28 09 22

Excellent Dubai for charity interior design guides from Taru Kalenov: When we help people in need, when we lift them up and help them build life skills, we don’t help just them. We help our society and our planet- we help build our children’s future. Charity creates powerful positive ripples-and it’s not just a plate of food and somewhere warm to sleep. It’s the feeling of being seen as a human. The photo of the child and the vulture made the world see the brutal reality in Africa. The photo of the Syrian children refugees drowned in the Aegean, and now the largest refugee crisis in a century with people fleeing Ukraine- the world is in deep humanitarian crisis. We can’t afford to stay blind to the pain of other people. And they don’t need to be on the other side of the world. They live among us, too. The homeless, the single moms without a job, people furloughed in this deep crisis that previously enjoyed normal lives. Discover extra information on Taru Kalenov.

The technique of using murals goes back to the prehistoric caves found in France. If you live in colder climes or if you simply enjoy the view of nature, then adding a beautiful flora or fauna scene on your bedroom, bathroom, or living room wall can transform your space into a tropical wonderland. Depending on the colors and theme of your room, you can choose graphics of vibrant green forests, fiery orange and red autumn leaves, or cerulean blue seas, in either bold or subtle prints for your mural. This is one of the timeless interior design trends for people who want a modern home but also want to inject some character and personality into their living room or kitchen. This type of decorating theme works well with homes that already have some classic features like exposed beams, wall panels, and original floorboards. A fusion of traditional designs and modern pieces, the rustic vogue uses pieces that show a lot of grain and texture rather than objects that have are perfect, clean, and sleek.

Animal abuse charity advices by Dubai interior design expert Taru Kalenov: Make the jobs of shelters and rescues easier: Outfit your cats and dogs with collars and proper ID (a microchip and ID tags) at all times. As soon as you bring them into your family, have all of your pets spayed or neutered. Keep your cats indoors, where you can keep them safe (though it’s great to take them on walks if they are comfortable on a harness and leash or provide them a catio for safe outdoor enrichment) and keep dogs on leashes when off your property. The work your local shelter does may be hindered by an outdated animal control ordinance or, for municipal shelters, an inadequate budget. You can help by rallying support from your elected officials and working with shelter and rescue leaders to make necessary changes. If you see or hear anything at your local shelter that concerns you, follow our guidelines for addressing that concern in the most effective way.

Taru Kalenov about interior design trends in Dubai 2022 : Texture: Texture is important because of how it feels and every part of your room, from the furniture and flooring to the decorative accessories and artwork, contributes towards the texture of the room. Creating a mix of contrasting and complementary textures helps to add depth and personality to your room. Pattern: Pattern is another element that inspires interest and uniqueness in the room. The patterns in your room may come from the textile, wallpaper, rugs, and artwork. Based on your preference, the patterns can be geometric, floral, damask, abstract, or a combination of these and any other design that create an air of harmony in your room without making it seem too busy.

Nonprofits act as a place for people to focus their empathy and passion in a meaningful way. While monetary donations are a key part of running a nonprofit, many of these organizations couldn’t exist without a dedicated team of volunteers who choose to donate their time. Volunteers ensure that everything runs smoothly and that the nonprofit can achieve its goals. However, volunteering doesn’t just benefit the organizations – volunteers frequently feel happier, more fulfilled, and more connected with their community as a result of their work. A thriving network of nonprofit organizations is essential in every community because they understand the needs of the people they serve and provide services that contribute to their health, well-being, and economic stability. Whether a nonprofit is a food bank, an animal shelter, a center for free counseling services, or anything in between, they provide much-needed support to those they serve.

Inclusion in business charity from Dubai interior design leader Taru Kalenov: Decades of research show that giving to others has a number of positive psychological and even physiological benefits. It shifts the focus from the self to others, improves our well-being, and makes us healthier (it’s been linked to reducing depression and increasing life span). In general, people are happier when spending money on others than on themselves. And that warm, fuzzy feeling actually happens in our body! The act of giving releases endorphins and oxytocin, which can give us a “helper’s high.“ Charitable giving enables people to put their beliefs and values into meaningful action. When we support a cause, organization, or person we care about, it makes us feel like we’re part of the solution and something bigger than ourselves.

Top Dubai charity interior design trends by Taru Kalenov: Horizontal lines from features like tables, couches, rugs, and fireplaces, can bring a sense of stability and make your room feel wider. The vertical lines of the room from features like doors, windows, cabinets, and drapes can make your room feel taller. On the other hand, dynamic lines like curves and zigzags from features like modern furniture, sculptures, and staircases, can inject some energy and inspiration into the room. Form: Form consists of the shape of the room as well as the shape of the objects in the room, like furniture, fixtures, and artwork. These pieces may have geometrical or free-flowing shapes. Again, the key is that there should be a balance between the geometric forms that bring strength and stability to the interior in contrast with the softness.

