15 06 19

Updating a website script version is one of the most complicated procedure a webmaster encounters when managing a website. How to do a Drupal 7 upgrade? Here is a small guide with various details. Let’s start with basic info : The content of your site does not live in your Drupal installation. It lives in a MySQL database which is managed by your Drupal installation. This database will sit somewhere on your server, as determined by your web host. (As an aside, I never did figure out where Dev Desktop puts the database on your computer at home. It’s a mystery.) Anyhow, the exception to this is that the images within your site do live in your Drupal installation, they are in the sites folder somewhere (depending on your settings), with Drupal keeping records of them in the database.

Note: Earlier, there used to be a migrate_plus module in Drupal 8 core which contained all the pieces of migrate functionality that wasn’t able to make it in the Drupal 7 core. It contained all the plugins for the support of XML, CSV and JSON data sources along with the support for databases like MS SQL or Oracle. This module has now been split into different modules, namely migrate_plus, migrate_tools and migrate_source_csv. Though not yet perfect, the upgrade procedure in Drupal has come quite a long way. As you can see in this tutorial, the upgrade process is now very streamlined and is an integral part of the Drupal Core. If you liked this blog post, then give a read to another blog post by us on, How To Update Drupal 8 Core.

If you’re migrating from a previous version of Drupal, start with our Preparing for a Drupal-to-Drupal Migration tutorial. From there you’ll learn how to perform a basic update using either the built in UI or the contributed Drush commands, as well as some common best practices to help things go as smoothly as possible. If you’re looking to customize your Drupal-to-Drupal migration a bit, continue through the tutorials on writing custom migrations, and then we’ll go in-depth on how to use those skills to tailor the Drupal-to-Drupal update process to your specific use-case.

The steps above outline how to get a distribution minimally installed on an existing site. But you’ll still have a lot of work to do to reconcile your existing site content and structure with what has been created by the distribution. Here are a few tips to get you started–but you should begin with the assumption that there will be lots more you’ll discover and need to fix. Blocks and contexts. Many distributions use the Context module to position blocks. Your existing site may use the core Block module for this purpose, may use Context or some other tool, or may use a combination of tools for block placement. With your new distribution’s blocks displaying as well as those enabled by your existing site, you may get more than you need or want. To address this issue, selectively disable blocks left over from your existing site. If they were custom blocks, you may wish to delete them.

Download the latest release of the distribution. Download and extract the latest release and copy your existing site’s Drupal 7 version settings.php file and files directory to the sites/default directory in the distribution install. This will point the new site to your existing site database.

There are several tips and best practices to follow to help you prepare for the upgrade. Still, since this is such a complex process, we highly recommend getting members of your development team involved from the beginning, which will help ensure the upgrade goes as smoothly as possible. Upgrading to Drupal 8 is more similar to building a new website than previous Drupal updates were, meaning that you should never perform the upgrade to Drupal 8 on a live site. It’s also strongly recommended that you create a backup of your live site so that if anything goes awry, you can quickly roll the site back to an earlier version while you figure out what the issue is. Read extra details about Migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8.

16 05 19

Looking for logo design Bradford? We have a answer for you and also some comments on the web design industry trends for 2019 and beyond.

Custom cursors have evolved since the famous old trail effects and are used as a novelty, often blending effects to modify the color and opacity of the cursor according to the elements they are overlapping. These “reactive cursors” change shape, size, opacity, color or animation in response to other elements or the actions of the user. The Organic motion is another common characteristic seen in the comeback of the cursor.

Micro-interactions are events with one purpose: to surprise the user and create an event that is inviting and human. Every time you take a small action on a website or app and there is a specific response to it, this is a micro-interaction. When you refresh a Twitter page and hear a beep, this is a micro-interaction. Or when you check Facebook, the red icon displaying your message count is—you guessed it— a micro-interaction. These have been the most common uses of them, but in 2019, web pages will heavily feature their more interactive incarnations. Hover and scrolling animations, chimes, and much more. All in all, this is a way to involve your audience in your website, to subtly transmit information to the users about their actions and usage, and make web pages feel a little smarter.

