9 05 19

A fascinating destination if you are searching for adventure and ancient history feeling, add beaches, lagoons and reefs, this is Mauritius. Actually, you cant be confused about which ones to pick among popular tourist places in Mauritius, if adventurous sports pump your adrenaline. Keep La Cambuse beach as a must visit. Termed as one of the undiscovered spots in Mauritius, it is located in the east of the airport. The white sand and crystal clear water will surely invite you for a dip, but beware, as it can be deceiving. Le Morne beach is one of the best places to visit in south Mauritius for those who love water sports. Backed by Le Morne Mountain, it is a perfect place for swimming. However, one must stay aware of the different water sports activities going around.

If you have been to Mauritius and have not been to this place, have you ever been to Mauritius? If you wish to witness something out of this world, visiting the Chamarel Coloured Earth is an absolute must for you. This stupefying attraction has gained popularity over time because of the fact that it comprises of sand of seven different colors which is most definitely going to leave you perplexed and shocked at the same time. The colors are not very prominent because of the tropical climate of Mauritius but if you mix the colored earth, you will be able to see a remarkable difference. The predominant colors you notice include that of the red, black, purple and cyan.

If wild adventure is your style, visit Black River Gorges National Park which is one of the famous places to visit in south west Mauritius. Spread in an area of approximately 68 km, it is best for the photographers looking for flower and fauna. If you are a researcher, then the park field stations can come in handy to know more about the national park. While trekking, one can find numerous wild pigs, rusa deer, privets, and Chinese guava. Some of the endangered species of birds and animals can even be seen in this national park.

Next, on the list of the amazing tourist’s spots around in Mauritius for the nature lovers include the La Vallee Des Couleurs, Nature Park. The park is known around the world for being home to some of the rare and indigenous species of both flora and fauna. Take a complete trip around the park to witness the beauty of the rarest of formations around the Earth and get ready to get your mind completely blown away. There are also four beautiful waterfalls in the park itself which further accentuate the beauty of the place.

Where to stay in Mauritius?

Set amongst 213 hectares of tropical gardens and surrounded by an Ernie Els designed 18-hole golf course, Anahita Golf & Spa Resort, one of the best five star Mauritius hotels, is nestled on the east coast of Mauritius. Experience the authentic Mauritian charm with its unique accommodation, diverse culinary experience and dedicated service. Enjoy a vast range of the most sought-after activities: two exceptional 18-hole championship golf courses designed by Ernie Els and Bernhard Langer, exclusive beach experience on its two beaches, boutiques, Personal fitness centre, Anahita Spa by Themae Paris, tennis courts, Kid’s & teens club, water sports centre, leisure parks at Domaine de l’Etoile and Ile aux cerfs. Read more info : Mauritius luxury hotels.

For our french visitors :

Un fabuleux destination si vous recherchez histoire ancienne melangee a des attractions modernes sentiment, ajoutez des plages , lagons et recifs, c’est l’ile Maurice. Visites guidees A Maurice, decouvrez la beaute de l’ile et admirez les lagons transparents, les cotes vierges, les champs de canne a sucre ondulants et d’autres superbes perspectives. La duree des visites varie de 15 minutes a 1 heure, en fonction de la duree du vol, de l’emplacement de l’helipad et des conditions climatiques. Des visites sur mesure peuvent egalement etre organisees. Prolongez votre experience de vol avec notre service de transfert premium. Economisez des heures de conduite et transferez directement a votre hotel en quelques minutes, tout en decouvrant la beaute de l’ile Maurice depuis les airs. Des transferts peuvent etre organises entre l’aeroport international SSR / les hotels et inversement. Cliquez ici pour reserver votre transfert. Pour ceux qui aiment la plongee en apnee et la natation, Trou Aux Biches devrait etre le premier endroit a visiter a l’ile Maurice. Avec son sable doux et ses eaux calmes, peu profondes et claires, c’est un lieu ideal pour un pique-nique a la plage avec la famille et les amis. Si vous aimez la cuisine de rue, faites du porc dans les nombreux stands et cafes le long de la cote. Une variete de cuisines peut etre essayee ici. Pour les leve-tot, la plage Belle Mare Plage a Maurice est un bon choix pour profiter du lever du soleil. Faites un plongeon pendant que le soleil se leve; vous seriez heureux d’ajouter la plage de Belle Mare Plage a votre liste d’attractions touristiques a ne pas manquer parmi les sites touristiques de Maurice. Les nageurs experimentes peuvent nager dans les courants, qui sont un peu plus forts que d’autres plages de l’ile Maurice.

Si vous avez ete a Maurice et que vous n’avez pas ete a cet endroit, avez-vous deja ete a l’ile Maurice? Si vous souhaitez assister a quelque chose d’extraordinaire, visiter la Terre coloree de Chamarel est un must absolu pour vous. Cette attraction stupefiante a gagne en popularite avec le temps car elle est composee de sable de sept couleurs differentes, ce qui vous laissera assurement perplexe et choque. Les couleurs ne sont pas tres saillantes a cause du climat tropical de Maurice mais si vous melangez la terre coloree, vous pourrez voir une difference remarquable. Les couleurs predominantes que vous remarquez sont celles du rouge, du noir, du violet et du cyan.

