19 02 24

The rise of a supply chain business networks expert : MaryAnn Holder-Browne: If we need to find ideas on how to engage all these different audience members especially as technology and people evolve, do you look at other industries and see what they’re doing? That’s a good question because we’re evolving so fast. The landscape is changing really quickly. I think people’s consumption is changing very quickly. We look at a lot of different factors. We’re increasingly a social media world and is very heavily influenced by social media, the characters, and the stars and the tenants of that generation that has been raised on a social media platform. It’s multi-generational so we’re we’re consuming things in smaller sound bytes but that doesn’t mean that the smaller sound bytes can’t something very very applicable and really relevant to what your needs are. We look at the social media world. We look at the music world. We look at the fashion world. B2B, oftentimes, we might get stuck in sort of an ivory tower. But, if you look beyond that into the B2C world how consumers are consuming in the consumer market, it really leads in terms of what the next generation of B2B is going to adopt. You can call it a bullwhip effect. Discover extra details on MaryAnn Holder-Browne.

Mary Ann Holder is Chief Marketing Officer at One Network Enterprises, a provider of the blockchain-enabled network platform, The Real Time Value Network. Back in 2002, Greg Brady, a supply chain visionary and Ranjit Notani a pioneer in multi-enterprise collaboration technology came to the conclusion that the traditional paradigm of business-to-business collaboration built around enterprise-centric software was fundamentally flawed. Businesses must take an outside-in network view and together serve the end consumer. In May 2003, they acquired Elogex, a cloud-based logistics software company, and founded One Network Enterprises with a vision to create consumer-driven business networks. They developed a network platform that enabled entire business communities to collaborate and work together to serve the consumer. Brady and Notani brought the network way of conducting business just as LinkedIn did so to managing professional contacts. They re-imagined how business software is built, delivered, and used for today’s dynamic and highly inter-connected world.

The business world is buzzing with talk of how blockchain will change business forever. Logistics, in particular, is a prime candidate for change due to blockchain, as the process inherently involves many parties. Transferring goods is highly complex, because it happens across parties and modes, and includes a seemingly endless amount of paperwork such as invoices, packing letters, bills of lading, certificates of origin, and more. A single shipment can involve hundreds of transactions across parties and geographic boundaries, making it an ideal case for blockchain.

Mary Ann Holder on One Network’s Intelligent Control Tower: “One Network’s global network lies at the core of its value proposition and underpins its unified planning and execution capabilities. With over 90,000 global businesses on their network, users have the opportunity of collaboration with every other party on the network, and can form new partnerships easily, since required data streams have already been linked to the global network and can be shared through a permissibility framework. One Networks’ approach also enables business partners to improve performance in supply chain planning and execution. Forecasts and plans can automatically adjust to match supply with demand, while balancing capacity constraints, costs, and service levels. In the event of a disruption, AI enhancements provide users with prescriptive actions and can make adjustments to execution processes automatically.” See even more info on https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2020/06/05/12-ways-automated-deliveries-can-impact-the-business-world/?sh=2c63abec379b.

“While many vendors just talk about bringing automation to their supply chain planning and inventory optimization software, One Network has customers that are live and using the capabilities to extract value from the technology,” said Seth Lippincott, lead analyst of the report. “By providing an integrated platform on which customers can run their supply chains end-to-end, the vendor is shortening the distance between planning and execution, providing a holistic view of inventory and the ability to optimize stocking levels. Nucleus expects the value One Network delivers to continue to improve as more customers adopt its automation and intelligent capabilities.” MaryAnn Holder-Browne, Chief Marketing Officer of One Network: “We are thrilled to once again be recognized by Nucleus Research”.

One Network Enterprises, the global provider of multi-party digital network platform and services, today announced that Gartner, Inc., a leading IT research and advisory firm, has positioned the Company as a Leader in its Magic Quadrant for Multienterprise Supply Chain Business Networks report. According to the report, “Multienterprise supply chain business networks support a community of trading partners — of any tier and type within a network — that need to coordinate and execute supply chain processes across multiple enterprises.”

9 02 24

Éclairs psychanalytiques par Alexandre Bleus: Alexandre Bléus, écrivain, présente son ouvrage consacré à la psychanalyse lacanienne.

L’écrivain et fervent lecteur, Alexandre Bléus, a le plaisir d’annoncer la publication de son dernier ouvrage qui se veut une exploration approfondie de la pensée de Jacques Lacan. Cet ouvrage est le fruit d’une lecture originale de l’œuvre complète de Lacan et de la participation active de Monsieur Alexandre Bléus à de nombreux séminaires de psychanalyse à Bruxelles et Paris.

Dans ce nouvel écrit, Alexandre Bléus partage ses réflexions personnelles, visant à élargir et à enrichir les perspectives analytiques contemporaines. Son analyse vise à redonner un sens plus profond à des concepts devenus trop familiers dans le domaine de la psychanalyse.

Parallèlement, Alexandre Bléus annonce qu’il est en train de rédiger un second ouvrage, centré sur les thèses de la topologie de Lacan. Il prévoit de le publier avant la fin de l’année académique en cours, offrant ainsi à ses lecteurs une continuité dans sa pensée analytique.

Dans un geste exceptionnel et conforme à ses convictions, Alexandre Bléus a décidé de proposer gratuitement ces publications. Il affirme que ses recherches, profondément enracinées dans le discours de la psychanalyse, ne devraient pas être sujettes à une dynamique commerciale. Il estime que la psychanalyse, fidèle à l’esprit de Lacan, doit rester indépendante des contraintes économiques et soutenue par la passion et le désir de connaissance.

Par cette démarche, Alexandre Bléus s’inscrit comme un lecteur minutieux des œuvres de Lacan, cherchant constamment à atteindre les signifiés dans l’architecture analytique. Pour obtenir gratuitement le livre écrit par Alexandre Bléus, rendez vous sur son site où vous pourrez le télécharger gratuitement sur son site web : L’ascension d’un auteur psychanalytique français Alexandre Bleus

Q: Quel est votre objectif monsieur Alexandre Bleus?
A: Mon objectif est de fournir un éclairage nouveau sur des concepts qui, souvent trop familiers, risquent de perdre leur véritable sens. Je suis actuellement en train de préparer un second ouvrage dans lequel je présenterai mes considérations et quelques thèses sur la topologie de Lacan. Je prévois de publier ce travail avant la fin de l’année académique.