Web an apps designs are packed with animation. But it has to be there for a reason. Animation draws users to certain parts of the design, helps drive engagement or interest or tells a story. Use animation in web projects to provide a great depth of understanding to users who engage with the design. (Click through both examples above to see this animation in action … and think about how it engages your senses.)

We offer several different types of marketing services and web design packages that can help your business grow and reach it’s full potential. Lots of current customers have monthly retainers with us to help with their marketing, whether that be online or off… And we like to tailor make a bespoke marketing package for each.

Services and packages : SEO – we can help your website grow and climb up the rankings on Google; PPC – Making sure that your website is seen at the top of Google for your desired searches; Content marketing – create blog posts, eBooks, anything and everything to help your business grow and fill your website with great and interesting content; Email marketing – let us take care of your email newsletters and campaigns, design images and create interesting content for your customers. Read extra at logo design Bradford.

8 05 19

Searching for an advert adaptation and digital works studio ? Pinkart began its development in the layout of annual reports and then expanded its offer of expertise with the layout of magazines, product catalogs, books and advertising versions. Today Pinkart has a complementary team dedicated to the process of photo retouching. Finally, “Octopouce Digital” is a sister company dedicated to the development of websites and digital strategy.

The studio has developed different areas of expertise on different media. We have a team dedicated to producing magazine layouts. A second team manages the production of pocket books, including the creation of models and casting. For product catalogs, a team is specialized with the use of Easycatalog. Finally, during the season of annual reports and DDR, we produce in 24/24, 7/7. See extra details at https://www.pinkart-ltd.com/.

From the graphical base and the customer routes, we adapt the design to the different packaging. Depending on the specifications (offset, flexo, helio, …) and the graphic, we prepare the files for printing. From the flat file we can realize 3D packaging modeling. Upon receipt of the client file and the constraints of the printer (offset, flexo, helio, …), we adapt the content to the specifications and the graphic chart. We carry out the modeling in the respect of areas of fold and cut taking into account the flaps. Finally, a 3D modeling is carried out to control and verify the good execution of the works.

The terms ‘editing’ and ‘retouching’ are used quite often in the photography world, but can mean wildly different things. Some photographers even use them meaning the same thing, which can be very confusing to a couple getting married unless the photographer is specific about what they mean or unless you ask them to explain. So, in this post, I will explain what I mean by ‘editing’ and what I mean by ‘retouching’. After reading, you will have a better understanding of what the terms can mean (as I said, it can vary from photographer to photographer), so that you know what questions to ask so you understand what you will receive.

Page layout is the arrangement of text and images on both printed and digital pages — is a primary tool used by graphic designers to communicate messages in a compelling and memorable way. Through their creative talents, designers elicit emotional reactions through stunning and often awe-inspiring designs delivered through the canvas of effective page layout. But in a commercial light, designers are challenged to combine their creative instincts with the needs of the business and consistent use of brand elements, and they are often burdened by needing mutiple software applications to bring their visions to life. This challenge becomes more complex as page layout evolves to encompass more complex dimensions — not just because of the Web, but also because of new digital media such as eBooks, smartphones, and tablets such as the iPad™.

But the emergence of new media — from the Web to interactive eBooks, smartphones, and the iPad — has fundamentally changed the nature of page layout. While fitting static content on a finite page used to be a primary challenge for print layouts, today the task demands that designers incorporate scrolling Web pages, interactivity, sound, animation, movies, slide shows, and other elements that produce multiple dimensions and unlimited depth for a single page — changing the notion of page layout altogether.

For our french visitors:

recherche de un studio de graphisme pour la gestion de l’impression? Pinkart Ltd a ete creee en 2007 a Maurice pour repondre aux demandes des clients europeens a la recherche de solutions de PAO en mer. L’objectif a toujours ete d’offrir a nos partenaires des competences graphiques, une execution et une presentation d’un niveau de qualite au moins egal au niveau europeen, mais a des tarifs inferieurs de 50%.

