Looking for corporate training to raise you or your teams skill levels ? An interactive training/learning platform requires employees to respond to what they are learning. This forces them to integrate the learning content with their own unique way of thinking as they stop to reflect on the answer they should give or the path they should choose. Once the choice is made, the learner receives feedback to help them recognize what they know versus what they should know. At the same time, interactive software gives trainers the ability to assess the performance of individual learners spontaneously, and in real time. As an employee moves through the learning process, immediate feedback reinforces what they have learned and helps to steer them toward making better choices without compelling them to do so, as is often the case with traditional training and learning techniques.
It is important that you explore the corporate training options you have, as there are many of them to choose from. You don’t want to select just any of these training providers, especially if you want to get your money’s worth. There are numerous websites that can help you with finding the right provider for this sort of training, including Find Courses who will make it much easier for you to locate the best corporate training services in your area. This way you can get started with improving and reinvigorating your workforce as soon as possible. When you are looking for corporate training services, you should make a point of getting quotes from numerous providers before deciding on one in particular. These quotes will help you to find the training you need for your employees while saving money at the same time. There are a number of affordable training options that you will want to explore when doing this research. You should also make sure to find an accredited provider, as this is a definite sign of legitimacy.
Each of us has our own unique style, or leadership style. When we interact with others who have a similar leadership style, communication is relatively easy. When we deal with others who have different leadership styles from ours, communication and cooperation can be challenging.The most important element of working across different leadership styles is our flexibility; our willingness and our ability to see things from the other person’s point of view. See more on Personal Development Seminars Thailand.
These out-of-awareness filters provide insight into why people make decisions, hold preferences and prejudices, and communicate and react they way they do. This skill enables you to mentally run a personality profiling process in the course of ordinary conversation – especially important in team leadership, selling, interviews and coaching situations. Use Advanced Language Patterns with ease, Develop a natural and conversational style of NLP by refining the Milton and Meta Model NLP Language Model skills from your Practitioner Certification Programme as well as acquiring additional patterns.
Connect with the people you lead by using the vision, value and voice model; i.e. communicate an inspiring vision, value people as human beings (not as a means to an end) and give them a voice. Ideally, networking is part of your daily professional activity, not just something you do when you are looking for a job. When it’s time for a career transition, you want your network to be in place already so that you can tap strong, existing professional relationships to expand your network during your search, rather than starting to build it while in transition.
It gives you greater resilience. There will be tough times ahead but the personal development process gives you the confidence and resilience to deal with these better. More fulfilling relationships. You will be able to see which relationships are worth investing time in and you will develop the skills to make the most of these relationships thereby making a more positive impact on your life. Read more details on Corporate training Thailand.
Meet the team: Wirawat is Mind Tools Senior Trainer and specializes in Team Building. Wirawat is Certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming and has a proven track record in enjoying what he does best: Build your team to an unparalleled high. Mind Tools strives to have short lines of communication. Our organization excels in direct communication, open and honest attitudes, working hard and celebrating success. Want to join our dynamic team? Did we awaken your interest? We encourage you to contact us. We are always looking for skilled and qualified people. No matter if you want to work freelance, on project basis or obtain a permanent position, do send us your resume. For more information or to submit your resume, please send an email to hello@mindtools.co.th
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Do you need money for personal reasons ? Searching for working capital advices? Amount maximum: The loan should cover the amount needed to either buy or renovate the property. Make sure that the bank is willing to lend up to the amount needed. Repayment terms: Does a lender repay the loan with a monthly payment that pays off the interest and principal, or does the loan require a balloon payment at the end of the term? A balloon payment will require enough cash flow to make one large payment at the end of the term.
Fees associated with personal loans. In addition to interest rates, there are other fees associated with a typical personal loan such as; An application fee to cover the expenses incurred while processing the loan application such as credit report fees, man hours spent validating your application and etc. An origination fee or loan fee that’s charged upon receiving the approved funds. This is often a percentage of the total loan amount, usually between 1%-5%. A late payment fee that’s charged when you don’t make the monthly payments on time. Most lenders charge a flat-fee but some may set it to be a certain percentage of the payable monthly amount. See extra info on VA loan.
