5 11 19

A few cleaning tips and a high quality recommendation if you are looking for cleaning services in Paris. Make a natural scented vinegar cleaning product to help around the house: Mix one part white vinegar with one part water to make a basic household spray (great for anyone suffering from allergies as it’s so gentle). Can’t stand the ‘fish and chip’ smell? Add some fresh herbs to the mixture – sage is particularly clean smelling, but you can experiment with anything that’s growing in your garden really.

Eighty percent of stains can be removed using plain tap water. To remove a stain, press a clean, dry, white cloth over the stain to absorb the spill. Repeat until the spill is absorbed. Then gently work water into the stain with a damp white towel and blot until the stain is gone. Change cloths when necessary. For a particularly stubborn spot, go to the online “spot solver” resource at The Carpet and Rug Institute (the carpet manufacturers’ trade organization) to find your stain and a suggested solution. Use a fan to dry the area if it’s very wet.

For our french visitors:

Pour agiter le velours et neutraliser le pH du tapis, sous pression, rincer la solution dans le tapis puis l’extraire. Apres le nettoyage, les professionnels de la qualite installent les meubles sur des blocs ou des patins afin d’empecher les taches de passer des pieds des meubles au tapis humide. Les professionnels de la qualite fourniront des references, une inspection a domicile et une estimation ecrite en fonction de la superficie en pieds carres, du type et de l’etat de la moquette au lieu du nombre de chambres nettoyees, ainsi qu’une garantie ecrite de leur travail.

Quelques conseils de nettoyage: Utilisez une bascule pour enlever les poils des animaux domestiques: vous n’avez pas de gants de vaisselle? L’utilisation d’une bascule en caoutchouc (propre!) Sur votre mobilier fonctionnera tout aussi bien. C’est particulierement utile si (comme nous) vous perdez constamment des tongs et que vous vous retrouvez avec des choses bizarres. Utilisez un filtre a cafe pour nettoyer le verre ou les miroirs facilement: Ah, le cafe, c’est ce qui nous fait sortir du lit, et maintenant nous avons decouvert que vous offriez beaucoup plus. Nettoyez les fenetres sales sans aucun produit chimique – il suffit de les balayer avec un filtre a cafe propre. Cela fonctionne comme par magie.

Ciblage par zones: Nous analysons toujours la zone en question avant de commencer le traitement. Une sonde UV et une sonde d’humidite seront utilisees pour cibler les zones presentant des taches ou des odeurs d’animaux domestiques. En faisant cela, nous pouvons trouver un probleme qui pourrait ne pas etre vu a la surface avec un eclairage normal. Cela nous permet d’identifier la source de preoccupation et d’utiliser la bonne formule pour le travail. Traitements d’actualite: pour les taches et les odeurs d’animaux de compagnie recentes, ce traitement fonctionnera a merveille. Nous sommes en mesure de traiter le tapis avec un pre-conditionneur d’urine. Ce produit incroyablement efficace suspend les sels d’urine afin qu’ils puissent etre completement elimines. Nous procedons ensuite a un nettoyage en profondeur avec un rincage a base de fibres, puis appliquons notre traitement topique. Cette solution respectueuse de l’environnement contient des bacteries productrices d’enzymes qui digerent les dechets organiques et detruisent les odeurs a la source. Extraction souterraine: elle sera utilisee lorsque l’urine penetre dans le dos et le coussinet du tapis. Nous allons maintenant effectuer un traitement souterrain. Nous commencons par utiliser une lumiere UV pour effectuer ce processus. Nous localisons toutes les zones contaminees, en les traitant une a une en utilisant une solution specialisee pour des resultats optimaux. Nous saturons ensuite les zones avec un puissant oxydant auto-neutralisant qui detruit non seulement les odeurs des tapis, mais attaque egalement les taches. On utilisera ensuite une pince a eau, specialement concue pour evacuer les contaminants et l’enlever dans notre reservoir de stockage pour une elimination rapide. Cette operation est suivie d’un rincage a l’eau douce et d’une extraction finale sous la surface afin d’eliminer l’odeur, les taches et les residus residuels des animaux domestiques.

28 10 19

We produce a chemical free cleaning cloth that cleans any surface streak free, spot free, lint free with just water, washable and reusable for 3 years. This is the original streakfree cloth made in USA. Cleans mirrors, glass, windshields, stainless steel, granite top counters spot free lint free. The most amazing cleaning cloth ever, clean almost everything with just water. See more details on Chemical free cleaning cloth.

I purchased a couple of these at a huge fair and absolutely LOVE them. You must read and heed the instructions about caring for them and probably need to hide from kids and husbands if they are reluctant to follow instructions. I keep one in my kitchen and one in main bathroom and they are used daily for counters, mirrors, and windows. They really are miracle cleaning cloths.

These really are magic. I cut and used one small (about 5″x5″) piece and now I have the cleanest tablets, TVs, phone, windows and mirrors I’ve ever had. Then I found many other uses, including fingerprints on doors and walls, my non-stainless appliances, faucets and spigots, my digital clocks, and windowsills. I just carried it around and cleaned any little thing that needed it. I cleaned everything with just a little water. Then I put a little dishwashing liquid on it to wash it out, and, yes it did show a lot of dirt still, but I pressed it between paper towels and no dirt transferred. Later in the day I picked it up again and it worked just as well. I think these 3 big cloths will last me several years, at least, and my bottle of Windex will last much much longer than that!