Avec notre equipe de graphistes creatifs et techniques, nous gerons environ dix titres par mois. A partir des copies preparees et du suivi de la charte graphique que nous produisons pour les pages finies des editeurs europeens (Pre mock / Proof / Finalization et BAT). Le traitement des images est effectue par notre equipe de photogravure. Nous produisons des magazines de kiosques a journaux, des magazines industriels, des magazines techniques ou des lettres d’information. Lire extra info on mise en page catalogue.

A partir de la base graphique et des itineraires du client, nous adaptons le design aux differents emballages. En fonction des specifications (offset, flexo, helio, …) et du graphique, nous preparons les fichiers pour l’impression. A partir du fichier a plat, nous pouvons realiser une modelisation d’emballage 3D. Lorsqu’il est question de photographie, en particulier de post-traitement et de retouche d’image, le terme “retouche” designe tout processus utilise pour modifier une image. image physiquement, dans le cas d’un film ou, numeriquement, dans le cas d’une image numerique pour ameliorer l’apparence de l’image. Les retouches peuvent etre utilisees pour eliminer divers defauts d’image, par exemple la poussiere ou la salete sur un objectif ou un capteur d’image, ou, comme on le voit souvent dans les publications de mode, les defauts physiques de la peau d’un modele. Les retouches numeriques modernes sont effectuees dans un logiciel de retouche photo a l’aide de nombreux outils, tels que des pinceaux pour rendre flou, des outils de remplacement des couleurs et des tampons de duplication.

Les termes «retouche» et «retouche» sont assez souvent utilises dans le monde de la photographie, mais peuvent signifier des choses tres differentes. Certains photographes les utilisent meme dans le meme sens, ce qui peut etre tres deroutant pour un couple qui se marie, a moins que le photographe ne precise ce qu’il veut dire ou si vous leur demandez de vous expliquer. Donc, dans ce post, je vais expliquer ce que je veux dire par «montage» et ce que je veux dire par «retouche». Apres lecture, vous comprendrez mieux ce que les termes peuvent signifier (comme je l’ai dit, cela peut varier d’un photographe a l’autre), de sorte que vous sachiez quelles questions poser, afin que vous compreniez ce que vous recevrez.

La mise en page est la disposition du texte et des images sur les pages imprimees et numeriques. C’est un outil primordial utilise par les graphistes pour communiquer des messages de maniere convaincante et memorable. Grace a leurs talents creatifs, les concepteurs suscitent des reactions emotionnelles grace a des conceptions stupefiantes et souvent impressionnantes livrees au moyen de la mise en page efficace. Toutefois, d’un point de vue commercial, les concepteurs sont invites a associer leur instinct de creation aux besoins du secteur et a une utilisation coherente des elements de la marque. Ils ont souvent besoin d’applications logicielles multiples pour donner vie a leur vision. Ce defi devient plus complexe a mesure que la mise en page evolue pour englober des dimensions plus complexes – non seulement a cause du Web, mais egalement a cause des nouveaux supports numeriques tels que les livres electroniques, les smartphones et les tablettes tels que l’iPad ™.

Pour utiliser pleinement toutes les options de mise en page desormais disponibles – et creer des portefeuilles refletant les competences requises par les employeurs – les concepteurs ont besoin d’outils leur fournissant la meilleure fonctionnalite de conception adaptee a chaque type de mise en page. . Idealement, ils devraient pouvoir utiliser un seul outil et gerer une seule source d’informations afin de pouvoir effectuer un changement et le faire automatiquement refleter dans toutes les presentations.

3 05 19

AMP for Email use in travel industry. What is AMP for Email ? AMP for Email delivers a personalized experience to every Gmail recipient. AMP stands for “Accelerated Mobile Pages,” initially launched by Google in 2016 as an open-sourced library to help publishers load pages/sites more quickly in mobile. It’s had a huge impact on SEO and now it’s ready for email.