Si vous aimez la nature, visitez le parc national des Gorges de la Riviere Noire, qui est l’un des lieux celebres a visiter dans le sud-ouest de l’ile Maurice. Reparti sur une superficie d’environ 68 km, il est preferable pour les photographes a la recherche de fleurs et de la faune. Si vous etes un chercheur, les stations de terrain du parc peuvent etre utiles pour en savoir plus sur le parc national. Pendant le trekking, on peut trouver de nombreux cochons sauvages, des cerfs rusa, des privets et de la goyave chinoise. Certaines des especes d’oiseaux et d’animaux en voie de disparition peuvent meme etre vues dans ce parc national.

Si les plantes, la verdure et la nature constituent l’un de vos centres d’interets, le jardin botanique national de Maurice est un site incontournable lors de votre sejour a l’ile Maurice. . Reparti sur un vaste territoire, le jardin botanique national de Maurice abrite plus de 650 variantes de plantes au total. Le jardin revet egalement une importance historique, car il a ete ouvert par un gouverneur francais a l’epoque et il etait auparavant un jardin prive.

Ou sejourner a Maurice?

Situe au milieu de 213 hectares de jardins tropicaux et entoure d’un parcours de golf de 18 trous concu par Ernie Els, Anahita Golf & Spa Resort, l’un des meilleurs hotels cinq etoiles de Maurice, est niche sur la cote est de l’ile Maurice. Decouvrez le charme mauricien authentique avec son hebergement unique, son experience culinaire diversifiee et son service devoue. Profitez d’une vaste gamme d’activites parmi les plus recherchees: deux parcours de golf d’exception de 18 trous concus par Ernie Els et Bernhard Langer, une experience de plage exclusive sur ses deux plages, des boutiques, un centre de remise en forme personnel, le spa Anahita de Themae Paris, des courts de tennis , Club pour enfants et adolescents, centre de sports nautiques, parcs de loisirs au Domaine de l’Etoile et a l’Ile aux Cerfs. Lire extra details: hotel luxe ile Maurice.

8 05 19

Searching for an advert adaptation and digital works studio ? Pinkart began its development in the layout of annual reports and then expanded its offer of expertise with the layout of magazines, product catalogs, books and advertising versions. Today Pinkart has a complementary team dedicated to the process of photo retouching. Finally, “Octopouce Digital” is a sister company dedicated to the development of websites and digital strategy.

The studio has developed different areas of expertise on different media. We have a team dedicated to producing magazine layouts. A second team manages the production of pocket books, including the creation of models and casting. For product catalogs, a team is specialized with the use of Easycatalog. Finally, during the season of annual reports and DDR, we produce in 24/24, 7/7. See extra details at https://www.pinkart-ltd.com/.

From the graphical base and the customer routes, we adapt the design to the different packaging. Depending on the specifications (offset, flexo, helio, …) and the graphic, we prepare the files for printing. From the flat file we can realize 3D packaging modeling. Upon receipt of the client file and the constraints of the printer (offset, flexo, helio, …), we adapt the content to the specifications and the graphic chart. We carry out the modeling in the respect of areas of fold and cut taking into account the flaps. Finally, a 3D modeling is carried out to control and verify the good execution of the works.

The terms ‘editing’ and ‘retouching’ are used quite often in the photography world, but can mean wildly different things. Some photographers even use them meaning the same thing, which can be very confusing to a couple getting married unless the photographer is specific about what they mean or unless you ask them to explain. So, in this post, I will explain what I mean by ‘editing’ and what I mean by ‘retouching’. After reading, you will have a better understanding of what the terms can mean (as I said, it can vary from photographer to photographer), so that you know what questions to ask so you understand what you will receive.

Page layout is the arrangement of text and images on both printed and digital pages — is a primary tool used by graphic designers to communicate messages in a compelling and memorable way. Through their creative talents, designers elicit emotional reactions through stunning and often awe-inspiring designs delivered through the canvas of effective page layout. But in a commercial light, designers are challenged to combine their creative instincts with the needs of the business and consistent use of brand elements, and they are often burdened by needing mutiple software applications to bring their visions to life. This challenge becomes more complex as page layout evolves to encompass more complex dimensions — not just because of the Web, but also because of new digital media such as eBooks, smartphones, and tablets such as the iPad™.

But the emergence of new media — from the Web to interactive eBooks, smartphones, and the iPad — has fundamentally changed the nature of page layout. While fitting static content on a finite page used to be a primary challenge for print layouts, today the task demands that designers incorporate scrolling Web pages, interactivity, sound, animation, movies, slide shows, and other elements that produce multiple dimensions and unlimited depth for a single page — changing the notion of page layout altogether.

For our french visitors:

recherche de un studio de graphisme pour la gestion de l’impression? Pinkart Ltd a ete creee en 2007 a Maurice pour repondre aux demandes des clients europeens a la recherche de solutions de PAO en mer. L’objectif a toujours ete d’offrir a nos partenaires des competences graphiques, une execution et une presentation d’un niveau de qualite au moins egal au niveau europeen, mais a des tarifs inferieurs de 50%.

