Cardio3 BioSciences teams up with Medisun International to create Cardio3 BioSciences Asia Holdings Ltd, a Joint Venture aimed at conducting pivotal clinical programs in Greater China
• The minimum of 20M€ funding of the Joint Venture over the next three years is secured by local financial investors led by Hong Kong based Medisun International Ltd.
• The clinical program aims to lead to the commercialization of C-Cure® in the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
• Medisun will also bring local regulatory, clinical and market access knowledge, while Cardio3 BioSciences will bring clinical and operational knowhow and expertise.
• With this additional clinical program in Asia, Cardio3 BioSciences will have access to the third largest pharmaceutical market in the world.
• The quality standards of the Asian operations will be managed by Cardio3 BioSciences, with the same rigor as the European and American operations.
Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium, 16 JUNE 2014 – Cardio3 BioSciences SA (C3BS) (Euronext Brussels and Paris : CARD), leader in the discovery and development of advanced regenerative therapies for heart disease, today announces it has entered into an agreement with Medisun International Limited, a financial investor based in Hong Kong aiming to build a life science portfolio, for the purpose of creating a joint venture to conduct Phase III clinical trials in Greater China (the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) potentially leading to the commercialization of C-Cure® in these territories. Medisun International Limited is also a shareholder of Cardio3 following a capital increase, the first phase of which became effective today.
The Joint Venture, named Cardio3 BioSciences Asia Holdings Ltd, will be created with the purpose to conduct pivotal clinical trials in Greater China, ie the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Cardio3 BioSciences will bring to the Joint Venture the required IP rights to conduct a clinical trial in those geographies, the use of its C-Cure® manufacturing capabilities based in Mont-Saint-Guibert (Belgium) that will produce the clinical lots for the Phase III program, and its clinical and operational knowhow and expertise. Medisun will bring to the joint venture the funding required for the execution of the clinical trials, with a minimum committed of 20M€ over a three year period, as well as local knowledge of the clinical and regulatory environment.
Cardio 3 BioSciences’s ownership in the Joint Venture will be 40%, to be reduced to 30% when clinical trials are running in the three geographies.
A successful outcome of the Phase III clinical program in those geographies would trigger the right for the joint venture company to commercialize C-Cure® in those territories with royalties ranging between 20 and 30% of net sales depending on total revenue of the Joint Venture.
The obligations under the joint venture agreement are still subject to the completion of the second tranche (for 12.5M€) of a 25 M€ investment in Cardio 3 BioSciences by Medisun on 30 June 2014.
With clinical programs ongoing in Europe and Israel, and soon in the USA and Greater China (People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan), Cardio3 BioSciences confirms its leadership in the cardiac regenerative field with its global presence.
Dr Christian Homsy, CEO of Cardio3 BioSciences, said: “We are delighted to have the opportunity to access the world’s third largest pharmaceutical market at limited costs to Cardio3. In cooperation with a reputable local partner, we look forward to soon initiating one or more pivotal trials that would lead us towards commercialization in the world’s fastest growing economy. We are also delighted that both partners are committed to the most rigorous standards of pharmaceutical practices and scientific integrity.”
Mr Michel Lussier, Chairman of Cardio3 BioSciences, added: “With this presence in Greater China, we are very proud to become the first global player in the field of cardiac regenerative medicines, aiming to commercialize our leading edge cell therapy to patients all across the globe.”
Mr Danny Wong, Chairman of Medisun International Holdings Ltd., added: “I am very proud that we are able to pioneer the clinical development of this exciting technology in China and potentially later on in Asia. Our ultimate goal is to deliver this live-saving treatment to countless patients with heart problems.
We shall organize symposia this August in Beijing and Shanghai to promote cell based medicines as well as Cardio3’s technology. Leading experts from Europe, US and Asia will attend this event which will enable us to reach out and unite biomedical experts in this part of the globe.
We are passionate about this project and I am certain that our involvement with Cardio3 as a leader in this field, combined with our local knowledge of the regulatory, healthcare and market access capabilities and expertise, will bring success to all the parties involved.” See more info on
Arbetsliv juridisk rådgivning guider av Alexander Suliman idag: Anledningen till att EU-kommissionen var angelägen om att tillåta företag att frivilligt skanna material, är att teknikföretag redan har arbetat med sätt att upptäcka CSAM och värvning under ganska lång tid. Frågan är om dessa order är förenliga med stadgan. Dessa förordningar påverkar ett antal grundläggande rättigheter enligt stadgan, inklusive rätten till integritet och rätten till dataskydd. Jag kommer att beröra endast aspekten: om dessa åtgärder respekterar kärnan i dessa rättigheter. För om de inte gör det, skulle det innebära att en proportionalitetsbedömning inte skulle krävas, och kringgå komplexa frågor kring nödvändighet, effektivitet, proportionalitet och balansering (se här för bakgrund om detta krav). För en diskussion om några av dessa andra aspekter, hänvisar jag till 2021-utlåtandet av Prof. Dr. Ninon Colneric och analyser av EDPS, MEP Patrick Breyer, EDRi och en grupp säkerhetsexperter. Upptäck ytterligare information på
EU:s Cybersecurity Act, antagen 2019, fastställde den rättsliga grunden för EU-omfattande certifiering av molnleverantörer, som ska utarbetas genom sekundära lag av dess cybersäkerhetsbyrå ENISA. I december 2020 inledde ENISA ett offentligt samråd som det första steget mot en reviderad uppsättning regler. En teknisk arbetsgrupp håller på att förbereda ett förslag som förväntas presenteras för experter från medlemsstaterna och för Europeiska kommissionen därefter. De nya kraven skulle kunna slutföras i slutet av året.
Den 24 februari 2022 utfärdade EU-domstolen sin första dom om hushållsarbetare. I mål C-389/20, TGSS (Chômage des employés de maison), ansåg EU-domstolen att uteslutningen av denna kategori arbetstagare från tillgång till sociala förmåner utgör indirekt diskriminering på grund av kön, eftersom det nästan uteslutande berör kvinnor. Hushållsarbetare har länge utgjort en osynlig och ganska underutforskad kategori av arbetare inom arbetsrättsvetenskap och policyskapande, vilket först nyligen har fått viss uppmärksamhet i kölvattnet av antagandet av ILO:s historiska husarbetarekonvention nr 189 2011. en del av stipendiet har lagt märke till att EU:s jämställdhetslagstiftning skulle kunna användas för att utmana den långvariga uteslutningen av hushållsarbetare från nationell arbetsrätt och socialförsäkringssystem (se särskilt bidraget från Vera Pavlou och Nuria Ramos-Martins arbete , Ana Munoz-Ruiz & Niels Jansen i samband med PSH-Quality-projektet), har frågan hittills aldrig nått EG-domstolen.