Like Doodle, Booking.com takes advantage of AMP’s dynamic content to deliver users a better experience in email. In this case, it relates to their search for lodging. As you see in this first email, Booking.com offers its users a room recommendation with an image. But, one thumbnail? That’s hardly all you need to see to decide on a room, but unlike static email, which would force you to click through to the listing page to see the photos of this apartment, AMP for email allows the user to click the arrow on the edge of the image to slide to the next photo, seen below, The user gets a more informed view of the listing without ever having to leave the email. While an email slider like this can be created with CSS, it’s been called a far smoother experience with AMP for email.

While AMP for email brings revolutionary potential to a powerful medium, not everyone’s convinced it’ll be for the better. In a blog post for Litmus, Jain Mistry outlines a few problems the technology may face: AMP for email only works in Gmail: Currently AMP for email is exclusive to Gmail. If your email list is primarily Gmail users, this may not be an issue. If it isn’t, you may have to create a non-AMP version of your email for non-Gmail users.

What are the benefits in Email Marketing for the Travel Industry? With AMP for Email, the benefits in email marketing for travel agencies and booking portals are huge. Here are some interesting examples how the travel business can significantly benefit from more dynamic emails in their email newsletter campaigns: Real-time: Show only selected products based on their real-time availability and up-to-date pricing. Even if the email recipient opens the email a day or two later, it will then show those products available and at the price at that specific moment in time. Basically: With every email open, quite possibly, the information rendered in that email can change.

Schema.org is a markup vocabulary for structured data founded by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Yandex. It is actively maintained by an open community process. In search engine optimization (SEO), Schema.org is commonly used as additional semantic markup inside web pages to help making a website’s search result snippets stand out and eventually perform better. It is also used in other popular forms of structured data in digital marketing, for instance in Facebook’s Open Graph and in Twitter Cards. In Email Marketing, however, Schema.org is still a ‘secret weapon’ that helps you to stand out from regular emails sent by your competitors.

Using Schema.org in Gmail for RSVP Actions as shown above can be used to respond directly within the email inbox realm (without leaving the email web or client interface). In this example the user can respond directly to an event invitation inside the inbox. It renders the action by showing all the details of the event including ‘Yes‘, ‘No‘, and ‘Maybe‘ responses which can be defined by the sender.

A quite similar process is necessary if you want to see the Microsoft Outlook way of Schema.org implemention in action. You must go through through Microsoft’s registration and verification process before you can use the actionable messages in Outlook: Microsoft’s email sender guidelines. Schema.org is primarily used in Gmail and Outlook, summing up to a substantial email client market share in the business world. However, it can be speculated, though, that these enhancements will drive innovation even further, also affecting other email service global players and their email clients such as Apple Mail. See more on email marketing trends at https://emailinnovations.com/events-directory/.

Email marketers already use two different MIME types to create emails for the HTML part (text/html) and plain-text part (text/plain) of an email. This is why, in your ESP, you have to create an HTML version and a plain-text version of every email you send. For AMP-powered emails, you’ll have to add a third MIME-type to your email. And that’s the problem: Without ESPs adding support for this third MIME-type, there is physically no way of creating and sending AMP-powered emails.

Marketers often wish they could update the content of an email after it’s been sent to correct a mistake or refresh an offer. With AMP-powered emails, marketers will be able to do just that. But, the question is, should they be able to? Updating an email post-send could be troubling or confusing from a subscriber perspective. A medium known to consumers as a static one turns into a dynamic feed that the sender can change as they please. Imagine opening the same email once, twice, and then a third time expecting to find the same content and not? It’s a tactic that may lead to losing trust among your subscribers—a valuable commodity in email marketing.

Email is about to become more useful and interactive – or even more annoying and distracting, depending on how you look at it – thanks to Google’s new AMP for Email project. Essentially, the search giant is seeking to save people who get lost in the rabbit hole that is their smartphone. You know when you’re reading something on your phone and after clicking around for a few minutes you think to yourself, “what app am I in again?” And then it turns out you’re not actually reading that article in Safari – you’re in Facebook.