Avec notre equipe de graphistes creatifs et techniques, nous gerons environ dix titres par mois. A partir des copies preparees et du suivi de la charte graphique que nous produisons pour les pages finies des editeurs europeens (Pre mock / Proof / Finalization et BAT). Le traitement des images est effectue par notre equipe de photogravure. Nous produisons des magazines de kiosques a journaux, des magazines industriels, des magazines techniques ou des lettres d’information. Lire extra info on mise en page catalogue.

A partir de la base graphique et des itineraires du client, nous adaptons le design aux differents emballages. En fonction des specifications (offset, flexo, helio, …) et du graphique, nous preparons les fichiers pour l’impression. A partir du fichier a plat, nous pouvons realiser une modelisation d’emballage 3D. Lorsqu’il est question de photographie, en particulier de post-traitement et de retouche d’image, le terme “retouche” designe tout processus utilise pour modifier une image. image physiquement, dans le cas d’un film ou, numeriquement, dans le cas d’une image numerique pour ameliorer l’apparence de l’image. Les retouches peuvent etre utilisees pour eliminer divers defauts d’image, par exemple la poussiere ou la salete sur un objectif ou un capteur d’image, ou, comme on le voit souvent dans les publications de mode, les defauts physiques de la peau d’un modele. Les retouches numeriques modernes sont effectuees dans un logiciel de retouche photo a l’aide de nombreux outils, tels que des pinceaux pour rendre flou, des outils de remplacement des couleurs et des tampons de duplication.

Les termes «retouche» et «retouche» sont assez souvent utilises dans le monde de la photographie, mais peuvent signifier des choses tres differentes. Certains photographes les utilisent meme dans le meme sens, ce qui peut etre tres deroutant pour un couple qui se marie, a moins que le photographe ne precise ce qu’il veut dire ou si vous leur demandez de vous expliquer. Donc, dans ce post, je vais expliquer ce que je veux dire par «montage» et ce que je veux dire par «retouche». Apres lecture, vous comprendrez mieux ce que les termes peuvent signifier (comme je l’ai dit, cela peut varier d’un photographe a l’autre), de sorte que vous sachiez quelles questions poser, afin que vous compreniez ce que vous recevrez.

La mise en page est la disposition du texte et des images sur les pages imprimees et numeriques. C’est un outil primordial utilise par les graphistes pour communiquer des messages de maniere convaincante et memorable. Grace a leurs talents creatifs, les concepteurs suscitent des reactions emotionnelles grace a des conceptions stupefiantes et souvent impressionnantes livrees au moyen de la mise en page efficace. Toutefois, d’un point de vue commercial, les concepteurs sont invites a associer leur instinct de creation aux besoins du secteur et a une utilisation coherente des elements de la marque. Ils ont souvent besoin d’applications logicielles multiples pour donner vie a leur vision. Ce defi devient plus complexe a mesure que la mise en page evolue pour englober des dimensions plus complexes – non seulement a cause du Web, mais egalement a cause des nouveaux supports numeriques tels que les livres electroniques, les smartphones et les tablettes tels que l’iPad ™.

Pour utiliser pleinement toutes les options de mise en page desormais disponibles – et creer des portefeuilles refletant les competences requises par les employeurs – les concepteurs ont besoin d’outils leur fournissant la meilleure fonctionnalite de conception adaptee a chaque type de mise en page. . Idealement, ils devraient pouvoir utiliser un seul outil et gerer une seule source d’informations afin de pouvoir effectuer un changement et le faire automatiquement refleter dans toutes les presentations.

8 05 19

CoC eSports is booming! That’s right, you can now compete , esports style, in your favorite mobile strategy game! Over Christmas we announced our partnership with ESL to bring the first Clash of Clans World Championship tournament where Clans from around the world will have the opportunity to compete against one another and finally once and for all determine which Clan reigns supreme. In-game pre-qualifier: The qualifying Clan’s Leader will be contacted by Supercell via the in-game inbox. The Clan Leader has 24 hours to confirm their participation in that month’s Offline Qualifier. If the Clan Leader fails to respond in time or if their Clan isn’t available to attend the Offline Qualifier in Katowice, Poland, the spot will be offered to the next ranking Clan.

Clash of Clans is a mobile gaming app for iOS and Android devices that doesn’t cost a penny to play. You can download it to your phone and tablet and play for nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. Um, well, unless you count the cost of the time spent messing around with the thing. Or the cost of purchasing gems that buy back some of that valuable time before you actually spend it.

I’ll start by saying that this handheld game is a well-designed strategy title. It’s fun and colorful. But if you boil the gaming action down to its simplest terms, you’re essentially building and defending your own goodies while trying to break down and steal everybody else’s stuff. You start out with a tiny village-like place with a few tiny buildings, a tiny cannon and a tiny army. And then you work to make them all bigger. Much bigger. For this is a world of marauding hordes of goblins and vast attacking multiplayer clans. So tiny clearly doesn’t cut it here. You’ve got to build, my aspiring chieftain. And quickly. To do that, you’ll need two substances: virtual gold and elixir.

