Graduation gift for her online jewelry store … looking for the most awesome gift for her? Here are some advices to make a fabulous jewelry gift. Jewelry is the perfect gift. It’s versatile. No matter what your taste or budget, you can find an item to suit your needs. Plus, jewelry is appropriate for every age and gender. Rings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, earrings and watches – there’s something more everyone.
Meaningful simple jewelry to celebrate and share the love between Mother, Daughter and Granddaughter. Simple, dainty and organic looking hammered solid sterling silver Eternity Circle charms on delicate sterling silver chain. Solid sterling silver set of 3 necklaces for the love between Generations. Sterling silver circle charms are 3/8″ approx. Sterling silver chains are 18″. The necklaces are presented on a GENERATIONS card, “The love between Grandmother, Mother and Granddaughter is forever.” : 60th Birthday Gift ideas for Women, Generations Necklace.
Jewelry is a gift now, and an heirloom later: There’s nothing better than knowing that a gift is yours and all yours when you first receive it. But after you have tired of it or it has served its purpose, it is truly sad to simply discard it or find it a better home. Jewelry, as we already mentioned, can be worn for decades, but even when not in use can be easily stored due to its small size and passed down to the next generation as a useful and meaningful heirloom. Not to mention, depending on the piece it can retain or even increase in value.
What people say ? Perfect! Just like the listing. Owner has great communication! We discussed possibly adding a charm and totally for it. Awesome! I sent this necklace as a surprise gift to my sister and she loved it. She said the size of the necklace and the length were perfect. It was a pleasure to do business with you!! Thank you!! I bought 4 of the 4 sisters ring necklaces and love them! Made such good gifts for my sister-in-laws. Read more info at Mother Daughter Gift Necklace.
Jewelry is appropriate for someone of any age and it’s a lot better than giving a child a set of drums. I promise. Even if they aren’t your child. Retribution exists. You can make never have enough jewelry. Jewelry is a memorable gift. You’ll always remember who gave it to you, what the occasion was, and where you were. Jewelry is meaningful and more than just metal and rocks. Jewelry tells a story; your story.
AzaleaPlum is created with simplicity in mind, To celebrate the love between family and generations, To Celebrate her milestone birthdays or To send a hug and a smile just because. Whatever the occasion, AzaleaPlum products are made and packaged with care and ships worldwide from the United States. Celebrate and Share the Love and Inspiration between Family and Friends. Visit us on :
Fear of speaking in public can be a huge obstacle if you want to develop your career. Here are several public speaking tricks and a suggestion if you are searching for a public speaking trainer. Use Your Voice and Hands Effectively. Omit Nervous Gestures. Nonverbal communication carries most of the message. Good delivery does not call attention to itself, but instead conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly and without distraction. Grab Attention at the Beginning, and Close with a Dynamic End. Do you enjoy hearing a speech start with “Today I’m going to talk to you about X”? Most people don’t. Instead, use a startling statistic, an interesting anecdote, or concise quotation. Conclude your speech with a summary and a strong statement that your audience is sure to remember.
Throw away your notes: Although you should have written notes on all of the points you want to make for each slide, don’t take them into the presentation with you. (If you must have something in case of an emergency, then create a list of bullet points below your slides in your presentation software.) Using notes has two key harmful effects on your talk: Firstly, notes make it appear like you aren’t an expert on the topic. They reduce your credibility. Secondly, they become something to hide behind to help contain your nerves. If you are looking down at your notes, then you aren’t engaging with your audience. If you aren’t engaging with your audience, then they aren’t listening properly. Additionally, if you are reading directly from notes then your tone of voice will likely be flat, and you will have minimal stage presence. If this is the case, you might be talking about the most exciting topic on the planet, and your audience may well still be nodding off. See more details Career advancement.
Know your audience. If you are speaking in front of an audience, there is usually a reason. Know who you are speaking to and what they want or need to take away. If it’s friends and family, entertain them. If it’s a corporate event, teach and inspire them. Knowing the demographic of the audience is imperative. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Nothing becomes muscle memory unless you practice relentlessly. If you have a big speech coming up, make time every day to practice. Prepare your goals and the content well ahead of time. This can be done while driving, exercising, in the car, on a plane…anywhere.
What people say ? Don’t skip the steps! If you don’t take the steps, if you don’t take action—nothing changes. Since you’re reading this review, that most likely means you’re considering getting the book which also tells me you want something in your life to change. I assure you, if you put into action the steps in this book, your life will never be the same (in a great way!). It will be worth every penny. It will be worth every minute you put into the book. There will be no time wasted here. I have read so many books on the subject of public speaking & find “Speak With No Fear” by Mike Acker, a refreshing one to read. The Amazon book can be obtained here: Public speaking coach ebook.
