Let’s write about how to achieve a very big GMAT score and, as a result, we will offer some tips about all GMAT issues, focusing on advices about how to prepare for your exams. When in Doubt, Go Short: In addition to the rules of grammar, you also have to keep an eye out for concision and clarity on sentence correction questions. Often—but not always—the most concise answer will be the correct one. When in doubt, scan the shortest of the answer choices for errors, and then pick it if you can’t find any. When you come across a passage-based question, read the passage first, not the question. This is often the better strategy for two reasons. First, you can only see one question at a time, but there will be three or four questions for each passage. So if you read the passage trying to “hone in” on the answer to the first question, you might subconsciously disregard aspects of the passage that are important for the subsequent questions. Want to improve your GMAT score by 60 points?
Be the elephant : Having a good memory comes in handy when taking the GMAT. After you’ve been studying for a while, redo questions you answered incorrectly at the start, to see if you have a new perspective, suggests Dennis Yim, Kaplan Test Prep’s director of academics. Just keep practicing. Keep a steady pace: “The GMAT is not a test you want to, or can cram for,” says Yim. “You need a long, realistic runway, and you need to make sure you have a game plan that focuses on learning strategies that you can take with you to test day.” In addition, you have to work within a certain timeframe. Take timed practice tests as often as you can to get used to the process and reduce stress, says Mike McGarry, GMAT curriculum manager at Magoosh.
One of the most painful things in the GMAT world is a massive test-day letdown. If you spend time on any of the GMAT forums, you’ll see tons of anguished posts that share a similar trait: a huge discrepancy between test-takers’ practice test scores and their actual GMAT scores. In the geeky spirit of GMAT CR, our goal in this article is to help you resolve that discrepancy. So here are seven reasons why your test-day scores might be lower than your practice test scores: If you’re a regular reader of our little GMAT blog, you’ve heard this story before: the GMAT spends somewhere between $1500 and $3000 developing every official test question, and even the best test-prep companies can’t possibly compete with that. Of course, it’s even harder for test-prep companies to combine those (inevitably somewhat flawed) questions into a realistic practice test. For example, test-prep companies struggle to mimic the GMAT’s use of experimental questions, or the exact mix of, say, geometry and probability questions. See extra info at perfect GMAT score.
Understand What “Computer-Adaptive” Means : The GMAT is a Computer-Adaptive Test (CAT), meaning it keeps a running tally of your score as it goes, based on the number of questions you get correct and their levels of difficulty. The computer-adaptive sections always begin by giving you a medium question. If you get it correct, the computer gives you a slightly harder question. If you get it wrong, the computer gives you a slightly easier question, and so on.
Testing: after you finish teaching, write down a series of questions on a sheet of paper and try to answer them without looking in the manual or on the note sheets. Personal testing after each repeated lesson is the most efficient stage of the learning process. Reduce irrelevant activities: When you have a lot of books to read, try to read faster, do not get lost in thoughts and need to resume reading, and if you have long texts, try to reorder the keys so that don’t waste time looking for them. Source: https://www.gmatninja.com/.
WeeklyReviewer discuss hot news! Stay updated on the trending news. News, politics, health, finances, all major topics are covered by the WeeklyReviewer online news outlet. Let’s see what is going on around the world today…
Taliban attacks kill 30, Afghan leader unhurt as bomb hits rally: Taliban suicide attackers killed at least 30 people in Afghanistan on Tuesday, their deadliest bombing taking place near an election rally by President Ashraf Ghani, although he was unhurt. Britain’s biggest mining project in the balance as Sirius bond aborted: Sirius Minerals scrapped a plan to raise $500 million (402.9 million pounds) in a bond sale on Tuesday, delaying a project to mine for fertiliser under a national park in northern England and halving the value of its shares. See additional news on https://weeklyreviewer.com/.
Another good online newspaper that i like : Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram: Sometimes, a newspaper has to tear down something in order to rebuild. For the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram, it was the removal of an old, three-story press. Commercial printing revenue was the fastest growing piece of business, and the company realized it was time to invest in a new press machine. “While our flexo-press served us well for close to 30 years, it was expensive to operate since the plates cost significantly more than plates for a traditional offset press,” said publisher and CEO Lisa DeSisto. “Since the new press is less expensive to operate, we were finally able to compete for commercial printing revenue and now print several titles we do not own. Making the decision to invest in a new press kept 60 jobs in Maine.” The new press—a DGM 850—was installed in December 2016. DeSisto credited the resilience and flexibility of the press operators during the entire transition.