Eligibility criteria for personal loans are not too strict but the banks are quite concerned about the repayment capacity of the borrower. They pay close attention to your credit history and credit or CIBIL score. Personal loans also have a minimum income limit associated with them. For most banks, the minimum monthly income limit for personal loans is 12,000 in semi-urban areas whereas it is 15,000 in bigger cities. These ‘restrictions’ are in place since granting a loan without any type of security increases the risk for banks and the eligibility criteria are one way banks have to ensure that the repayment will be made in the given time. In fact, individuals with good credit history and a decent CIBIL score usually get personal loans on declined rates of interest.
While a limited company is a separate legal entity from its directors, it is normal for business lenders to check the credit scores of key stakeholders. It’s a useful metric, amongst others, for measuring the overall reliability of a company, and particularly its leaders. Where it can be seen that a director has a poor credit history, this is likely to raise red flags and lower the total amount of loan which is offered. It may also have an adverse affect on interest rates or other variables as the lenders algorithm will fluctuate according to perceived risk. NB, this doesn’t mean you cannot apply for finance for your business if your personal credit history is flawed.
How to manage your new mortgage: Once you move into your new home you will need to start making monthly repayments on your mortgage. If you miss any payments, the amount you owe could increase and your credit record could be damaged. If you fall too far behind your lender could repossess your house. If you set up a direct debit to pay your mortgage, you will never miss a payment as long as there is enough money in your bank account. Here is how to manage your mortgage so you can keep up with your repayments and make sure you are always on the best deal.
Greenlight Funding is a full service loan servicing firm offering a variety of consumer and commercial loan products including multi-family, business acquisition, rental property, working capital, construction, fix and flip loans, and residential mortgages. We are dedicated to helping you throughout the process. Are you looking to refinance? Use the form within the contact to inquire our rates. Then fill out our short application to see if you qualify and obtain a pre-approval letter.
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Let’s talk about coffee, coffee types and flavors. Macchiato (also known as a Piccolo Latte) : A macchiato is a shot of espresso which is then topped off with foamed milk dashed directly into the cup. Although it may sound similar to a cappuccino, it’s usually stronger as there’s no steamed milk added and it’s also smaller, usually served in an expresso sized cup. Mochaccino : A ‘mocha’ is just a latte with added chocolate powder or syrup, as well as sometimes being topped with whipped cream. If anything, this is a good entry level coffee – living in the worlds between the childlike hot chocolate and the adult cafe latte.
Arabica beans account for a majority of the coffee produced and sold in the world today. And, the account for about 60% of the world’s coffee consumption. They’re generally considered to be of a higher quality than the other bean types and are grown predominantly in Latin America.
First off, let’s dispel some confusion about these terms. If you’ve been dabbling in the coffee community for awhile, you’ve likely come across them before but might not know exactly what they are referring to. A coffee’s “variety” is a classification term that identifies a specific subspecies or genetic makeup of the coffee plant. The term “varietal” is used for the resulting brew or product that comes from a singular variety of coffee. Among coffee varieties there are original (naturally occurring) varieties, Sub-varieties, mutations, interspecific hybrids, and infraspecific hybrids. If you’re into botany, going further will likely be pretty interesting, but it may just seem like a bunch of nonsense to other people. So know that you don’t really need to be familiar with every single variety to buy good coffee.
Cafe Cubano – Originated in Cuba, this drink is also known as Cuban Espresso. This is actually an espresso shot sweetened with by demerara sugar whipped with first and last drops of espresso. Cafe con Hielo – Coffee in Espresso are some different and this drink is one among those. If you will order this coffee in Spain, you will be served a cup of espresso with another cup of ice cubes and sugar. To start with, add sugar to espresso as per preference, and stir to dissolve. After that, pour the coffee over ice and here is your Cafe con Hielo. Moka – A coffee brewed in a Moka pot is often known as Moka cup. Though it’s called an espresso, but in true words, it’s not. The pressure in the pot is very less as compared to that of an espresso machine. Read more info at Coffee Shop.