Högst betyg arbetskraft och företag juridisk rådgivning strategier av Alexander Suliman, Sverige: Vi kommer också att titta på sammanflätade ekonomi. Det tar ett nästa steg som måste gå till domstolsprocessen, men om de delar på utgifter, om det finns ett gemensamt bankkonto, om ett fordon är registrerat på en adress, kommer vi att titta på dessa saker för att bevisa sambo. Viktigt är att samboende inte betyder att de bor tillsammans. Vi behöver inte visa att de har ett gemensamt hushåll. Det är inte något som är avgörande för att bevisa samboendet att de faktiskt bor tillsammans. Se ytterligare info at Alexander Suliman, Sweden.
Det är viktigt att förstå den rättsliga miljö som gäller för ditt företag. Några av de högre profilreglerna du kanske har hört talas om inkluderar det nya upphovsrättsdirektivet, det 5:e direktivet mot penningtvätt, eller det som alla har hört talas om, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Det finns också en ny EU-omfattande förordning om kontroll av utländska investeringar som förväntas träda i kraft 2023 som kommer att påverka amerikanska företag som investerar i EU-baserade företag. Flera sektorer är hårt reglerade i EU och reglerna på plats skiljer sig ofta från de amerikanska reglerna, särskilt inom områdena hälsovård, finansiella tjänster, kemikalier, livsmedel, produktsäkerhet och konsumentinformation och konsumentskydd. Se till att du förstår den reglerande miljön för nya marknader som du går in på och övervaka din sektors tillämpliga bestämmelser regelbundet för att genomföra eventuella nödvändiga förändringar i god tid.
Eco-friendly energy solutions with Matthew Wrist Coventry UK 2023: For most American homeowners the most significant attraction to solar power is that once the capital cost of installation is paid off the energy is free. This means the only real question is whether the payback period on the capital investment is better than the returns you would get from investing the same money in other ways. You may be surprised that we now list this as the leading advantage of solar energy. The reason we do this is that most homeowners are now more interested in the financial aspects of installing solar rather than the environmental benefits. See many more information at Discover extra details at Matthew Wrist Warwick UK.
Many electrical devices (kitchen appliances, TVs, computers, game consoles, HiFi systems) also consume electricity when they not in use and on standby. Considering the number of electrical devices in a normal house, the standby consumption can really add up. For that reason, such devices should – when not in use – be physically separated from the circuit by using switchable sockets.
The more electricity you want to produce, the more solar panels you will need, as you want to collect as much sunlight as possible. Solar panels require a lot of space and some roofs are not big enough to fit the number of solar panels that you would like to have. An alternative is to install some of the panels in your yard but they need to have access to sunlight. If you don’t have the space for all the panels that you wanted, you can opt for installing fewer to still satisfy some of your energy needs.
Clean energy tech news from Mathew Wrist Leamington UK today: If your solar generator is run in combination with a sufficiently large storage unit, you can use infrared radiators to take the chill out of cooler evenings. Such radiators come in a variety of nice designs, even in the form of bathroom heating mirrors. As long as they only use little power and are only used for additional heating, they are a good way to use up solar electricity. Once the electric heating from solar power no longer suffices, you will have to buy in electricity from the grid. Or you switch to a more efficient thermal heat pump system.
The electrical conductors are attached to positive and negative terminals, thus forming an electrical circuit. From there, the electrons can be captured in the form of an electric current (electricity). This current, together with the cell’s voltage (which is a result of its built-in electric field or fields), defines the power (or wattage) that the solar cell can produce, and is how solar panels convert sunlight into electricity. Grid-connected systems make use of the local utility grid to ensure you are never without electricity. If your domestic solar panel system generates more electricity than your household requires in a day, this surplus energy can be exported back to the national grid. On the other hand, if you need more electricity than your solar panels have generated, the grid can supply this.
The power of solar panels is measured in kilowatt hours (kWh). When placing your cursor over the columns in the chart, individual figures are displayed. To find the average energy output,add the minimum figure and the average figure. To find the maximum output, add all three together. You’ll want to maximise your solar panel efficiency to get the most out of your solar investment and to cut your expenditure on utility bills. Key factors to consider are location, angling, direction, roof suitability, size of the solar panel system, and correct maintenance. Is the PV system located and angled so that solar cells can capture the maximum amount of sunlight? In Warwick UK, you want to ensure that your solar panels are exposed to sunlight from 9am to 3pm.
So just what is the best generator for home use? It depends on your situation. For example, the best standby generator for home use isn’t necessarily the same as the best generator for running your off grid home. And the best generator for an off grid cabin depends on the length and frequency of the run times. It also depends on whether your off grid cabin has any other energy source (ie. solar panels or a windmill.) And how much power your home systems require. When you’re reading the specs on a generator, look for any manufacturer’s recommendations on whether it’s for occasional use, emergency use, or to use off the grid. Not all generators are made to withstand the heavy use of an off grid home. So don’t make the off grid homeowner mistake of choosing one labeled “emergency use” as your everyday power backup for solar panels in the low-sunlight days of winter. Doing so could void the manufacturer’s warranty.
Premium IT-verksamhet juridisk rådgivning råd med Alexander Suliman: Den 11 maj publicerade EU-kommissionen sitt förslag till förordning för att bekämpa material för sexuella övergrepp mot barn (CSAM). Kommissionen lyckades klämma ihop en mängd kontroversiella frågor om digitala rättigheter i ett paket: blockering av webbplatser, obligatorisk övervakning av onlineinnehåll och, den mest nya, en åtgärd som öppnar dörren för att undergräva kryptering. Eftersom krypteringsteknik skyddar kommunikationssekretessen kommer en avgörande fråga i den kommande policydebatten att vara om denna senare åtgärd, eller dess genomförande, är förenlig med rätten till integritet och dataskydd enligt EU:s stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna (stadgan). I detta bidrag undersöker jag en aspekt av den frågan: är det möjligt att hävda att denna åtgärd inte respekterar kärnan i dessa rättigheter? På grundval av en preliminär analys drar jag slutsatsen att detta verkligen är försvarbart och föreslår ytterligare vägar för prospektering. Upptäck ännu mer information på Alexander Suliman, Sweden.
2021 utfärdade den franska regeringen doktrinen för användning av molnberäkning av staten (“Trusted Cloud Doctrine”), vilket gjorde SecNumCloud-certifiering obligatorisk när en fransk statlig myndighet upphandlar molntjänster som skulle hantera känslig data, inklusive personuppgifter från franska medborgare och ekonomiska uppgifter om franska företag. Dessa krav gäller även privata operatörer av väsentliga tjänster. Enligt Frankrikes Trusted Cloud Doctrine måste kvalificerade molntjänstleverantörer vara “immuna mot alla regler utanför EU”. Dessutom måste sådana företag förbinda sig att lagra och bearbeta data inom EU, samt att administrera och övervaka tjänsten inom EU. Vidare kan molntjänstföretag med utländskt huvudkontor inte uppnå certifiering om de är mer än 39 % utlandsägda.