“All defensive walls, non-defensive buildings, heroes, everything, every last upgradable thing is complete,” Tyrael said. “Nothing you can click has a button that says upgrade anymore.” “Clash of Clans” is a free app, but you can move along more quickly if you pay for features. This is a “freemium” model. It’s free to play, but you could end up paying a premium. Players are always tempted to pay real-world dollars for the virtual in-game currency, gems, to help get ahead in the game. For example, if a player wanted to upgrade their base to match Tyrael’s, it would cost them just shy of $12,000. While Tyrael has purchased the occasional upgrade, he says the overall amount is minimal, around $50 and that he preferred to upgrade the old-fashioned way by playing the game.

Clash of Clans Private Servers 2019: Looking to Play Clash of Clans Game with Freedom? Then you must have the knowledge of Clash of Clans Private Servers right. Here you’ll find all the private original servers in an easy way Just Follow me, I will explain Everything Step by step. Yes, you heard it right COC Private server is the only solution to your problem. In the rest of the article, I’m going to explain what exactly is Clash of clans private server android are, how they work and what are the different type of private servers available in the market and what’s their features. Let’s start playing the game in a smart way using COC Private Servers. I know you still searching for COC Private server 2017 download and could not find anything good and it’s 2019 now but I guarantee you here you can download COC Private server 2019 absolutely free. More info on Clash of Clans Hack.

All in all, Clash of Clans is still a good game despite its five-year-old tag. Even though there are flaws with builder base at the moment, the overall experience of the game is amazing. You don’t have to spend money to progress through the game. However, it will take you a considerable amount of time to unlock the cool upgrades. Regardless of all the flaws, Clash of Clans is one of the few games that has managed to stay on top for so long. A large number of developers tried emulating the success of Clash of Clans, but most of them have failed to deliver. Just download the game and you will fall in love with it in no time.

The new March Clash of Clans update arrived on March 5th, as expected. Supercell doesn’t release updates on the weekend, so they can actually fix any problems that surface. The March 2018 Clash of Clans update is available now on iTunes or the Google Play Store.

8 05 19

Looking for a place in India to learn and become a skilled professional ? Galgotias Educational Institutions (GEI) comprising of Galgotias Institute of Management & Technology (GIMT) and Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology (GCET) were founded by Smt. Shakuntla Educational and Welfare Society. Mr. Suneel Galgotia, a resolute visionary, committed to provide world class technical and management education is the founder Chairman, apart from being the Chancellor of Galgotias University and Managing Director of Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. To provide state-of-the-art infrastructural facilities that support achieving academic excellence.

Student review : I have completed 1 year in this college. My brother also done his btech from this college. Now he is in Infosys and he got placed from the college placement. The best part about the college is its placement record. Almost every single child will be placed at the end of the year. That’s why I also take admission in this college after recommended by my brother. Faculty is nice and very supportive. Environment is good in college. Seniors are always eager to help. There is no ragging in the college. If someone ask me about this cillege, I will surely recommend them my college. That’s all I want to say about my college. Thank You

Well-equipped and well-managed library is the foundation of modern educational structure. The library is a source of learning to any institution. The library of Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology and Galgotias Institute of Management and Technology caters adequately to the needs of B.Tech, M.Tech, MCA and MBA students. It is sufficently equipped to fulfill the requirements of its faculty and staff members.

Code of Conduct for Students : No student shall indulge in any form of ragging of the fresher students, causing mental or physical agony or inflict monetary loss to them, harass them or indulge in any kind of obscenity, vulgarity or violence with them. Students found involved in any form of ragging are liable to severe disciplinary action, and shall be punishable under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code 1860. Hostel inmates who are out of the campus shall report to college main gates by 6.30 PM and are permitted to remain in the college park up-to 8.30 PM only. The Director reserves the right to permit or deny the admission in hostel to the students. The students can be asked to vacate the room at any time under unavoidable circumstances without giving any reason.

More student reviews : As far as placements are concerned, it is a decent college. The placement ratio is good(specially for CS/IT students), probably the best in that area. One could easily get a package of 2-3.5 L.P.A. That’s the average in college. In terms of management, it is like most of the private colleges. Focus is mainly on money making. Facilities provided are satisfactory except for maintenance. Next big thing -> Campus Hostel- The best thing about the campus hostel is that you will get the opportunity to ” tell people stories of your survival(if successfull) after eating mess food”. This is the thing you always hear people (who live in such hostel) talking about, but being in the campus hostel you will be on the other side. Overall, its a good choice if you are just an average student from a middle class(close to the upper bound 😛 )

The Campus, spread over 19 acres is located on an 8-lane expressway connecting Greater Noida with Noida and New Delhi. It is truly a self-sufficient campus with spacious and beautifully academic buildings, separate, fully secure and comfortable hostels for boys and girls, seminar and conference halls as well as indoor and outdoor games facilities and a multi-cuisine cafeteria. See extra info at Galgotias college of engineering and technology direct admission.

Sports facilities: Excellent indoor and outdoor facilities are available on campus for organizing of regular sports team practices, intercollegiate competitions, and recreational activities for faculty, staff and students. Galgotias has sports facilities for Football, Cricket, Badminton, Volleyball, Athletics and Table Tennis.

If you decide to go there, here are some student reviews : The Good: Still attending, but one of the first things I noticed was the school spirit. I’ve never been one to follow sports teams but I find myself all over the football games. The facilities are pretty. The Bad: Probably the area. It’s North Philadelphia. I’m a philly native and I live off campus, just not in North. Don’t live in The North! I’ll be driving home and I see students walking through the worst.