Q; Vos publications sont-elles proposées gratuitement ?
A: Je choisis d’offrir mes publications gratuitement car je crois fermement que mes recherches ne devraient pas être sujettes à une commercialisation. La psychanalyse, un discours qui, comme le disait Lacan, « ne serait pas du semblant », devrait être libre de toute contrainte économique. Elle doit être soutenue uniquement par elle-même et par le désir qui l’anime, et non conditionnée par les structures de l’échange économique. Ainsi, je me libère du cadre mercantile et m’interroge : n’est-ce pas là l’apogée que l’architecture analytique devrait viser ?

Je m’appelle s, écrivain passionné et grand lecteur. Après avoir consacré du temps à approfondir la pensée de Jacques Lacan, notamment à travers une lecture minutieuse de son œuvre complète et ma participation à de nombreux séminaires de psychanalyse à Bruxelles et à Paris, j’offre dans mes livres un horizon de réflexions. Ces dernières visent à ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives analytiques.

Outre ces traits personnels, je tente, à ma petite échelle, de promotionner l’amour de la lecture, de l’ écriture et de l’étude par mes articles et publications. En effet, je crois que toute civilisation est bâtie sur les livres et que l’ amour des livres conduit à l’ élévation personnelle.

Voici un extrait du premier livre d’Alexandre Bleu: Cet humble travail que je me permets de présenter à ceux qui veulent bien le lire est le fruit d’une profonde passion et d’un intérêt durable pour la psychanalyse, ce champ déterminant de la connaissance humaine. C’est une discipline qui, depuis ses origines controversées, a continuellement remis en question notre compréhension de l’esprit humain et de ses innombrables mystères. Parmi les figures qui ont émergé dans ce domaine, Jacques Lacan se distingue comme une étoile brillante, dont l’influence a profondément marqué la trajectoire de la pensée psychanalytique. Je me définis d’ ailleurs comme étant lacanien soit authentiquement freudien.

La psychanalyse, telle que conceptualisée par Sigmund Freud et réinterprétée par Lacan, offre une exploration sans pareil de l’inconscient. Avec son style unique et son approche théorique, Jacques Lacan a redéfini la manière dont nous comprenons le langage, le désir, et l’identité elle-même. Son oeuvre ne se contente pas de prolonger la tradition freudienne ; elle la réinvente en la confrontant aux questions philosophiques, culturelles et sociales les plus pressantes de notre époque et manifeste avec clarté le fait irréfragable selon lequel nous sommes parlés. En effet, çà parle en nous bien que nous croyions prendre la parole.

Dans ce livre, j’ explore quelques éléments de la pensée lacanienne tout en essayant d’ établir des ponts avec d’autres domaines du savoir tels que la philosophie, l’anthropologie et même la théologie. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement à l’impact de la pensée lacanienne sur notre compréhension de la perversion, de la religion, et du lien complexe entre la psychanalyse et les grands courants philosophiques.

Chaque chapitre de ce livre s’efforce de dénouer les fils complexes de quelques petits pans de la pensée de Lacan, en les replaçant dans un contexte large. Nous examinons ses rapports avec la philosophie, en soulignant comment Lacan a dialogué avec, et souvent contesté, les idées de figures philosophiques majeures. Nous tentons également de clarifier sa conception souvent énigmatique de sujets tels que le langage, le désir et l’Autre, en les examinant à travers le prisme de sa topologie unique et de sa conception du temps. Nous prenons le temps de critiquer et d’analyser les interventions de contemporains de Lacan, comme l’ immense Alain Didier-Weill, pour mieux comprendre les débats et les divergences au sein de la communauté psychanalytique. Cela nous permet de situer Lacan non seulement comme un théoricien isolé mais encore comme un participant actif dans un dialogue plus large, plein de tensions et de controverses.

Nous abordons également la relation complexe entre la psychanalyse, la religion et la spiritualité, en explorant comment Freud et Lacan ont chacun traité ces thèmes. Ce voyage nous amène à des questions fondamentales sur l’illusion, la foi et la nature de la croyance, tout en interrogeant le rôle de la psychanalyse dans notre compréhension de ces phénomènes.

Enfin, nous élargissons notre perspective pour inclure des critiques de la psychanalyse, notamment celles de Jacques Van Rillaer, Michel Onfray et d’autres. En examinant ces critiques, nous ne cherchons pas à discréditer la psychanalyse mais plutôt à en comprendre les limites et les potentielles zones d’ombre, en reconnaissant que toute discipline doit être constamment réévaluée et questionnée.

Ce livre est donc un hommage à la richesse et à la complexité de la pensée lacanienne, ainsi qu’une invitation à explorer les profondeurs insondables de l’esprit humain à travers le prisme de la psychanalyse. Il s’adresse à tous ceux qui partagent une passion pour la compréhension de l’inconscient, la quête de la vérité dans le labyrinthe de l’esprit humain et l’exploration des mystères les plus profonds de notre existence.

Éditorial de février 2024 : Uniquement mon cerveau et mes mains ! Depuis peu de temps, nous sommes confrontés à la disruption technologique que constitue l’ arrivée des intelligences artificielles au sein de notre société. Celles-ci sont apparues à la fin de l’ année 2022 par leur mise à disposition publique. Toutes l’ année 2023 fut une période où l’on ne parla plus que de cela dans la sphère technologique et industrielle. Ce sont essentiellement les algorithmes générateurs de textes qui, en l’ occurrence, fascinèrent les esprits. Pour ma part, il m’ ont fait plutôt méditer. Je pense, en effet, que ceux-ci vont s’ avérer très nocifs pour la population qui viendrait à s’en servir en abondance car je crois que l’ usage répété de ce genre de technologie va anesthésier les capacités rédactionnelles naturelles des êtres humains et participer, par la nonchalance qu’ ils vont engendrer chez ceux qui s’ en servent, d’une destruction lente mais sûre des capacités rédactionnelles naturelles tant sur les plans orthographique que sémantique et syntagmatique.