24 09 22

Meet Enzo Zelocchi and some of his achievements: Many actors have a technique to help them get into character. Would you say that you have a specific technique that you use to create a believable character? Acting is about feeling and really living in the moment in imaginary circumstances. You need to feel your emotions in order to be believable. Remember: Focus, Relaxation and Confidence. Create memories of your character. Always ask yourself: Why? When? How? Make a playlist that can help you to jump into character faster. Always believe in yourself and your character. Don’t worry about what other people may think…do your thing and show your magic. See extra info at actor Enzo Zelocchi.

Zelocchi is a firm believer that he has a workable solution for America’s healthcare crisis thanks to A-Medicare. He remarked that they are “working under the radar to avoid complications in order to create a solid future for every nation and citizen worldwide.” Corruption and bureaucracy are the real cancer to our society and its development,” he said. “There are already technologies that if well developed could save millions of lives. Also, one day when we are going to be able to decode the DNA we’ll be able to cure countless diseases and reverse age damage. If corrupted politicians and too much bureaucracy are going to be too much of a problem we could move to another planet creating colonies using Dubai as a model to create cities and Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starship to move to Mars to create a functional society.

Enzo Zelocchi is best known for his success with the movie My Little Princess (over 33 movie awards at film festivals and a 2010 semi-finalist for an Academy Award nomination), but also for his consideration to star as the new Zorro in Zorro Reborn, the development for the first Hollywood Hispanic superhero “Starlight Man – The First Secret” and as executive producer and vice president of development at Crossroads Entertainment. He is also listed as a producer of Find Me Guilty, starring Vin Diesel, which was directed by the Academy Award winner Sidney Lumet; and as producer of Shadow of Doubt, starring Melanie Griffith and Tom Berenger.

Enzo Zelocchi successful actor

Which talent did you discover first about yourself, and then what came next? I have had a good instinct for business since I was young. The arts come in second, but I immediately connected with it. I literally merged together with my business skills with acting and that’s how I was able to naturally be an actor and producer at the same time with a deep understanding on both sides. It helped me a lot because the entertainment industry is a business and just being very artistically talented is not enough nowadays. Once you’re in Hollywood, you become a product that needs to sell. Waiting around for your agent to call you while you’re busy at parties is not going to take you far.

Enzo Zelocchi is an Italian/American, Hollywood film producer, actor and businessman, an award winner as actor, producer, social Media influencer, businessman and founder of A-Medicare with over 33 movie awards in Film Festivals and semifinalist for an Academy Award nomination with the project “My Little Princess”.

The Latino/Hispanic market has been very neglected in my opinion. From a cultural standpoint, strategically, it’s pretty well structured to be inspirational for young people. I’m more about empowering people. That’s what I believe that people who work in entertainment – besides entertaining – should also be role models. Let’s talk about The Source. What is the premise and what is your character? Enzo: That one is more Mad Max meets The Crow. The character, basically, is an alien with a humanoid body. He is there to train and protect the next generation of warriors against space aliens that go from planet to planet to destroy. Since my character’s planet has been destroyed, he and the oracles are hiding on Earth and training these kids. Obviously, they have to find these kids, fight corruption of local politicians. It’s like a post-apocalyptic scenario – obviously more around destroyed cities and travel between parallel dimensions. See even more information on Enzo Zelocchi.

Enzo Zelocchi was honored over 5 Times as Best Actor, 4 Times Best Outstanding Performance, 4 Times Best Director, 3 Times Best Writer and Best Producer and at the California Film Awards 2010 he won Grand Winner for Best Family Film. Other awards include the following film festivals: in 2010 Hollywood Variety Movie Awards as Best Actor and Best Outstanding Performance, in 2011 at the Golden Indie Movie Awards also as Best Actor and Best Outstanding Performance; as well as at the Hong Kong Best Film Awards (hongkongbestfilmawards.com) as Best Actor, Best Outstanding Performance and Best Original Content.

Zelocchi defined the word success as “be loved, love and have enough money to live a life that I like to live and not worry about future or tomorrow or anything.” “To have a comfort zone and to be in peace with yourself. Love is the most important but money always helps,” he said. Enzo achieved great success with the trailer of the film The First Secret, which went viral and was mentioned in Variety as the second most-watched video of the month with over 24 million views on Instagram behind Cardi B and ahead of Selena Gomez, Bad Bunny, and Dwayne Johnson.

18 09 22

Excellent Dubai interior design trends by Taru Kalenov: Charity is a thread that keeps the society net strong. The thread that keeps us all together and creates a deep sense of meaningful contribution and care. A sense of belonging to something bigger than us. Charity isn’t only about money or our gently used clothes; it’s also about our time, our knowledge, volunteering, any way we can provide relief to an immediate need. What we seemingly give away comes multiplied to us in such powerful blessings-we feel joyful and abundant because to give, you need to feel that you have enough. As a company, we follow this same approach—we are giving back from Day 1 to a volunteer-run, not for profit, In Kind Boxes, that helps postpartum moms and babies in need in the US with care essentials, and we chimed in to alleviate the pain in the Ukraine crisis, to grassroots organizations on the ground that help children. See even more details on Taru Kalenov Dubai.