7 05 19

Painting and other visual arts for grownups are a hot hobby today probably because of the high stress world that is the norm today. Painting by Numbers is a system where a picture is divided into shapes, each marked with a number that corresponds to a particular color. You paint in each shape and ultimately the picture emerges as a finished painting. Tip for painting by numbers: Be patient! Don’t splay out the hairs of the brush in an attempt to paint in an area more quickly. This will quickly ruin the brush and destroy the fine tip. Apply gentle pressure to bend the tips of the hairs slightly and glide the brush along the surface. Think of it as the paper (or canvas) pulling the paint off the brush rather than using the brush to push the paint down.

In different shop, what included in paint by numbers kits is different. No matter where you buy paint by numbers, you should check kits after get it. Usually, there are some basic elements included, such as one paint by number canvas, corresponded inks, and some painting brushes.

Prepare them before you start painting as you’ll need them to clean your brushes when they start to get all gunked up. Remember to wash your brush completely when changing to a new color. With acrylic paints, lukewarm water usually works best.

Diamond painting is an easy and enjoyable activity for crafters young and old. Based on the same concept as mosaics and paint-by-numbers, diamond painting uses tiny “diamond”-like facets to create colorful designs and patterns for finished designs that sparkle. Review your chart and legend carefully before you begin. The packages of diamonds are labeled with the color name or number, but it might help to also label the bag with the symbol used for that color. This will help you quickly identify the correct color as you work. Paintingscart.com sells diamond paintings, paint by number paintings, pre made, custom photo and multi-panel paintings. Read extra details at Diamond paintings.

Diamond Painting is a new craft hobby that’s a mix between Cross Stitch and Paint By Numbers. Created in 2015, Diamond Painting was designed as an easier, faster, and more therapeutic alternative to Cross Stitch. ometimes it’s the little things that matter! When you start making progress on a painting and begin filling in gaps, you get a satisfying “snap” and a sense of achievement, as dorky as that sounds!

Some of the more obsessive among us need our diamond lines to line up perfectly! We recommends taking an old credit card and running it through the slots between the lines of drills so they all get pushed into place.

Each Diamond Painting Kit comes with everything you need to get started!

– Pre-printed canvas with design chart (with pre-applied adhesive)
– Color diamonds delivered in separate bags (labeled)
– Diamond pen tool
– Pair of extra-sharp tweezers
– Wax pad (used to pick up diamonds)

The pink square wax included in the Diamond Painting kit is a special wax that helps you pick up the small crystals. You need to take a small piece of wax with the edge of the diamond applicator tool, and then try to pick a diamond with it. Don’t worry if the wax square looks so small: a little piece of wax is enough to pick up to 30 crystals.

This style of painting is based around combining the concepts of mosaic art and paint-by-numbers. You build your painting up using tiny diamond shaped facets to create an eye-catching and extremely colourful design. The resulting artwork gives you a finished painting that truly sparkles and shines.

6 05 19

Searching for Shoes brands on mm Alam road? Mochi Cordwainer’ shoes are trendy looking, durable and affordable.

Mochi Cordwainer’s emerged in the market as a footwear brand aimed at filling the price gap between high end and fast fashion brands. Our aim is to provide luxury footwear that is trendy and affordable. From sketching to the final design, our team’s primary focus is to ensure that each shoe is not only comfortable but also highly durable in order to provide the most value to our customers. Once the design phase is complete, our experts head out in the market to hand pick the highest quality leather. After acquiring the leather, our craftsmen work tirelessly with an obsessive attention to detail ensuring that our products are flawless.

Mochi Cordwainer’s delivers across the globe with in 4 business days. When it came to designing the website it was our primary goal that the interface is user friendly and easy to navigate, ensuring a swift and hassle free shopping experience. See extra details at Formal shoes for men.

How to choose the right shoes for the different occasions? For working women the office type elegant dress is preferred for the business parties. If there is some dinner or semi formal party then select your clothing accordingly. Use bold colors with chunky heels. Try some colors that add excitement to the dressing.

Shoes play a major role in our look. No matter how in love you are with fashion, the wrong shoes can actually do serious damage to your body. You don’t want to compromise on style, but it’s not a good idea to compromise on comfort, either. The occasion where you are heading to can be an office party, wedding party, formal dinner, or a family get-together. These all are formal functions, but the kind of women shoes required for these occasions are different and categorized below:

It’s an office party and you are wondering what to wear as a footwear, well if you are thinking about heel height then it can be of any length, be it flat, mid-length or high heels. The heel height actually depends on your preference, but the look of your shoe should be formal. Everyday casual sandals is not the right choice for formal office meetings. Either go for a nice pump or a covered toe shoe with a strap as shown below in the image. These shoes look formal, give a nice comfort fit, and also let you stay in them for all day long without any feeling of tiredness. Also, they go along really well with tube dresses, trousers and skirts.

Our Oxford shoes create a sharp silhouette when paired with a fitted suit. Dress shoes traditionally come in two colours, black and brown. Which is…fine. But 2019 will see the mold breaking as men move towards a more colourful year. Sales in non-traditional Oxford and Derby dress shoes have grown at the bum-end of 2018, solidifying our rationale. New designs of premium leather dress shoes will include colourful tints, such as the Floret BLACKIBLUE Oxford shoe, with infused blue leather.