The Washington Post: The newspaper that brought down President Richard Nixon with its reporting on the Watergate scandal in the early 1970s maintains its intellectually robust tradition under the new ownership of Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos. The Post has, for decades, been part of the big three national papers – a peer of the NYT and WSJ – in terms of winning Pulitzer Prizes, hiring the best and brightest reporters and producing big scoops. Of the big three, the Post is arguably the most forward-thinking right now in trying new digital strategies that have boosted readership. And with Bezos’ backing, the Post is on a hiring binge for talented reporters while the NYT and WSJ have been pruning their reporting staffs in recent months. Most people think the Post editorial page leans left but is often regarded as more center left than the NYT. BBC: The BBC is the global standard bearer for excellence in broadcast radio and TV journalism. If only U.S. cable news outlets could follow BBC’s recipe. And while PBS produces some great entertainment, documentary and news programs, its news programs have often seemed to lack the creative energy of the BBC. While NPR produces some fantastic journalism, a bulk of its news coverage seem to come from re-reporting news from the New York Times and the Associated Press. And the American public perceives NPR to be more left-leaning than the BBC. See more news at WeeklyReviewer news.
Latest health news : It really is hard to sleep in the ER: Patients who spend the night in the emergency room may get much less rest than patients who sleep in beds in hospital rooms, a small study suggests. 1 in 16 US women forced or coerced into first-time sex: Many American women are physically forced or coerced into having sex for the first time, and a new study suggests these women have a higher risk for developing sexual and general health problems.
How to increase your Youtube channel subscriber numbers, this is a hot issue amongst Youtube content providers. Based on your video plan begin to writing your video script. Try to keep the language relatable and appealing to your audience. If your video is a beginners guide don’t use too many technical terms. If you are making an in-depth YouTube video make sure to include terms that are specific to the industry to build trust with your viewers. Don’t create a long script if your storyboard is short as it will mean a lot of lingering on screens that will not make for a good viewing experience. And don’t forget about email marketing. With an industry average open rate of 18 percent and a purchase rate of 66 percent, email marketing is a powerhouse when it comes to sales conversions. It doesn’t need to be too complicated either.
Make your title short and interesting. Your video title should not necessarily describe your video in a way that makes sense to your administration. Make your title viewer-centric, and think about what would make you want to click on a video. (Upworthy headlines are a good source of inspiration.) And try to keep it brief – a shorter title that doesn’t get cut off is better for click-throughs. However the the fastest method is to buy subscribers from a marketing agency, that can promote your videos to a larger audience.
Be Present Within Your Niche Community: Promoting yourself as an expert in your own videos is one thing, but being an active member in your niche community is another. Comment on other videos and offer your advice or feedback, and if there’s video content that is missing some vital information, link others to your content to provide them with more information. Try to be as helpful as possible and you’ll be rewarded with more users to increase your subscribers and ultimately, your video views. YouTube has the unique ability to be present on a variety of different social media platforms. It can be embedded and shared, sometimes virally, with just a few clicks. Here are some ways to get more YouTube views outside of the platform.
YouTube already has this default system where it automatically chooses 3 images which are apt as a thumbnail for your video. But then you can also create your own thumbnail and upload it. Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform. You must connect your Facebook account with your YouTube channel in order to have further engagement and discussion on your video. Facebook is also useful for reaching out to your subscribers when they are not active on YouTube. You can post the video as an embedded video to generate more views. Twitter is a platform where you can keep the conversations moving related to your area of concern. Since Twitter heavily works on the hashtag, you can research on a hashtag which is popular and make a video related to that. Whatever Tweets that you are putting on Twitter must contain relevant hashtags so that the audience is driven towards it.
“People come to expect your content. You create a dependable rhythm like your favorite TV show. You know it comes on every week. Plus, when you create more content you increase the number of places people find you online. Instead of seeing your brand for one or two YouTube searches, you start to appear again and again in search results.” A simple formula that works is this: 1×4. Publish four YouTube videos every month. That breaks down to one video every week. It’s an easy number to remember and you’ll soon see new YouTube subscribers trickling in. Your Task: Commit to a publishing schedule. An easy formula: one YouTube video every week for a total of four a month. Expand your reach with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. YouTube is a fantastic way to attract free subscribers. And often what works on YouTube can also work on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter video. Expand your reach by publishing your YouTube videos on different social networks. With Hootsuite, you can do this pretty quickly. Use Hootsuite to upload and schedule your YouTube videos—and then publish that same video to other video networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It’s also easy to use our video integrations—such as the amazing tool Vidyard—to access detailed video and conversion data. Source: https://subsshop.com/.