Be impressive with personal opinion: Just like blogging, everyone can copy an article and paste it onto their blog. However, people read blogs not only to know about things happening but to know what that particular blogger’s opinion is on the matter. When you speak or give a presentation, try to squeeze in a few of your personal thoughts on the matter. Of course these should be prepared early on. However, you should make it as if the ideas are “just in” while you are presenting. That will differentiate your presentation from the rest, and when you see the interested look on the faces of your audience, it will elevate your presentation to another new level, a level where you start having fun.
When does the course start and finish? The course is designed to lead to you to give presentations you are proud of in only 3 months. However, this is about you and your pace. You can go faster or slower. You can re-watch as many times as you want. Ultimately, the course starts now and never ends! Source:
Teen chat and talk benefits ? How talking to other people benefits your brain and well being? We will discuss this topic, showing some examples of how social connection can be beneficial to your life.
In sum, research shows that online interaction impacts both positively and negatively upon users’ well-being. It is not so much a question of whether online interaction impacts well-being, but when, why and how it does. Before explaining the identity-related process by which we believe this occurs, we first consider the second of our two major outcomes of interest in this paper.
Social media helps teens feel more connected to their friends’ feelings and daily lives, and also offers teens a place to receive support from others during challenging times. 83% of teen social media users say social media makes them feel more connected to information about their friends’ lives. 70% of social media-using teens feel better connected to their friends’ feelings through social media. 68% of teen social media users have had people on the platforms supporting them through tough or challenging times. Do you want to lak with someone ? Read more details at gay chat.
On the other hand are those who fear that the internet causes a multitude of social and psychological problems. Several psychologists have claimed to treat people with “internet addiction.” For example, in 1999, David Greenfield adapted a diagnostic tool from a gambling addiction questionnaire, substituting “internet” for gambling. This approach ignores the positive benefits of being involved with the internet: Compare a statement such as “I am gambling too much” with one such as “I am communicating on the internet too much.”
Do you want a reason to talk to someone you don’t know ? If the only people you ever talk to are your relatives and close friends, you can forget about building a business network. Many successful people actually confess that the biggest breaks and opportunities in their professional lives came as a result of talking to strangers. Therefore, in your professional life, you should make it a habit to talk to strangers on a daily basis. As these people turn from strangers into acquaintances and probably friends, you never know which one of them will provide you with an opportunity that will help advance your career. Talking to strangers can also be great fun and make up for a spontaneous, exciting day. Actually, for some people, the joy of traveling comes from meeting strangers and having experiences they had not planned for. I can recall several instances in my life where talking to a stranger ended up making for a spontaneous and fun filled experience.
This point is loosely in relation to body language and voice tone. It is true that chat communication benefits you as you send unconscious messages to the other person through your body language. In addition, with chat communication, you can explain clearly and answer questions with integrity. If you are a manager, your employees are able to see clearly how your words and actions align. This will enhance your credibility and help build trust between you and the other person. See more details on free chat now.
Cryptocurrency is the big boom in 2019, a market that offers huge profit making possibilities. But it’s also extremely risky so before you jump in it’s better to be educated. Here are a few tips if you want to purchase cryptocurrency online in 2019. To begin investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies you first need to sign up to an exchange which will offer you to buy cryptocurrency with money. An exchange is basically an online platform that enables everyone to purchase and sell Bitcoin as well as any other cryptocurrency that they have listed. There are many online platforms, we will review a few of them at introduce you to the hottest crypto local trading platform in 2019 ,
Buying the dips and holding can be dangerous in a bear market, and it can put pressure on you to sell low if you overextend, but it is still often better than FOMO buying the top. Sometimes it can be wise to sell for a loss or to buy when the price is at a local high, but knowing when this is the case requires a rather high skill level. Thus, although rules sometimes are best broken, start by aiming to buy low and sell high. Two last points A. Knowing when to take a loss is hard, buying the dips and holding is easy. B. The dips WILL happen, you must be patient and ward off FOMO! C. If you aren’t willing to see 90%+ losses, then call a point where you will take a loss and stick to the game plan.
There’s a need for one to be more than cautious when looking to invest in any ICO. Knowing when to or not to invest in an ICO is not about science; rather, it’s about paying close attention to those details that most people seem to overlook while only focusing on the promised returns. Conduct a background check on the team behind the project and analyze their ability to deliver on their promise. In addition, you should also look at the viability of the idea behind the ICO, poke holes in the project’s white paper and seek answers where necessary. That will ensure that no stone is left unturned and, if by the end of it you still have doubts about the project, you’re better of passing than chance it investing in that ICO. Read more details on Cryptocurrency exchange Toronto.