Need Online shopping shoes in Pakistan ? Try https://mochicc.com/! Fits with all shoe trends of 2019 : We’re glad to hear that the simple slip-on shoe is one of the biggest trends for 2019. Easy, breezy, and supremely comfortable, you can’t beat a stylish espadrille or slipper for the summer. There is a huge range of designers rolling out this style, including Ben Sherman, Moncler, and The Last Conspiracy. They’re all offering their takes on the current trend that looks great pretty much everywhere.

6 05 19

Need to visit a place and you need to buy some travel accessories, maybe an organizer or a travel bag? When choosing luggage it is nice to browse online on sites such as Amazon or maybe on the company’s website to check what other people are saying about the product. However, take reviews with a grain of salt. Read them but understand that most reviews are left by people who are extremely upset over the product or individuals who are simply blown away by it.

The zippers are another element to pay close attention to. Upon purchase of your luggage see to it that the zippers sit even and are relatively easy to zip closed and open. The zipper itself must be of excellent quality and free from any gapes or holes. Besides zippers, your luggage may have other hardware in the form of locks and clamps. Make sure these clamps shut completely and snap open easily.

Duffel bags are no longer just a device to cart your sweats to and from the gym. Many modern duffels have accessories like wheels or a retractable handle; these bags are often sold as “travel duffels.” While a traditional small or medium duffel bag will fit nicely in the overhead compartment, it may strain your arm or shoulder if you have to carry it for long distances. For extensive travel, always go for a piece that has wheels or back straps. Traditional luggage comes in two models: hard-side and soft. Hard-sided bags are molded from difficult-to-pronounce materials like polypropylene and polycarbonate. Soft bags can be made out of fabrics such as microfiber, leather, nylon, PVC or polyester. Some soft bags are expandable and can accommodate up to 25 percent more if you need the space. extra info on Buy Affordable travel accessories online.

When you start to buy luggage, you may feel confused by all the types available and choices you face. What’s the difference between a brand’s 21″, 25″, and 28″ suitcase, you may wonder. (Answer: Capacity. Otherwise they’re usually identical.) Most pieces are multi-purpose, so unless you buy luggage way too big or small, it can be adapted to your needs. That said, there are specific pieces for specific needs: If you’re traveling to a destination wedding with a long dress and tuxedo, a garment bag can help minimize wrinkles. Cosmetic bags have multiple pockets that keep small objects organized. A camera bag can help protect expensive equipment and store accessories.

Lockable zippers – Make sure each compartment has two zippers so you can lock them together. While am not really worried about people breaking into my bag and stealing my dirty clothes in a hostel, I like locking up my bag when I am traveling. I’m always paranoid that someone is going to put something in my bag or that a grabby baggage handler in an airport is going to take my stuff. When purchasing locks, make sure the package says they are TSA-friendly locks – these locks have a special release valve that allows the TSA to open the lock without breaking it so they can check your bag. You can purchase TSA locks at any large retail store, such as Target or Walmart.

The best backpacks – the ones that last the longest and stay in good condition no matter how much you abuse it – have all the following characteristics that make them durable, long-lasting, and will protect your stuff from the rain. Don’t get a backpack that doesn’t check off all the boxes on this list. Buy Multifunction travel bag online at https://shopoffthemap.com/.

Must have travel accessories : So if you have a super awesome Instagram husband (or wife), then you can probably skip this one, unless you’re a pro photographer who is taking photos at really low shutter speeds. If you’re a solo traveler like me then you need a tripod (aka Instagram husband) if you ever want to take a photo of yourself that isn’t a selfie. I also love this particular tripod because it’s tall enough and sturdy enough to take great photos, easy to use (no engineering degree needed to assemble), and small enough for me to carry around without hurting myself or paying ridiculous luggage fees.

6 05 19

LPG certified provides a bespoke and professional service. Repair and certification for commercial, kitchen and mobile catering vans selling street food on London roads. We always make sure our clients comply with safety regulations. Our early service reminders offer peace of mind to our clients.

At LPG Certified, we specialise in LPG gas safety certificates for Mobile Catering Trailers , ,Catering Food Van, Street Food Gazebos , Caravans & Residential Park Homes , Boats, Domestic Commercial Buildings. Our LPG Gas Safe engineers are highly experienced and fully qualified to install , commission and certify LPG catering gas appliances & LPG Barbecue , LPG Patio Heaters , LPG Cabinet Heater ,LPG Space Heaters .

Our services include the issuing of commercial and mobile catering certification, such as the landlord gas safety certificate, commercial gas certificate, commercial catering certificate, and LPG gas safety certificate. We can provide certification not only for the gas meter but also to additional appliances, depending on the client’s requirements. This can include a gas-fired boiler, gas hob, fire, or other appliances. Our services are used extensively by landlords within the greater London area to keep gas appliances in excellent working condition.

At One Perfect Solution, our specialisms also extend to electrical inspection, testing and maintenance of domestic and commercial properties. Our services include electrical fault finding, PAT testing, fire alarm testing, electrical condition reports, and more.