If you want to reminisce about the rural countryside, adding warm amber tones, wooden furniture, soft floral prints, and beautiful embroidery to your living space. Experiment by mixing and matching natural textures in muted colors and pretty patterns for a cozy and welcoming look for your home. If you can’t escape to a tropical island, bring it home to you. By adding some beautiful tropical foliage and floral patterns and designs to your living space, you can bring a tropical vibe to your living space. Some of the colors that can help inspire a serene and relaxing living space are soft monotones, tropical jewel colors, and light lemon shades. You can add digitally-printed murals to the walls of your home to imitate the beautiful landscape of the Polynesian and Caribbean islands, making your living room a safe, calm, and inviting place to relax with friends and family.

Animal abuse charity advices from Dubai interior design expert Taru Kalenov: Like and follow your local animal shelters and rescue groups on Facebook, then invite your friends and family to like and follow them too. Also like and follow the Shelter Pet Project, which directs people seeking to adopt a cat or dog to their local shelters and rescues. Engage by sharing and commenting on posts. Combine fabric, recyclables and imagination to bring much needed fun into the lives of local shelter and rescue pets. You can fashion cage curtains to help shelter cats get some privacy (and stay healthy) or play matchmaker by creating attention-grabbing “Adopt-Me” vests to spotlight available pets at adoption events held by shelters and rescues.

Taru Kalenov about interior design trends in Dubai 2022 : Accent with Bold and Bright Primary Colors: The primary colors, red, blue, and yellow, form the foundation of all colors. You may see these colors in lighter and more pastel shades but they are less common in their true vibrant hues. That may be because these colors are quite bold. However, when you combine one or two primary colors with lighter shades and geometric designs, you can create a modern look for your home. These colors are not used as dominant room colors but are great choices for accent furniture, fabric, and accessories. They also go very well with blacks, whites, greys, neutral, and earthy tones and can help statement features in your room pop out.

This can provide a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives and even create a stronger sense of self when we see that our actions are aligned with our values. It rubs off on people : Charitable giving and acts of kindness are contagious! Chances are, your generosity will motivate friends and family to do the same. This can strengthen our relationships and create a greater impact when we join together with loved ones (and even strangers!) to raise money for a common purpose. It’s also important for our children to see this behavior. Nurturing generosity from a young age encourages kids to adopt giving habits as they grow up.

Animal abuse charity with Dubai interior design leader Taru Kalenov: In 2020, even in the midst of a global pandemic and economic insecurity, Americans gave a record $470 billion to charity— the largest source of which came from individual donors (69%). Beyond monetary contributions, we saw acts of kindness like cooking meals for frontline workers, buying groceries for neighbors, and mutual aid efforts sprout up across communities. Generosity is deeply ingrained in our culture, and this dates back to ancient civilizations. The word philanthropy itself comes from ancient Greek, meaning “love of humanity.“ There are a number of benefits to being generous, whether it’s with our time, services, or money.

Top rated Dubai interior design guides by Taru Kalenov: The year 2021 was a rocky one so in 2022 people are looking for ways to get away from it all. This is evidenced by some of the interior design trends of 2021 in Dubai, which range from beautiful nature-inspired tones to an eclectic mixture of patterns, which and impart a sense of personality, uniqueness, serenity, and joy. Interior design trends are influenced by current situations as well as cultures around the world. Since interior design trends are very fluid and dynamic, trends often recycle and can make a return at a later time, often with a twist.

17 09 22

High quality fashion and entertainment recommendations today? I really wanted to create a synthesis of powerful, sophisticated femininity, with an interplay of multiple American and Parisian influences, sports and craftsmanship, creative director Matthew M. Williams said of Givenchy’s new collection. Next to her stands a contemporary man with an instinct for chic nonchalance. On the runway, both are grounded by a sense of reality. For Isabel Marant this season, there was a little Y2K inspiration and a desire to focus on the essentials. Getting dressed in a simple and comforting gesture, putting on a men’s jacket or an oversized coat over a skinny little dress, betting on the cosiness of a cuddly knit dress paired with Motocross-inspired thigh-high boots. Discover additional details at hairstyle.

From full messy buns, sleek straight styles and luxurious waves framed by middle parts, we look forward to seeing soft tendrils framing the face and a generous amount of volume and texture. However you choose to style your 2022 bridal ensemble, the go-to bridal look will be ultra feminine and chic. Scroll down and fall in love with our favourite 2022 wedding hairstyles. Find our top styling tips for each hairstyle – from choosing the right wedding veil, headpiece or earrings to suit. Choosing the best accessories for your look will be a balance of taking into account your bridal hairstyle and your wedding dress neckline, style and silhouette.