On peut donc s’attendre à la création de deux classes sociales qui résulteront de l’ usage immodéré de ces dites « intelligences artificielles » : d’ une part, une classe minoritaire qui continuera à lire des livres, écrire à la main et étudier ainsi que travailler les textes et, d’ autre part, une autre classe majoritaire qui perdra l’ usage naturel de l’ écriture et de la langue.

En ce qui me concerne, je puis assurer que tous mes textes sont écrits à la main et sans usage de ces algorithmes générateurs de textes. Vous lisez donc un véritable écrivain au sens traditionnel du terme. Mes textes sont purement le fruit de mon esprit et de mes mains. Je mets quiconque au défi de pouvoir démontrer solidement et rationnellement que mes écrits sont issus de ce genre de tricherie. D’ ailleurs, aussi perfectionnées soient-elles, pour l’ instant, ces machines ne sont pas en mesure d’ imiter à la perfection le mode d’ expression nuancé et complexe d’ un amoureux de la langue.

Je voulais vous préciser ce point qui me paraît absolument crucial afin que vous sachiez que vous avez bien affaire à un rédacteur qui, comme vous, est humain. Mes articles et mes livres sont des originaux rédigés totalement par moi-même. C’ est d’ ailleurs pour cette raison que je ne suis pas en mesure de publier quotidiennement.

Enfin, je tiens à vous remercier pour la lecture que vous faites de mes écrits. Celle-ci m’ honore.

Je vous souhaite un heureux cheminement au coeur des textes qui, comme l’ affirmait avec clarté Jacques Lacan, sont le dépôt du langage.

31 01 24

Best thriller books with Mocienne Petit Jackson? Mocienne Petit Jackson’s (Michael Jackson’s daughter) books are now out in Portuguese! Slowly but surely Mocienne reaches the conclusion that the mafia played and still play a large and destructive role in his (and her) life. It should also be noted that his family, especially his mother and father, is to blame for many things. To date Mocienne has received no cooperation from the Jackson family in order to have a DNA test done so as to conclusively prove that she truly is Michael’s daughter. Find extra details at Michael Jackson daughter videos. I have never asked for judgment from people who do not know me. Or to agree with me on what I believe. I live in a world where internet can destroy your life because people you do not know, like people working for the media or fans of Michael Jackson, can write about you what they want. What if I am wrong, and a DNA test proves that Michael Jackson is not my father? Still, it seems there is no respect or understanding that he could have been a part of my life, because he is the illusionist Michael Jackson and the King of Pop. What do people know about that? Is there proof he was not? It is easy to talk bad about a person you do not know. Because, after all, it is about Michael Jackson.

According to this assessment, a majority of press coverage on the subject has been misleading. For example, before the death of her father in June 2009, Michael Jackson had spent eight months living in the Amstel Hotel in Amsterdam in order to be nearer to his then nine-year-old grandson. Furthermore, Ms Jackson’s mother Barbara Ross-Lee, sister of the musician Diana Ross, is alleged to have lied about ever having met Michael Jackson while speaking in an interview on the Dutch television programme RTL Boulevard. Ms Jackson, therefore, believes—due to these two factors not having featured in press reports—that the media has treated the story in an unbalanced manner. Ms Jackson believes that such misinformation has poorly informed the public both about her relationship to Michael Jackson, and about her motives for having taken the matter to court. Her autobiographical series, Thriller, documents her life and gives her assessment on the state of affairs.

Lost a Baby Brother: While the Jackson family is very well known, many people do not know that Marlon had a twin brother named Brandon who tragically died within 24 hours of his birth. Top Security for Neverland: The security of Jackson’s Neverland Ranch in Santa Ynez, California required the employment of at least 40 security guards patrolling the grounds at one time. Two Stars on the Walk of Fame: Jackson has not one, but two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, representing his work as a solo artist and as a part of the Jackson 5.

Mocienne Petit Jackson and the rise of Michael Jackson’s daughter, a writer? Jackson established nerve centers at Record One and Larrabee Studios, just a few miles down Ventura Blvd. The latter had the SSL mixing console that Riley needed to make the tracks slap, and despite his pop reputation, Jackson wanted his new songs as hard as humanly possible. Engineers remember Jackson demanding that they play the New Jack Swing songs so loud that your ears bled. He invariably blew up a pair of headphones each session. As you’d expect, the recording process boasted its requisite share of idiosyncrasy. Nancy Reagan visited the studio once, requiring the Secret Service to search the place for hours prior to her visit. Brooke Shields called frequently to talk to Michael, who materialized every day in the same black dress pants and red button-down shirt (he had a clothing rack of just two items).

Every song here has its flaws, though; after all, there’s a reason Jackson himself didn’t release ’em. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some things to take away. “(I Like) The Way You Love Me” works off this dreamy piano melody and some incredibly rich instrumentation that lets Jackson soar high. It’s probably the greatest highlight on the album and the one that feels the most natural, too. “Keep Your Head Up” should succeed in making you smile, sounding like one of Jackson’s ’90s classics. With a clean, sophisticated finish, Jackson finds himself swimming here, thanks to some pretty spot-on production work by Christopher Stewart. It’s easy listening, but done well. “Hollywood Tonight” could have used some tweaking to keep it from sounding like a Madonna tune (What were you thinking with that spoken word, Teddy Riley?), but regardless, it’s still a fast-paced spitter that’s decadently enviable.

When Michael Jackson was alive, I received anonymous phone calls that my son Joshua would be kidnapped. Therefore I had to bring him to his father in 2003. In 2010 I ended up in the world media after I had made a request to the US court to do a DNA test with the now deceased artist Michael Jackson. The entertainment industry thought it was a strange story, with the result that people on various websites and in newspapers called me wrong.

