. More tangibly, she’d like to pioneer teen court programs in local high schools, which allow students to foster their own peer-determined legal precedents. She’s interested in avenues that expand and nourish collective civic engagement. In order for sweeping change to take root, our government needs an infusion of authenticity in the form of real people resolved to enact meaningful, actionable change. Morris is less talk and more walk. She moves from a place of informed balance, equidistant from head and heart, but marrying the unique forces of both.

21 02 23

IT, företag juridisk rådgivning strategier från Alexander Suliman, Stockholm idag: Att följa GDPR-kraven är nyckeln för alla företag som är verksamma i EU (eller till och med de med EU-kunder). ). Det finns också särskilda skyldigheter för dem som överför personuppgifter från EU och varje nationell dataskyddsmyndighet övervakar företag noggrant. Se till att ditt företag vidtar åtgärder för att följa förordningen och överväga att granska dina dataskyddspolicyer, tillsammans med dina databehandlingsavtal, och utse ett dataskyddsombud för att säkerställa efterlevnad av GDPR. Brott mot GDPR-bestämmelserna kommer sannolikt att leda till avsevärda böter: till exempel, den franska dataskyddstillsynsmyndigheten, CNIL, bötfällde Google 50 euro eftersom Googles policyer för datasamtycke visade sig inte vara lättillgängliga eller transparenta för dess användare som går i strid med GDPR-bestämmelserna. För ytterligare bakgrund, läs vår senaste granskning av GDPR-tillämpningsåtgärder i hela EU. Hitta ytterligare detaljer på Alexander Suliman, Sweden.

Anledningen till att EU-kommissionen var angelägen om att tillåta företag att frivilligt skanna material är att teknikföretag redan har arbetat med sätt att upptäcka CSAM och värvning under ganska lång tid. Till exempel rapporterades det redan 2012 att Facebook skannade ovanlig meddelandetrafik på sin plattform för att identifiera äldre personer som värvade minderåriga. Microsoft har utvecklat teknik för att söka efter CSAM på sina servrar, och erbjuder till och med detta som en tjänst. Mer nyligen, i augusti 2021, tillkännagav Apple ett initiativ i nya versioner av iOS, som var avsett att kontrollera unika fingeravtryck (hash) av kända CSAM mot bilder på din telefon, innan de skulle skickas till iCloud Photos (Apple fick en hel del av pushback och i slutändan försenade planen).

Europeiska kommissionen, i ett arbetsdokument, identifierade molntjänster som ett “strategiskt beroende”, och uttryckte oro över att EU:s molnmarknad leds av ett fåtal stora molnleverantörer med huvudkontor utanför EU. I juli 2021 lämnade Frankrike, tillsammans med Tyskland, Italien och Spanien, ett förslag till den ENISA-ledda arbetsgruppen som syftade till att generalisera franska nationella krav i hela EU. (Tyskland har sedan dess reserverat sig.) Den föreslog att fyra nya kriterier skulle läggas till för att företag ska kvalificera sig som kvalificerade att erbjuda tjänster på ”hög” nivå, inklusive immunitet från utländsk lag och lokalisering av molntjänstverksamhet och data inom EU. Även om cybercertifieringskraven på EU-nivå för närvarande är tänkta som frivilliga, skulle de kunna göras obligatoriska som ett resultat av det nyligen överenskomna direktivet om åtgärder för en hög gemensam nivå av cybersäkerhet i hela unionen (NIS2-direktivet).

Bäst företag och integritet juridisk rådgivning strategier av Alexander Suliman, Stockholm: I Sverige och andra stater finns det en mängd olika lagar som ger dig tillgång till medel för att betala dina räkningar för att behålla din livsstil på någon nivå när du går igenom den här rättsliga processen. Din make kan inte avbryta dig ekonomiskt och inte ge dig tillgång till pengar för att leva ditt liv när du går igenom den här rättsliga processen. Vi hjälper dig att behålla den livsstil du har och skapa de pengar du behöver för att få dina advokatkostnader betalda, oavsett om det är i början eller slutet av ärendet. Låt inte det vara något som hindrar dig från att inte ringa telefonsamtalet, för så fort du är medveten om att skilsmässa potentiellt övervägs, finns det många saker du behöver göra för att skydda dig själv. Många gånger säger folk att det är precis vad advokater säger eftersom de bara vill engagera sig för att driva upp advokatarvoden. Detta är sant. Ibland vill advokater göra det, men det är inte vad vi gör. Upptäck extra info på https://www.merinfo.se/person/Sk%C3%B6ndal/Alexander-Magnus-Josef-Suliman-1997/bw1vl-4u20v.