In a typical season, our most-viewed shows list is fairly steady, but fall 2022 was no typical season. Early on in Milan, almost two years to the day after Covid broke out in Italy, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine disrupted any sense of post-pandemic return to normalcy the industry was hoping for. The rest of the season was an open question, whether or not designers chose to confront it: What is fashion’s place in a moment of incipient war? After a very strange few years, a relatively normal schedule of fashion shows wrapped in March. For autumn/winter 2022, plenty of designers were back on the physical schedule after taking a few seasons off due to the Covid-19 pandemic, while more international editors and influencers also flew around the globe to sit front row at the major shows as restrictions eased.

As influential as runways are, trends are not solely born on them. There was a clear direction coming from Gen Z and their social media platform of choice—TikTok—to be seen across the shows in New York, London, Milan and Paris. Youth is still currency in fashion circles but not necessarily in the same way as before: You don’t have to be young to be hip, but you sure as hell can steal the outfit ideas and reference points of a younger generation. Nineties, noughties and even the 2010s have been plundered for inspiration, with many looks echoing the fashion choices shared on the likes of both TikTok and the coolest Depop resellers’ accounts. No brand did it more authentically than Blumarine: The brand was known for its kitsch-cool back in the day, and now the look is ironically reflective of the archive. Looking for that denim butterfly top you owned in ’99? Or how about those low-slung Miss Sixty–esque jeans? This brand is the ringleader for every person aspiring to that aesthetic and with unashamed dedication, too.

Next season sees a new way to do metallic spangle without the need for sequins – which are often very damaging to the environment. Instead, may we encourage you to get your shine via liquid metal sheens; a far subtler, more grown-up and contemporary take on shimmer. Predominantly – but not exclusively – found in golds and silvers, these sheeny dreams create a molten metal feel as luxurious, shimmering fabric appears to be falling around your body. While tights are a mainstay in many winter wardrobes, when it comes to summer very few of us give even a moments thought to dressing our legs. Providing they’re covered in SPF and not overheating, we’re happy. But all that change next season, as thigh high boots with feathered trims, lace leggings and embroidered hosiery take centre stag. Our Women Fashions is one of the first online stores and has been helping the fashion-conscious look fabulous since 2015. Our store wholesale women clothes such as dresses, sets, jeans, tops, bodysuits, pants, skirts and more.

Jen Atkin, hairstylist and founder of Ouai Haircare, is loving textured lobs this season. She says clients like Hailey Baldwin Bieber are asking for short, shaggy cuts. “Tell your stylist you want a lot of movement and texture, especially toward the ends and in the fringe,” she explains. To get the ’70s shaggy look, she uses Ouai Wave Spray and lets the hair “do its thing.” She tames flyaways and adds moisture with Ouai Finishing Creme.

Celine chose to present its spring/summer 2022 collection on Nice’s historic Promenade Des Anglais, a site which was built in the 18th century by the English aristocracy who took up a second home for their winter residence. The collection, entitled ‘Baie des Anges’, nodded to this historic setting, and was presented via a beautiful catwalk film, directed by Hedi Slimane himself, and starring Kaia Gerber. Naomi Campbell closed the spring/summer 2022 Alexander McQueen show, marking the first time the British brand has shown in London for five years. Titled ‘London Skies’, the catwalk event was held in a specially constructed dome overlooking the city skyline. I’m interested in immersing myself in the environment in which we live and work in London, and in the elements as we experience them each day, said creative director Sarah Burton. Read more details at general blog.

12 09 22

Best Flip It To Win It TV show episodes by Todd Hill Los Gatos? It’s the morning of the auction and the teams are scouting three homes up for bid: a four-bedroom in Newark with a minimum bid of $150K, a three-bedroom in Concord starting at $160K, and a four-bedroom mid-century modern home in Saratoga with a minimum price of $400K. Rick and Vinny go head to head with Dom and Krista for the Newark property. Even though it’s near the train tracks, the house has its charms and is on a coveted corner lot. Both teams think this is a quick flip with a lot of potential- but neither know it has a few surprises as well! Discover more info at Todd Hill.

Meanwhile, the three-bedroom San Jose home is in Josh’s favorite neighborhood, which means a war on the auction steps when Todd and Michael try to walk away with it instead. And thanks to the low starting bid for the fixer-upper ranch, both Dom and Krista and their rivals Greg and Beau will be battling it out to score the best deal. Once the auction’s over the real work begins as the winning teams uncover the true state of their properties, and then do the necessary work to flip the homes for what each team hopes will be a killer profit. Little do they know, they’ll face surprises at every turn.