3 05 19

A few Photoshop tricks to start : Blur Tool, Sometimes all you need from Photoshop is to do away with some fine lines. That’s where the Blur tool comes in. This simple tool works wonders to remove small wrinkles by blurring them in just a bit. Use the Blur tool to smooth-out small imperfections like the wrinkles around the eye or mouth area and simply blur them into the background. Again, be gentle and remember not to overdo it or instead of improving your image or you can end up spoiling it.

But how well do you know about Photoshop? Sometimes we’re wondering why certain web designer can design a website layout with extremely heavy graphics in 5 days, while we need around 10 days to complete that kind of design. It’s probably not about how fast you can click, it’s about how well you know about Photoshop, how you gonna unlock its full potential to boost your productivity. Stumbled upon a nicely designed website and wondering which exact colors is it using? This happens very often when I’m seeking inspiration during the time I’m doing site layout in Photoshop. For me I will launch a color picker, pick the color and get its hex number, then click on the color palette in Photoshop, then input the hex number then get the color, pretty annoying isn’t it?

Photoshop Pro : Photoshop Graphic Services

DinamicoStudio is a world class graphic design, image editing and website development offshore firm in Bangladesh which is a USA based company, currently working for Newspapers, Magazines, Digital Photographers, Advertising Agencies and Printing & Publishing Companies around the world to fulfill their graphics design and image editing needs 24/7. Our service Includes, Clipping Path Background Removing, Image Retouching, Masking (Layer and Channel), Object Removing, Drop Shadow, neck join/ghost mannequin, Glamour Enhancing, Soft Mask, Vector, Graphics designing, Brand designing, Print designing, Web design, Image processing etc.

Dinamico Studio is a world class graphic design & photo editing Company. Which is currently working for E commerce company Newspapers, Magazines, Digital Photographers, Advertising Agencies and Printing & Publishing Companies around the world. Read extra details on Amazon photo editing.

At Dinamco Studio we strive to be the world’s best editor of visual content. Reliability, efficiency and quality are the core values of our company and they are at the heart of everything we do. They apply to the work done by our skilled and committed editing professionals, to our customer support and high volume image editing.

Bangladesh Office :
Road-14 House-17, Block-D Section-12, Pallabi, Mirpur Dhaka, Bangladesh
Contact: +1 (315) 351-2012
E-mail: info@dinamicostudio.com
Website : https://dinamicostudio.com

Portugal Office:
Road- Av joao paulo l l , LTE 7 – 5 DT,
Post code 1950 , lisboa. Portugal
E-mail: manager@dinamicostudio.com

28 04 19

Looking for a serious and low cost domain name provider ? NameOcean is the brand name and website operated by Yuix Networks Inc. Dun & Bradstreet DUNS: 815428653, Belize Company Number: 171104. NameOcean was founded in December 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey. Free SSL Certificates, Security is important and that’s why we offer Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates at no charge for all domains. We’ll even auto renew them for you!

All NameOcean domains come with a SSL certificate issued by Let’s Encrypt. Protect your website and visitors with this free certificate that 100% works like an expensive traditional certificate. Read more on Buy domain name. Each NameOcean SSL certificate is: Supported by all major browsers, Automatically validated and created, 90 days duration, Zero maintenance, Wildcard Certificate.

NameOcean provides free DNS for every domain. You can easily point your domain to website, setup your mail exchanger records or forward a domain to another domain.

Each NameOcean DNS:
– Unlimited queries per month
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Since 2012, ICANN granted corporations to administer for new generic top level domains. There are also world-renowned companies such as Google and Amazon in the list of applications. For instance, these companies applied for following TLDs in ICANN’s New Generic TLD program: .dev, .ai, .app or .author and .book

We don’t charge any fee for domains on NameOcean. You can buy a new domain or transfer your domain and use our free services like ssl, dns and health check immediately. If you need help transfering your domain, check our tutorial: How to transfer a domain to NameOcean? Read extra details at Free SSL.