Den 24 februari 2022 utfärdade EU-domstolen sin första dom om hushållsarbetare. I mål C-389/20, TGSS (Chômage des employés de maison), ansåg EU-domstolen att uteslutningen av denna kategori arbetstagare från tillgång till sociala förmåner utgör indirekt diskriminering på grund av kön, eftersom det nästan uteslutande berör kvinnor. Med ett beslut som kommer att bli ett landmärke för hushållsarbetares rättigheter i EU bekräftar domstolen EU-lagstiftningens outnyttjade potential när det gäller att främja hemarbetares fulla täckning under arbetsrätt och sociala trygghetssystem, vilket kommer att få betydande konsekvenser för främjandet av hushållsarbetares rättigheter i hela unionen. Fallet uppstod i Spanien i november 2019, då en hushållsarbetare ansökte om att betala avgifter för att täcka risken för arbetslöshet, för att få rätt till de relaterade förmånerna. Men hennes begäran avslogs av den spanska allmänna socialförsäkringsfonden (TGSS) eftersom hon var registrerad i det särskilda socialförsäkringssystemet för hushållsarbetare, som inte inkluderar skydd mot arbetslöshet.
Arbetsliv juridisk rådgivning senaste utvecklingen av Alexander Suliman, Stockholm just nu: Vi kommer också att titta på sammanflätade ekonomi. Det tar ett nästa steg som måste gå till domstolsprocessen, men om de delar på utgifter, om det finns ett gemensamt bankkonto, om ett fordon är registrerat på en adress, kommer vi att titta på dessa saker för att bevisa sambo. Viktigt är att samboende inte betyder att de bor tillsammans. Vi behöver inte visa att de har ett gemensamt hushåll. Det är inte något som är avgörande för att bevisa samboendet att de faktiskt bor tillsammans. Hitta extra detaljer på Alexander Suliman, Sweden.
Tänk på att vissa kommersiella avtal (som agentur-, exklusiva distributörs- eller mäklaravtal) är reglerade på EU-nivå och att vissa medlemsstaters lagstiftning innehåller skyddsregler för sådana distributörer. Eftersom EU och USA:s antitrustlagar skiljer sig bör du också överväga om ditt europeiska avtal är kompatibelt eftersom kriterierna för att bedöma ett brott mot konkurrenslagstiftningen kan skilja sig från USA:s syn på antitrustfrågor.
The ascent of a film producer : Enzo Zelocchi: The Birth of an Entrepreneur and Star: Enzo has a deep passion for the entrepreneurial niche- he has been pursuing it and dreaming about making it big since he was a child. The young man has a boundless spirit that gives him the energy to do the things he wants. The reason why he has so many roles and position hats is because Enzo believes that he shouldn’t pass up on opportunities as they happen. Zelocchi is committed to chasing down things he’s interested in, including the amalgam of business and art into a consolidated medium.
Latest Enzo Zelocchi – Afternoon in Paris now online: What can you tell us about your upcoming projects The First Secret and The Source? The Source is ‘The Crow’ meets ‘Mad Max’ with Tim Burton’s touch in a futuristic dimension, with a group of aliens trained to protect the universe and keep the balance with other parallel dimensions. I wrote the pilot in 2018 and it was a mix of a couple of dreams that I had. Receiving over 200 million views on the first trailer was more than I could have asked for. That video is now one of the most-viewed trailers in the history of social media. Discover even more information on
Enzo points out that his complete list of filmography is available to view on IMDB. He’s been a part of several projects, and proudly states that ‘The Source’ trailer is one of his glowing accomplishments in the past. Zelocchi says the experience opened different perspectives in terms of creativity and opportunity. Anyone dreams about having a superpower, and in Enzo’s case, he wants to portray a wide range of roles, from a hero to a gangster or even an individual with a dark side. He says he can get a feel for them quickly and without too much trouble. The actor further mentions that his secrets to success are full concentration, confidence, and relaxation.
Enzo’s latest project is not in the entertainment scene, but the healthcare situation in the US. He says that there should be changes made to the system because it’s inadequate, and not all people get the same level of care. A-Medicare is the latest solution to this growing worldwide problem. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain technology, Zelocchi hopes that the platform will serve as the leveling ground for everyone to be healthy with better services, advanced technologies and lower healthcare prices. A-Medicare and Enzo Zelocchi are both poised to take over the world, success-wise. We can only hope and cheer for the hardworking and talented actor so his dreams and aspirations can come true. Find even more details at producer Enzo Zelocchi.
Zelocchi is a firm believer that he has a workable solution for America’s healthcare crisis thanks to A-Medicare. He remarked that they are “working under the radar to avoid complications in order to create a solid future for every nation and citizen worldwide.” Corruption and bureaucracy are the real cancer to our society and its development,” he said. “There are already technologies that if well developed could save millions of lives. Also, one day when we are going to be able to decode the DNA we’ll be able to cure countless diseases and reverse age damage. If corrupted politicians and too much bureaucracy are going to be too much of a problem we could move to another planet creating colonies using Dubai as a model to create cities and Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starship to move to Mars to create a functional society.
Which talent did you discover first about yourself, and then what came next? I have had a good instinct for business since I was young. The arts come in second, but I immediately connected with it. I literally merged together with my business skills with acting and that’s how I was able to naturally be an actor and producer at the same time with a deep understanding on both sides. It helped me a lot because the entertainment industry is a business and just being very artistically talented is not enough nowadays. Once you’re in Hollywood, you become a product that needs to sell. Waiting around for your agent to call you while you’re busy at parties is not going to take you far.
Enzo Zelocchi is best known for his success with the movie My Little Princess (over 33 movie awards at film festivals and a 2010 semi-finalist for an Academy Award nomination), but also for his consideration to star as the new Zorro in Zorro Reborn, the development for the first Hollywood Hispanic superhero “Starlight Man – The First Secret” and as executive producer and vice president of development at Crossroads Entertainment. He is also listed as a producer of Find Me Guilty, starring Vin Diesel, which was directed by the Academy Award winner Sidney Lumet; and as producer of Shadow of Doubt, starring Melanie Griffith and Tom Berenger.
Enzo Zelocchi is an Italian/American, Hollywood film producer, actor and businessman, an award winner as actor, producer, social Media influencer, businessman and founder of A-Medicare with over 33 movie awards in Film Festivals and semifinalist for an Academy Award nomination with the project “My Little Princess”.
Now, The Source is the movie trailer with the most views in the history of movie trailers. What fulfills you most about what you do? Enzo: I just want everyone to know that if you put in the hard work, you can be a successful person. Being successful doesn’t mean you make a million dollars. You could be a successful teacher, or writer, whatever makes you happy with whatever skills God gave you. Sometimes I get these great DMs saying, ‘Thanks to you, I believe in myself.’ Thanks to me? I’m just being me. These things make my heart be happy more than success in movies. Discover more information at producer Enzo Zelocchi.