Den 24 februari 2022 utfärdade EU-domstolen sin första dom om hushållsarbetare. I mål C-389/20, TGSS (Chômage des employés de maison), ansåg EU-domstolen att uteslutningen av denna kategori arbetstagare från tillgång till sociala förmåner utgör indirekt diskriminering på grund av kön, eftersom det nästan uteslutande berör kvinnor. Med ett beslut som kommer att bli ett landmärke för hushållsarbetares rättigheter i EU bekräftar domstolen EU-lagstiftningens outnyttjade potential när det gäller att främja hemarbetares fulla täckning under arbetsrätt och sociala trygghetssystem, vilket kommer att få betydande konsekvenser för främjandet av hushållsarbetares rättigheter i hela unionen. Fallet uppstod i Spanien i november 2019, då en hushållsarbetare ansökte om att betala avgifter för att täcka risken för arbetslöshet, för att få rätt till de relaterade förmånerna. Men hennes begäran avslogs av den spanska allmänna socialförsäkringsfonden (TGSS) eftersom hon var registrerad i det särskilda socialförsäkringssystemet för hushållsarbetare, som inte inkluderar skydd mot arbetslöshet.

17 02 23

Get to know Brittanye Morris from Houston, Texas and some of her fair legal justice thoughts: Because of the hard work and discipline instilled by her parents, Brittanye graduated high school in three years, while being an active cheerleader and debate team member. She then attended the University of Houston, where she graduated with honors with a degree in Political Science. Drawing on her debate experiences and Political Science background, Brittanye decided that she wanted to use her talents to advocate for Houston residents as an attorney. Brittanye elected to attend a law school with a history of training community advocates and some of the best lawyers and judges in Houston (and the country), the prestigious Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University. While at Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Brittanye had the honor and privilege of representing the law school as a member of its world-renowned mock trial program. Find more information on Brittanye Morris Attorney.

Brittanye’s decision to run for judge is guided by one main principle: justice for all. Our legal system, courtrooms, and judges are tools meant to ensure justice for all…not just the rich, or the connected, or those that can afford an attorney. Our judges, as administrators of the courtrooms and legal system, are there to ensure that each and every Harris County resident has an equal opportunity at justice. Residents should not have to choose between missing valuable work hours to care for their families, and sitting in a courtroom all day waiting for their name to be called. Our legal system and courtrooms should be fair, accessible, and, most importantly, transparent. Our judges should be fair and impartial. If Brittanye is fortunate enough to earn your vote, Brittanye promises that her courtroom will remain fair, accessible, and transparent for all litigants. As your judge, Brittanye promises to ensure that she and her courtroom will be fair to all, accessible to all, and transparent to all, with the ultimate goal of ensuring justice for all.

Brittanye Morris Attorney

Morris entered the Democratic Primary race for the judgeship against incumbent Daryl Moore. She defeated Moore on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, topping him by a landslide 56,175 votes. This sizable victory highlights Morris’s own efforts as a competent conduit for justice. It also highlights the overwhelming support she’s earned from her local community. She brings fresh eyes, grit, and a wealth of life experience to the bench. Seated before a soul food feast at iconic Harlem eatery Sylvia’s Restaurant, Morris recounted her incredible journey with vigor.

A driving spirit and fierce intellect carried Morris through the difficulty of paying her own way through law school, balancing a full course load against part-time shifts at the local post office. “It was just impossible,” she said emphatically. Fortunately, ‘impossible’ was only a feeling and not a fact. Morris graduated on time and continued to intern for the Bankruptcy Trustee’s Office while committing herself to studying for the grueling bar exam. “It wasn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination,” she said, “but I think it’s those trying times that really made me appreciate where I have gotten in life.”

For those looking to leave their own positive mark on history, Morris offered, “Be open. That’s the biggest advice I can give to anybody… It’s those opportunities, those possibilities and those twists and turns that get you where you ultimately need to be.” It’s how she managed to overcome every challenge she’s faced so far. It’s how she’ll successfully overcome those that still lie ahead.

