The European Directive 2016/2012 of 26 October 2016 requires that all documents and forms, downloadable and published on existing public sector websites after 23 September 2018, be made “accessible” at latest by 23 September 2020. In addition, any document of this type published on new public sector websites (those published after 23 September 2018) must be accessible no later than 23 September 2019 (Article 12 (3)). The European directive entered into force on December 22, 2016. It implies that all websites, integrated digital documents (PDF) from public bodies will have to be made accessible according to a relatively restrictive agenda. A monitoring and complaints mechanism is also in place.
The accessibility of PDF documents offers many advantages: A wider audience: a document made accessible to the disabled may be consulted by all, including people with visual impairments, without having to make any graphic and ergonomic concessions.
One of the best methods to determine which formats to provide is to contact a representative sample of customers who are blind or visually impaired. Consumer groups, like the American Council of the Blind, and other local organizations serving blind people, often provide suggestions directly, or they may guide you to individuals willing to give advice. In addition, if texts are being prepared for an activity that requires people to register, the registration process can be used to ask blind people about their format preferences. What follows is a discussion of some of the issues and information you will want to consider.
To help you comply with these regulations, we have developed an innovative technology solution: e-Accessible-PDF, which renders PDF documents “accessible”, at an ultra-competitive cost. Whether you are in the non-profit sector or the private sector, this solution allows you to expand your audiences and make them more inclusive for people with disabilities.
Numerous PDF documents circulate on the websites. As it stands, these documents are not available for all persons with visual impairments. Braille tracks or voice synthesizer, which these persons use to surf the Internet cannot interpret the particular coding of the PDF format. PDF accessibility is a digital treatment aimed precisely at tagging the document hence making it readable.
Some people with reduced mobility, are not able to use the mouse, they therefore navigate with adapted keyboards or use the “focus” mode to interact on a web page. In this case tagging of documents proves to be of a precious help. According to WHO, about 1.3 billion people in the world, have some form of visual impairment. In Europe, the statistics show that almost 10% are affected. These figures include people with blindness, low vision, cognitive and motor impairments. The majority of these individuals are over 50 years old. With the growing and ageing of the population, coupled with a greater prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s), the WHO estimates that the number of visually impaired is expected to double by 2050.
For many years we have developed and improved our accessibility and PDF tagging techniques and now have developed a proprietary solution to accelerate the production of Ultra Accessible PDFs. This allows us to produce on a fast turnaround and at competitive costs quality PDFs. We have customers around the world, public or private companies, and meet the international standards defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), such as ADA, Section 508, WCAG 2.0 AA, HHS and PDF / UA. We are able to produce various accessible documents such as PDF, documents from the Microsoft range (word, Excel, Power point) or Epubs. Read extra info at Page layout –
Unfortunately, PDF, Word, Excel or PPT documents, which are widely integrated on websites, are rarely adapted to these tools. Our role is to render these documents accessible for processing by reading software so that they can be vocalized in the correct reading order. A blind or visually impaired person can use a “screen reader” to vocalize what is appearing on the screen. There are two main screen readers for desktop computers using Windows: JAWS and NVDA. In addition to reading the elements out loud present on the screen, these screen readers offer a wide range of keyboard shortcuts to navigate through the content with greater ease. Although not free, JAWS is the most popular and most commonly used because it is more advanced in terms of functionality and assistance.
For screen readers to read a PDF document effectively, the document must have an underlying logical structure and reading order. This logical structure and reading order use behind-the-scenes elements called tags, which a PDF author adds to the document. Tags define the intended reading order of the content on each page. Screen readers rely on these tags to present text in a way that makes sense when someone is hearing the text read out loud. The tags allow a screen reader to interpret page elements such as headings, sidebars, tables, and multi-column text.
Following the conventional techniques for formatting documents with a word processor is important because doing so facilitates the production of these alternate formats. Software used to translate text into braille, for example, is designed to find and utilize standard word processing codes and to apply them to generate text formatted in the ways that are common practice for the production of braille. When generating large print, often a text must be reformatted, and this task is easier when proper coding in the word processor makes the page numbering, margins, line spacing, tabs, etc. consistent.