Toto is a popular system in South Korea which enables south koreans to gamble on sports games like basketball, baseball, and soccer. The key is to analyze all the games around the world and provide predictions about the results. Match bet – is a very important thing. It is well known that the higher the bet and match prestige, the more solid both teams treat the match itself. However, there are less important matches, for instance at the end of the season, when teams have already secured themselves a position (what was the main aim before the season). It would be doubtful if players decided to “die” on the field and play at 100%. Another example can be team A not having a reason to play and team B in its turn fights for the champion title or for life. It is known that the importance of such a match will be huge, but just for one team. The second team does not have to play at 100%. More about such matches we have written in this article “Corruption in football”. If You do not possess corresponding information You should avoid such matches. Similar to situation when fans of both teams are friends.
Many sports events are decided by the smallest of margins. There have been countless examples throughout history where the outcome of the game was decided in just one defining moment. Remember the 2003 Rugby World Cup? What if Johnny Wilkinson had missed his last-minute drop goal against Australia in the final? If the ball had gone just a few feet to the left or right, England may not have made rugby history by becoming the first northern hemisphere team to be crowned world champions. How do you rate his chances of making a good decision now? They’re better, obviously. He can use the information he found to make a more informed judgment. Studying recent form would give him insight into the kind of performances the teams had been putting in recently, and studying the stats would give him a broad picture of how they’d been playing all season. These stats would also reveal how each team rated in both offense and defense. Studying the playing styles would give him a clearer idea of how the game may play out.
Although betting while sober seems like common sense, you’d be surprised how many people bet on sports under the influence. Is it a coincidence that the Las Vegas casinos offer free alcoholic drinks while you are gambling? I don’t think so. I don’t want to sound like your mother here, but betting while under the influence will impair your judgement and should definitely be avoided if you want to become a winning sports bettor. The second part of this tips is “Don’t Go on Tilt”. Going on tilt or “tilting” is a commonly referred to term with poker players and basically means letting your emotions take over, which often leads to bad decisions. If you are angry or upset at something, such as a couple bad beats with your sports bets, you shouldn’t be placing any more bets. Take a break, go for a walk, get your mind clear before you start making anymore sports betting picks.
NFL Analysis: Considering that this isn’t an article about statistical handicapping models, a topic which 95% of readers might find too advanced, I won’t go into it in much more detail than to make a single statement and then support it. That statement: the better a team is, the more they benefit from the bye week. This is not a theory, but something well quantified via statistical analysis that the best odds makers are aware of. To give you a small clue, the modifier for teams coming off a bye is a multiplier based on power rankings. All teams benefit from the bye week, but how much they benefit is proportional to how good of a team they are. If the above statement is at all confusing, don’t sweat it. I’ll share some basic stats about how well teams coming off the bye week have fared that will help you understand the lines a little better.
For our south korean guest that want to play TOTO safe:
정확하고 깨끗한 먹튀검증을 하기로 유명한 한국 제1의 먹튀검증사이트 먹튀폴리스가 특별히 검증하고 추천하는 토토사이트와 안전놀이터를 소개합니다 스포츠토토 배팅을 하시는 분들에게 더없이 완벽한 토토사이트를 숨김없이 오픈합니다 메이저 중에서도 메이저사이트인 이곳들은 안전놀이터들 중에서도 타 사이트들에 비해 압도적인 인기를 누리고 있는 곳들입니다 : 토토사이트.
Here are several advices on how to decrease the price of your printing jobs. It is essential to clean your print head at least once a month. Remove the cartridge and clean the head with warm water. Don’t use wet tissues or alcohol to clean the print head. After cleaning, allow the print head to dry completely before fixing it back. You must also clean the insides of the printer regularly. Don’t wait until the dust and grime form layers, preventing your printer from operating efficiently. Use lint-free cloths that are slightly moist to wipe the dust away. While cleaning your printer, never apply too much force even if you encounter stubborn corners of grime. Use soft bristles and moistened Q-tips to remove the grime. Alternatively, you can also use compressed air to blow out the dust that is accumulated within the printer. Try to avoid using a vacuum unless it is a pressure-controlled vacuum that sucks the dust away gently.