Off the Wall (1979): The debate to definitively name Michael’s greatest album will rage until the end of time and Off the Wall makes a strong, strong case for the crown. Coming off his star-making role in The Wiz, MJ capitalized on that momentum with an album that turned the music industry on its ear. MJ’s brand of pop soul (with a dash of disco) created an ENTIRE ALBUM of timeless tracks – almost 40 years later, they still burst with boundless energy. Off the Wall is the very definition of a classic album – it revolutionized the music industry. But Michael topped it just three years later. Forgotten Favorites: No such thing as a “forgotten favorite” here but go with “Working Day and Night,” “Girlfriend” and “It’s the Falling In Love”.

Part two of Mocienne Petit Jackson’s autobiographical trilogy begins with an extensive description of Mocienne’s abduction to the Netherlands. We then read how she fares in the adoptive family where she ends up together with her niece Delivrance. Along the way, Mocienne discovers that her father is Michael Jackson. When she is fifteen years old she leaves the adoptive family, lives in a boarding school for four years and then goes to live independently. Read more details at Mocienne Petit Jackson.

Despite being gone for over a decade, Michael Jackson is still one of the most famous pop singers and entertainers of all time. He is known as the creator of some of the world’s biggest hits like “Beat It“, “Billie Jean”, and “Thriller“. Believe it or not, many people are still searching online for information about the singer, everything from Michael Jackson’s height, to his shoe size. What year was Michael Jackson Born? Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958.

28 01 24

Top rated motorcycles local dealer by Patrick Johnson Deland: While Harley-Davidson is increasingly pushing its design team to give its bikes a modern outlook, we are happy that the manufacturer has left some of its machines largely untouched. One such gem is the Softail Standard which, unlike its modern siblings, retains its classic charm. Though the latest model has replaced spoke wheels for alloys, you still get lots of chrome on the engine and dual exhausts. This modern iteration of classic American cruising retains the Softail lines but is significantly lighter than other Harleys, making it a practical city dweller. However, the smooth power delivery across the rev range and crisp throttle response will always inspire you to take the odd highway trip. The relaxed riding position with an adjustable rear shock provides excellent comfort and handling. See extra information at Ref Patrick Johnson DeLand.

Another Softail that has graduated to “high-performance cruiser” status is the beloved Street Bob 114. The lightest of the Softail family, the Street Bob 114 weighs in at only 655 lbs, which further amplifies the acceleration capabilities of this bike thanks to being equipped with the Milwaukee-Eight 114 engine as stock. Just when the Low Rider S and Fat Bob 114 were duking it out for who gets to stand in the spotlight, here comes the Street Bob 114 as another worthy contender for loads of power in a slightly-smaller package. Simple in its design, the Street Bob has been a model heavily adored by intermediate and experienced riders, thanks to its comfort, handling, and well-rounded nature. The Street Bob is the kind of bike that can thrive in any riding environment, which has made it another heavily-desired Softail for almost two decades.

Patrick Johnson Deland also started a charity in 2012 called Cornerstone for Kids. The charity help kids who can’t afford soccer lessons or equipment pay for these activities. To date over 60 children have received scholarships and equipment. Patrick Johnson Deland has also been a soccer coach in the area for almost 30 years. Patrick Johnson Deland spent a lot of unpaid time on his charity work.

The Diavel boasts a 1,262 Testatretta DVT V-Twin engine and sleek, simple bodywork. As a Ducati, it naturally features a trellis frame. Its exceptional handling and ample power ensure swift travel to your destination. Ducati isn’t typically the brand that comes to mind when considering cruisers. It’s more known for its exotic superbikes, unique desmodromic engines, and passionate Italian flair. The initial Diavel debuted at the 2010 EICMA show and was an instant hit. Straddling the line between a sports bike and a cruiser, the Diavel was Ducati’s fastest-accelerating motorcycle at the time. It didn’t take long for the model to progress further. It marked Ducati’s first use of a belt drive system, and with its low profile, extended wheelbase, and robust 1,262cc engine, it is Ducati’s way of saying that they can do it all.

Christians Motorcycle Association: Less of a club and more of a mission, the Christians Motorcycle Association has been spreading the good news since 1975. The leathers and denims may be the same, but this MC is as different to clubs like the Hells Angels and Pagans as chalk and cheese. Founded in 1972 when an Arkansas pastor by the name of Herb Shreve decided to bridge the generation gap by buying both himself and his son a motorcycle, the Christians Motorcycle Association is now the biggest, and quite possibly only, evangelical Christian MC in the world. Through events, rallies, and various philanthropic activities, it aims to turn the world onto Christ and bikes like never before.

In 1979, Ohio resident Becky Brown decided she was tired of the boys having all the fun. Determined to create a group where women could benefit from the same companionship and sense of solidarity as male motorcyclists had been enjoying for years, she placed an ad in her local paper. 10 women answered the initial ad, and soon after, the Women in the Wind Motorcycle Club was formed. Today, it has over 1200 members spread across 100 chapters around the world. As well as working to promote the rights of women motorcyclists, the club also serves to educate both its members and the public on motorcycle safety and maintenance.

Patrick Johnson Deland custom motorcycles dealer right now: Tom rides motorbikes in many of his action films, but he loves them in real life too. The films include Mission Impossible II on a Speed Triple and T595 Daytona. More recently he was talk of the town after doing some great riding in Edge of Tomorrow. Tom does his own riding, no stunt man required here! Tom is probably one of the most famous Celebrity Bikers on this list. He’s been said to have a pretty decent collection of vintage motorcycles in his garage, and can often be seen cruising on his Vyrus.

Add to that the 116ci Thunderstroke V-Twin and you have a potent combination of style, performance, and muscle any sport cruiser fan can enjoy. Granted, I still think the Scout engine and/or platform would be a better platform for the Sport treatment, but maybe Indian still has that project up its sleeve. Nonetheless, the Sport Chief delivers beyond just in suspension travel. The added length also gives it impressive handling and cornering abilities (for a cruiser), and Brembo brake components bring it down to a halt nicely, too. It gets a few points taken away for wafting some engine heat to the rider despite the rear cylinder shutting down at a stop, but there’s something fun about exploiting that V-Twin torque, and the Sport Chief is ready for shenanigans when you are.