Choosing the best possible domain for your would-be website is not always a walk in the park. In fact, it can sometimes feel extremely frustration coming up with a ton of ideas that don’t seem to do the trick. That being said, everybody deserves a really good domain for their business or organization. Everything may depend on this, because it has impact on your SERPs ranking, among other things. Luckily, this post is written to help you do that very easily (and efficiently too). With that in mind, let’s dive in and discuss the top 5 must-know tips for finding the awesome domain you will be proud of.

Every expert will advise you to start with keyword research – Everything depends on it apparently. But trying to come up with a few keywords without any help is difficult, to say the least. That’s why you need to start your keyword research with a tool To find your awesome domain name, use NameOcean.net to generate the perfect domain name. It is a really good AI-powered domain search tool that will not only give you a good domain name but, generates hundreds of alternative domain names in seconds. Obviously, you cannot do that. Besides, all NameOcean domains come with $100 worth free premium features like free SSL, DNS, and website uptime monitoring. That is why you need to start your keywords with a Domain Name Generator.

How to check that your domain name is eligible for transfer? See https://nameocean.net/transfer-domain/. Write your current domain name above and we will check if it is eligible for transfer. Before starting the transfer of any domain name make sure your domain meets the following conditions: Request your domain’s Auth/EPP Code from your current registrar. You can ask us to find your domain’s current registrar or you can use our Whois Lookup Tool to find out your domain registrar. Your website will experience no downtime if your domain is pointed to your host’s custom DNS servers (hosting or private nameservers). To minimize downtime during transfer in case your domain is using current Registrar’s default DNS servers, please read this help article (optional).

Good part is NameOcean provides Free Wildcard SSL Certificate for everyone. Just buy a domain name from NameOcean and download your Wildcard SSL Certificate from NameOcean’s dashboard. If you have a current domain name and want to have a free ssl certificate, you can transfer your domain to NameOcean right now.

8 04 19

Searching for a hot-sppot provider in Germany ? Here are some info on what to need from your HotSpot provider and also some technical details.

Is hotspot a WiFi? A hotspot is a physical location where people may obtain Internet access, typically using Wi-Fi technology, via a wireless local area network (WLAN) using a router connected to an internet service provider. Public hotspots may be created by a business for use by customers, such as coffee shops or hotels.

What is the range of mobile hotspot? Such an access point (or hotspot) has a range of about 20 meters (66 feet) indoors and a greater range outdoors. 802.11g offers wireless transmission over distances of 150 feet and speeds up to 54Mbps compared with the 11Mbps of the 802.11b standard.

For our german guests :

Offentlicher Internetzugang gehort heute zum guten Ton, wenn man jedoch die Internet-Vernetzung international betrachtet fallt auf, dass Deutschland durch die umstrittene Storerhaftung den Anschluss an andere Lander langst verloren hat. So besteht fur den Anbieter das mogliche Risiko bei missbrauchlicher Nutzung seines Anschlusses zur Verantwortung gezogen zu werden. Ein signifikanter Nachteil fur Sie und Ihre Gaste. Um Sie vor drohenden Abmahnungen und Strafen, die Sie nicht selbst verschuldet haben, zu schutzen, wurde die cleanWeb-Box entwickelt. Lesen Sie mehr uber HotSpot support.

As the operator of a public Internet access, the connection owner for the infringement of copyright infringements remains liable. This is confirmed by numerous incoming requests for our solution. Cease-and-desist statements in the lower to middle three-digit range are the result of file sharing and movie streaming by guests, the callers report. Protection provides content filtering and various port locks. Both are provided by our HotSpot solution happyspot.de . If it is already too late, only the way to the lawyer and the hedge against further violations helps. We check your request and make your connection safe.

Our specialization lies in the IT support of small and medium-sized businesses in the vicinity of: Biberach, Riedlingen, Ochsenhausen, Bad Waldsee, Ulm and Laupheim. Outsourcing the IT of smaller companies of 2-15 employees means that the entire IT operation is no longer realized by its own servers, but that these services are provided on highly favorable terms and conditions. As a result, owners and decision-makers can eliminate high IT investment costs from their budgets and thus remain liquid at all times. As an established IT partner in the district of Biberach, we know about the concerns and fears of our customers, so we deliver and operate our servers exclusively from and in German data centers.