Morris’s experience-rich background lends a core competency to her legal expertise. “I’ve been through situations to where you’re working the best you can, and for whatever reason, your ends don’t meet,” Morris recalled. “That’s a different perspective than someone who had a life where things were afforded to them.” Harris County is the third most populous county in the United States. The Houston Metropolitan area needs genuine, representative leadership just like any East Coast hamlet or bread basket village. “The pendulum is shifting,” Morris noted. “In our community in particular, more and more people are wanting more representation. More and more people are wanting more diversity on the bench.”

“First and foremost, I want to create a judiciary that’s going to be open, accessible, and transparent,” Morris said. More tangibly, she’d like to pioneer teen court programs in local high schools, which allow students to foster their own peer-determined legal precedents. She’s interested in avenues that expand and nourish collective civic engagement. In order for sweeping change to take root, our government needs an infusion of authenticity in the form of real people resolved to enact meaningful, actionable change. Morris is less talk and more walk. She moves from a place of informed balance, equidistant from head and heart, but marrying the unique forces of both.

8 02 23

Brittanye Morris or the upsurge of a experienced judge in Houston: Engrained with a passion towards public service taught by her parents, and equipped with the advocacy skills and training from her law school, Brittanye has spent her legal tenure in a variety of roles sharpening her legal aptitude and advocacy abilities. Brittanye has worked within both the public and private sectors, representing a variety of clients from all walks of life. Read additional info at Brittanye Morris Houston.

Brittanye’s decision to run for judge is guided by one main principle: justice for all. Our legal system, courtrooms, and judges are tools meant to ensure justice for all…not just the rich, or the connected, or those that can afford an attorney. Our judges, as administrators of the courtrooms and legal system, are there to ensure that each and every Harris County resident has an equal opportunity at justice. Residents should not have to choose between missing valuable work hours to care for their families, and sitting in a courtroom all day waiting for their name to be called. Our legal system and courtrooms should be fair, accessible, and, most importantly, transparent. Our judges should be fair and impartial. If Brittanye is fortunate enough to earn your vote, Brittanye promises that her courtroom will remain fair, accessible, and transparent for all litigants. As your judge, Brittanye promises to ensure that she and her courtroom will be fair to all, accessible to all, and transparent to all, with the ultimate goal of ensuring justice for all.

Brittanye Morris Attorney

Native Houstonian Brittanye Morris has devoted her career to a variety of areas of law, concentrating on property law in and around the Houston area. Morris, a 29-year old woman of color and a rising force for common-sense government, recently won an uncontested race to become Harris County District Court Judge for the 333rd District in Houston, TX. At a time where citizens are demanding that politicians serve constituents’ interests at an unprecedented decibel, Morris’s election brings some harmony to an otherwise cacophonous fever pitch.

A driving spirit and fierce intellect carried Morris through the difficulty of paying her own way through law school, balancing a full course load against part-time shifts at the local post office. “It was just impossible,” she said emphatically. Fortunately, ‘impossible’ was only a feeling and not a fact. Morris graduated on time and continued to intern for the Bankruptcy Trustee’s Office while committing herself to studying for the grueling bar exam. “It wasn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination,” she said, “but I think it’s those trying times that really made me appreciate where I have gotten in life.”

For those looking to leave their own positive mark on history, Morris offered, “Be open. That’s the biggest advice I can give to anybody… It’s those opportunities, those possibilities and those twists and turns that get you where you ultimately need to be.” It’s how she managed to overcome every challenge she’s faced so far. It’s how she’ll successfully overcome those that still lie ahead.

Morris’s experience-rich background lends a core competency to her legal expertise. “I’ve been through situations to where you’re working the best you can, and for whatever reason, your ends don’t meet,” Morris recalled. “That’s a different perspective than someone who had a life where things were afforded to them.” Harris County is the third most populous county in the United States. The Houston Metropolitan area needs genuine, representative leadership just like any East Coast hamlet or bread basket village. “The pendulum is shifting,” Morris noted. “In our community in particular, more and more people are wanting more representation. More and more people are wanting more diversity on the bench.”

“First and foremost, I want to create a judiciary that’s going to be open, accessible, and transparent,” Morris said. More tangibly, she’d like to pioneer teen court programs in local high schools, which allow students to foster their own peer-determined legal precedents. She’s interested in avenues that expand and nourish collective civic engagement. In order for sweeping change to take root, our government needs an infusion of authenticity in the form of real people resolved to enact meaningful, actionable change. Morris is less talk and more walk. She moves from a place of informed balance, equidistant from head and heart, but marrying the unique forces of both.