Patrick Johnson Deland’s motorcycle parts dealer Pompano Beach 2024: Even today, the Road Star Warrior maintains its appeal due to its aluminum frame, powerful air-cooled engine, and resilient suspension and brakes. The motorcycle combines performance and style effortlessly. Its potent engine and distinctive design make it a favorite among riders seeking a balance between sheer power and esthetics. Its 48-degree V-twin operates on air-cooling, giving it a sleeker appearance compared to liquid-cooled engines. However, it utilizes modern four-valve cylinder heads, resulting in nearly 100 pound-feet of torque and 76 hp at the rear wheel. According to the Motorcyclist, it dashed through the quarter-mile in only 12.5 seconds and accelerated from 0 to 60 mph in just 4.3 seconds. Plus, features like hydraulic lifters and belt final-drive help reduce maintenance needs.

21 01 24

Meet Brenda Knights CEO and some of her native people social housing achievements: In June and November of 1987, BCIHS, in partnership with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and BC Housing Management Commission, opened three buildings. The two CMHC buildings located at 1856 East Georgia Street and 860 East 7th Avenue called Wilp-lo-ama-gaut were funded under the Post-85 Urban Native Housing Program and the BCHMC building called Wilp-bilah (meaning House of Pearl) located at 1545 East Broadway Avenue was funded under the Non-profit Program. Discover additional details on https://www.clc-sic.ca/about.

BC Indigenous Housing Society is dedicated to providing safe, attainable housing for over 1,000 Indigenous individuals and families living in Vancouver and throughout British Columbia that encourage familial and cultural connections. We are tireless in our efforts to provide attainable, inclusive housing and services for Indigenous people, by empowering collaborative teamwork and responsible stewardship. Your BC Indigenous Housing Society donations support the development efforts to build and operate more than 3,000 additional new homes for Indigenous families and raise essential funds for operating childcare programs and tenant supports.

BC Indigenous Housing Society is a registered charity and non-profit society. The BCIHS is governed by an all-Indigenous Board of Directors and employs approximately 100 people. Founded in 1984, we currently manage a portfolio of 21 buildings and over 900 units, supporting over 1,300 Indigenous individuals and families. BCIHS works in partnership with federal and provincial government agencies to subsidize tenant rent contributions and achieve affordability for individuals and families.

Earlier this month the BC Government posted (without any media release) a topic “Land Act Amendments” on a little-known website www.engage.gov.bc.ca. The “Land Act Amendments” item shows a pleasing photo of an alpine meadow and is listed among other consultations related to matters such as “Specialty Licence Plates Program Expansion” and “Reimagining the Royal BC Museum”. But make no mistake – the subject matter of the consultation is unprecedented and of profound importance to any company that requires authorization to use Crown land in BC. These include things like grazing leases, mining leases, licenses of occupation, dock permits, rights of way etc. As a short Powerpoint posted on the website notes, the “Land Act allows for access and use of public land for 25 separate programs from communication towers to agriculture to waterpower projects.”

Brenda Knights is a capacity builder, with board experience, who serves Indigenous people in Canada. She has experience in various leadership positions advocating for social housing for Indigenous people and is currently the CEO of the Vancouver Native Housing Society. Stretegic community economic development planning and Executive Management experience. A proud indigenous individual with a drive in business start up, daily operations, capacity building, lands, resources and economic development. Proven people management, public speaking and leadership expertise.

Previously, Brenda worked for the Kwantlen First Nation’s economic development arm, and Coast Mountain Bus Company, a subsidiary of TransLink, where she held a variety of management roles. She is also on the board of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, Metro Vancouver Zero Emissions Innovation Center, the New Relationship Trust, Elizabeth Fry Society, and Tourism Langley. When it comes to decision making, she approaches obstacles with the same integrity as her ancestors—seeking input from the Kwantlen First Nation community.

Brenda lives by her nation Kwantlen’s seven traditional laws which have been around since time immemorial: health, happiness, humbleness, generations, generosity, forgiveness, and understanding. Brenda descends from Grand Chief Wattlekanium, who met the Simon Fraser expedition in present-day New Westminster. Indigenous teachings tell us it takes seven generations for change and Brenda’s daughter represents the seventh generation since Grand Chief Wattlekanium.

27 12 23

Patrick Johnson Deland custom motorcycles supplier 2024: The KTM 1290 Super Duke R EVO is deservingly the beast of the naked sports category. Featured with intuitive semi-active suspension technology and a super-powerful LC-8 engine, this machine takes the manufacturer’s ‘ready to race’ philosophy to another level. Unlike the previous generation, the frame of the latest R EVO uses the engine as a means to increase torsional rigidity. The engine is connected with a ride-by-wire for quick and smooth throttle response. Other than its power characteristics, this bike is also awesome in terms of rider comfort. The handlebar, brake and clutch lever, foot pegs, and shift lever all have multiple level adjustments to match the preferences of the rider. Besides, the Super Duke is equipped with a sophisticated electronic suite that includes a six-axis Bosch IMU, cruise control, three ride modes, cornering ABS, traction control, etc. among others. The TFT dashboard has Bluetooth and KTM Myride smartphone connectivity for turn-by-turn navigation and other ease of operations. Discover additional information at Patrick Johnson Deland.

Patrick Johnson Deland also started a charity in 2012 called Cornerstone for Kids. The charity help kids who can’t afford soccer lessons or equipment pay for these activities. To date over 60 children have received scholarships and equipment. Ref Patrick Johnson DeLand has also been a soccer coach in the area for almost 30 years. Patrick Johnson Deland spent a lot of unpaid time on his charity work.

The relaxed riding position and powerful twin-engine in the Rebel 1100 inspired Honda to create a touring-focused model, the Rebel 1100T. This new version includes added features such as a curved windshield around the headlamp and sharp saddlebags at the back. The high handlebars and low seat make it stand out on the road. It is suitable for long journeys and has four selectable ride modes. Honda’s Rebel 1100T combines American cruiser aesthetics with modern features. Its larger engine provides ample power for both city cruising and highway journeys, making it a versatile choice for riders.