If you’re willing to spend a little money to extend the life of your printer, you can order a maintenance kit from your printer’s manufacturer when the original parts begin to show signs of wear. These kits may include a range of maintenance products from cleaning supplies to changeable printer parts such as rollers, which, when dirty or worn out, are a common culprit in printer jams. Of course, no printer is perfect – there will be occasional jams, smudges and errors. But with a little bit of easy printer maintenance, it is possible to greatly reduce the occurrence of these problems and streamline your printing experience. Take a glance at our reviews of the top all-in-one printers and find the one that best suits your needs so you can put these tips into practice and enjoy happy, stress-free printing.
What’s the difference between a 12-point font and a 14-point font? Size, certainly, but also the amount of ink used–so super-size only when you need to. Give your documents an extra read through before you print them out, and you might save yourself a reprint. Printers are factory set to be ink guzzlers, but that’s easy enough to change. To update your printer’s default settings on a Windows-based computer, click start > printers > right click on your printer and select printer preferences.
If your business buys in bulk, you’re going to want to know the best way to store those extra cartridges. First, we recommend keeping the cartridges in their sealed packaging until you need them. If you remove a cartridge from it’s packaging and it is sitting out for a period, it will eventually dry out. Storing them upright in a relatively dark closet is also preferred. Cartridges left on their side might shift the ink to one side, which could affect your print results once installed in the machine. If you happen to have an opened cartridge lying around reseal it as best you can. If you have the protective tape or clip, reapply it before storing.
Smart Print Supplies is a Fargo, North Dakota based toner cartridge replacements manufacturer and distributor. We provide 100% US-made premium toner cartridges that are compatible with a wide range of laser printers. We also produce replacements for the discontinued and new printer models. Our products undergo strict ISO and STMC international standards. We carefully screen our products to ensure that we only deliver the best of quality to every customer and guarantee 100% satisfaction in every purchase and use. Read more info at https://smartprintsupplies.com/.
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Costa Rica tourism and fishing : Tamarindo is the place on the Nicoya Peninsula for surfing, beaching, and fun. Once a quiet fishing village, Tamarindo is now a tourist haven where visitors can find good food and accommodations, as well as all kinds of other tourist amenities. The town is spread along Tamarindo Beach, which runs for approximately 1.5 kilometers. The area is known for its surfing, with breaks for experienced surfers and areas for learners. The biggest waves are generally in November and December. The area around Tamarindo is also known for its eco-friendly adventures, and activities that include snorkeling, diving, horseback riding, ziplining, and turtle watching in season. Nearby Playa Grande is one of Costa Rica’s most important nesting grounds for leatherback turtles. Throughout October and March, more than 100 turtles can be seen nesting and laying their eggs overnight.
Located just 10 miles (16 kilometers) off of the Osa Peninsula, the Cano Island Biological Reserve is an amazing place to spend the day and go snorkelling. The waters are warm, crystal clear, and teeming with marine life. The coral reefs here are home to a wide variety of tropical fish, rays, and turtles. Just off the reef, it is common to see bottle-nosed dolphins and humpback whales. Violines Island, which is part of the reserve, is a beautiful white sand- and palm tree-lined island where you can kick back and relax after you are done snorkeling.
What can you catch when fishing in Costa Rica ? Yellow tuna – Considered the fastest and strongest tuna game, this predator is a favorite among anglers who fish for their speed and strength. Ahi tuna is common during the months of January to June, but most can be had during spring and early summer on dreams. Check this nice video about fishing in Costa Rica here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtnH4IF-It4&t=3s.
Jaco itself is the June more popular resorts in Costa Rica. It provides union hotel a dazzling array of sports-savvy Fishing moderate Four stars; dinner good; Colorful shops; All watersports springs; throbbing zip-line and ATV Tours; Modern and tells the supermarket’s Banks amenities and a bustling nightlife. Jaco / Los Suenos is distinguished as the first destination of Costa Rica fishing. Especially Known As Jaco is a surf beach On a bathing beach, and because of its proximity and not easy access from the capital, the center is recreational and Enjoy A large living and pay foreign tourists Costa Rican Similar.
