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Excellent quality TEFL courses in Madrid? TEFL Madrid Academy offers a great TEFL course with instructors who are all highly qualified and experienced. We also offer pre-enrollment counseling to our potential students. Teaching jobs in Madrid: The TEFL Madrid Academy’s course will prepare you to teach a variety of classes and students. We also offer job search guidance and believe in personalized customer service for all of our students, as well as our graduates. When you teach English in Spain, you help mold individuals to become better professionals or business owners within the country and abroad. Get on your way with a TEFL certification: We at the TEFL Madrid Academy are committed to guiding our prospective students through every step of preparing to work abroad.

Even though you’ve most likely spent a solid decade if not two in school, teaching isn’t so obvious. It’s not as easy as it looks. Teaching takes intelligence, tactics, and intuition. It calls for a hefty amount of planning and organisation, too. Another benefit of having a TEFL certificate is that you will be more prepared to take on a classroom of students. You’ll have plenty of tools and tricks up your sleeves to help you deliver lessons or lectures with success. Learn more here on how to end your TEFL course ready to roll for future jobs. Having the know-how knowledge will help you be more confident in whatever you do.

Here is the complete TEFL guide, with all you need to know in one place. Teaching English really is a big and high potential career! It offers lots of paths to independence, travel, learning, and adventure. As a TEFL teacher you can go to anywhere in the world and teach English there. You can spend a year in Prague, a year in Cambodia and a year in Chile. You will be able to pick and choose where in the world you will work, according to your preferences – Europe, Asia, The Middle East, South America… There is no better way to really get to know local people and their culture than living and working with them. Students are eager to tell you about their lives, traditions, experiences, work and families. They will happily guide you through their city or village showing you the sites, the people and the landmarks. You will get invited to parties, weddings and festivals. Read even more details at https://tefl-madrid.com/.

For those who have always had a vocation for teaching languages, and have always dreamt of living in one of the most beautiful Mediterranean countries in Europe, TEFL Madrid Academy offers a one in a lifetime opportunity to fulfill these aspirations. Being one of the most reputed English academies in the capital, TEFL Madrid possesses one of the best English teaching programs for those who desire to work as an English teacher abroad: i.e., the TEFL course, also known as the Teaching Language as a Foreign Language program.

For our spanish guests:

Promedio de 110 puntos en el TOEFL: según el resultado del test, precisamos cuáles son tus fortalezas y debilidades. A partir de éstas, elaboramos un plan de estudio personalizado para garantizar los mejores resultados en poco tiempo. Cursos TOEFL a tu ritmo: tú eliges el horario, si de día o de noche, y cuántas horas dedicarle a la semana. Somos enemigos de las clases eternas e improductivas, por eso nos enfocamos en la eficiencia, frescura y dinamismo de cada clase.

Cursos TOEFL intensivos de verano: Si prefieres dedicarle tiempo a tu preparación durante las vacaciones de verano, ponemos a tu disposición tres modalidades de cursos de TOEFL, para que escojas la que mejor vaya a tu ritmo de estudio. TOEFL súper intensivo: máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 4 horas diarias de lunes a viernes, 20 horas semanales, 2 semanas en total. TOEFL intensivo 1 mes: máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 2 horas diarias de lunes a viernes, 10 horas por semana, 4 semanas en total. Los mejores profesores Nativos, ya que son todos certificados por el grado más alto en la enseñanza de Inglés. Certificados TEFL y CELTA

Simulacros del TOEFL en tiempo real: Emulamos las condiciones reales del examen TOEFL, considerando su formato, estructura, contenido y tiempo. Con el cronómetro activado, aplicamos los exámenes de prueba basados en test oficiales. Profesores americanos nativos: nuestro equipo de docentes americanos nativos es el mejor medio para enseñar al alumno cómo fluye la comunicación en inglés desde todos los ángulos, en situaciones formales e informales. Ver más detalles curso TOEFL.

Feedback de profesores americanos: los profesores de EXAM Madrid Academy evalúan tu desempeño y te señalan los puntos que debes mejorar para sacar la mejor nota. Acceso online a guías oficiales: todo el material teórico y práctico oficial está disponible para los alumnos en la plataforma online, a la que puedes acceder en cualquier momento. ¡Tú decides cuándo!