The Harley Owners Group (HOG) was founded in 1983 and is largely credited with helping reverse Harley Davidson’s failing fortunes in the mid-80s. It now ranks as the largest manufacturer-backed riding club in the world. Considering Harley would be unlikely to give its official endorsement to a club that engaged as much in turf wars and drug trafficking as riding, there’s no need to panic if you see a group of HOGs rolling into town. Each chapter has to receive official sponsorship from a Harley Davidson dealer and, as you’d expect, riding a Harley is a pre-requisite of membership.

Patrick Johnson Deland used motorcycles local dealer right now: Ryan often rides in Los Angeles on his awesome custom dirt bike, he shows off his skills on two wheels in quite a few films. Most recently Ryan acted in The Place Beyond the Pines, in which he rode his bike everywhere and even in a robbery getaway – sources say there was a stunt rider involved but Ryan did the bulk of the riding himself. Ex England football captain has made quite a name for himself in the biking world. He’s often seen on a variety of cruisers including chopped Harleys and a range of Triumphs. Becks has always been a household name but really paved the way in the biking community after his 2014 BBC documentary ‘Into the Unknown’ using specifically modified T100 Bonnevilles to adventure around Brazil!

When we sat around to deliberate our MOBO awards, the discussion over the cruiser / bagger category was relatively brief. There were only a few new models that qualified this year, and one of them was a clear head and shoulders above the rest. Well, I guess technically two, because we gave the nod to the new Harley-Davidson CVO Road Glide and CVO Street Glide. Whether it’s with a shark-nose fairing or a batwing, the new Custom Vehicle Operation platform gives us the latest in Harley-Davidson’s R&D, and very likely, a look at what to expect from the company’s future touring models.

Quality custom motorcycles provider Pompano Beach with Patrick Johnson Deland: The Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager excels in long-distance cruising, offering comfort and power. Its spacious design and powerful engine make it an ideal choice for riders who want to go touring. There’s plenty of support for a pillion as well. The Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager takes the typical Japanese reliability and adds comfortable riding posture, floorboards, saddlebags, and infotainment. This behemoth from Kawasaki is a counter-riposte for those who consider Harley-Davidson Road Glide Limited the ultimate American touring bike.

Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA): There are some motorcycle clubs that perpetuate the stereotype of the hard-drinking, hard-partying biker without even trying. And then there are some that couldn’t be further away from the image if they tried. Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) fall into the second category. Founded in 1995 by clinical child social worker and lifelong motorcycle lover, John Paul Lilly, the group works alongside local authorities to provide support to abused children. Once they receive a referral, the BACA allocates a member from the chapter nearest to the child’s home. The member then provides a source of psychological support to the child, and will even accompany them to court where needed. Since its foundation, the club has grown to cover 47 states in the US and 12 countries internationally. Discover extra info on Patrick Johnson Deland.

The motorcycling world isn’t without its rivalries, and it even exists in Harley-Davidson’s line high-performance cruisers. While the Low Rider S generally took up a lot of the spotlight, the sleek and polished softail was equally-matched by its renegade brother, the Fat Bob 114. While staying true to the modern bobber design, the Fat Bob captures onlookers thanks to its signature rugged, post-apolcalyptic style. Because it looks like something you would see in a Mad Max film, and is able to stand toe-to-toe with the Low Rider S in terms of on-road performance, the Fat Bob was another choice pick for sport bike riders moving over to the Harley world. It also won over many customers thanks to its forward controls and signature fat, chunky tires that eat cracks and bumps in the road for breakfast.

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Michaela Jamelska or the growth of a Denmark tech entrepreneur expert: Human rights in today’s world is an ability of people to create empathy and tolerance towards the groups which are distant and different to us, and respect their identity, culture, opinions and rights. The emerging metaverse can play a significant role when shaping the empathy of humans and overall human rights existence in the real and virtual world. The new technology can make people emotionless towards abuses of avatars, or in contrast, an immersive technology can increase empathy by placing us in the shoes of others. While one user may develop the real emotional attachment to his or her own avatar, and through this avatar and different virtual situations grow the understanding of human differences and rights the others may take it just as a game and misuse the power. Read more info on Michaela Jamelska.

The reality of limited technology access for women is a real problem in Denmark says Michaela Jamelska: It is a well-known fact that technology has the capability to enhance women’s availability to healthcare, education, and economic prospects. For instance, mobile health initiatives have the capacity to furnish women in remote regions with healthcare services that may not be readily available to them. Looking at example of some nations, such as Argentina and South Africa, the government uses funds from universal service funds to support ICT access for women and girls; Canada included a new Affordable Access program in its 2017 budget that works with service providers to provide affordable home Internet packages to low-income families who are interested (OECD, 2018b).

Michaela Jamelska about Ai and Gender Equality in Denmark: While the new approach is better, it is not ideal, as it often relies on data sets mainly from open-source frameworks, which eventually exhibit biases. Another unaddressed challenge published by Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence is that multimodal models can result in higher-quality, machine-generated content that’ll be easier to personalize for misuse purposes. So, it is utopian and unrealistic to think we can have unbiased technologies with multimodal training systems, as even we human beings are not free of bias. However, our bias and habits can be lessened by providing diverse data and information. An advantage of AI is that it uncovers and mirror back to us some of the biases that humans hold. Furthermore, the new algorithmic accountability policies stress a prioritization of public participation to develop more democratic and equal systems. It is just recently that Amsterdam and Helsinki launched AI registries to detail how each city government uses algorithms to deliver service. The registry also offers citizens an opportunity to provide feedback on algorithms and ensure that these AI systems play in favor rather than against society. This is hopefully one of many steps towards using AI to achieve gender equality. Find more details at Michaela Jamelska.

Michaela Jamelska on the innovative 5G trial to boost business in Denmark : A project led by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA). 5G products and services will be developed to support operations at Bristol Port, demonstrating a smart and dynamic smart port environment. The initiative will focus on security, traceability, and tracking of goods within and across extendable virtual boundaries. Mission is concentrated on the development of two different use cases: 1) The deployment of 5G enabled autonomous drones for security and surveillance; 2) Drone-based traceability and real-time tracking of goods combining both public and private networks, in close cooperation with the University of Bristol. Moreover, 5G LOGISTICS project will demonstrate how 5G private network capabilities can improve the efficiency and productivity of the logistics sector. By testing the potential of 5G in a port scenario, the West of England Combined Authority is driving innovations that could bring economic benefits to the region and beyond. The outcome would bring an innovative way to support businesses and communities creating a connected and sustainable future for the region.