28 01 23

The growth of a law and legal expert in Houston, Texas : Brittanye Morris: Houston native Brittanye Morris was taught early in life the importance of serving others and being the change she desired in her community. The daughter of an educator and a retired lieutenant with the Houston Police Department, Brittanye grew up watching her parents work as public servants and dedicate their lives to helping others. Brittanye knows first-hand the challenges faced by working-class families striving to create better lives for themselves and their communities. See extra details at Brittanye Morris Judge.

Brittanye’s decision to run for judge is guided by one main principle: justice for all. Our legal system, courtrooms, and judges are tools meant to ensure justice for all…not just the rich, or the connected, or those that can afford an attorney. Our judges, as administrators of the courtrooms and legal system, are there to ensure that each and every Harris County resident has an equal opportunity at justice. Residents should not have to choose between missing valuable work hours to care for their families, and sitting in a courtroom all day waiting for their name to be called. Our legal system and courtrooms should be fair, accessible, and, most importantly, transparent. Our judges should be fair and impartial. If Brittanye is fortunate enough to earn your vote, Brittanye promises that her courtroom will remain fair, accessible, and transparent for all litigants. As your judge, Brittanye promises to ensure that she and her courtroom will be fair to all, accessible to all, and transparent to all, with the ultimate goal of ensuring justice for all.

Brittanye Morris Houston

Native Houstonian Brittanye Morris has devoted her career to a variety of areas of law, concentrating on property law in and around the Houston area. Morris, a 29-year old woman of color and a rising force for common-sense government, recently won an uncontested race to become Harris County District Court Judge for the 333rd District in Houston, TX. At a time where citizens are demanding that politicians serve constituents’ interests at an unprecedented decibel, Morris’s election brings some harmony to an otherwise cacophonous fever pitch.

A driving spirit and fierce intellect carried Morris through the difficulty of paying her own way through law school, balancing a full course load against part-time shifts at the local post office. “It was just impossible,” she said emphatically. Fortunately, ‘impossible’ was only a feeling and not a fact. Morris graduated on time and continued to intern for the Bankruptcy Trustee’s Office while committing herself to studying for the grueling bar exam. “It wasn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination,” she said, “but I think it’s those trying times that really made me appreciate where I have gotten in life.”

For those looking to leave their own positive mark on history, Morris offered, “Be open. That’s the biggest advice I can give to anybody… It’s those opportunities, those possibilities and those twists and turns that get you where you ultimately need to be.” It’s how she managed to overcome every challenge she’s faced so far. It’s how she’ll successfully overcome those that still lie ahead.

Morris’s experience-rich background lends a core competency to her legal expertise. “I’ve been through situations to where you’re working the best you can, and for whatever reason, your ends don’t meet,” Morris recalled. “That’s a different perspective than someone who had a life where things were afforded to them.” Harris County is the third most populous county in the United States. The Houston Metropolitan area needs genuine, representative leadership just like any East Coast hamlet or bread basket village. “The pendulum is shifting,” Morris noted. “In our community in particular, more and more people are wanting more representation. More and more people are wanting more diversity on the bench.”

“First and foremost, I want to create a judiciary that’s going to be open, accessible, and transparent,” Morris said. More tangibly, she’d like to pioneer teen court programs in local high schools, which allow students to foster their own peer-determined legal precedents. She’s interested in avenues that expand and nourish collective civic engagement. In order for sweeping change to take root, our government needs an infusion of authenticity in the form of real people resolved to enact meaningful, actionable change. Morris is less talk and more walk. She moves from a place of informed balance, equidistant from head and heart, but marrying the unique forces of both.

22 01 23

Car accident attorneys Brooklyn from wesettle.com? Support of the Highly Qualified Legal Experts: You will get the support of Tanya Gendelman, a highly qualified personal injury attorney in New York, and her team of prolific lawyers. Tanya has a history of winning several high-profile cases. Maintaining an exceptional experience of over 25 years, Tanya has helped her clients win more than several million dollars in reimbursements. Whatever your case is, strong legal support from a highly qualified team will turn the odds in your favour. Our team is fully equipped to deal with large corporations and insurance companies and demand your rightful reimbursement. Discover extra details on car accident attorneys Brooklyn.

To avoid the abovementioned scenarios, you will want to hire a professional auto injury attorney. At WeSettle, our lawyers are always ready to help you out. Some of our clients were receiving lowball offers of several hundred dollars. After getting help from our attorneys, the compensation became several thousand dollars. You can contact us for a free consultation. Remember that you may be entitled to compensation far more than what you were told. Bear in mind that there is no benefit in delaying the process. Ideally, you should hire an attorney as soon as within 30 days of the accident.