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Company Contact Info:
W-lan Hot-Spot
Am Bahndamm 13
88422 Bad Buchau
Telefon: 07582637-469
Telefax: 07582637-475
E-Mail: m.winkler@myweb-it.de

2 04 19

Where? Toronto, Canada. When ? Spring 2019. Test your SEO skills with SEO contest uWelcome2019! A selected group of competitors was gathered to join the SEO Contest Uwelcome2019. In this contest, these SEOs will measure the strength of their skills.

What is a SEO Contest ? According to the most visited info website , Wikipedia, we have a first definition : A SEO contest is a prize-awarding activity which challenges search engine optimization (SEO) practitioners to achieve high ranking under major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN using certain keyword(s). This type of contest is controversial because it often leads to massive amounts of link spamming as participants try to boost the rankings of their pages by any means available. The organizing body of a SEO competition may hold the activity without promotion of a product or service in mind; or they may organize a contest in order to market something on the Internet. Participants can showcase their skills and potentially discover and share new techniques for promoting websites.

The real winner of the SEO Hero contest was the organizer… So if you want some attention for your SEO agency here are a few tips about organizing SEO Contests : Create the competition pages as close to your target page or section and link back from the competition to the target page or section. This process works well when the nominations are highly active with a large following and receptive to your brand. These kinds of competition shouldn’t be executed more than once a quarter because of all the stages required and to protect the sense of exclusivity.

SEO Hero is a thing of the past, the present is SEO tournament in 2019 uWelcome! Reason to participate ? Generate organic traffic to your SEO contest website. You may have just launched it or just want to give it a boost of visits to your page. Well, here you can also hold raffles and social networking contests. This way people will retain your website and come back to check it out. See more info on best SEO contest uWelcome2019

SEO Hero : the truth about it! However, the service retains a bad reputation in the middle, which prompted the company to launch a competition contest with the keyword SEO Hero where the aim is to exceed the site launched by Wix. A dangerous game Wix wants to show that its platform is strong, but by launching an SEO contest, the company risks facing up to strong people, especially with a bonus of $ 50 000 for the winner! SEO Hero Wix has therefore put online a site optimized for the terms “SEO Hero” while using its solution. Each webmaster, référenceur… is invited to create a site using the CMS of its choice and will receive $ 50 000 if it is positioned in front of the site within 4 months.

27 03 19

Do you need more Instagram likes ? People want to be admired on Instagram and for that they need more likes. Curated topics and personalized content you will adore. At least that’s what Instagram believes, based on your previous actions and engagement patterns. Wired calls it, “the most honest place on the internet.” Ah, how nice. Click on the magnifying glass to see for yourself. For your brand to become more recognized. Placing high on the Explore tab can get you new followers and a steady flow of traffic.

Though it might sound frivolous, being consistent in your filtering scheme is one of the top ways to build your Instagram brand. Using the same set of filters (one or two!) for all of your photos helps you create and maintain a consistent visual identity on your Instagram account. This makes your photos instantly recognizable on your followers’ feeds, increasing recognition and getting you more consistent likes.

Though it’s not nearly as strict as Facebook, Instagram can be tough on brands looking to increase their reach organically. Taking advantage of the Instagram Ads platform to promote your posts helps you reach people that don’t already follow you. Its powerful targeting options (it’s the same as the Facebook Ads platform) allows you to select with pinpoint precision the people who will see your ads. If your targeting is sound and your content is engaging, you can bet you’ll gain more followers who are interested in your business, which means more likes. If none of this works you might explore automatic Instagram likes.

Instagram ads are a financial investment that can often be worth it for the exposure and engagement they bring. Just be sure to target your ads for your intended purpose. Some planning ahead of time and choosing the right settings when preparing your ad will increase your chances of reaching the right audience. Don’t get discouraged if you need to adjust some things and make changes to see success. That’s par for the course.