Complete guide to yoga training, this appears like a hot topic in 2019. Stress is high, life is complicated, big problems clouds our mind and yoga seems the best answer. What is Yoga? There are many different ideas related to Yoga, where it comes from, what it is all about, and how to practice a range of techniques. Generally, it is recognised as an ancient system of philosophies, principles and practices derived from the Vedic tradition of India and the Himalayas, more than 2500 years ago. It is a system that recognises the multi-dimensional nature of the human person, and primarily relates to the nature and workings of the mind, based on experiential practice and self-enquiry. In Yoga, the body, breath and mind are seen as a union of these multi-dimensional aspects of each and every human being. The system and various techniques of Yoga cultivate the experience of that union, leading to greater integration of being, internal peacefulness, and clarity of the mind. It is a system that is designed to cultivate health and happiness, and a greater sense of self-awareness and higher consciousness.
Each Sun Salutation round consists of two sets. These 12 yoga poses complete one set of Surya Namaskar. To complete the second half, you need to repeat the same sequence of postures, only moving the left leg instead of the right (in steps 4 and 9 given below). You might find several versions of doing Sun Salutation. However, it is best to stick to one particular sequence and practice it regularly for best results. More on Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation.
The Crow yoga pose strengthens the wrists, forearms and abdomen while also stretching the hamstring. Balance is crucial for this pose. This mudra is used for mental clarity. You perform this gesture when you need to understand intuitive messages from your subconscious (i.e., dreams or meditations that puzzle you). One of the most powerful benefits of this mudra can be found in the improvement of communication, such as improving internal and external dialogue. Method: This mudra is performed by touching your thumb to your pinky finger, while holding your other three fingers straight.
Sukhasana (Easy Pose): You can sit in this position for any length of time, but if you practice this pose regularly, be sure to alternate the cross of the legs. A good rule of thumb: On even-numbered days, cross the right shin in front of the left, and on odd-numbered days, do the opposite. Alternately, you can divide the practice time in half, and spend the first half with your right leg forward, and the second half with the left leg forward. Sukhasana is a Sanskrit word where sukh means “pleasure” or “happiness”, and asana means “pose”. It creates a calm ambiance in your body and mind. This pose encourages groundedness and a humble atmosphere in your body. During this exercise, try to focus in between the eyebrows. Lift up your energy from the social desires of the world to walk a path towards enlightenment.
Types of Yoga: What are the four main types of yoga? Answer: karma, bhakti, jnana, and raja. Jivamukti was created in 1984 by Sharon Gannon and David Life in New York City. ivamukti translates to “liberated being.” Class incorporates Sanskrit chanting, Pranayama, and movement (Asanas), with a theme or lesson for each class. This is a good blend of spiritual and physical exercise.
If you are in stressful job, this is just the yoga practice for you. As the name suggests, restorative yoga postures are meant to relax and rejuvenate. Many of the classic yoga poses have been modified so that they are easier to do and are more relaxing. This practice helps you tap your parasympathetic nervous system so that you can truly relax your mind and body deeply. Like Iyengar yoga this style too takes the help of props like blankets, bolsters and yoga blocks to help you perfect each yoga pose without straining yourself too much. If you are struggling with insomnia, anxiety, stress-related illnesses, then you should definitely try restorative yoga.
When you contract and stretch muscles, move organs around, and come in and out of yoga postures, you increase the drainage of lymph (a viscous fluid rich in immune cells). This helps the lymphatic system fight infection, destroy cancerous cells, and dispose of the toxic waste products of cellular functioning. When you regularly get your heart rate into the aerobic range, you lower your risk of heart attack and can relieve depression. While not all yoga is aerobic, if you do it vigorously or take flow or Ashtanga classes, it can boost your heart rate into the aerobic range. But even yoga exercises that don’t get your heart rate up that high can improve cardiovascular conditioning. Studies have found that yoga practice lowers the resting heart rate, increases endurance, and can improve your maximum uptake of oxygen during exercise—all reflections of improved aerobic conditioning. One study found that subjects who were taught only pranayama could do more exercise with less oxygen.