Sport Fishing with Costa Rica Fishing Experts in Los Suenos, Costa Rica is an adventure you’ll never forget. We love bringing in a nice Tuna or Dorado after a long action pack day. Sport fishing in Costa Rica is a passion of ours. We would be fishing off the coast of Los Suenos every day if possible. We get great joy by sharing this unique experience with our clients and friends. There is nothing like a long hard day of Sport Fishing in beautiful Costa Rica. Read extra info at https://www.costaricafishingexperts.com/. Give us a Call +506 8970 6926!
Blogging is something everyone does at this moment, many individuals are searching for info about how to to start a blog. Here are some things you need to know regarding how to start a blog for free. First we talk about free blogging platforms and after that we discuss about own hosted blogging methods.
Firstly, it is important to know how to evaluate the speed of your website. Generally, websites load in 7 seconds on average, but your goal should be less than 3 seconds. This ensures users are satisfied with a snappy website. There are a number of great tools out there for testing website speed, with the best options being GTmetrix and Pingdom. These free-to-use tools provide overall performance scores, page details, and in-depth speed reports. In other words, they are just the sort of tools that help you to determine where to focus your website speed optimization efforts. I usually use GTmetrix for evaluation due to the clear information and clean user interface provided. Just register a free GTMetrix account to access more functionality e.g. different test server region. Read more about optimize wordpress speed.
Unlike WordPress.org, Weebly is a drag-and-drop website builder. It’s one of the best blog website builders because of how simple it is to use. To add a blog to your website and populate it with great content, all you do is point and click. Creating a blog is possible on any of Weebly’s pricing plans, which start at the Free plan and go up to the $38/month Performance plan for online stores. To get rid of Weebly ads, and make your blog look professional, you’ll need to be on at least Weebly’s $8/month Starter plan. You can build a website and add a blog page without touching any code. Weebly will take care of all the technical heavy lifting in the background. It will make sure your blog loads quickly and is accessible to readers. Free Weebly themes are available and, while it’s not as powerful as WordPress.org, and there’s less customization potential, Weebly does allow you to add an impressive number of features to your blog. This is a big reason it scored so highly in our testing.
Medium is the brainchild of Twitter’s founders, and appears to be their attempt to do for ‘longreads’ what they once did for microblogging. The result is a socially-oriented place that emphasises writing, although within an extremely locked-down set-up. It’s a place to blog if you want your words to be taken seriously, and if you favour a polished, streamlined experience. But if you’re big on customisation and control, look elsewhere.
If you are looking for a full content management system, Joomla is another great option for bloggers. In terms of the ease of use, Joomla may have more of a learning curve than WordPress, but can be much easier to use than Drupal. Many businesses and large corporations prefer this type of platform because it can give you flexibility with a wide range of content options. Joomla, however, can be expensive. While the first month is free, after that a blogger can be charged anywhere from $20-$100 per month depending on the options and upgrades they want. For many novice bloggers, this can be a high cost unless the blog is attached to an existing business that already generates a profit.
These “free” blogging platforms have crippling limitations and totalitarian authority over your content. They are, first and foremost, businesses. And their main only purpose is to turn a profit by using your website to sell ad space and placing enough limitations on your account that you are eventually forced into a “premium” or “unlimited” blog plan. Plans that are, more often than not, wildly overpriced and woefully under-equipped. To get a blog or site up and running, you need these three items: Domain name -A unique Internet address that people type into their web browser when they want to find and visit your website. Web hosting service -This is a server in a remote computer, where you will rent space for your blog to be stored and to live on. Blogging platform (WordPress) -The software that is installed on your server that you use to build and run your blog content.
The first element you need to shop for is a domain. Having a domain name is like buying property and giving an address for your new website. You need to make sure that your domain name is brandable or, at least, keyword rich. You should choose a domain with either .com, .org, or .net. If you purchase through Bluehost, you will get a free domain and that is a decent amount of saving. In case you need to buy additional domains, GoDaddy is one of the better cheap registrars. Cloudflare domain registrar: $7.85 for a .com domain, GoDaddy: $11.98 for a .com name, NameCheap: Another popular website like GoDaddy to buy a domain name
This is a blog about the Complete WordPress Builder Guide which is solely managed by me alone. This is the first blog in my life. I wish this could be a successful blog which you guys like. A bit about myself. I’m a web developer, a mobile app developer and also a WordPress website developer. I have about 8 years experience in the software development industry. I truly love programming and started my development life since I was in university. The reason I started this blog is that I found out that not every business owner / blogger / seller can afford to hire a developer to build a website for themselves. By using the traditional html web development method is even more costly and difficult to manage. More on https://wpbuildermaster.com/.