Top rated Flip It To Win It episodes with Todd Hill Los Gatos? The auction is in 2 hours and the teams rush to scout the homes on the auction block. In San Jose, a 4-bedroom unfinished home has Alisha excited that its size and location could equal a big return, but a discovery at the property leads to big concerns for Josh. Vinny and Rick also have eyes on this place and are willing to go to great lengths to see inside. Also in San Jose, Dom and Krista love the character and details of a spanish style 4-bedroom.

Todd and Michael, lured by the low starting bid, also scout the property hoping it could lead to a big profit. Over in San Jose, Josh and Alisha inspect a 3 bedroom house that has a new air conditioner and windows, but the backyard has them nervous about expensive clean up costs. Mike and Manly also check out the house and worry the ugly landscaping and old cars in the backyard means the inside is a gamble. But in the high stakes world of house flipping things are rarely what they seem at first glance. Find out the whole story on the next Flip It To Win It.

Excellent Flip It To Win It episodes from Todd Hill? The teams scramble to scout three homes up for auction. In Santa Clara, Todd and Michael set their sights on a 5 bedroom historic Victorian. Todd, nostalgic for his grandmother’s home, is passionate about restoring it, but Michael ‘s worried that would bust their budget. Rick and Vinny also want to snag this house because they love its original details and huge lot size. Over in San Jose, Josh is sentimental for a 2 bedroom because he flipped his first house on this same street, but Alisha is wary because of its small size and condition.

3 09 22

Premium fashion and hairstyle advices with weeklybroadsheets.com? Maria Grazia Chiuri is opening the doors of a new era, explained Dior of the AW22 collection. The mesmerising silhouettes are set against the backdrop of The Next Era, a gallery of paintings signed Mariella Bettineschi and composed of large female portraits borrowed from the history of painting from the 16th to the 19th century. Their eyes, cut and duplicated, question the judgment that has conditioned – and still conditions – women…From clothing to accessories, the creations combine aesthetics and technology, revisiting the Dior heritage. A fascinating exploration between past, present and future. Taking place on the opening night of Paris Fashion Week, Off-White (with a little help from Naomi Campbell, Serena Williams, Cindy Crawford and more) paid tribute to its late and great founder, Virgil Abloh, who sadly passed away last year. Entitled ‘Spaceship Earth: an Imaginary Experience’, the show began with the designer’s final ready-to-wear collection for the house, and ended with a number of beautiful couture gowns. Read more about the emotional show, here. Find extra info at fashion news.

Valentino landed the number two spot, after not ranking last season. What that tells us: There must be power in pink. Pierpaolo Piccioli’s exclusive use of eye-popping hot pink and black divided reviewers, but not Vogue Runway’s readers. Also: There’s definitely power in celebrity. A Zendaya sighting never hurts and the superstar made her only appearance of the season at Piccioli’s show. His Paris venue had screaming fans by the thousands outside to greet her, a site and sound reproduced over and over again this season, with Kim Kardashian turning up at Prada and Balenciaga, Julia Fox at Versace, and the resplendently pregnant Rihanna at Gucci, Off-White, and Christian Dior. Maria Grazia Chiuri’s Dior collection was our number-one most-viewed show of the season. She also had Blackpink’s Jisoo in the front row.

If you wish to choose a wider comb on your veil, ensure there’s little to no gathers. Find a drop veil or a veil that’s so sheer your hairstyle will show through. Choose accessories that will accentuate the ponytail – position delicate hair pins to the side of the head, a headpiece just above the ponytail, or frame both sides of the ponytail with a floral display inspired by a laurel vine. Depending your wedding dress choice, you might want to balance out your look with a crown or tiara positioned at the front. This is a great choice if your dress features a full skirt and extra long train. A backwards facing headpiece can look incredible with a ponytail. Just ensure the width and style is proportional to the size of your head and the volume/curls in your ponytail.

There are places to go, people to see and the many ensembles to suit. So while on the one hand there’s a very clear shift towards revealing, ultra-sassy, cut-to-here-and-slashed-to-there kind of dressing, there’s also a very chic, understated antithesis at play. It speaks to a modern shopper’s whims and natural inclination to change one’s mind. Some days you might channel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in a classic, all-beige get-up and others be more Dua Lipa in a rad minidress and stacked platforms. We are complex characters, and our wardrobes, and favourite brands, must keep up.

Next season sees a new way to do metallic spangle without the need for sequins – which are often very damaging to the environment. Instead, may we encourage you to get your shine via liquid metal sheens; a far subtler, more grown-up and contemporary take on shimmer. Predominantly – but not exclusively – found in golds and silvers, these sheeny dreams create a molten metal feel as luxurious, shimmering fabric appears to be falling around your body. Suits may have been off the sartorial radar for quite some months as swathes of the country took to working from home in loungewear, next season sees the old staple return with a vengeance. Stark white and complete with show-stopping accents – from waist ties to contrast black hardware and bold shoulders, these are pieces that will make the prospect of returning to your commute a whole lot more bearable. Our Women Fashions is one of the first online stores and has been helping the fashion-conscious look fabulous since 2015. Our store wholesale women clothes such as dresses, sets, jeans, tops, bodysuits, pants, skirts and more.