How does it help build muscle? Most poses are held for five full breaths versus the usual one to three breaths. Muscles are challenged as the mind and body have to work together simultaneously to hold a position without giving up. Breathing, posing, moving, and increasing flexibility happen together at one time, which unearths a new level of discipline in your mind and body.
YTTI provides you Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in India, which is focused on one’s inner improvement. We have Yoga Teachers who practiced yoga for many years and have in-depth knowledge about yoga. Our selection criteria about yoga teacher is so strict that we confirm our students who come for Yoga teacher training in India from different parts of the world get the best yoga education so that they can spread benefits of yoga further. See more info at www.yogateachertraining-india.com.
Drakebox chip tricks? The best form of chip tuning is where a custom map can be inserted that takes into account your cars strengths and weaknesses and any other modifications that you have had done. There are still a few companies out there offering replacement chips set to a more sporty setting. This is not to be confused with piggy back chips or plug in boxes. These are only useful in cases where a reflash or replacement chip is not available and it would still be better to buy a whole aftermarket ECU and use this.
Even though you have made modifications in your car, the ECU still continues to get an input of the old data which is stored in it’s memory. This old data no longer is credible as it pertains to conditions that existed before the modification. The input data to the ECU should pertain to the post modification situation of the components and parts introduced, while making the modification. This means that you have to erase the old data from memory and new data pertaining to post modification should be logged into the ECU memory by mapping in new readings. This is the reason why ECU resetting is essential for optimum performance after any modification has been carried out in your car. Read more info on centralina aggiuntiva auto.
I bought mine DAMOS for 100€ with complete ECU documentation in German…so many switches, limiters and maps that are not taught or even mentioned in basic remap guides – I found basic maps by myself but it took ages of reverse engineering and I still didn’t know what exactly each map is…with this Kamikaze style I made my first ECU remap. And if you think all is finally over because you have found DAMOS for your ECU…it is almost impossible to find or buy compressor maps for turbochargers. Sure there is lots of maps around but each car, manufacturer, even engine has different turbo with different parameters such as trim and A/R . Skoda Octavia 2 vRS 2.0TDi PPD engine has got Garrett GT1749V, Golf too…yet each may have different turbo parameters.
The reserves of the manufacturers – that is why chip tuning makes sense. In the development stage, the manufacturers of the engines always allow for certain reserves, so each engine operates well, always and everywhere. Depending on the engine, these reserves can amount to 40%. Both the hardware (i.e. the fitted parts) and the software for the control of the hardware must be designed for use by the general public. The manufacturers ask themselves: Who will drive with it? A granny who drives two miles to the bakery or indeed rather a youngster on the race track? Where is the engine used? In the cold north at minus 20°C or in the Sahara Desert in extreme heat? The manufacturers must consider all these factors and ensure that the engine they design delivers its performance without suffering any damage. Safety and a long service life are very important factors because the manufacturers guarantee them, of course! But still, your engine requires different values for optimal performance in the US than in the desert. In order to adapt the maps according to the actual load, you should do chip tuning.
The chip in your auto’s dashboard, otherwise called the electronic control unit, is the segment of your auto that supervises the greater part of the electrical frameworks in the vehicle. Vehicles worked after the mid-1970s have these chips; they control the fuel infusion, start, vehicle security, speed overseeing, valve direction and different frameworks too. Since every producer uses a marginally unique chip innovation, and everyone is balanced in an unexpected way, it’s imperative that you inquire about your vehicle and look for ecu tuning files bmw expert meeting before you start.
Increased Performance: Engine chip tuning can be done to remove limits that are placed on your engine by the manufacturer. This can result in a variety of different results, depending on how you modify the chip. You can gain greater horsepower, and thus a greater top speed and a faster rate of acceleration, or you can prioritize fuel efficiency, helping you save money at the pump over time. Read more details on drakebox.
Start getting paid for doing general freelance tasks, this is a very hot topic in 2019. With the internet connecting anything lots of jobs can be executed from home. People are becoming very interested in working from home, to save transport time and earning extra income from home.
As a Fancy Hands virtual assistant, you get paid to make phone calls, schedule appointments, complete data entry, and more. The tasks are unique and change frequently. For example, you may be asked to cancel a client’s cable service or find hotel prices for them. You can set your own hours, so the gig is 100% flexible. Fancy Hands is one of the most well-known virtual assistant companies. The company started as a simple service run by one man, founder Ted Roden. In 2010, Fancy Hands began hiring virtual assistants across the country. The company has since been praised by Mashable, The New York Times, Forbes, and dozens of other news outlets.