Enzo Zelocchi was honored over 5 Times as Best Actor, 4 Times Best Outstanding Performance, 4 Times Best Director, 3 Times Best Writer and Best Producer and at the California Film Awards 2010 he won Grand Winner for Best Family Film. Other awards include the following film festivals: in 2010 Hollywood Variety Movie Awards as Best Actor and Best Outstanding Performance, in 2011 at the Golden Indie Movie Awards also as Best Actor and Best Outstanding Performance; as well as at the Hong Kong Best Film Awards ( as Best Actor, Best Outstanding Performance and Best Original Content.
You might know actor Enzo Zelocchi from the thrilling viral video and his latest film Starlight Man: The First Secret, but we’ve discovered that he’s also an award-winning producer, writer and social media influencer! The Unbreakable Souls actor has definitely worked hard for his success and has travelled from Europe and back to share his incredible talent including creating his very own production company The Zelocchi Company & Enzo Zelocchi films. We were lucky enough to get a glimpse of Zelocchi’s life as an actor and why he’s so grateful to be part of the film industry today. Let’s take a look!
Enzo Zelocchi or the growth of a film producer: With six new and upcoming films under his belt, it’s an exciting time for fans of Enzo. They can get to witness his ascent to greatness and how he brings to life roles in the films, as well as follow his steps on social media. What’s interesting is that Enzo doesn’t feel like he has reached the pinnacle yet- there’s more to be done in various industries, and he has yet to shape the ‘art and business’ platform (which he’s working on with 100% commitment).
Latest Enzo Zelocchi – Paris part 3 2022: Was there an ‘aha moment’ when you know this was the career path you were most passionate about? My ‘aha moment’ was after a couple of years of modeling and commercials when I got booked in a TV show. That experience captured my heart. Discover extra info at
Up-and-coming star Enzo Zelocchi admits to having a fun and rewarding life. ‘I live life differently, and with a touch of insanity, which allows me to express myself at the deepest level.’ On the other hand, the writer and producer admitted that he hasn’t had the time to ‘grow and explore some relationships’, something that Enzo intends to do later on. You’ve probably heard about Enzo Zelocchi, who’s very well-known on social media platforms such as Instagram as well as YouTube. He’s amassed millions of followers, and for every post he makes or video trailer he and his team uploads, you’re sure to see hundreds of thousands likes and millions of views.
Enzo is largely unaffected by the pandemic since he was always working on something. If any, Zelocchi thrived during this time and enjoyed massive success with the release of a movie trailer in the year 2020. The ‘My Little Princess’ actor has already gained so many accolades from peers and those in the entertainment industry. To date, Zelocchi has garnered 70-plus awards from his projects, and there are more projects to be had down the pipeline. The young actor has so much potential and boasts an unlimited ceiling for his career. The good news is that Enzo knows this and has kept up pace with acting jobs, directing efforts, and managing a huge follower count on Instagram. Discover even more info on actor Enzo Zelocchi.
We are all one and with love and common sense, we can get things done. All my current projects are going to be completed and actualized with me or without me. Changes are inevitable and the best is yet to come,” he added. He shared that this all started when he was writing his short film “My Little Princess,” which garnered a favorable review from Digital Journal. I got started down this path of research when writing the ‘My Little Princess’ film, released in 2010,” said Zelocchi. “Considering the plight of a father whose daughter has terminal cancer, I had to take a close look at what the options are like for real people in similar situations. It broke my heart.
Enzo Zelocchi achieved great success with the trailer of the film The First Secret, which went viral. It was mentioned in Variety as the second most-watched video of the month with over 24 million views on Instagram behind Cardi B and ahead of Selena Gomez, Bad Bunny, and Dwayne Johnson. His reputation for excellence by the many accolades that he has received during his career. Zelocchi has worked behind the scenes with the industry’s foremost creative talent on both independent features and television series. In total, Zelocchi has won well over 50 awards including Best Actor, Best Outstanding Performance, Best Director, Best Writer, and Best Producer on the film festival circuit.
Enzo Zelocchi is best known for his success with the movie My Little Princess (over 33 movie awards at film festivals and a 2010 semi-finalist for an Academy Award nomination), but also for his consideration to star as the new Zorro in Zorro Reborn, the development for the first Hollywood Hispanic superhero “Starlight Man – The First Secret” and as executive producer and vice president of development at Crossroads Entertainment. He is also listed as a producer of Find Me Guilty, starring Vin Diesel, which was directed by the Academy Award winner Sidney Lumet; and as producer of Shadow of Doubt, starring Melanie Griffith and Tom Berenger.
Enzo Zelocchi is an Italian/American, Hollywood film producer, actor and businessman, an award winner as actor, producer, social Media influencer, businessman and founder of A-Medicare with over 33 movie awards in Film Festivals and semifinalist for an Academy Award nomination with the project “My Little Princess”.
What was your first acting job? Enzo: One of the biggest Italian directors, Carlo Vanzina, decided to cast me for the role of a villain for a TV series in Italy on channel 5. It was like a dream for every actor. I didn’t have to audition. What happened is that my agent in Italy recommended me. They called the assistant director, and they scheduled a meeting with him the following day. He liked me. We spoke a little bit. The director wanted to see me. He looked me in the face and said, ‘I like him. The role is yours.’ This is what I love about auditioning. You speak to the director; he gets a vibe from you if you can play the character, using his imagination. That’s the dream of every actor. You get the chance to feel the person and he understands what you can do and what you cannot. Find additional info on producer Enzo Zelocchi.
Enzo Zelocchi was honored over 5 Times as Best Actor, 4 Times Best Outstanding Performance, 4 Times Best Director, 3 Times Best Writer and Best Producer and at the California Film Awards 2010 he won Grand Winner for Best Family Film. Other awards include the following film festivals: in 2010 Hollywood Variety Movie Awards as Best Actor and Best Outstanding Performance, in 2011 at the Golden Indie Movie Awards also as Best Actor and Best Outstanding Performance; as well as at the Hong Kong Best Film Awards ( as Best Actor, Best Outstanding Performance and Best Original Content.
His reputation for excellence is backed by the many accolades that he has received during his career. Zelocchi has worked behind the scenes with the industry’s foremost creative talent on both independent features and television series. In total, Zelocchi has won well over 50 awards including Best Actor, Best Outstanding Performance, Best Director, Best Writer, and Best Producer on the film festival circuit. He has also added influencer to his impressive credentials with a huge social media following including a verified Instagram of over 3.6 million followers, a verified Facebook with over 1.3 million followers, and a verified Twitter with over 475,000 followers. Things aren’t slowing down for Zelocchi. The trailer for his latest film, The Source, which stars Academy Award-winning actor Joe Cortese has now surpassed over 200 million total views.
Who is New York’s Franklin Livingston and some of his Pakistani American actor and influencer achievements: Franklin Livingston received training in filmmaking and directing from New York University, and Yale University. Franklin then went on to study at a world-renowned institution, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, where he was trained in Shakespeare and contemporary acting. In addition to studying at institutions, Franklin got trained for 3 years in classical and modern singing by Melania Maldonado, Speech and Voice by Shane Ann Younts and Lenore Harris, and Acting for American Sitcoms by David Ross. Franklin is a trained dancer, he learned Latin and Ball Room Dances at various studios in NYC and Chicago, as well as Bollywood dances by Pooja Narang in New York City. Legendary dance teacher Saroj Khan trained Pooja. Discover additional information on Franklin Livingston.