Last night, Olivier Rousteing celebrated 10 years at Balmain, presenting an anniversary collection, which featured new takes on some of his most famous pieces, from crystallised corsets to military-inspired jackets. The spectacle was supermodel-studded, and filled with emotional moments, including a recording from Beyonce, which opened the show. Over the next 10 years, I pledge to continue to push for more inclusion, more democracy and more openness, Rousteing said. Here’s to the next decade of sharing our joy-filled signature mix of fashion and music with more and more of those who wish to enter into the Balmain universe.

Blunt Bob, Bobs are nothing new, but if it seems like celebs are going shorter this year, it’s because they are. Hairstylist Ashley Streicher, who just joined R+Co’s Collective, says her clients are asking for “shorter and bolder” cuts. She recently chopped Mandy Moore’s hair into a messy, blunt bob that’s super trendy this season. “I find that people are liking a heavier, more blunt look this spring,” she explains. “I love a really blunt, perfect cut, that when not styled at all, still makes a statement. It’s a perfect cut that’s worn a bit messier.” Find even more information at Weekly Broad Sheets.

25 07 22

Excellent fashion trends in 2022 from Jordan Brooks: Two years later, Jordan, who studied business before being scouted to model, dedicated to his Instagram and becoming a Travel Influencer, and trying his hand at acting which he claims is his ‘ultimate goal’. Over the course of the last two years, he has established himself with his sophisticated and timeless designs, and this month he is set to launch an exclusive collaboration with the storied heritage brand Allen Edmonds, a capsule of several offerings that reimagine its history and tradition from a contemporary, global perspective. “Allen Edmonds, to be very honest with you, is one of the brands that I researched from the beginning,” Brooks says. “It’s a 100-year-old company, they’ve been around for years, and I remember always researching them. They do really great shoes, very well-done stuff, so that was the point of departure for us: How do you take these well-made shoes and update them in a way that mirrors my storytelling, who I am, and my heritage?” Find even more information at model Jordan Brooks.

My friend is a fashion photographer and director – she had been suggesting I try modeling for like months and I figured f*** it why not all I have to do is stand there and look pretty. She had begun working with Isabella and Harriet at LOVE magazine, pitching ideas for a photoshoot and asked me if I would maybe want to pitch something where I spoke about my experiences traveling and my love for film. I wasn’t sure at first, one I didn’t really see it as interesting and mostly cuz I hate taking about myself and being open like that I didn’t really speak about that kind of stuff to people I know, never mind posting something online!

Creative director Olivier Rousteing returned to the catwalk last night, presenting a collection which was designed as a response to his own suffering after being burned and scarred as a result of an explosion in his home in 2020. It was a message of the power of hope and truth, he said and, while not originally intended as a response to what is happening in Ukraine, those are two things we have never needed more than we do right now. These runway offerings were not designed as a direct response to the recent horrific invasion of our neighbours and I would never dare to even think of comparing the suffering that they are going through right now with the problems that I have had on social media. Still, as we watch the news, my team and I do keep in mind this collection’s message: united in solidarity, we can rely on the power of hope and truth to push back against hate, lies and aggression.

All I have to do is stand there and look pretty. She had begun working with Isabella and Harriet at LOVE magazine, pitching ideas for a photoshoot and asked me if I would maybe want to pitch something where I spoke about my experiences travelling and my love for film. I wasn’t sure at first, one I didn’t really see it as interesting and mostly ‘cuz I hate talking about myself and being open like that. I didn’t really speak about that kind of stuff to people I know, never mind posting something online! Eventually, though, I agreed that it was a good idea and that’s when we did that photoshoot that eventually got me on the cover but it was what changed everything – it will always be one of the projects that I will be most proud of. After that photoshoot, I got signed.

That did not mean however, that we didn’t see some digital presentations, as many designers continued to adopt less traditional ways of presenting their designs, whether through imagery, film or something else unique. However, the emphasis was definitely on the traditional catwalk presentation. With the shows now officially wrapped up for another season, scroll down to see every major moment that took place on the catwalk. From New York, London, Milan and Paris, here is what autumn/winter 2022 is looking like.

He was born on the 29th of May, 1996 in London, England to parents who lived and raised him very close to the science museum. His proximity to the museum inspired him to pursue an interest in Space Science and led to passionate interest in space, something you don’t often hear about Instagram models. The wealth of curiosity that resided inside Jordan Brooks did not live in the stars alone, but also on earth through performance arts like modeling and acting. With the latter, he attended the Nina Murano Acting Studio where he studied acting in New York City; this is the only knowledge of education known about him.