Another virtual assistant service that provides at-home virtual assistant jobs is NS Virtual Services. NS Virtual Services, which is a Canadian company, supports businesses by providing virtual assistant services, ranging from general admin to transcription. So, if you’re interested in working as a virtual assistant, then you might consider contacting NS Virtual Services. There aren’t many details available about working as a virtual assistant with the company – but there’s an application form you can fill out. Read extra details on Work as a freelancer.
Gabbyville offers online virtual assistant jobs with a focus on live phone call support, which requires a T1 VoIP phone line and noise-canceling technology. However, you can also be expected to assist with appointment reminders, text message notifications, and online scheduling. In order to apply, you’ll need to send your resume and a cover letter to career@gabbyville.com. The company does require that you have at least a high school diploma, a typing speed of 50+ words-per-minute (test yours here for free), and 2+ years experience in customer service. Pay is reported to be $9 to $10 an hour, putting Gabbyville on the lower-end of legitimate online virtual assistant jobs.
Be a reliable worker for each company and client. You may also notice that reliability is a huge qualification for virtual assistants. It’s important for each individual client to depend on you. Even if a project seems small or pays less than others, give it your full effort. Doing this gives you a great track record as a virtual assistant. It may also open the door to better-paying opportunities in this field. Boost your communication skills. A huge part of being a virtual assistant is communicating effectively. You’ll be talking on the phone, sending e-mails, attending video conferences, and more. Work on your verbal communication so that you sound confident. You can also use free tools like Grammarly to polish your e-mails and chat logs.
Become a Virtual Assistant and start getting paid for doing general freelance work, tasks and projects from home on behalf of companies. Choose the tasks and projects that suit you Work whenever you wish, from anywhere with an internet connection Suitable for any age, ability or background click here to start. Source: https://earncashweekly.site/.
Searching for Professional development in corporate training in Chiang Mai to raise you or your teams skill levels ? Blended learning for corporate training allows your employees to participate in their training program using mobile devices or their laptops anytime, anywhere, and it offers them control in a way that traditional corporate training cannot. By providing your audience with supplementary online material, such as additional links or further online resources, you give them the opportunity to use the additional information when needed and at their own pace. When your employees are given power over their learning, by being able to combine their face to face training sessions with online self study, they feel that their unique learning needs and behaviors are met; this way, their training becomes much more effective.
Having a strong and successful training strategy helps to develop your employer brand and make your company a prime consideration for graduates and mid-career changes. Your commitment to training will obviously be transmitted to the career marketplace, including job seekers and recruitment professionals, by means word of mouth and positive feedback by current and past employees. Increasingly, your company will be recognised by recruitment professionals who seek to place ambitious candidates within your organisation partly on the strength of your company’s reputation (employer brand) – and the strength and quality of your training. You company reputation for training will also be built through those educational establishments which advise and guide promising talent towards the job market. Read extra info at Communication corporate training in Chiang Mai.
In 2017, the total U.S. training expenditure– including payroll and spending on external products and services, rose significantly, increasing 32.5 percent to $90.6 billion. Overall, on average, companies spent $1,075 per learner in 2017 compared to $814 per learner in 2016. While companies are investing an exorbitant sum to train their employees, it would all be futile if these employees are unable to retain and process the information received. Similarly, employees in a corporate environment must have hands-on experience and must clearly understand the process before undertaking the actual work. Interactive corporate training ensures that the trainees are not just watching the content, but are actively participating.
Studies show that a higher level of engagement during training activities results in greater retention and recall of knowledge on the part of the learner. And interactivity strategies such as the use of multimedia elements, real-world scenarios, and even basic achievement levels and badges can help to transform the most mundane training modules into engaging, thought-provoking and memorable learning experiences. Read extra details on https://www.mindtools.co.th/personal-development/neuro-linguistic-programming/nlp-inverse-of-the-meta-model/.
When the employees know that the MindTools they have to take is not a page-turner, but will allow them to learn something truly relevant to their job, their involvement and commitment are measurably higher. Increased Collaboration And Ability To Measure Effectiveness: When corporate learning is focused on supporting learners, and when it uses familiar company branding and strategy, it more closely aligns with the business and employee’s personal goals. This makes collaboration much more likely and more efficient. Custom MindTools programs usually employ communication and collaboration tools as well, in the form of forums, chats, wikis, etc. As custom MindTools content is created on demand, the learning team can augment it with specific tests or requirements meant to aid in measuring the training efficiency. More thorough measurements (Levels 2, 3, and even 4) can also be designed for custom MindTools programs. Have you experienced the use of custom MindTools in corporate training programs? Share your thoughts with us.