Are Franklin Livingston’s actions absurd? One of the caveat Franklin shares is that many of these young actors that work with him assume Franklin, an idiot, who probably has no clue and doesn’t know what acting or filmmaking in Hollywood is made of! This is mostly because of his humble nature and polite behavior. Despite All this, Franklin remains unmovable. He says, “it doesn’t bother me. I know I am an extensively trained actor and highly intelligent human being.” Franklin enjoys seeing upcoming American actors working and developing their confidence to become someone like known Hollywood actors who can be viewed worldwide and on social media posts and stories.
For the past five years, Franklin Livingston has been working in storytelling through stage and film in the New York City area. He is highly proficient in ethnographic research, creating writing, directing, and acting. Franklin is an immigrant who has traveled the world and internationally performed as an actor and produced many films, plays and musicals, and online projects. He has managed talent, technical crews, writers, producers, marketing staff, and social media influencers. His focus is always to capture the truth of every culture, story, and situation regarding the sensitivity of individuals, communities, and institutions.
Please tell us the one thing that separates you from your competition. I do have a unique perspective to bring to the table. Currently, there is no person of Pakistani origin in Hollywood’s big-budget movies or TV networks that has the training I do. Especially not one playing a dramatic role that will be taken seriously and not a funny guy character. I would love to put my extensive experience to good use and not only go up against the competition for a leading serious role one of these days, but actually get a call back for it!
You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂 I have already begun a movement by bringing awareness and empathy though my work. My collaborators have mentioned that they have learned many things they did not know regarding politics, sociology, and anthropology of America and the world. I am helping create a voice for all-inclusive theater and film in the U.S.
Franklin has broad training from highly experienced professionals in the areas of drama and the more serious cinematic roles. In films produced in the United States, there are no such leading roles that are filled by qualified Pakistani actors. Franklin has spent significant time and effort acquiring the necessary training and expert guidance to fill these roles. Franklin has the particular skills and personality necessary as an American actor to proudly and personally take on the privilege of shedding light on many important socio-political issues. Including representation or the cross-cultural issues faced by recent immigrants. Franklin envisions changing the way stories are told in America while empowering day-to-day heroes. In his films, Franklin has shown the heroism of average men and women. He believes heroes don�t have to be fictional or over-the-top good-looking men and women. Since those are standards set by humans and are not closer to the principle of nature and the Universe. Franklin believes heroes are always born among average people, and they live among us, helping us on a day-to-day basis, making our world a better place.
Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”? This is a difficult field. You will deal with rejection 99% of the time on a daily basis. You must have thick skin and be persistent. And, if you are a person of color, especially a male with an accent, your chances of work decrease automatically. It’s better to have a support group who really appreciates your strength, sees your beauty, acknowledges your talent, and attests to your art. Importantly, create your audience who values your craft and enjoys your work.
Franklin has studied a multitude of acting techniques at Guildhall School of Music and Drama London, Moscow Arts Theater, New York Film Academy, Atlantic Acting School, the Meisner Studio of Tisch School of the Arts New York of New York University, and Yale University where he received training in acting, filmmaking, and directing as well. Franklin is a true New Yorker and enjoys exploring the city on foot and via subway absorbing the incomparable diversity of NYC. He loves to engage the local communities in breaking boundaries and building connections. When not on a film set or involved in community development, you will catch Franklin researching the past and the present anthropology, cooking, traveling, sightseeing, motorcycling, road tripping through the U.S., or maybe even jet-skiing.
Best rated karaoke singing room salon South Korea: Seoul is a city that never sleeps. That being said, nightlife in Seoul is an experience not-to-be-missed without a doubt! To give you a tip, one of the popular clubbing districts is Gangnam where party-goers can enjoy high-end and luxurious clubbing, complete with world-class DJs and state-of-the-art facilities. If you want to make your nightlife legendary, here’s your ultimate guide to the best clubs in Gangnam area! The capital of South Korea, Seoul is a vibrant and dynamic city that never seems to sleep. That is especially true about the colourful Seoul nightlife. With so many famous party districts like Gangnam, Hongdae, and Itaewon, those looking for a fun night out in Seoul are often spoilt for choice! See more information on
Use a little mic technique: A beginner is usually scared and he/she unconsciously keeps the microphone a foot or two away from the mouth which makes the voice sound bleak. A more experienced singer keeps the mic close to their mouth, in order to get a nice tone. A pro who has mastered mic technique, however, keeps the mic close to their mouth until they sing louder (often higher) notes. At that point they pull the mic away by a few inches, to compensate for the sudden increase in volume, then bring it back to their mouth when the louder singing is over. This can be perfected at home with a hairbrush.
Boombar is another one of those clubs in Seoul that is more suited for classy partygoers. The interior features elegant chandeliers and velvet couches, giving off a chic, sexy vibe even as the DJs play heart-pumping hip hop and R&B sets in the background. As much as Boombar is a great place to party like there’s no tomorrow, the clean atmosphere also makes it a good place to simply chill with friends over a couple of drinks and cocktails.
It’s Friday night and you’ve hit the bar with your friends. Suddenly, they head towards the karaoke section and the one person you actually want to impress invites you to sing. Your palms are sweaty and a feeling of dread starts creeping in. The mere thought of singing in public rather than your shower sends your stomach down to your feet. How can you perform karaoke if you can’t even sing? Contrary to what you might think, you don’t need to be a great singer to rock a karaoke bar. With a little know-how, a good sense of humour and just enough swagger, you’ll go from a quivering jelly to a confident Jagger.
Before you choose a song, think: Does it have an incredibly long intro or guitar solo in the middle where you’ll just be standing around waiting for the words to pick back up? Do you actually know how the verses go? Is the entire back half of the song the chorus repeated five times so everyone listening will be bored and waiting for you to wrap up? Do you even know how to rap? Consider these things. Otherwise you’ll be up there thinking everyone will be laughing merrily along to your rendition of “Who Let the Dogs Out?” without realizing that song is really fucking hard. Respect to the Baha Men.
For our Korean guests:
금요일 밤이고 친구들과 술집을 찾았습니다. 갑자기 노래방으로 향하는데 정말 감동을 주고 싶은 한 사람이 노래를 부르자고 한다. 손바닥에 땀이 차고 공포감이 스며들기 시작합니다. 샤워를 하지 않고 대중 앞에서 노래를 부르는 생각만 해도 뱃속이 발 아래로 내려옵니다. 노래도 못하는데 어떻게 노래방을 할 수 있니? 당신이 생각하는 것과는 달리, 노래방을 흔들기 위해 훌륭한 가수가 될 필요는 없습니다. 약간의 노하우, 좋은 유머 감각, 그리고 충분한 과장만 있으면 떨리는 젤리에서 자신감 넘치는 재거가 될 것입니다.