What are the benefits of the Accessible PDFs we produce ?
– PDFs that meet the following standards PDF / UA, ADA, Section 508, WCAG 2.0 AA, HHS…
– Documents validated through user tests
– Accessible PDFs directly utilisable
– Quick production turnaround
– A fast and customized service
For your users :
– More user-friendly navigation
– The ability to convert text to voice
– Reading on different media (tablets, mobile, screen magnifiers)
– Replacing mouse actions with keyboard combinations
– The possibility of searching in images
– A help to navigation
Those who read large print may be able to read a document with the aid of prescription lenses, but others may use handheld magnifiers for reading. Some of those who read large print use a closed circuit television (CCTV) at home or in an office. A CCTV is equipped with a camera that enlarges the print and projects it onto a television-like screen. Those who read large print may also have software to enlarge the print displayed on the computer’s monitor. For french visitors see extra info at pdf accessible.
A fascinating destination if you are searching for adventure and ancient history feeling, add beaches, lagoons and reefs, this is Mauritius. Actually, you cant be confused about which ones to pick among popular tourist places in Mauritius, if adventurous sports pump your adrenaline. Keep La Cambuse beach as a must visit. Termed as one of the undiscovered spots in Mauritius, it is located in the east of the airport. The white sand and crystal clear water will surely invite you for a dip, but beware, as it can be deceiving. Le Morne beach is one of the best places to visit in south Mauritius for those who love water sports. Backed by Le Morne Mountain, it is a perfect place for swimming. However, one must stay aware of the different water sports activities going around.
If you have been to Mauritius and have not been to this place, have you ever been to Mauritius? If you wish to witness something out of this world, visiting the Chamarel Coloured Earth is an absolute must for you. This stupefying attraction has gained popularity over time because of the fact that it comprises of sand of seven different colors which is most definitely going to leave you perplexed and shocked at the same time. The colors are not very prominent because of the tropical climate of Mauritius but if you mix the colored earth, you will be able to see a remarkable difference. The predominant colors you notice include that of the red, black, purple and cyan.
If wild adventure is your style, visit Black River Gorges National Park which is one of the famous places to visit in south west Mauritius. Spread in an area of approximately 68 km, it is best for the photographers looking for flower and fauna. If you are a researcher, then the park field stations can come in handy to know more about the national park. While trekking, one can find numerous wild pigs, rusa deer, privets, and Chinese guava. Some of the endangered species of birds and animals can even be seen in this national park.
Next, on the list of the amazing tourist’s spots around in Mauritius for the nature lovers include the La Vallee Des Couleurs, Nature Park. The park is known around the world for being home to some of the rare and indigenous species of both flora and fauna. Take a complete trip around the park to witness the beauty of the rarest of formations around the Earth and get ready to get your mind completely blown away. There are also four beautiful waterfalls in the park itself which further accentuate the beauty of the place.
Where to stay in Mauritius?
Set amongst 213 hectares of tropical gardens and surrounded by an Ernie Els designed 18-hole golf course, Anahita Golf & Spa Resort, one of the best five star Mauritius hotels, is nestled on the east coast of Mauritius. Experience the authentic Mauritian charm with its unique accommodation, diverse culinary experience and dedicated service. Enjoy a vast range of the most sought-after activities: two exceptional 18-hole championship golf courses designed by Ernie Els and Bernhard Langer, exclusive beach experience on its two beaches, boutiques, Personal fitness centre, Anahita Spa by Themae Paris, tennis courts, Kid’s & teens club, water sports centre, leisure parks at Domaine de l’Etoile and Ile aux cerfs. Read more info : Mauritius luxury hotels.