Increases learner engagement. What is learner engagement? Learner engagement is a measure that reflects the quantity and quality of a learner’s participation in their courses and every other aspect of their educational program. In today’s world of limited attention span and increasing distractions, the corporate L&D is facing the challenge of creating and sustaining the learner engagement . The traditional classroom training has failed big time as it disengages and makes the learning experience too boring.. With the millennials loving games, e-learning gamification is an ideal strategy to bring back the engagement in learning. How the use of gamification in workplace training can enhance learner engagement? Using the right game mechanics and game elements. Use of rewards in e-learning gamification. Creating competition. Make it social. Source: https://www.mindtools.co.th/.
Looking for the best quality appliance repair in Buena Park? First let us offer some tricks to raise the life of your appliances, to make them last longer. Whether you bought your home appliance at a local outlet or a big-box retailer, chances are you purchased it with the intent it would last a long time. But just as cars need the occasional oil change and tune up to extend their mileage, your home appliances need some added attention now and again too.
Even the smallest details can save you a great deal of money on your next energy bill. By allowing your leftovers time to cool down after a meal, you are reducing the amount of heat added to the interior of your appliance. You should also properly store your food in protective wrapping or Tupperware prior to placing your dish in the refrigerator as it prevents any residual heat from escaping into your unit. Just be careful, don’t let your food sit out cooling for too long, as it may spoil.
Reposition the refrigerator. Your fridge runs more efficiently when it has airflow behind it. Pull the fridge an inch or two away from the wall to improve how it runs. Clean the fridge. Wipe down the door gaskets and vacuum the condenser coil on your fridge once and a while to keep it running more efficiently. Organize the fridge. You can use clear plastic bins to help organize similar foods in your fridge. You can also line the shelves with plastic wrap to make the cleaning process very easy.
Dryers eliminate the need to manually wring out your clothes and wait for the heavily wet and dripping pieces to dry up. With a functional dryer, you can lessen your laundry time by several hours and save you time. This is why keeping your dryer in good working condition can help you save not just time but money needed for dryer repair as well. However, sometimes you would need to have it looked at especially if it is an older piece. Common Dryer Problems: After some time, you will see some problems with your dryer especially if you frequently use it. As with any machine, wear and tear is normal. However, you really don’t have to completely replace it if you can find out what’s wrong and have it repaired. Your dryer works differently from your washing machine, and their mechanisms have highly different purposes which is why some of the following common problems are unique to dryers.
If you are searching for appliance repair in Mission Viejo we recommend Appliance Repair Orange. We fully stock our vans with all necessary parts to be able to complete the repair on the same day. We use only brand-new genuine factory parts. We provide a warranty on any repair job – 5 Years Warranty on replaced parts. Please don’t disconnect or disassemble your appliance while waiting for a repairman. Please don’t try to repair your appliance yourself, especially if you don’t have a basic appliance repair experience. Your wrong actions will complicate our work and can worsen a problem and raise the price of repair.
Mirissa is the ultimate Sri Lankan beach getaway. The beautiful long beach is flanked by tall overhanging palm trees and lined with modern restaurants and hotels. The restaurants have western style food at Sri Lankan prices. Just off the beach is Parrot Rock. It has a small staircase leading to the top that offers great views of the ocean and coastline. Day trips from Mirissa include whale watching, snorkeling and surfing. Weligama, just a few kilometers from Mirissa, is one of the best beaches in Sri Lanka to learn surfing. Come happy hour and into the evening, many the restaurants turn their venues into beach clubs and pump out drinks and tunes. Arugam Bay is revered by surfers. This small town on the east coast of Sri Lanka embodies the quintessential laid-back surf lifestyle. The Main Point surf break is within walking distance from the town center, but is only recommended for advanced or intermediate surfers. Otherwise, Whiskey Point or Peanut Farm are two great surf beaches for beginner and intermediate surfers; a short tuk-tuk ride will take you there. Often elephants and peacocks can be spotted beside the road, just outside of town. The main strip in Arugam Bay town is lined with restaurants and hotels where you can dine on anything from traditional Sri Lankan curry to full English breakfasts.