Just some of the many customers we serve on a regular basis include landlords, commercial kitchens, mobile catering companies, educational institutions, housing associations, petrol stations, and many more. We provide a dedicated aftercare support service that is available all day, every day. Our expert staff are on hand to deal with faults, testing, arranging installations, or any other maintenance requirements. In addition, we provide a courtesy call alert service, enabling us to schedule maintenance and prolong the life of the equipment.

We had got ourselves lost in a world of trouble trying to install our newly imported gas coffee roaster, and Sanjeev arrived to save the day. He added so much to our understanding of the workings of our roaster too, along with his fantastic customer care and attention to detail. I whole heartedly recommend this man, and his company, he has great integrity. Thank you so much!!

The Landlord Gas Safety Certificate is a basic requirement for landlords, as set out in the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998. All landlords must ensure adequate checks are carried out prior to tenants moving in. The certification is necessary to ensure gas appliances are tested and serviced on a regular basis to ensure complete safety and compliance.

We’ve got a range of cover options, from a standalone product to those that include cover for other areas of your home, to help keep your boiler and gas central heating working as they should be. A warm home and hot water are things you rely on every day, so we’ve added some extra features to the gas policies, we offer to make life a little bit easier if something goes wrong. Our Famous Breakdown Cover provides free Annual Boiler service, Landlord gas safety certificate (CP12) and callout 24/7. Landlords with multiple rented properties in their portfolio enjoy peace of mind while our dedicated team work hard.

NICEIC Approved Electrical Contractor – 3095615 GAS SAFE
Approved Gas Engineers – 527344 NCASS Approved Catering Engineers

One Perfect Solution limited is a prestigious maintenance engineer company serving London and surrounding counties for domestic and commercial landlords since 2010. Our professional Gas Safe engineers are fully trained to undertake the regular maintenance and repair of gas installations, both within commercial buildings and on mobile catering units. This includes the service and repair of commercial boilers, laundry equipment, and mobile gas appliances. Our services also include the issuing of gas safety certificates, such as the landlord gas safety certificate, commercial catering certificate, LPG gas safety certificate, and others.

Business Wesite : LPG Gas Safety Certificates London
Business Name : Lpg Certified
Business Address : 316A Ruislip Rd E, Greenford UB6 9BH, UK
Business Phone : +447724450054

6 05 19

Manaslu base camp trek recommendations, an amazing travel location. Here are some tips if you plan to tour Himalaya.

Mustang is a sacred pace for both Buddhist and Hindu people. It belongs to the Muktinath Valley in the northwestern part of Nepal and has two different parts referred popularly as Upper and Lower Mustang Valleys. Here you may found the lifestyle and culture of Sherpa people and old villages. In addition, you will be able to explore the entire kingdom of the Upper Mustang Region. Highlights the Tibetan Culture and its Landscape: Mustang region has rich Buddhist culture to allow individuals in experiencing the landscape and culture followed by the Tibetan people. Mustang Region Trekking thus takes you to a mysterious region of Nepal, especially in the upper part of the country. Chance to Visit Lo, the Old Buddhist Kingdom: Mustang Trekking gives you the opportunity to bring trekkers into the hidden world of Lo, the old Buddhist Kingdom. Being closely tie to Tibet, Lo highlights almost similar culture, as followed in Tibet culture, geography and language. In fact, isolation of the region from outer world to a highly preserve culture of Tibet and its unspoiled nature.

Don’t be Afraid of a Little Headache. I hate to say it, but it is almost inevitable that you will get some sort of headache at some stage on the trip. Unfortunately, I suffer from bad headaches at altitude and have had to learn ways to manage them and not let them ruin my experience. One of the best ways to combat these headaches is by listening to the advice of Tip 4; always drink plenty of water while in the mountains. One of the greatest causes of headaches in the mountains is due to dehydration, so drinking water can greatly help to eliminate or lessen your headaches. Another trick that I have found to be helpful is to add a Disprin to my water every morning and another each evening. This will help to slightly thin out your blood and help to reduce headaches caused by the thickening of your blood at altitude. We highly recommend taking Ibuprofen helps reduce inflammation and pressure in your brain. These headaches are completely normal to experience at high to extreme altitude and they are not something to be too afraid of, however if these headaches get very extreme and limit your ability to think straight, eat, sleep, or walk in the mountains, you may need to seek medical attention.

Everest region is rich in flora and fauna. There are quiet diverse since the region ranges in altitude from less than 2000 meters above sea level at Jiri to the high peaks of the Himalaya at over 8000 meters. Up to 4000 meters you will find dense stands of forest including pine, oak and the spectacular flowering rhododendrons. The crop under cultivation will depend on the season that you visit but expect to see wheat, barley, corn and potatoes at some stage. Domesticated animals will range from cattle, buffalo, goats and pigs to the all-purpose beast of mountains-the yak.

Top tips : Help save the environment and your pocket book. Just fill water as you go for free anywhere and purify it yourself. Steripens work great using ultraviolet light to purify water in 30 seconds.

Beside incredible views and sceneries of high mountains of Manaslu-Boudha-Himal- Chuli extends to Ganesh Himal towards east and Manaslu Himalaya in the west.On this trek exploring varied range of culture of Hindu religion in the low and mid hills to Tibetan culture interwoven of Buddhism religion on higher areas of Manaslu. Find extra info at Manaslu circuit trekking.