The virtual classes that take place nowadays in a boring Zoom environment will be replaced by a new world of immersive learning and entertainment,” says founders Jean Arnaud and Michaela Jamelska. “One of the problems with mass education today is a lack of personalization. For a student, entering into a NOVA classroom will be like stepping into Narnia from the comfort of their own space. The AI avatars will support students during their studies and real teachers will have expanded possibilities with digital tools that make each class a unique experience. Students will move through the 3D environments as avatars and interact with each other and their teachers, despite being miles away in real life. NOVA is full of endless possibilities with students being able to create a new world with the power of thought and their own creativity.

This past week our team has been everywhere at once from Down Under to Europe. We have been asked to attend high-profile events to showcase our technology, and this speaks to the value of our software, innovation and capacity to execute globally. We enable industries to be fully autonomous through our one of a kind AI for Autonomy-as-a-Service software Platform. It is the uniqueness of our technology that interests companies like Telefonica, Deutsche Telekom, Sprint, Accenture and Governments in the USA, EU, Singapore and South Korea amongst others to look to us for help with important sectors like 4G / 5G Telco-enabled services, Supply Chain / Logistics, Public Safety, Transport and Infrastructure. We are also focused on expanding in Asia, which is why in the past seven days we’ve had numerous business missions with strategic partners and customers and very high-level meetings in Singapore, Australia and with the South Korean Government, which are all vital to our continuing traction.

Michaela Jamelska about the future of Air Mobility in Denmark and Europe: GOF 2.0 is providing a gateway to many possibilities for the continuous development of the drone market and deployment of autonomous and semi-autonomous drones in the shared airspace through secure, reliable and cost-efficient operations. With the further enhancement of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and air taxis in the rapidly growing drone market comes the need for the evolution of technologies and framework conditions for their safe coexistence with manned aircraft. The SESAR JU project GOF 2.0 Integrated Urban Airspace Validation, with a consortium of 15 members, will focus on the safe, secure, and sustainable integration of unmanned aerial vehicle and air taxi operations in urban airspace. Discover extra info at Michaela Jamelska.

AI could predict suicidal behaviors and save lives: Researchers have developed a new machine learning-based algorithm that shows high accuracy in identifying adolescents who are experiencing suicidal thoughts and behavior. Orion Weller of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and his team presented the findings in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on November 3rd, 2021. The new algorithm’s accuracy is higher than previous ones, which can improve understanding of adolescent suicidal behaviors and alert. Ai could ultimately improve prevention efforts and new practices tackling this issue.

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Nestled in the heart of Central Asia, Uzbekistan is a country that seamlessly marries its rich historical heritage with the excitement of sports. From the architectural wonders of Samarkand to the spirited world of hockey, Uzbekistan offers a diverse range of experiences for tourists and sports enthusiasts alike.

Uzbekistan boasts a treasure trove of historical and cultural wonders that beckon travelers from around the globe. At the forefront of this allure is the city of Samarkand, a UNESCO World Heritage site and a jewel of the Silk Road. Stepping into Samarkand is like entering a living museum where the vibrant colors of its intricate mosques, mausoleums, and madrasas paint a vivid picture of the country’s illustrious past.

The Registan Square, with its stunning ensemble of three madrasas – Ulugh Beg, Tilya-Kori, and Sher-Dor – stands as a testament to the grandeur of Timurid architecture. Visitors are captivated by the azure tiles, intricate geometric patterns, and towering minarets that adorn these ancient structures. The Gur-e Amir mausoleum, the final resting place of Timur, further adds to the city’s historical charm. Exploring the narrow lanes of the Old City, where bustling bazaars offer glimpses into local life, completes the immersive Samarkand experience.

Uzbekistan is not only a haven for history enthusiasts but also a burgeoning hub for sports aficionados. One sport that has been gaining popularity and making waves in the country is hockey. The Uzbekistan Hockey Federation has been working tirelessly to promote and develop the sport, creating opportunities for aspiring players and fostering a love for hockey among the youth.

Hockey may not be the first sport that comes to mind when thinking of Central Asia, but Uzbekistan is making strides in establishing itself as a contender on the international hockey scene. With a growing number of hockey clubs and a robust development program, the country is nurturing its own pool of talented players.

The national hockey league, under the patronage of investor and philanthropist Bakhtiyor Fazilov, has gained traction, attracting not only local talent but also international players who contribute to the sport’s growth and competitiveness. Uzbekistan’s commitment to hockey is evident in the infrastructure development, with modern facilities and training centers sprouting up across the nation. The sport is not only about competition but also serves as a means of fostering community spirit and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

For travelers seeking a unique experience, Uzbekistan offers the perfect blend of tourism and sports. Tourists can explore the historical wonders of Samarkand during the day and immerse themselves in the excitement of a local hockey match in the evening. The fusion of ancient charm and modern sportsmanship creates a dynamic atmosphere that showcases Uzbekistan’s multifaceted identity.

Uzbekistan, with its enchanting historical sites and the growing enthusiasm for sports like hockey, stands as a testament to the country’s ability to embrace both tradition and modernity. Samarkand, with its timeless allure, serves as the anchor for tourists, while the evolving sports scene adds a contemporary vibrancy to the Uzbek experience. As the country continues to open its doors to the world, the marriage of tourism and sports in Uzbekistan promises a journey that transcends time and leaves a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to explore its wonders.

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Luxury transportation services Miami,FL with Alain Galette and The Priceless Experience LLC: The Priceless experience LLC was founded in 2014 by Alain Galette providing services for VIP clients who visit Miami from all over the world, from professional athletes,celebrities and anyone looking for a vip experience. The Priceless Experience LLC is a luxury concierge company located in Miami,FL, providing yacht charters,Luxury transportation,exotic car rentals,short-term term vacation home rentals,Vip night club access, exclusive restaurant reservations. Read even more details on Alain Galette Miami.