Nepal and Himalaya are a fascinating location if you are looking for adventure and ancient history exploration. The Bodhanath Stupa, just outside of Kathmandu, is one of the largest stupas of its kind in the world, and dates to sometime around the 6th century, possibly even earlier. Like Bhaktapur, it lies on the old trade route to Tibet and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The stupa sustained minor damage during the 2015 earthquake but is otherwise in good condition. The stupa itself is a symbol of enlightenment but at Boudhanath the symbolism is particularly clear. Each different shape represents one of the five elements, earth, water, fire, air, and sphere, which are also the attributes of the five Buddhas. Brought together in the form of the stupa, their unity reflects in abstract fashion the structure of the universe itself. Looking to get your discount flights for your next dream holiday ? We had good experiences with https://buyselltrip.com.
To get to San Blas you’ve got four options. You can fly from Panama straight into the San Blas Islands, take a sailing boat from Cartagena, take a speedboat from Capurganá, or take the bus from Panama City. Most backpackers travelling between Colombia and Panama choose one of these options. For a good reason: Travelling over the land border, known as the ‘Darien Gap’, can be very dangerous . This is a popular drug trafficking route out of Colombia to Panama and is not safe (plus it’s just untamed jungle the whole way!). The Kuna people are the indigenous tribe that inhabit some of the islands. We had the chance to be able to stay on one of their islands for 2 out of the three nights we were there. On the second night we had the chance to play football with the kids and hang out at the local bar in the evening. They’re very welcoming people, and it was definitely a great experience to see the way that the Kuna people live.
What can you see in Austria! One of Vienna’s most stunning attractions is the Hofburg Imperial Palace. This is a complex that served as the official royal residence of the Habsburgs until the First World War. The palace was built in stages, adding on places like the stables, the library and the Spanish Riding School as power and money accumulated for the Habsburgs. From the entrance in the Michaelerplatz, visitors can tour several onsite museums and even get a look at former royal apartments as well as the glittering Imperial Silver Collection.
Switzerland is an unbelievable beautiful country but also one of the most expensive. Not having your legal papers in order can cost you a lot here. So we will talk about the amazing places and also the practical advices regarding insurance and other legal matters. Imagine a sparkling blue lake surrounded by mountains, a car-free medieval old town, covered bridges, waterfront promenades, frescoed historic buildings, and sun-splashed plazas with bubbling fountains. No wonder Lucerne (in German Luzern) is a top spot for tourists. Famed for its music concerts, this quintessential Swiss town lures renowned soloists, conductors, and orchestras to its annual International Music Festival. The Culture and Convention Center is home to one of the world’s leading concert halls. One of the city’s most famous landmarks is the Chapel Bridge, built in the 14th century. In a small park, lies the famous Lion Monument, a poignant sculpture of a dying lion, which honors the heroic death of Swiss Guards during the attack on the Tuileries in the French Revolution. History buffs will enjoy the Swiss Transport Museum with extensive exhibits on all forms of transport, including air and space travel, railroad locomotives, and a Planetarium. For beautiful views of Lucerne, the Alps, and the lake, ride the funicular to the Dietschiberg on the north side of Lake Lucerne, cruise up Mt. Pilatus on the cableway, or head to the Rigi, a famous lookout point. Read extra details at Cheap and affordable hotel prices.
Some advices about welding equipment, MIG and TIG welders, plasma cutters. MIG welders use a wire welding electrode on a spool that is fed automatically at a constant pre-selected speed. The arc, created by an electrical current between the base metal and the wire, melts the wire and joins it with the base, producing a high-strength weld with great appearance and little need for cleaning. MIG welding is clean, easy and can be used on thin or thicker plate metals. Similar to MIG welding, flux-cored arc welding (FCAW)* is a wire-feed process but differs in that self-shielded flux-cored welding does not require a shielding gas. Instead, flux-cored wire is used to shield the arc from contamination. This is a simple, efficient and effective welding approach, especially when welding outdoors, in windy conditions or on dirty materials. The process is widely used in construction because of its high welding speed and portability.