3 07 22

The rise of strong social media influencer : Enzo Zelocchi: Enzo Zelocchi is an Italian/American, Hollywood film producer, actor and businessman, an award winner as actor, producer, social Media influencer, businessman and founder of A-Medicare with over 33 movie awards in Film Festivals and semifinalist for an Academy Award nomination with the project “My Little Princess”.

Tell me about The First Secret? Enzo: The story behind First Secret is: how is it possible that the Hispanic and Latin community really only have Zorro, as a superhero, who isn’t really a superhero? He’s basically Batman without technology. I started to dig in, and look for a superhero. So, I found a guy who is actually the real-life inspiration for Ian Fleming’s James Bond. We were able to cut a trailer, which I decided to release March 2020. People told me it was a bad time. No, it is the best time. Everyone is on their phones and they don’t know what to do. We were the second most viewed video worldwide on Instagram. I didn’t have high expectations; I just wanted to touch the ground. The character is a guy from the Dominican Republican, who was like James Bond, stationed in Paris, and he was friends with John Kennedy, hanging out with the most beautiful women in the world, driving nice cars. He had a very interesting life. So, I decided to make him a superhero.

Enzo Zelocchi is best known for his success with the movie My Little Princess (over 33 movie awards at film festivals and a 2010 semi-finalist for an Academy Award nomination), but also for his consideration to star as the new Zorro in Zorro Reborn, the development for the first Hollywood Hispanic superhero “Starlight Man – The First Secret” and as executive producer and vice president of development at Crossroads Entertainment. He is also listed as a producer of Find Me Guilty, starring Vin Diesel, which was directed by the Academy Award winner Sidney Lumet; and as producer of Shadow of Doubt, starring Melanie Griffith and Tom Berenger.

Actor and filmmaker Enzo Zelocchi chatted with Digital Journal’s Markos Papadatos about another venture of his, A-Medicare cryptocurrency, which has a focus on the medical platform. He is on track to becoming the next generation of Jeff Bezos meets Elon Musk. When talent, deep technologies, and great visions join forces for the common good, big things are on the way. This is the case of actor and producer Enzo Zelocchi. In addition, Zelocchi is the founder and CEO of A-Medicare and he is aiming to extend efficient healthcare services all over the world. He is going to launch a cutting-edge cryptocurrency toward the end of 2021 or early 2022 (the only crypto allowed to the A-Medicare platform) and a token that is aimed to become the first unified currency worldwide used from every country for healthcare.

Enzo Zelocchi the social media influencer

Enzo Zelocchi was honored over 5 Times as Best Actor, 4 Times Best Outstanding Performance, 4 Times Best Director, 3 Times Best Writer and Best Producer and at the California Film Awards 2010 he won Grand Winner for Best Family Film. Other awards include the following film festivals: in 2010 Hollywood Variety Movie Awards as Best Actor and Best Outstanding Performance, in 2011 at the Golden Indie Movie Awards also as Best Actor and Best Outstanding Performance; as well as at the Hong Kong Best Film Awards (hongkongbestfilmawards.com) as Best Actor, Best Outstanding Performance and Best Original Content.

Zelocchi defined the word success as “be loved, love and have enough money to live a life that I like to live and not worry about future or tomorrow or anything.” “To have a comfort zone and to be in peace with yourself. Love is the most important but money always helps,” he said. Enzo achieved great success with the trailer of the film The First Secret, which went viral and was mentioned in Variety as the second most-watched video of the month with over 24 million views on Instagram behind Cardi B and ahead of Selena Gomez, Bad Bunny, and Dwayne Johnson.

Which talent did you discover first about yourself, and then what came next? I have had a good instinct for business since I was young. The arts come in second, but I immediately connected with it. I literally merged together with my business skills with acting and that’s how I was able to naturally be an actor and producer at the same time with a deep understanding on both sides. It helped me a lot because the entertainment industry is a business and just being very artistically talented is not enough nowadays. Once you’re in Hollywood, you become a product that needs to sell. Waiting around for your agent to call you while you’re busy at parties is not going to take you far.

18 06 22

Best rated fashion shows and trends right now in 2022 with Hamza Qassim? Hamza Qassim (Born December 20, 2003) is a Jordanian Model. Raised in Amman, Jordan, Over the span of 2 years, Qassim has been seen in multiple international Vogue magazine appearances, including the Vogue website and Vogue Polska. Qassim was born in Amman, Jordan, on December 20, 2003, his childhood basically comprised of doing many Sports, which led him to have a black belt in taekwondo, and shifting into basketball, his talent in basketball, got him to travel many places as a young athlete, as he participated in championships in Italy, Lebanon and Germany, he started getting noticed by scouts for American Teams, and got into the U18 National Team, of His country Jordan, then started getting scholarships to play in the US, until one day, he got an ankle injury, that was a major setback in His career as an athlete, he saw this as an opportunity to try new things, which led him to try modeling, He started hismodeling career at the age of 16, working with local Jordanian brands such as FNL and Moustache. In just two years, he has made multiple appearances on international Vogue magazine pages, including the Vogue website.