The set comes with two different cloths. Just wet and wring out the window cloth (the lighter blue cloth with a waffle weave texture), then wipe it on the surface you wish to clean. The cloth is made of microfiber technology which, when combined with water, breaks up and removes grease, grime and bacteria. Next, grab the dry glass and polishing cloth (the darker blue one) and smooth it over the surface to give it a good polish. This one really makes your windows sparkle, removing light grease and finger marks.

Streak Free Microfiber Cloths holds 7 times its weight in dirt, grime and liquid. Each fiber is 200 times finer than a human hair! (this is the secret of micro fiber’s incredible cleaning ability). Open spaces between fibers hold dust, dirt, and oil until washed away with mild soap or detergent. Spaces also allow large amounts of moisture to be collected into the cloths making them very absorbent. These same spaces allow for quicker drying time eliminating much of the bacterial growth found in slow drying cloths. Source: https://streakfreexl.com/.

27 10 19

How often your carpet needs cleaning depends on the kind of carpet traffic you have (think kids and pets). Clean the carpet when the color starts looking dull. If you wait until the carpet is filthy, cleaning it will be much more difficult, take much longer and cost more. Vacuum beforehand to remove large particles of soil. Vacuum again after you clean and the carpet is completely dry to pick up soil that wicks to the surface during drying.

Porous grout, tile and stone is a magnet for dirt, dust and grimy particles. As this dirt builds up it can suddenly become a breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria causing your family and pets to become ill. Why spend hours on your hands and knees trying to get dirt, grime and grease out of your homes tile and grout areas? Save the back-breaking work for the professionals at Brighter Image Carpet Care and have a brighter, cleaner home today. At Brighter Image Carpet Care, we utilize the latest, most advanced tile and grout cleaning equipment and methods available. Our specialized cleaning solutions and powerful equipment remove the dirt and grime from deep within the tile and grout leaving only a sparkling clean finish that will extend the life and beauty of your tile.

Some cleaning tips: Clean your hairbrush quickly with washing up liquid and water: We don’t really think about cleaning our hairbrushes (other than to remove hair) but when you think about it, it makes sense that they get grubby with grease and product build-up, just as our hair does. Get rid of residue from hair spray, dry shampoo or any other hair products by mixing washing up liquid and warm water and giving it a dip. More details at low moisture carpet cleaning in Fayetteville NC.

Do you have a 100% Guarantee on Pet Odors? Unfortunately there is no way to completely guarantee 100% odor removal of any type. The reason is that the odor may not only be in the carpet but it could also be under the padding, on the cement or wood beneath the carpet. It may also be on the baseboards, drapes, walls, etc. Furthermore, one cleaning may not be sufficient to take care of a severe urine odor. In certain cases the carpet may have to be replaced and the subfloor treated and sealed. ***Pet odor that originates or extends BELOW the carpet backing (into the pad and/or subfloor) is not remediable with simple cleaning or topical (surface only) application of deodorizers. Remediation of deep contamination from urine is expensive and advisable only when the area involved is limited to a few square feet***

Why Should You Call Brighter Image Carpet Care? Protect Your Home – Our crew uses corner guards to protect your walls, floor coverings to protect your wood floors and our popular Seal-A-Door. We also protect any furniture that is moved with plastic tabs or styrofoam blocks. Clean carpets demand professional attention, but you don’t want just anyone coming into your home. You need a cleaning team you feel comfortable with. A company that has the knowledge and experience you can depend on. A company that is highly rated by past customers and is dedicated to providing the best customer service experience possible. Source: http://brighterimagecarpet.com/.

8 08 19

1st i will talk about about Calgary, the place where my cleaning company works. Calgary is an amazing town. At the top of the Calgary Tower, a viewing platform and revolving restaurant put sightseers 191 meters high in one of the city’s landmark buildings. Until 1984, the tower was the tallest in the city. Though it no longer holds that title, there are still excellent views out over the city and beyond to the mountains. It is particularly beautiful at sunset or dusk. In 1988, the tower’s giant torch bore witness to the spirit of the Olympics.

Luxury Hotels: In the heart of the action near 17th Avenue is the Hotel Elan, featuring modern rooms with balconies, heated floors, and a complimentary breakfast. The elegant Hotel Le Germain Calgary, in the central business district, is within walking distance of the Calgary Tower and EPCOR Center for the Performing arts. The new and conveniently located Hyatt Regency features rooms with city views, a rooftop sundeck, and an indoor pool. It’s connected to the Telus Convention Center.

Now lets discuss about cleaning advices: You might have heard that cleaning with a wet mop is akin to washing your floors with dirty water. And it turns out, it kind of is. Research suggests that when stored wet, mops support so much bacterial growth that they can’t even be cleaned through chemical disinfection. However, when laundered and dried, mops are perfectly sanitary. That’s why you’ll want to ditch your traditional mop in favor of a mop that is machine washable. If you’re using paper towels to wipe your mirrors and windows, you’re doing yourself a disservice. The easier (and cheaper) way to clean your glass surfaces is with soy ink newspaper, which won’t streak or leave your surfaces covered with lint.

Vacuum large area rugs at least once a week. But also take them outside three or four times a year for a more thorough cleaning and forhow to clean dust. Drape them over a fence or clothesline and beat them with a broom or tennis racket. A good beating removes much more dust than vacuuming. Take smaller rugs outside to for a vigorous shaking every week.

Unless you play in the NBA, dusting ceiling fans and other high, out-of-reach objects is a real chore. Wrap a dryer sheet around a clean painting roller and secure the ends with rubber bands. Attach an extension handle to the roller and dust away for the fastest way to clean house. For more details see the video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvZByqbl7TY.