For our french visitors :
Un fabuleux destination si vous recherchez histoire ancienne melangee a des attractions modernes sentiment, ajoutez des plages , lagons et recifs, c’est l’ile Maurice. Visites guidees A Maurice, decouvrez la beaute de l’ile et admirez les lagons transparents, les cotes vierges, les champs de canne a sucre ondulants et d’autres superbes perspectives. La duree des visites varie de 15 minutes a 1 heure, en fonction de la duree du vol, de l’emplacement de l’helipad et des conditions climatiques. Des visites sur mesure peuvent egalement etre organisees. Prolongez votre experience de vol avec notre service de transfert premium. Economisez des heures de conduite et transferez directement a votre hotel en quelques minutes, tout en decouvrant la beaute de l’ile Maurice depuis les airs. Des transferts peuvent etre organises entre l’aeroport international SSR / les hotels et inversement. Cliquez ici pour reserver votre transfert. Pour ceux qui aiment la plongee en apnee et la natation, Trou Aux Biches devrait etre le premier endroit a visiter a l’ile Maurice. Avec son sable doux et ses eaux calmes, peu profondes et claires, c’est un lieu ideal pour un pique-nique a la plage avec la famille et les amis. Si vous aimez la cuisine de rue, faites du porc dans les nombreux stands et cafes le long de la cote. Une variete de cuisines peut etre essayee ici. Pour les leve-tot, la plage Belle Mare Plage a Maurice est un bon choix pour profiter du lever du soleil. Faites un plongeon pendant que le soleil se leve; vous seriez heureux d’ajouter la plage de Belle Mare Plage a votre liste d’attractions touristiques a ne pas manquer parmi les sites touristiques de Maurice. Les nageurs experimentes peuvent nager dans les courants, qui sont un peu plus forts que d’autres plages de l’ile Maurice.
Si vous avez ete a Maurice et que vous n’avez pas ete a cet endroit, avez-vous deja ete a l’ile Maurice? Si vous souhaitez assister a quelque chose d’extraordinaire, visiter la Terre coloree de Chamarel est un must absolu pour vous. Cette attraction stupefiante a gagne en popularite avec le temps car elle est composee de sable de sept couleurs differentes, ce qui vous laissera assurement perplexe et choque. Les couleurs ne sont pas tres saillantes a cause du climat tropical de Maurice mais si vous melangez la terre coloree, vous pourrez voir une difference remarquable. Les couleurs predominantes que vous remarquez sont celles du rouge, du noir, du violet et du cyan.
Si vous aimez la nature, visitez le parc national des Gorges de la Riviere Noire, qui est l’un des lieux celebres a visiter dans le sud-ouest de l’ile Maurice. Reparti sur une superficie d’environ 68 km, il est preferable pour les photographes a la recherche de fleurs et de la faune. Si vous etes un chercheur, les stations de terrain du parc peuvent etre utiles pour en savoir plus sur le parc national. Pendant le trekking, on peut trouver de nombreux cochons sauvages, des cerfs rusa, des privets et de la goyave chinoise. Certaines des especes d’oiseaux et d’animaux en voie de disparition peuvent meme etre vues dans ce parc national.
Si les plantes, la verdure et la nature constituent l’un de vos centres d’interets, le jardin botanique national de Maurice est un site incontournable lors de votre sejour a l’ile Maurice. . Reparti sur un vaste territoire, le jardin botanique national de Maurice abrite plus de 650 variantes de plantes au total. Le jardin revet egalement une importance historique, car il a ete ouvert par un gouverneur francais a l’epoque et il etait auparavant un jardin prive.
Ou sejourner a Maurice?
Situe au milieu de 213 hectares de jardins tropicaux et entoure d’un parcours de golf de 18 trous concu par Ernie Els, Anahita Golf & Spa Resort, l’un des meilleurs hotels cinq etoiles de Maurice, est niche sur la cote est de l’ile Maurice. Decouvrez le charme mauricien authentique avec son hebergement unique, son experience culinaire diversifiee et son service devoue. Profitez d’une vaste gamme d’activites parmi les plus recherchees: deux parcours de golf d’exception de 18 trous concus par Ernie Els et Bernhard Langer, une experience de plage exclusive sur ses deux plages, des boutiques, un centre de remise en forme personnel, le spa Anahita de Themae Paris, des courts de tennis , Club pour enfants et adolescents, centre de sports nautiques, parcs de loisirs au Domaine de l’Etoile et a l’Ile aux Cerfs. Lire extra details: hotel luxe ile Maurice.