MIG welders guides: how to become a more skilled welder and how to choose the best welding equipment. 2% thoriated tungsten electrodes are mildly radioactive: Word on the street is that 2% thoriated tungsten electrodes are mildly radioactive. They say deer meat is too. No one gets out alive. Good news though…and it’s not just that I saved a bundle on my car insurance by switching to GEICO.. I have learned through testing a bunch of arc starts and by welding on all different metals that 2% lanthanated electrodes are about as good as the 2% thoriated. I even like the lanthanated a little better for some applications. So if you are scared of thoriated tungsten but you are even more scared of crappy electrodes that don’t work as well, use 2% lanthanated…they are colored blue. One word to the wise here. The blue ones are not brittle like 2% thoriated electrodes. And they splinter if you try to break them or snip with dykes. You have to cut or score with a grinder in order to cut to size or cut off a bib blob of metal you don’t want to sand off.
One of the “cardinal sins” that almost every shop commits is over-welding. This means that if the drawing calls for a 1/4″ fillet weld, most shops will put down a 5/16″ weld. The reasons? Either they don’t have a fillet gauge and are not exactly sure of the size of the weld they are producing or they put in some extra to “cover” themselves and make sure there is enough weld metal in place. But, over-welding leads to tremendous consumable waste. Let’s look again at our example. For a 1/4″ fillet weld, the typical operator will use .129 lbs. per foot of weld metal. The 5/16″ weld requires .201 lbs. per foot of weld metal – a 56 percent increase in weld volume compared to what is really needed. Plus, you must take into account the additional labor necessary to put down a larger weld. Not only is the company paying for extra, wasted consumable material, a weld with more weld metal is more likely to have warpage and distortion because of the added heat input. It is recommended that every operator be given a fillet gauge to accurately produce the weld specified – and nothing more. In addition, changes in wire diameter may be used to eliminate over-welding. Looking for the best Welding Fume Extraction? We recommend Welding Supplies Direct & associated company TWS Direct Ltd is an online distributor of a wide variety of welding supplies, welding equipment and welding machine. We supply plasma cutters, MIG, TIG, ARC welding machines and support consumables to the UK, Europe and North America.
Put a vent hole in anything you weld that will be sealed up completely: Put a vent hole in anything you weld that will be sealed up completely or air will heat up and expand and blow away your shielding gas or even blow out at the end of the weld bead. Some machined joints that are sealed on one end will not even allow you to start welding because the fit is so good that the part is air tight before you even weld. Other machined parts where a part is pressed in and bottomed out can give cracking problems because there is no where for the part to shrink. If you have to weld something that has been pressed in and bottomed out, make sure to add more filler metal than average to tacks and the final weld bead. That is to prevent the cracking that happens when you run a concave bead and the metal has nowhere to shrink.
Flat-Position Welding Increases Welding Speed : It’s common knowledge that welding in a horizontal position will be the easiest and fastest way to weld. A flat position is not as taxing to maintain and the welding puddle will stay in place. Take some time to evaluate each project before beginning in order to make sure the majority of welds can be completed in this position. If a job calls for vertical welding, see this article about vertical welding. Core Wire Feeder Increases TIG Welding Speed: For professional welders hoping to speed up TIG welding, a core wire feeder will add filler metal through an automated process. Watch this video on how it works. This enables welders to work with both hands and to maintain a constant flow of wire into the welding puddle. Ed Craig at the Frabricator writes about the wire feeder process first developed in Europe, saying it is “suitable for all-position welding on materials of any thickness, the process addresses traditional GTAW limitations and can enhance both manual and automated TIG weld quality and productivity.”
Improper drive roll selection and tension setting can lead to poor wire feeding. Consider the size and type of wire being used and match it to the correct drive roll. Since flux-cored wire is softer, due to the flux inside and the tubular design, it requires a knurled drive roll that has teeth to grab the wire and to help push it through. However, knurled drive rolls should not be used with solid wire because the teeth will cause shavings to break off the wire, leading to clogs in the liner that create resistance as the wire feeds. In this case, use V-grove or U-groove drive rolls instead. Set the proper drive roll tension by releasing the drive rolls. Then increase the tension while feeding the wire into your gloved hand until the tension is one half-turn past wire slippage. Always keep the gun as straight as possible to avoid kinking in the cable that could lead to poor wire feeding.
Just about everyone who tries TIG welding feels challenged at first. This is understandable, given all the things you have to watch for and think about, while simultaneously coordinating the motion of both hands. In most cases, a foot pedal or torch-mounted amperage control will be used — for starting, modulating and stopping the flow of current. I have coached many people as they learn these skills, and I have received my share of questions over the years. Here are a few frequently asked questions — and answers — that should be helpful, particularly for beginning and intermediate welders. Source: https://www.weldingsuppliesdirect.co.uk/.