They are one of the safest and most reliable means of payment. In a world where there are a lot of scammers and looters, we all need to trade in the safest way possible. The cryptocurrencies provide us with that security that makes them an important source of investment now and in the future.
Backed by trusted investors and used by millions of customers globally, Coinbase is one of the most popular and well-known brokers and trading platforms in the world. The Coinbase platform makes it easy to securely buy, use, store and trade digital currency. Users can purchase bitcoins, Ether and now Litecoin from Coinbase through a digital wallet available on Android & iPhone or through trading with other users on the company’s Global Digital Asset Exchange (GDAX) subsidiary. GDAX currently operates in the US, Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, and Singapore. GDAX does not currently charge any transfer fees for moving funds between your Coinbase account and GDAX account. For now, the selection of tradable currencies will, however, depend on the country you live in. Check out the Coinbase FAQ and GDAX FAQ
Our over-the-kiosk program enables third parties to sell bitcoins at their retail location without all of the logistics involved in keeping and maintaining stock. Tap into this developing market and stay ahead of the times. Our mobile application allows you to simply enter client transaction details such as the amount, adjust your margins and sell coins to clients without any headaches. Source:
Chat with girls and talk satisfactions ? How talking to other people benefits your brain and well being? We will discuss this topic, showing some examples of how social connection can be beneficial to your life.
But some have argued for an “internet paradox”: the idea that more interaction online translates into reduced well-being because it disrupts interaction offline. If time spent interacting online comes at the expense of vital everyday face-to-face interaction with family and friends, there could be negative implications for users’ psychological wellbeing downstream (e.g., Mesch, 2001, Nie et al., 2002). There is certainly evidence that “too much” online activity can result in a range of negative effects on users.
Text messaging is a key component of day-to-day friend interactions: 55% of teens spend time every day texting with friends. The vast majority of teens (95%) spend time with their friends outside of school, in person, at least occasionally. But for most teens, this is not an everyday occurrence. Just 25% of teens spend time with friends in person (outside of school) on a daily basis. Do you want to lak with someone ? Read extra info on stranger chat.
In February 2004, a reporter asked one author (Wellman) to comment on the deaths of four supposed “cyber-addicts” who spent much time online in virtual reality environments. The reporter lost interest when Wellman pointed out that other causes might be involved, that “addicts” were a low percentage of users, and that no one worries about “neighboring addicts” who chat daily in their front yards. A more pervasive concern has been that the internet sucks people away from in-person contact, fostering alienation and real-world disconnection.
Do you want a reason to talk to someone you don’t know ? Most of us feel anxious whenever we think about approaching and talking to strangers. We start doubting ourselves and think of all the things that could go wrong. However, there is something I find surprising about anxiety. The more you do things that make you nervous, the less nervous you feel, and the more confident you become. By making it a habit to talk to two or three strangers every day, you gradually start becoming more comfortable with initiating conversations with strangers, and your self-confidence goes up. Whenever you find yourself in social situations, you stop feeling awkward or shy because you are already used to interacting with strangers. This also gives you the confidence to introduce yourself to people you want to meet for some reason (such as a potential employer or a potential date).
Efficiency is so important, especially in the business world. Imagine having to explain a whole project through an email and then spend the whole day responding to questions. Meeting with your team will allow you to give out all the details at once, benefit from the flow of ideas that the others might suggest, and boost the overall creativity and energy. Also, you will be able to address all the problems at once. Also, this happens to one of the key benefits of hosting a webinar with your team. Read more info on lesbian chat.
Best online CEU’s supplier for recreational therapists or making sure the professionals stay professional. One CEU is defined as ten (10) contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience. Fractions of units can also be awarded (5 hours = 0.5 units). Courses with less than 5 contact hours cannot be approved for CEU credits.
ARTA goes on to describe RT as a “treatment service designed to restore, remediate, and rehabilitate a person’s level of functioning and independence in life activities, to promote health and wellness, as well as reduce or eliminate the activity limitations and restrictions to participation in life situations caused by an illness or disabling condition.” Recreational therapists, according to ARTA, use “a wide range of activity- and community-based interventions and techniques to improve the physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and leisure needs of their clients.” Recreational therapists help their clients to develop the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that they need for daily living and community involvement.