At WeSettle, we are well aware of your challenges. As professional personal injury attorneys who have been handling cases like yours for more than two decades, we are fully committed to winning your case and helping you get justice. It is not uncommon for insurance companies or liable entities to capitalize on your situation. They can either eliminate your case or offer you a low bid compared to what you deserve. Our personal injury lawyers help you win the right compensation amount, no matter how complicated your case is. As mentioned above, we can easily deal with corporations and insurance companies. Our injury lawyers have dealt with a variety of accidents, injuries and circumstances. We know the right compensation available for different situations. Read extra details at https://wesettle.com/.

Hire a personal injury lawyer who has fair rates: You will easily know whether a given lawyer has fair rates after you make an initiative and ask other people about the services. While asking other people whom the lawyer has ever served you should try and compare the rates. While carrying out your comparison and you notice that a given lawyer has fair rates, and then you need to prefer such a lawyer. While basing your judgments on the rates of the services you should also try and hire a lawyer who is known to offer the best services.

Following most auto accidents in New York it is a common practice for an investigator from the insurance company, of either party, to proceed with questions as to your well being as the victim. It is imperative that you provide no information to that person. The investigators job is to keep any settlement as low as possible. Despite the fact that the person really appears to have your best interest in mind, the investigator is focused on one thing only and that is the bottom line of the company that writes his paycheck. The assurance that your financial and physical conditions are of primary importance is just a veil to hide true motivation.

Why Hire Slip and Fall Lawyers? However, just because the company or business is at fault doesn’t mean they will compensate you for injuries. If anything, they will try to either make you a lowball offer or deny you any compensation. This is where a slip-and-fall lawyer comes in. An injury lawyer will consult with you about your case, sometimes even for free. They’ll look at the details and determine whether you might have cause to sue the company.

17 01 23

Best rated labour and business legal counseling latest developments by Alexander Suliman, Stockholm: Understanding the regulatory environment applicable to your business is an important consideration. Some of the higher profile regulations you may have heard of include the incoming new Copyright Directive, the 5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive, or the one everyone has heard of, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). There’s also a new EU-wide foreign investment controls regulation expected to come into force in 2023 that will impact US companies investing in EU based businesses. Several sectors are heavily regulated in the EU and the rules in place often differ from the US regulations, especially in the fields of healthcare, financial services, chemicals, food, product safety, and consumer information and protection. Ensure that you understand the regulatory environment of new markets that you are entering and monitor your sector’s applicable regulations periodically in order to implement any necessary change in due time. Read even more details at https://sv.quora.com/profile/Alex-Suliman.

On 11 May, the European Commission published its proposal for a regulation to combat child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The Commission managed to squeeze a host of controversial digital rights issues into one package: the blocking of websites, the obligatory monitoring of online content, and, the most novel one, a measure which opens the door to undermining encryption. Because encryption technologies protect communications confidentiality, one crucial question in the upcoming policy debate will be whether this latter measure, or its implementation, is compatible with the rights of privacy and data protection under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (the Charter). In this contribution, I explore one aspect of that question: is it possible to argue that this measure does not respect the essence of these rights? On the basis of a preliminary analysis, I conclude that this is certainly defensible and suggest further routes for exploration.

The European Commission, in a working document, identified cloud services as a “strategic dependency”, expressing concerns that the EU cloud market is led by a few large cloud providers headquartered outside the EU. In July, 2021, France, joined by Germany, Italy, and Spain, submitted a proposal to the ENISA-led working group aimed at generalizing French national requirements across the EU. (Germany has since reserved its position.) It proposed to add four new criteria for companies to qualify as eligible to offer ‘high’ level services, including immunity from foreign law and localization of cloud service operations and data within the EU. Although the EU-level cyber certification requirements currently are conceived as voluntary, they could be made mandatory as the result of the recently-agreed Directive on Measures for a High Common Level of Cybersecurity across the Union (NIS2 Directive).