Being successful on Instagram requires planning and dedication. Only the most interesting accounts get noticed. You want to be sure to always post professional looking images with interesting subject matter. You can buy Instagram likes to get a jumpstart on your following and engagement, but it’s quality content that keeps folks coming back for more. Take time to plan your content calendar so that you’re always sure to have likable images ready. Many reputable sites like Plixi, Buzzoid and Stormlikes sell Instagram likes.

My favorite way to get more likes for free is to tag four to six accounts in my post. You’d first want to research popular and up-and-coming accounts that you think will like your post. Then, publish your post after tagging the accounts. Much of the time, these accounts will repost your content, and you’ll get more exposure, impressions and likes. Organic is always the best engagement you can have. No one enjoys bots or spam. There have been a plethora of automation tools that have emerged on the Internet, claiming to “instantly boost your Instagram engagements.” In reality, it is hard to gain followers and likes overnight without putting in actual work. Utilizing these commercial programs allow bots to run your account, commenting and liking posts under your behalf. Although this can attract new visitors to your Instagram, it goes against Instagram’s policies and brings in “fake followers” that may or may not be interested in your business at all. As long as you post consistent, relevant content, the engagement will come.

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Blogging is something everyone does at this moment, a lot of people are wanting to start a blog. Here are some things you need to know about how to write an anonymous blog. 1st we talk about free blogging websites and after that we discuss about own hosted blogging methods. One of the veterans of this list, LiveJournal (like Blogger) started life in 1999. Perhaps because of its age, it rather blurs the lines (the site says “wilfully”) between blogging and social networking. The result is more of a community that affords you your own space, but that also very much encourages communal interaction. It is possible to fashion something more private, but to get the most out of LiveJournal, you need to be prepared to delve into discussion as much as writing.

WordPress.com is a blog hosting service from the same company, Automattic, that’s behind WordPress.org. It’s free to launch your blog on WordPress.com, but you have to pay for extra features like storage and your own domain name. Like Wix and Weebly, to remove the WordPress.com logo you need to upgrade to a paid plan, which start from $4 a month. WordPress.com works in the same way as drag-and-drop builders. You construct your blog by selecting and moving elements around on your screen WordPress.com must be doing something right as it claims to power 30% of the internet. SEO is one of WordPress.com’s big strengths, with sites loading quickly and backed up by powerful infrastructure. Set up is fast and the platform is straightforward to get to grips with. On the downside, customization opportunities are limited – especially when compared to WordPress.org. You can’t edit the code and you don’t have complete control over your blog. Read more about start an anonymous blog free.

Drupal is a great option for blogs associated with businesses because it is not just a blogging platform, but a complete content management system. This means that along with your blog, web pages and other online content can be created and organized within this platform. Drupal does not host blogs for users, so bloggers using this platform will have to find their own host someplace else. Drupal is also not a platform that readily accommodates beginners, so it is better for those upgrading from a free blogging platform rather than for the blogger just starting out. Extra details about how to build a lifestyle blog.

This is why all of the most successful bloggers started their own self-hosted blog. It’s cheap, grants you access to your own personal domain name (e.g. myepicsite.com vs. myepicsite.blogging-platform.com), and you’ll have no limitations. Oh, and you’ll also have access to premium website templates and design plugins to ensure that your new site looks like something created by a pro. One more thing to mention: Your blog is going to be a milestone for your life. Building a blog is building yourself an “Internet home”, even if it’s only to enjoy making something by yourself. You can make a small commitment to what you’re interested in and create a collection of such pieces as stories and photos around your topic. You will be amazed at where you end up in time! More info about how do you set up a blog.

One of the major benefits of WordPress is its great list of free plugins, many of which can be found at the WordPress plugin repo. There are also many premium plugins that are available at varying costs. Technically, as a new blogger wanting to start your blog with minimal investment, you may not need any premium services or plugins. But if you don’t have an investment issue, you can grab some of the premium plugins to help you increase your site’s functionality (like boosting your on-page SEO optimization).