총력전을 펼치십시오: 화려한 옷을 입고 ‘스타’ 환상을 구현하십시오. 끝까지 가다. 총력을 기울이는 것이 항상 뒤로 물러나는 것보다 낫습니다. 자신감. 당신의 연기에 대해 사과하는 것처럼 들리지 마십시오. 규칙적으로 음을 치는 프로 가수들이 많지만 무대 매너가 너무 강해서 아무도 신경 쓰지 않는다(믹, 보고 있다). 좋은 청중이 되십시오: 좋은 스포츠가 되어 다른 공연자들을 응원하십시오. 노래가 끝날 때마다 박수를 칩니다. 좋은 격려의 말은 모든 사람의 마음을 고양시킬 수 있습니다. 누군가의 목소리가 갈라져도 움찔하지 마세요. 결국 당신이 일어나서 공연을 하면 그들은 당신에게 은혜를 갚고 응원할 것입니다. John Lennon이 말했듯이: “Instant karma’s will get you”.
퍼펙트 가라오케 강남 최대 규모의 가라오케 퍼펙트가라오케 생일파티, 회식, 단체 모임 등이 가능한 대형 룸 구비 정찰제 가격으로 거짓 없는 주대로 보답 하고 있으며 SIZE 좋은 매니저분들이 항상 대기 하고 있습니다. 예약문의는 아래로 부탁드립니다. 퍼펙트가라오케 안내 강남 지역에서 제일 잘나가는 가라오케 안내 입니다. 퍼펙트 가라오케는 국내 최대규모의 룸 시설이 구비 되어 있는 현재 가장 핫하고도 뜨거운 가라오케 입니다. 엘리에나 호텔 (힐탑) 지하에 위치 해 있으며 예전 구 옥타곤 클럽 자리에 새롭게 퍼블릭룸 가라오케가 탄생하였습니다. 현재 강남 지역에서 가장 손님과 매니저분들이 많기로 유명한 곳이며 매니저 분들은 약 하루에 평균적으로 150명 이상의 출근율을 자랑하고 있는 최고의 가라오케 룸이라고 할 수 있습니다. 정찰제 가격으로 최고의 가성비를 누릴 수 있는 퍼펙트 가라오케 지금부터 만나보시도록 하겠습니다.
강남룸싸롱 강남역룸싸롱의 위치, 추천, 가격, 코스, 후기 등 궁금하신점은 언제든 문의주세요^^. 이 기사는 마사지 치료사들이 최신 안마의자에 대해 불평하는 것에 대해 토론할 것이다. 이 의자들은 눈에 잘 띄지 않거나 편안하지 않은 특징들이 있다. 그는 더 나아가 “나는 이 의자들을 편안하게 하는 것의 중요성을 충분히 강조할 수 없다. 그것은 진행 중인 과정이다. 가장 효과적인 연습은 실제 연습입니다. 그는 500시간의 마사지 치료 지도와 한 달간의 현장 수업, 그리고 일주일간의 수업 전체를 보고 있다. 현재 직원뿐만 아니라 귀사의 고객도 사용할 수 있습니다. 이것은 당신의 회사에 당신이 좋아할 만한 몇 가지 이름을 제공할 수 있는 기회이다. 이름은 짧고 매력적이어야 하지만 회사의 본질을 반영해야 합니다. 고객이 귀하의 접근 방식을 인지할 수 있을 때 서비스를 경험할 때 더욱 편안함을 느낄 수 있을 것이라고 생각합니다. 이 웹사이트에서 강남룸싸롱.
노래방에 가본 사람이라면 노래방의 묘한 묘한 감정을 알 것이다. 누군가 자신 있게 마이크를 향해 성큼성큼 성큼성큼 다가가면 잔잔한 멜로디가 흘러나오고, 모두가 이 사람이 자신이 무엇을 하고 있는지 전혀 모른다는 것을 단번에 깨닫는다. 그들은 노래가 단지 하나의 긴 후렴이 아니라는 사실을 잊었습니다. 실제로 그 구절이 복잡하고 음표가 범위를 벗어났거나 첫 번째 줄을 놓치고 전체 노래에서 박자를 놓칠 운명이라는 것을 잊었습니다. 가라오케는 나쁘다고 생각하지만 이 정도는 아닙니다.
레깅스룸 시스템의 핵심 레깅스 !! 쫙 달라붙는 레깅스를 입는 순간 모든것이 끝낫다고 할 수 있어 아주 좋은 내상 방지와 같은거라고 할 수 있죠. 기본적으로 우선 몸매는 당연히 보장이 되기 때문에 요즘은 아무리 보정이 된 레깅스가 많이 유행이고 많이 착용하는 추세라고 하여도 어쩔 수 없이 타이트하기 때문에 몸매가 부각이 될 수 밖에 없어서 운동하시는 분들이 많이 착용하시기도 하시죠. 이거 하나여도 상당부분 내상을 제거 할 수 있는 부분이라고 생각합니다. 기존의 홀복은 보정을 할 수 있는 부분과 내가 직접 보지않는 한 알 수 없기 때문에 몸매를 많이 보시는 분들이라면 레깅스룸 시스템이 가장 적합하다고 할 수 있습니다.
반면 서울에 있는 대부분의 클럽은 이른 아침까지 영업한다는 사실을 알게 되어 기쁩니다. 당신은 문자 그대로 태양이 올 때까지 파티를 할 수 있습니다! 밤을 제대로 보낼 수 없다면 펍 크롤링에 참여하세요. 실제로 이러한 이벤트를 주최하는 호스텔도 있으니 부담 없이 참여하세요. 즐거울수록 좋겠죠? 마지막으로 서울에서 특정 장소를 찾는 데 어려움이 있다면 네이버나 카카오맵으로 전환해 보세요. 대체로 한국의 Google 지도보다 더 잘 작동합니다.
1부와 2부의 주대 가격이 다르며 주대는 정찰제로써 언제 방문을 하셔도 위의 가격과 동일하게 적용이 됩니다. 상단의 가격은 1인, 2인, 3인, 4인 기준으로 가격을 나열 했으며 이 인원 이상으로 방문하시는 분들은 예약문의시 말씀 해주셔서 최대한 저렴한 가격을 상담 받으실 수 있도록 안내를 도와드리겠습니다. 매니저 티씨는 공통적으로 130,000원 이며 룸 차지는 50,000원 이렇게 공통적으로 구성이 되어 있고 1부와 2부의 차이점은 주대 (양주 가격)만 다르며 이외에 모든 가격들은 동일 합니다.
Boombar는 고급스러운 파티를 즐기는 사람들에게 더 적합한 서울의 또 다른 클럽 중 하나입니다. 우아한 샹들리에와 벨벳 소파가 어우러진 인테리어는 DJ들의 흥겨운 힙합과 R&B를 배경으로 시크하고 섹시한 분위기를 자아낸다. 붐바는 내일이 없는 것처럼 파티를 즐기기에 좋은 곳인 만큼 깨끗한 분위기는 친구들과 간단히 몇 잔의 음료와 칵테일을 마시며 휴식을 취하기에 좋은 곳입니다.