You can visit many online stores that sell Necklaces online this days but you also should be careful about low reputation scammy types. We will discuss a little about fashion trends in 2019 and finish with an online shopping recommendation. Not one for the faint-hearted, vibrant zesty hues are back with a bang this year after endless seasons of the fashion pack drooling over all things pastel. If you’re feeling extra brave opt for a double-dose a la Jasper Conran.
Just like leopard print, it would appear that the 1980s will not quit. Plundering the decade for yet another round of inspirational looks, you are going to carry on seeing strong shoulders, lamé, glitzy party dresses, Princess Diana–worthy skirt suits and gaudy accessories that all echo the eighties most outrageous trends.
Every show season has its must-have handbag and Spring/Summer ’18/’19 is certainly no exception to this rule. However, unlike previous seasons, the latest “It” bag isn’t defined by its shape. Instead, its size is what sets it apart from the rest. Shrunk down to fit no more than a phone and lipstick (if you’re lucky), this season’s most lust-worthy bag is also its smallest. So, if you value style over function, be sure to invest in a miniature version of your favourite handbag. As a bonus, you definitely won’t have a sore shoulder from toting around this style all day. Try Shirts Online Shopping at the best prices but the top quality!
Statement sleeves may have hit their stride in 2018, but they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, statement sleeves promise to get bigger and bolder in 2019. If September’s New York Fashion Week was any indication, we should be seeing sleeves the size of our heads. (Don’t believe me? Take another look, at Marc Jacobs Spring/Summer 2019 runway show and get back to me.)
Jewelry care tips : Understanding the attributes will help you care for it. The purity of metal, for instance, determines how malleable the silver is and how quickly it will tarnish: .950 sterling silver will bend more easily and tarnish more quickly than .925 sterling silver because of its increased purity, so extra caution should be used to take care of .950 silver jewelry. Pure Silver also known as .999 can also be easily bent, however, .999 fine jewelry also has antibacterial properties & can help treat infections.
Forever Nines is a trendsetting Online Store, offering our first-rate products and exceptional customer service to shoppers from the comfort of their own homes. We’re a business made up of innovators and forward-thinkers, with the drive and wherewithal to constantly update and improve the online shopping experience.
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A small history of watches and several tips for buying the perfect watch. Prospex LX SNR031, 44.8mm black super-hard coated titanium case, black silicone strap. Japan’s foremost watchmaker started as a jewellery shop in 19th-century Ginza, specialising in clocks. Now it’s famous for making outstanding watches at every price point, using entirely in-house processes, right down to concocting lubricating oils. Its new Prospex LX line is a three-part sports watch range encompassing land, air and sea, nodding to its Professional Diver’s watch from 1968; a fan favourite. Combining heritage looks with modern build methods, the Prospex LX SNR031 dive watch is a collaboration with the industrial supercar designer Ken Okuyama, noted for his work with Ferrari. Technical notes include a substantial 44.8mm case, a 5R spring drive movement, a 72-hour power reserve, water resistance to 300m and a titanium case that’s been “Zaratsu” (blade) polished, achieving that mirrored finish — just look at the light dance off it.
Let’s move on to the under 1000 USD category. With its big cushion case, knobby bezel and simple dial, the SRP777 is a faithful homage to the original Seiko 6309 “Turtle” from the 1970s and ’80s. But unlike the Turtle, the new watch is water resistant up to 200 meters (the old one was only rated for 150) and has an automatic movement with hand-winding capabilities. It’s a fantastic option for those who want the look of a vintage diver, but the capabilities and reliability of a modern watch. Want a new mechanical chronograph under $500? The Seagull 1963 is pretty much your only option. That’s no concession, though. It uses a hand-wound mechanical movement made by Tianjin Seagull Watch Co. (one of China’s best movement manufacturers), housed in a compact and authentically sized 38mm stainless steel case. When Citizen launched its mind-blowingly thin (less than 3mm) Eco-Drive One in 2016, it captivated watch enthusiasts, but with a price tag over $2,000, it was steeply priced. At under $500, and with a still crazy-thin case thickness of 4.7mm, the Stiletto is a fantastic compromise, given its sleek proportions and classy guilloche dial. Of course, that solar-powered quartz movement is also a gem, making battery changes a thing of the past.
