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Suffering from headaches? You’re not the only one. Chances are half of your friends, family and coworkers are too. According to The American Headache society at least once a year, 50% of the world’s population suffers from headaches. These headaches come in various forms and severities. They could either occur repeatedly or occasionally. Headaches come in various forms, some may leave the individual numb while others could be severely enfeebling and may even result in nausea.

According to The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC), the health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system as well as the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health. The emphasis remains on manual treatments which include spinal adjustments and other joint and soft-tissue manipulation. This simply means experts in spine, muscle and nervous system who are specially trained to diagnose the fundamental cause as well as endorse pain relieve treatment options, restore mobility and avert recurrence without surgery or medication.

Our patients know it as and adjustment that makes them feel, move and live more freely. Scientifically it’s and adjustment that directly affects muscle and bone structures by increasing joint motion and reducing pain. It sounds complicated, but it helps explain why some of our patients say they feel improved body function. Some patients could see improvements in conditions outside from the area being treated. Allen Texas Chiropractors are have some of the highest levels of educational requirements. They have some of the highest standards levels of any health field. In fact, their education standards are comparable to that of a medical doctor. If you’re searching for an Allen Health Chiropractor such as Dr. Davis. Please Call our team for an appointment today. See more details on Chiropractor.

Usually, lower back pain gets better in a few days or weeks and often you don’t need to see your GP. See our section on symptoms above for some advice about when to seek medical help. There are a number of things you can do to help relieve back pain. Stay active and continue your daily activities as normally as you can. However, remember to take care when lifting or twisting your back. Doctors used to advise bed rest, but now we know it can make back pain worse. Try to avoid sitting for long periods. Do exercises and stretches – see our section on exercises for lower back pain below.Take over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs, for example ibuprofen) if you need pain relief. Paracetamol alone probably doesn’t work well for back pain. You should only take these medicines for a short time, not for long-term back pain. See our section on treatment below for more information about painkillers.You may want to try applying heat or cold treatments to your back. Remember not to apply ice directly to your skin.

The shoulders, elbows, and hands need stretching too! Arm circles loosen up the elbows and shoulders. To do arm circles, stand up tall with feet hip-width apart. Extend the arms out wide, palms facing down. Start making small circles in the air in a clockwise motion for 15 seconds. Then go 15 seconds in the opposite direction. Repeat for 3-5 sets of 30 seconds. The knee to chest stretch opens up the lower back, butt, and knees. Lying on the back with knees bent, bring one knee up towards the torso. Pull the knee closer until there is a pull. The stretch can be done in several ways. For example, extend one leg while bringing the next leg to the chest. Or bring both knees to the chest simultaneously. When stretching with arthritis, take a few minutes to warm up. Take a brisk walk around the room or house. Finally, stretch daily, choosing the time of day with the least arthritic pain and don’t over do it. Everything in moderation. Doctors often recommend stretching and exercise to help patients manage arthritis. Integrate the four techniques into a daily routine. Arthritis patients can also seek help from a physical therapist for a personalized plan. Don’t be afraid to stretch!

Allen Health Chiropractic
610 South Watters Road Suite 130, Allen Texas 75013
Phone#: 972-330-4644
Fax#: 972-850-7352