Take Care of Your Feet – Bad blisters can end a trek just as easily as altitude sickness. I recommend brining some duct tape or moleskin and treating as soon as you start to feel discomfort and not after it becomes an actual blister. Getting a Good Night’s Rest – You will probably be surprised at how comfortable the tea houses are on the trek but the bedroom walls are thin and noise carries quite easily. If you’re a light sleeper I recommend bring some foam ear plugs for a good night’s sleep. While it might be warm trekking during the day its definetly cold at night so make sure you have a warm sleeping bag and thermals. The sleeping bags we rent are -20C and plenty warm.

4 05 19

Experience a Sri Lanka safari with Go4Safari team! Sri Lanka is a fabulous country with many beautiful travel locations. Yala National Park is home to many wildlife animals including leopards if you have a very special fond affection towards the big cat family and you love to see these feline in their natural habitat you have come to the right place, all you have to do is book a ticket to Sri Lanka and book Sri Lanka Safari through go for Safari they have an early morning special Leopard Safari game drive programs that cater to cat lovers who desperate to see leopards in Sri Lanka.

The Temple of the Tooth is a highly sacred place. The temple contains one of Buddha’s teeth. Legend has it that the tooth was taken from the Buddha on his deathbed, then smuggled to Sri Lanka from India. It was smuggled in the hair of a princess, after her father’s kingdom had been besieged. It immediately became an object of great importance and has been celebrated and paraded throughout history. However, many attempts have also been made to steal or destroy the tooth. Twice daily, pujas are held to celebrate the relic and offer visitors and devotees the chance to get a glimpse of the tooth within its casing. At the summit of Adam’s Peak is a footprint cast in stone. It has spiritual significance to a number of different religions, however, there is currently a Buddhist monastery at the summit. To the Buddhists, the footprint is that of Buddha’s; to Christians, the footprint is Adam’s; and to Hindus, the footprint is attributed to Shiva. The site is a popular place of pilgrimage, especially on full moon nights. The trek to the top of the mountain to see the footprint is via a steep staircase containing over 5000 steps. The trail is lined with many tea stalls and food shops which act as places of rest. Most people begin their hike at 2:30 am to reach the summit in time for sunrise.

Hiking in Riverston Sri Lanka was an unexpected highlight of my journey throughout the island. Riverston is a region best defined by the popular term, ‘off the beaten path’. We drove for several hours, parked in the middle of nowhere and then embarked on a hike. We headed across the river and through the rice fields and farmland. There is minimal signage but luckily we had our guide Lukobanda to guide us up. The hike doesn’t have a specific name according to the locals other than the Riverston Hike. The hike looks out over the Knuckles mountain range and the surrounding highlands. It’s one of the short day trip hikes in the area. The end of the hike ends with a sharp 300m drop, which made for some pretty epic photos. From here you can chill and take in the views of the Thelgamuwa Valley, the terraced rice fields, and the Knuckles mountain range. This spot is called ‘The Worlds End’.The hike is 5km long but not incredibly difficult. See more info on Sri Lanka Safari.

Lipton Tea is a staple item in the cupboard of most families around the world. Never did I expect to be trekking with a 60-yr-old local Sri Lankan up and down the steep mountains home amongst the famous Lipton Tea and other highly lauded tea estates. If you are looking to gain historical context and perspective this is one of the best things to do in Sri Lanka. The Royal Tea Trail begins innocuously by the roadside before beginning to the wind between steep tea terraces. Although unlike the rice terraces in Bali these are not tiered. There are no steps and the tea-pluckers must scale the sharp incline. The tea plants are scattered with no particular pattern although they are often layered creating a beautiful linear design on the side of the mountains.

One of Sri Lanka’s seven World Heritage Sites, this rock-top fortress dates back to the 5th century AD. The atmosphere is more spiritual than militant: in its time it has acted as a royal palace and Buddhist monastery. The site is also regarded as one of the most important urban planning projects of the first millennium, and is home to some of the oldest landscaped gardens in the world. Look out too for the mirror wall, a masonry wall that was so well-polished that the king could see his reflection in it.

Why Wilpattu Safari ? Wilpattu national park in Sri Lanka has the most leopard density when compared to other national parks, also the national park is among the top national parks in the world for its ? leopard population, Wilpattu harbor extremely high biodiversity, including 31 species of mammals, sloth bear (Melursus Ursinus inornatus), water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), elephant (Elephas Maximus Maximus), Sambhur (Rusa unicolor unicolor), Spotted deer (Axis axis ceylonensis), Mongoose, and shrew are most known. Since this is not the most famous park here on the Island, despite the peak season visitor numbers remain low, which gives Wilpattu a genuine sense of wilderness. Wilpattu park is mostly good to visit all around the year and less crowded with tourists. You will have a close encounter with beautiful jungle trails with lots of mixed geographical features from grassy plains amidst the dense jungle, to wetlands called “Villu”, aka “Willu-Pattu” translated to Land of Lakes. 75% of the national park is covered with thick jungle, therefore you need more time and patient to spot leopards, best if you book a full day Safari and take the most out your encounter with wildlife.

Source: https://www.go4safari.com/