19 05 20

Ways a small business can reduce costs? Business owners want to make money, but far too many spend money unnecessarily. In fact, according to Business Insider, 82% of all businesses fail because of cash flow problems.. The easiest way you can reduce business costs is by recognizing the necessary from the unnecessary. If you’re paying thousands to a social media expert but have the highest and most positive social media presence then that’s a market differentiator. However, if you’re paying tons to an automated service line then you’re looking at a place to start when cutting costs.

It’s 20 times harder to gain a new customer than it is to keep an existing one. Evaluate your customer journey. Are customers being treated professionally throughout the journey? Examine everything from the sales process to billing to support to customer service. Is the level of service hiqh-quality for every department? We’re living in an unprecedented time in which nothing is as simple as it was just a few months ago. Because of lockdowns around the globe, some companies are finding times much tighter than ever, and that can put an onus on those in positions of power to make savings across the business to ensure that it’s financially secure.

Cutting existing costs is the first step. More importantly, look for what you can do differently that doesn’t need the same costs to support it. Can you automate, outsource or just do without? What do customers really want or need that justifies the cost? Necessity is still the mother of invention. – Bruce Werner, Kona Advisors LLC I look at my own expenses and cut back first and foremost. Can I do with less? Can I go without a paycheck for six months in order to keep my team paid? I make decisions every day to ensure the finances are there for when the hard times come so that we can still operate like normal. – Ephraim Glick, Midsouth Commercial Roofing

Cloud computing is very popular, and it isn’t hard to see why. This fairly new technology can be used in various ways; for instance, you could host a virtual phone system from your house as a customer service line. This means you can provide your clients and customers with a reliable, affordable form of customer service – even if you don’t have an office or any employees. Discretionary expenses are costs that you want but don’t need. For instance, you may be spending money on weekly snacks for the office, or you may want to buy a water cooler. We suggest holding off on discretionary expenses if you want to save money; after all, you can always buy these items later, when your business is booming! Discover more details at Reduce business costs.

A great idea to help save money for your small business is to rent a shared space instead of a separate office. It’s no doubt that every business in its embryonic stage will be small in size; meaning fewer staff members are required. Therefore, there isn’t a need to rent a large office. You can easily find a vacancy in a lot of shared workplaces as they are quite common these days. This will help you save money on the rent since the rent will be divided between your business and the other business renting the same shared space.