High quality labour legal counseling guides by Alexander Suliman: Should I Mediate My Family Law Issues? Absolutely. You should mediate your family law issues, whether those are divorce issues or post-judgment issues. Mediation is an excellent way to reach resolution without spending a ton of money and without going to court a bunch of times and arguing left and right over every issue. Recently, I had a case, and it looked like it was heading towards litigation, and the parties were really far apart on every issue. They had financial issues, which involved real estate holdings, business interests, stock options, retirement accounts, and the parties could not see eye to eye on any of these issues. Early in the process, my adversary and I discussed going to mediation, and we selected a great mediator, and our clients agreed to go to mediation, and literally, within three sessions of mediation, we resolved the case. We resolved the entire case, which would have taken over a year and may have been a ten-fold in costs to litigate. The parties were able to come up with creative solutions with our help, of course, and the mediator’s help, which the court would’ve never ever implemented in a case such as this. See even more information at Alexander Suliman, Stockholm.

Europe’s concerns about the security of U.S. cloud services providers are in fact closely intertwined with its worries, expressed in Schrems II, about the privacy of Europeans’ information entrusted to these companies. In both cases, European policymakers fear the perceived extraterritorial reach of U.S. national security surveillance and law enforcement authorities. New cybersecurity regulation thus is seen as another way to safeguard Europe’s ‘sovereign’ interest in protecting data from foreign government access. It also would reinforce separate European efforts to bolster smaller, home-grown cloud service providers, including through the GAIA-X project to create an interoperable network “explicitly based on principles of ‘sovereignty-by-design,’” as a leading European technology lawyer has characterized it.

30 12 22

Lawyer quotes in Thailand with 3LawyersThailand 2023: Are you trying to find a quality lawyer in Thailand? www.3lawyersthailand.com is Thailand’s first digital law platform to battle a market that lacks transparency when searching a lawyer. The platform connects you with three trusted lawyers in Thailand who gives a quote on your specific case. Find even more details about lawyer quotes in Thailand. Receive 3 quotes: You’ll get 3 quotes customized for your specific case.

When it comes to rent or lease of immovable property in Thailand foreigners have the same rights as Thai nationals. Lease of immovable property (land, house, condominium) for residential purpose is governed by Civil and Commercial Code (sections 537 to 571) and further specified by the Thailand Supreme Court. Foreigners are under Thai law allowed to lease real estate property for terms of up to 30 years. Whether it concerns a lease of an apartment or land and/ or house for residential purposes by foreigners there is no requirement of bringing foreign currency into Thailand, as opposed to buying a condo unit freehold or leasing commercial property under the ‘Hire of Immovable Property for Commerce and Industry by Aliens Act’.

We are prepared to provide you with Legal Services, both for Litigation and Other Related Services. Our Legal Services are delivered by a team of Thai and Foreign lawyers and attorneys providing you assistance by breaking the barrier between foreign and local language. Foreigners are under the Land Code Act prohibited from owning land in Thailand therefore making it impossible for foreigners to obtain outright ownership over land and house in Thailand. Foreigners are allowed to own a unit in a condominium building under the Condominium Act.

Under Thailand labour law an employee is entitled to annual sick leave of 30 working days per year, with full pay. In addition to sick-leave, a pregnant woman is entitled to 90 days of maternity leave (inclusive of holidays), including 45 work days at full pay. Employment termination with cause (in which event the employer can terminate employment without notice and/or compensation) is governed by the provisions of Section 583 of the Civil and Commercial Code and Section 119 of the Labour Protection Act, and includes gross negligence, willful disobedience, dishonesty or criminal act. When there is employment termination without cause, it is compulsory under employment laws that the employer make severance payment (in addition to notice) to the employee according to the length of unbroken service.

In case foreign freehold units in a condominium project are no longer available the remaining units may be leased to foreigners. Normal hire of property laws apply to the lease of a condo by foreigners. There is no separate law issued regulating the lease or rent of condominium units by foreigners as opposed to buying a condominium. Foreign ownership only exists in a condominium registered and licensed under the Thailand Condominium Act. Common in the tourist areas of Thailand are apartment buildings not registered and licensed as a condominium. These apartment buildings are basically like any other building and the owner can rent out parts of his building under his own terms and conditions. Unregistered apartment buildings could for example be sold as a kind of time sharing in which the units are sold through leases to many different parties each having a specified block of time during which they may use the apartment. We have helped a growing number of clients find the right lawyer for their specific case in Thailand. Using a lawyer requires both trust and reliability. That is why the lawyers in our partner program undergo an admission process to ensure our network only consists of the best English-speaking lawyers in Thailand. Our extensive network of lawyers helps us find the ideal lawyers for your specific case. See extra details on https://3lawyersthailand.com/.