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It Helps Regulate Seizures: Using medical cannabis to regulate seizures is another one of the more high-profile findings coming out of medical science. For folks with disorders like Epilepsy, cannabis is showing immense promise.

Cannabis seeds can also help greatly in dealing with anxiety and depression. This is very helpful since they help in relaxing the body as well as muscles. With these properties, the seeds can also be used to help control nervous, muscular spasms and mobility problems. The relaxation that the compounds in the seeds bring can go a long way in helping to reduce the frequency of epileptic fits.

Those who experience difficulties falling asleep can benefit from using Cannabis Seeds. The seeds help to reduce the anxiety we experience just before sleeping, allowing the user to enjoy deep and relaxing sleep.

Medical Conditions and the Benefits of Cannabis

Medical Condition -> Benefits of Cannabis
Diabetes -> Lowers blood sugar for very short periods
Asthma -> Reduces spasms and relaxes the bronchial muscles
Crohn’s Disease -> Reduces abdominal cramps, controls bowel movement, reduces pain and improves appetite
Migraine -> Pail relief, helps with relaxation, stops sickness and aids sleep
Parkinson’s Disease -> Relaxes the muscles and reduces tremors. Can also reduce the side effects of conventional medicines
Epilepsy -> Decreases the number of seizures
Stress & Tension -> Removes anxiety and reduces the blood pressure
Arthritis -> Reduces pain, relaxes muscles which allows greater mobility
Multiple Sclerosis -> Reduces muscle stiffness and spasms. Pain and nerve relief. Helps improve muscle co-ordination

CBD and Medical Cannabis Research

Cannabis use has evolved far beyond the days of rolling joints and packing pipes. It comes in many forms today, including capsules, sprays, ice cream and skin cream. You can even juice with cannabis in its raw form (meaning that you can get the medical benefits without experiencing the high). And major advances in dosing have evolved, as more strains are lab-tested to determine their potency and levels of the various therapeutic compounds (aiding in our ability to target specific illnesses).

The fact that cannabis is a versatile supplement to traditional treatment methods, with little to no side effects, and can be used by patients who want to take charge of their own health, only adds to its allure. More info at CBD Seeds UK

Cannabis and the Law

Cannabis legislation is being relaxed all over the world – but not in the UK, where the most unlikely of horticulturalists are taking the law into their own hands At Discount Cannabis Seeds we only sell Cannabis Seeds as souvenirs and we do not accept any liability for customers purchasing them for any other purposes.

Is Cannabis legal?

Cannabis, unfortunately does not follow a strict line of being legal or illegal across the globe, and in fact can vary considerably in each country depending on its use and form.
Whilst it is illegal to own or possess the drug in the vast majority of countries around the world, many countries have in fact decriminalised possession in small quantities, with the reasoning that it isn’t being used to sell or supply.
In the UK, it is actually LEGAL to own cannabis seeds, such as the ones available on the Discount Cannabis Seeds website, but it is 100% ILLEGAL to grow or attempt to grow the cannabis plant from these seeds unless you have a licence from the Home Office.

Is is well known, certain countries permit the possession of cannabis in certain circumstances, such as the Netherlands and Uruguay. More recently, a number of states in the USA have enacted legalisation of the plant.

We would like to assure customers that all our Cannabis seeds are purchased from reputable Cannabis breeders and are sold in the breeder’s original packaging.

Legal Access to Cannabis in the UK

Access to cannabis within the UK is limited to the pharmaceutical cannabis based medicine Sativex.