Chunky, luxury watches don’t suit everyone’s style, but this sleek-looking beauty carries the elegance and swagger needed to stand out from the crowd. The steel blue-like dial with its mix of distinctive leaf hands and Roman numerals exudes an air of class appropriate to a watch brand founded in Geneva in 1830. At 40mm it’s on the upper end of the medium size scale. Strap it on your wrist and see why celebs like David Duchovny and Kiefer Sutherland are huge fans. Chotovelli, a brand founded in the 1920s in Turin, derived and inspired by Italian aviators, is a name you probably haven’t heard before. Which just means it qualifies as a ‘find’. For the price, this handsome oversized chrono is by far the biggest bargain on the list, and the opportunity it affords to give each admirer a mini history lesson is just icing on the cake. The saddle leather strap will only get better with age, but caveat emptor: at 47mm, this is one big watch.
WatchNerd is your go-to virtual “watch guy.” He has all the latest information about the best luxury watches and will give you his honest opinion without any gimmicks. He has nothing to win or lose from you buying any particular watch, and is only interested in helping you find a watch that you love. He’s always been a super smart guy, and only makes a decision or offers advice when he’s confident he has 110% of the necessary information. However, he also genuinely cares about the advice he gives and wants to make sure he’s helpful — never overbearing or pushy. He gets his information from a wide range of sources, staying on top of the latest trends but also relying on hard numbers. He knows there’s a lot of crappy advice out there, and always triple checks his informative before giving his opinion. See more info on Watch Enthusiasts Blog.
Do you need to enjoy a blue sky on a perfect beach ? Ibiza is an amazing destination to relax. What can you see in Ibiza? Atzaro Spa: Ibiza is almost as well-known for its holistic spa and relaxation scene as it is for electronic music and nightclubs. There are 15 spas across the island, many attached to hotels and apartment complexes, and others that are clubs that open their doors to visitors as well as members. Atzaro Spa for example belongs to a serene agritourism complex surrounded by the citrus and olive groves of the Ibizan countryside. The choice of treatments and activities at this place alone is staggering: You could work out in the state-of-the-art gym, take a yoga class, float along in the 43-metre pool or pamper yourself with anything from peels, facials, manipedis and a variety of massages.
Sant Antoni de Portmany, also known as just San Antonio, is the second largest destination on Ibiza. It is recognized far and wide as one of the top nightlife destinations in Ibiza, and there is no shortage of places to dance and drink until the early hours of the morning. Start the night out on Sunset Strip, where several cafes and bars allow for spectacular views of the sunset. Then, make your way to the West End, where the majority of the nightlife spots are concentrated. If you’re not out too late in the night, you can enjoy days at the beach or strolling along the scenic promenade called the Passeig de ses Fonts.
Although essentially just a cafe, Croissant Show is a bit of an Ibiza institution. Yes, you come here to enjoy coffee and pastry, or breakfast, but really it’s all about the people watching, and the incredibly eccentric owner, Andres. It is Andres, with his Dali-esque moustache and his incredibly friendly and extravagant nature that put the show into this place. Sit outside and watch as clubbers stop in for a post-party breakfast on their way home, world-famous DJs linger over cafe con leche, and Andres chats and mingles with locals, celebrities and anyone he fancies a chat with. There are no rules in this cafe as to what time constitutes breakfast, making it popular with those who’ve had a heavy night and need a long lie.
It might be a challenge to focus on anything other than your hangover in Ibiza, but be sure to take some time to calm your mind and body. Amante Ibiza offers yoga classes in the morning on the beach. Literally, right on the beach. The classes are taught in English and in Spanish, so you don’t have to worry about the language barrier. Amante’s yoga sesh is followed by a breakfast buffet that’s included in the price of your yoga class (about €30, score!). Ahhh, there’s nothing like starting your day with good vibes and energy. Read more info at https://discoveribiza.com/.