Hamza Qassim worked on the Palestinian label Trashy Clothing’s summer 2021 campaign: These two designers are used to making political statements. In 2018, they presented a runway show in Berlin that featured a wall obstructing the view for half of the audience, a division that represented the one between Palestine and Israel. Lawrence and Braika embrace the discomfort. “That is part of our brand identity, the superficiality mixed with pain,” Lawrence says. “It’s about contradictions, teaching, raising awareness, putting the consumer onto not only buying clothing for its aesthetics but also for its story.”

It was the final show on the Paris Fashion Week schedule – and of a month of shows, and Miu Miu did not disappoint. Presenting more teeny, tiny mini skirts (following the brand’s viral SS22 piece), the collection was sporty and preppy, and was inspired by tennis. Devoting the entire collection to tweed is a tribute, explained creative director Virginie Viard. We followed the footsteps of Gabrielle Chanel along the River Tweed, to imagine tweeds in the colours of this landscape… This is what Gabrielle Chanel would do on her walks through the Scottish countryside: she would gather ferns and bouquets of flowers to inspire the local artisans for the tones she wanted.

Hamza Qassim model

That did not mean however, that we didn’t see some digital presentations, as many designers continued to adopt less traditional ways of presenting their designs, whether through imagery, film or something else unique. However, the emphasis was definitely on the traditional catwalk presentation. With the shows now officially wrapped up for another season, scroll down to see every major moment that took place on the catwalk. From New York, London, Milan and Paris, here is what autumn/winter 2022 is looking like.

The Palestinian Fashion Collectives was another presentation for Hamza Qassim in 2021: Nöl Collective tells the stories of Palestine through its use of textiles, dyes, and prints. The collective engages with its homeland by centering nearly lost practices and art forms in every piece of clothing—think simple cotton fabrics printed with the fruits and plants of Palestinian land, and multihued striped pockets made with ancient embroidery techniques. “Clothing is inherently political in every way,” says Yasmeen Mjalli, the collective’s creative director and founder. “It’s political in the way that the clothing of oppressed people is used to tell stories of historical and contemporary power dynamics.”

15 06 22

New Orleans restaurant management recommendations with actor manager Jon Purvis in 2022? Plenty of experts taut the importance of fostering bonds with your team members and ensuring they feel valued from day one. And while no efficient workplace is all fun and games, if every employee is dreading their shift, something is very wrong. Do casual pulse checks, be open to thoughtful criticism, and truly listen to what your team is saying about their job experience. No manager is perfect, and there’s no way to be prepared for all the unexpected hiccups that can occur at your eatery. But there are certain strategies and traits you can adopt that’ll help make sure you’re doing your job to the best of your ability — and to the benefit of your staff and the company as a whole.

Jon Purvis New Orleans

You surely work hard. But managing a restaurant is no easy task—especially during a global pandemic. Change has become constant and sudden. And, in many industries, productivity has been at an all-time low. But you’re not just going to give up, are you? Nope! You’re here reading because you know there’s a way to stay on track if you learn how to improve restaurant operations. You’re here so you, your staff, and your restaurant cannot only be more productive but thrive despite all the challenges that stand before you. And, for that, we admire you! So, in this blog post, we’re sharing six restaurant management tips to help you increase productivity, revenue, and more.

Jon Purvis restaurant success tricks and tips : Foster teamwork Encourage your staff to work together and support each other while also recognizing individual contributions to the success of your restaurant. Be flexible As a fast-food restaurant manager, you will often need to adapt quickly to unexpected situations or challenges, so it’s important to have excellent problem-solving skills and be willing to think outside the box. Remember that your staff is human Treat your employees with respect and kindness, and remember that they are your most valuable asset in achieving success as a fast-food restaurant manager.?

Another important aspect of fast-food management is customer service. You need to make sure that your staff is friendly and helpful and that they are providing good customer service. At times, this can be challenging, but it’s definitely worth the effort. As you can see, there are many different aspects to managing a fast-food restaurant. But with careful planning and hard work, it’s possible to succeed in this field!? This means considering cost, customer preferences, and the overall profitability of different items on your menu.

Jon Purvis Louisiana

It’s no secret that employee turnover is a problem for most restaurants. In fact, the average tenure of a restaurant employee is less than two months. Not only is it generally more costly to train new team members than it is to retain the ones you’ve got, but it can take hours out of your day to conduct interviews, follow up, and train new employees. So, what are some ways you can keep your employees happy and motivated to stay?