Karaoke nightlife rooms Gangnam 2023? There’s a fine line between fun experimentation and disaster when it comes to karaoke. That’s where greatness lives. A few shots of sake can either give you the courage to nail “Guns and Ships” from Hamilton to everyone’s shock, or make you that guy desperately stumbling through “Paradise ty the Dashboard Light.” Which is why I’ve found that, no matter what else you choose to sing, it’s good to have a song or two you know you can nail. Spend a little time prepping, and you’ll never panic over a karaoke invitation again. See even more details on
If you’re looking to paint the town red in Seoul, we’ve got you covered! Here’s a list of the eight best clubs in Seoul to party at so you can fully experience the excitement of Seoul once the sun sets and the neon lights come on! Before you go out partying, there are a few things you need to take note of. Before choosing a club to party at, you should know that it’s a common rule that ALL foreign visitors need to show their passports to be allowed entry. This is for age verification purposes mostly. That being said, you may also come across clubs that are exclusive to locals. Don’t worry though, most clubs are open to foreigners.
Have fun: This is the most important part of any performance. Smile, groove to the music and enjoy your time. The movement will free your voice and help in having a better connection with the audience. The truth is that you’re not there to impress people—you’re there to have a great time. Let loose and share yourself with your friends and audience. Sing your heart out. The main thing to remember with karaoke is that a great performance doesn’t have to involve a professional singing voice. It’s not a contest and nobody expects you to be perfect. It’s for amateurs who want to have a good time and sing the songs that they love.
Boombar is another one of those clubs in Seoul that is more suited for classy partygoers. The interior features elegant chandeliers and velvet couches, giving off a chic, sexy vibe even as the DJs play heart-pumping hip hop and R&B sets in the background. As much as Boombar is a great place to party like there’s no tomorrow, the clean atmosphere also makes it a good place to simply chill with friends over a couple of drinks and cocktails.
Choose a winning song: When you’re starting out, try picking a song that many people are familiar with and enjoy. Upbeat numbers tend to be better crowd pleasers compared to slow numbers. Songs with long instrumental breaks or overly long songs can be awkward for a karaoke session. It should be a song that you enjoy singing and is well within your vocal range. By picking an upbeat crowd favourite, the audience will have more fun and that will definitely make it easier for you as a performer.
For our Korean visitors:
서울의 파티 핫스팟 목록에 추가하고 싶은 또 다른 인기 있는 나이트클럽인 홍대와 함께 Noise Basement 2(또는 단순히 NB2)가 있습니다. NB2에서 가장 눈에 띄는 점은 바로 소유권입니다. YG Entertainment의 소유입니다! 따라서 입장하면 한국 힙합과 K-Pop 리믹스가 혼합된 밤의 파티를 기대할 수 있습니다! NB2는 이 목록에 있는 더 화려한 나이트클럽 중 하나이며 특히 주말에 가장 붐비는 곳 중 하나입니다. 매일 아침 6시까지 문을 열며 줄이 줄어들 기미가 보이지 않습니다. 서울 최고의 클럽 중 한 곳에 들어가고 싶다면 인내심을 가지세요!
금요일 밤이고 친구들과 술집을 찾았습니다. 갑자기 노래방으로 향하는데 정말 감동을 주고 싶은 한 사람이 노래를 부르자고 한다. 손바닥에 땀이 차고 공포감이 스며들기 시작합니다. 샤워를 하지 않고 대중 앞에서 노래를 부르는 생각만 해도 뱃속이 발 아래로 내려옵니다. 노래도 못하는데 어떻게 노래방을 할 수 있니? 당신이 생각하는 것과는 달리, 노래방을 흔들기 위해 훌륭한 가수가 될 필요는 없습니다. 약간의 노하우, 좋은 유머 감각, 그리고 충분한 과장만 있으면 떨리는 젤리에서 자신감 넘치는 재거가 될 것입니다.
약간의 마이크 기술 사용: 초보자는 일반적으로 겁을 먹고 무의식적으로 마이크를 입에서 1~2피트 떨어뜨려 목소리를 어둡게 만듭니다. 경험 많은 가수는 좋은 음색을 내기 위해 마이크를 입 가까이에 둡니다. 그러나 마이크 기술을 마스터한 프로는 더 큰(종종 더 높은) 음을 부를 때까지 마이크를 입 가까이에 둡니다. 그 시점에서 그들은 마이크를 몇 인치 정도 잡아당겨 볼륨의 갑작스러운 증가를 보상했다가 더 큰 노래가 끝나면 다시 입으로 가져옵니다. 이것은 빗으로 집에서 완벽하게 할 수 있습니다.
가라오케란? 국내에서 합법적으로 이용이 가능한 주점이며 도우미에게 정해진 비용을 지불 하여서 함께 술을 마시며 노는 공간 이라고 생각을 하시면 됩니다. 여러분들이 생각하시는 기존의 길 거리에서 볼 수 있는 흔한 노래방과는 엄연히 다른 곳이며 더욱 고급진 시설과 함께 소주가 아닌 양주를 마시는 공간 입니다.
제가 마사지 치료에 대한 제 훈련에 대한 제 세부 사항을 현재 제 학생 중 한 명에게 제시했을 때, 그는 제가 그 과정을 묘사하기 위해 단어를 사용하는 방법에 대해 깊은 인상을 받았습니다. 그는 그에게 어떻게 그가 경쟁에서 두드러질 수 있는지 물어보기 시작했다. 그는 “ihuahyytlomorphic”이라고 대답했다. 저는 계속해서 그에게 인간성을 공부하는 것이 여러분이 군중 속에서 자신을 돋보이게 할 수 있도록 독특한 브랜드 이름을 만드는 필수 조건이라고 알려주었습니다. 마사지 치료 교수인 두 번째 학생은 원적외선 제이드 테이블을 테스트하려는 사람을 찾기가 어렵다고 언급했다. 일주일 정도 수색한 후에 그는 장비를 살 용의가 있는 사람을 찾을 수 있었다. 그가 함께 일했던 첫 번째 고객은 마사지를 받은 후 혈압이 급격히 떨어졌다고 말하면서 장비에 대한 좋은 피드백을 주었다. 이 웹사이트에서 강남룸싸롱.