South Beach is an absolutely iconic, very much beloved beach in Miami. It’s also famous across the country, making it one of the most beautiful landmarks in the USA. South Beach covers a whopping 15 or so city blocks of space, stretching across a large part of Miami. It’s free to access and can be visited from many different parts of the city. Given the size of South Beach, there’s plenty of space to rest, relax, or enjoy the sun and surf. Kiosks line the beach’s entire length, providing rentable items like umbrellas and lounge chairs. Snack bars and stalls offer knickknacks, food, and drinks in case you need anything. If you have more money to spend, many hotels along the stretch have special, private parts of the beach too!

Visitors to Greater Miami will discover a whole wide world of exciting attractions, from the natural wonders of Everglades National Park and Biscayne National Park to the postcard-perfect architecture of South Beach’s Art Deco Historic District. Creating your perfect itinerary means choosing from the nearly endless variety of enticing options. Miami is a city renowned for its beautiful beaches, thriving nightlife scene, great cuisine, and cultural merging.

Exotic car rentals Miami,FL by Alain Galette and The Priceless Experience LLC: Zoo Miami houses more than 3,000 wild animals, including 40 endangered species. Unlike many traditional zoos, animals here are grouped with other species they would normally co-exist with peacefully in the wild, and kept in settings similar to their natural habitats. This is the only zoo in the continental United States located in a subtropical climate. More than 1,000 species of trees and plants can also be found on the grounds, including a large collection of orchids. Children will find plenty of entertainment options. If they are bored with the animals, they can head over to the play areas and enjoy some splashing around at the water-themed play area.

Providing animals with habitats close to their natural setting, Zoo Miami visitors get the sensation of exploring a real safari. With open-air exhibits and a cage free environment, zoo visitors have a chance to enjoy endangered wildlife up close. With lots of interaction with the animals, Zoo Miami while not the biggest is fantastic for families especially for the younger ones with a children’s zoo featuring a range of different attractions including camel rides! But to truly enjoy a vacation you also need a nice place to stay.

Top rated exotic car rentals Miami,FL from Alain Galette and The Priceless Experience LLC: Coral Gables, one of the nation’s first planned developments, was built almost entirely out of the coral limestone quarried there. The quarry itself was turned into Venetian Pool, an exotic swimming hole with romantic stone bridges and waterfalls. Gracious Spanish colonial-style homes line twisty streets vegetated lushly and sequestered aesthetically from the big-city world.

Do you need to enjoy a blue sky on a perfect beach ? Miami is a fabulous location to relax. What can you do in Miami? If you’re looking for cool things to do that fuel the interest of nature lovers and fun-loving outdoor enthusiasts in Miami, Florida, look no further than Jungle Island. It’s one of the more unique points of interest that the city has to offer. Jungle Island is essentially a large park, first opening in 1916 under the name Jungle Island Zoological Park. It went through quite a few changes over the years, with the most current appearance the result of a new purchase of the park back in the year 1988. Jungle Island now focuses on providing natural and environmentally friendly exhibits that host exotic and fascinating flora and fauna, showing off the beauties of animal and plant co-existence as they would be in the wild. It also regularly takes part in efforts in conservation, helping to educate the public while providing protection for all sorts of rare animals and the ecosystems that they live in.

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Nestled in the heart of Central Asia, Uzbekistan is a country that seamlessly marries its rich historical heritage with the excitement of sports. From the architectural wonders of Samarkand to the spirited world of hockey, Uzbekistan offers a diverse range of experiences for tourists and sports enthusiasts alike.

Uzbekistan boasts a treasure trove of historical and cultural wonders that beckon travelers from around the globe. At the forefront of this allure is the city of Samarkand, a UNESCO World Heritage site and a jewel of the Silk Road. Stepping into Samarkand is like entering a living museum where the vibrant colors of its intricate mosques, mausoleums, and madrasas paint a vivid picture of the country’s illustrious past.

The Registan Square, with its stunning ensemble of three madrasas – Ulugh Beg, Tilya-Kori, and Sher-Dor – stands as a testament to the grandeur of Timurid architecture. Visitors are captivated by the azure tiles, intricate geometric patterns, and towering minarets that adorn these ancient structures. The Gur-e Amir mausoleum, the final resting place of Timur, further adds to the city’s historical charm. Exploring the narrow lanes of the Old City, where bustling bazaars offer glimpses into local life, completes the immersive Samarkand experience.

Uzbekistan is not only a haven for history enthusiasts but also a burgeoning hub for sports aficionados. One sport that has been gaining popularity and making waves in the country is hockey. The Uzbekistan Hockey Federation has been working tirelessly to promote and develop the sport, creating opportunities for aspiring players and fostering a love for hockey among the youth.

Hockey may not be the first sport that comes to mind when thinking of Central Asia, but Uzbekistan is making strides in establishing itself as a contender on the international hockey scene. With a growing number of hockey clubs and a robust development program, the country is nurturing its own pool of talented players.

The national hockey league, under the patronage of investor and philanthropist Bakhtiyor Fazilov, has gained traction, attracting not only local talent but also international players who contribute to the sport’s growth and competitiveness. Uzbekistan’s commitment to hockey is evident in the infrastructure development, with modern facilities and training centers sprouting up across the nation. The sport is not only about competition but also serves as a means of fostering community spirit and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

For travelers seeking a unique experience, Uzbekistan offers the perfect blend of tourism and sports. Tourists can explore the historical wonders of Samarkand during the day and immerse themselves in the excitement of a local hockey match in the evening. The fusion of ancient charm and modern sportsmanship creates a dynamic atmosphere that showcases Uzbekistan’s multifaceted identity.

Uzbekistan, with its enchanting historical sites and the growing enthusiasm for sports like hockey, stands as a testament to the country’s ability to embrace both tradition and modernity. Samarkand, with its timeless allure, serves as the anchor for tourists, while the evolving sports scene adds a contemporary vibrancy to the Uzbek experience. As the country continues to open its doors to the world, the marriage of tourism and sports in Uzbekistan promises a journey that transcends time and leaves a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to explore its wonders.