또한 장비를 알고 있습니다. Rauch는 “마이크를 입에 수직으로 들고 그대로 두십시오. “MC의 역할은 당신에게 좋은 소리를 들려주는 것이지만, 마이크에서 당신의 목소리가 들리지 않는다면 우리는 그렇게 할 수 없습니다.” 노래방 노래로 사용할 노래를 선택할 때 일반적으로 사람들은 자신이 알고 있는 노래를 따라 부르는 것을 좋아한다는 사실을 기억하십시오(와우, 여기 GQ에서 인간의 마음에 대한 훌륭한 통찰력). Rauch는 “사람들이 이전에 들어본 노래를 선택하면(후퇴가 좋은 예임) 여행을 함께 하는 데 도움이 됩니다.”라고 말합니다. 그러나 양 극단에는 위험이 있습니다. Rauch에 따르면 노래방에서 퇴출되어야 하는 노래가 몇 가지 있습니다. “‘My Heart Will Go On’은 ‘Wrecking Ball’과 마찬가지로 내 목록의 맨 위에 있습니다. ‘Rehab’도 과도하다고 생각합니다.” 그는 “Sweet Caroline”, “Don’t Stop Believing ,” 및 “기도에 따라 생활”. 이것들은 분명하고 당신은 그보다 낫습니다.
레깅스룸 시스템 한타임은? 한타임은 약 90분으로 술을 시키지 않으시고 연장시 매니저님들의 봉사비가 추가되고 있습니다. 그렇다보니 단순히 술을 양껏 먹을려고 오시는 것 보다는 1차는 다른 곳에서 하고 주록 2~3차로 많이 방문을 해주고 계십니다. 90분이라는 시간이 어떻게 보면 짧은 시간이기도 하지만 어떻게보면 정말 긴 시간이기 때문에 한 타임에서 굉장히 즐겁게 노실 수 있고 만족감을 보실 수 있으실거라고 장담 합니다. 물론 너무 만족해서 연장을 하시는것은 어쩔 수 없습니다.
반면 서울에 있는 대부분의 클럽은 이른 아침까지 영업한다는 사실을 알게 되어 기쁩니다. 당신은 문자 그대로 태양이 올 때까지 파티를 할 수 있습니다! 밤을 제대로 보낼 수 없다면 펍 크롤링에 참여하세요. 실제로 이러한 이벤트를 주최하는 호스텔도 있으니 부담 없이 참여하세요. 즐거울수록 좋겠죠? 마지막으로 서울에서 특정 장소를 찾는 데 어려움이 있다면 네이버나 카카오맵으로 전환해 보세요. 대체로 한국의 Google 지도보다 더 잘 작동합니다.
이용 방법 이용 방법은 간단합니다. 예약 문의를 주시고 방문 해주시기만 하시면 되고 입장 후에는 방 담당의 지시 및 이용 사항 대로 이용을 해주시면 됩니다. 간략하게는 퍼블릭 룸 과 시스템은 똑같으며 방 안내를 받으시면 착석 후 매니저 초이스를 기다리신 후 초이스 후 타임이 끝나는 시간 까지 룸 안에서 즐거운 시간을 보내시면 됩니다.
Top 5 Bathurst Australia 1000 editions with Bill Trikos: What the 2014 race did was take the chaos of the 2007 race, and spread it over eight hours of frustration and anger. No race divides the masses in the way that the 2014 edition does. On one side are those who think it was a complete farce, and on the other are those who bow down to what was one of the most unpredictable eight-hour stints of television ever broadcast. With more plot points and unbelievable twists than a season of Shortland Street, this race is hard to sum up in just a few paragraphs.
Bathurst adopted international Group A regulations between 1985 and 1992. The first to take advantage was Scot Tom Walkinshaw’s three-car factory Jaguar team, complete with imported mechanics and spare parts. This was a big change from the days when drivers had to resolve their own mechanical problems using just the tools that came with the car. The plucky Australian-built Group A models, still under development, stood little chance against the powerful V12 engine of the winning Jaguar XJ-S. However, this is the last time Jaguar has won Bathurst to date.
Best remembered for Craig Lowndes and Greg Murphy’s triumph, the 1996 race started in dire conditions. Rain fell steadily throughout the lead-up on race morning and continued after the lights went green. The conditions contributed to Mark Larkham’s race-ending crash on Conrod Straight on Lap 4, as well as the multi-car crash in the same place behind the Safety Car one lap later. The Holden Jackaroo remained out on the track for several laps after the crashed cars were cleared, waiting for the weather to ease and for a large amount of standing water to be cleared. The rain eventually ceased during the first hour and the bulk of the race was held on a largely dry track. Find more details about the author at Bill Trikos.
However, on a count back the win was handed to the Winfield team, triggering a ferocious response from the crowd and cementing the moment in Bathurst folklore. As someone who wasn’t alive for many of the ‘great moments’ that Bathurst historians hold dear, I find it hard to reminisce about those old days with similar levels of admiration. Yes it was very impressive that Peter Brock and Jim Richards won in 1979 by six laps, but where’s the excitement in a win that was clearly so easy? The same could possibly said of Allan Moffat and Ford’s domination two-years prior — what’s exciting about those circumstances?
Mark Winterbottom was 13 laps away from Bathurst glory in 2007, but it all went away in The Chase. On a slick track, he went tearing through the gravel and was launched up into the air. He amazingly kept the car pointed straight and rejoined the circuit in the lead. Lowndes blew by him within seconds though, nearly colliding with the out of control driver. Behind Lowndes, more chaos ensued. One of the more bizarre moments in Bathurst history took place in 1980. The legendary Dick Johnson was leading when a crazed fan through a massive rock onto the track, which he was unable to avoid. He struck it and violently crashed. The video includes his gutted interview, and also a surprise twist as he tells reporters that he may not be able to race again…
It will be the third consecutive year that Nissan will celebrate its Australian Touring Car Championship (ATCC) heritage. Caruso’s Altima ran in the colors of George Fury’s 1984 Bluebird in 2014, celebrating the manufacturer’s first Bathurst 1000 pole position. The #23 Altima then raced in the colors of Jim Richards’ HR31 Skyline last year, celebrating 25 years since the first ATCC title. The R32 GT-R was untouchable in 1991. Richards and Skaife finished first and second respectively in the Australian Touring Car Championship before going on to record a dominant victory in that year’s Bathurst 1000. The crushing performance of the car was underlined by its overall race time – 6 hours, 19 minutes and 14.8 seconds – a record that would remain untouched for 19 years.
Each October, the Bathurst 1000 pits the highest-performance ‘street-legal’ supercars head-to-head on Mount Panorama. This thrilling contest has come to be known as the Great Race. The history of Bathurst is a story of extraordinary vehicles – the kind you might see on next door’s driveway, or even save up for yourself. The race started in 1960 as the Armstrong 500, a 501-mile endurance race designed to celebrate the speed and durability of Australian-built cars. After the vehicles pounded the original Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit into submission, the contest was shifted to Wahluu (also known as Mount Panorama) in 1963. The course was extended to 1000 kilometres (621 miles) in 1973 due to faster cars, fiercer enthusiasm, and – ahem – decimalisation.
In the end, somewhat ironically given the dominance of other teams, that all four Red Bull Racing and Pepsi Max Crew cars would battle for top honours. And we all know how that ended … Like 2007, the 1994 race benefited from the age old theory of adding water to race tracks to create a bit of drama and intrigue. Starting in some of the wettest conditions ever seen on the mountain, most of the field vanished into the spray coming up Mountain Straight and then again down Conrod.