Standards for CEUs: The IACET, or International Association of Continuing Education and Training, has established the criteria for CEUs to make standard procedures for issuing these credits. Any business, organization or academic institution must be willing to meet these standards in order to give out verified CEUs. Most CEUs are not eligible for college credit, but are instead only used to measure non-credit courses that apply to a particular industry or profession.
A recreational therapist might help someone regain his or her ability to play soccer after a car accident. Or she might help someone reach emotional goals through pottery – the possibilities are broad. But the overall concept is that leisure activities and hobbies can better someone’s quality of life, and these therapists are experts in how play can be therapeutic. According to the American Therapeutic Recreation Association, recreational therapy is a service used to “restore, remediate and rehabilitate a person’s level of functioning and independence in life activities, to promote health and wellness as well as reduce or eliminate the activity limitations and restrictions to participation in life situations caused by an illness or disabling condition.” Read extra details at NCTRC Pre-Approved Online Courses For Recreational Therapists.
Network and Expand: Professionals who pursue continuing education credits set themselves up for great opportunities to network with others in their field and make lasting connections that could translate into potential business relationships down the road. Continuing education events and conferences related to their programs also provide great settings for employers and employees to network and collaborate with like minded individuals.
The SMART CEUs Difference: We are not a one man or woman show! Our team consists of many parts pushing forward together to improve the online CE experience for Recreational Therapists everywhere. The majority of our team consists of Recreational Therapy Experts who we call our SMART Instructors. They are Recreational Therapists who have both a passion to teach a broad TR audience and have extensive experience in various areas of TR. We also have a top notch social media expert, an awesome RT Newsletter writer, some amazing tech dudes, and our founder Nathan Lamaster, who steers the ship. Source:
Tibet is an extraordinary travel location, so much history and mystery. Yamdrok Lake will take your breath away with its stunning scenery. On clear days it is a fabulous shade of deep turquoise. On the lake side, there are Tibetan villages and fields of yaks. It is a refreshing experience to see a lake after the cultural experiences of Lhasa.
eTA application and What can you see in New Zealand : Kaikoura, This small coastal town on the South Island is a haven for seafood lovers. You can spot fur seals, dolphins, sperm whales and albatrosses off the shore, then indulge in a feast of fresh crayfish, mussels, blue cod and more. Land lovers can take a wilderness walk through the untamed and dramatic Kaikoura forest. Franz Josef glacier, This glacier, located within Westland National Park in the southwest, is one of the world’s most accessible. Visitors can walk right up to the foot of the massive glacier or take a helicopter ride over the dazzling Ice Age remnant. Together with Fox Glacier it is one of South Westland’s major drawcards for tourists. Read extra details at Compare Cheap Flights.
Singapore is an fabulous destination! The 2,500 rooms at this hotel offer views of the South China Sea or Marina Bay and the Singapore skyline, but let’s be honest: the Moshe Safdie-designed SkyPark is the real crowd-puller, sitting atop the three hotel towers 200 metres above ground level. Non-hotel guests have to pay for the privilege of enjoying unfettered views from the Observation Deck across the city – but it’s definitely worth it. To take that selfie to make all your friends back home seethe with envy, if nothing else.
Bali is a fabulous destination, so much history, a must see for any travel fan. About 90 minutes’ drive northeast of Ubud, the emerald-hued Sidemen Valley evokes the feel of Old Bali, before the tourist throngs descended on the island. Sleepy villages snuggle in the valley amid cascading rice terraces, and cloud-capped Mount Agung looms in the background like a benevolent sentry. A highlight of a visit here is strolling around the small villages, surrounded by farmland and rice paddies, where the locals still tend to their traditional activities. You can also hike through the countryside to the summit of Mount Agung or trek through the rice fields and lush countryside past cocoa and coffee plantations. Other popular things to do here include rafting the rivers; yoga retreats; and taking part in cultural activities such as dancing, carving, or traditional weaving. Homestays and B&Bs are particularly popular in this area, but you’ll also find some luxury villas overlooking the rice fields. Author:
Searching for What’sApp groups on topics that you enjoy discussing about ? There are many groups on What’sApp but discovering them is quite hard, especially since many of them are not very exposed. We will give a few advices on who are the most popular WhatsApp groups by topics and also introduce you to a website that will make finding groups much easier. is a website that makes discovering friendship groups on WhatsApp very easy. Feeling lonely? Wanting to talk ? This website can help you connect to groups where you will be able to talk about your favorite subject. Let’s see who are the most popular What’sApp groups, on multiple topics.
Sendbee will soon enable you just that in the simplest possible way. You are going to include a payment link along with your offer and your customers will be able to complete the purchase with a credit or debit card within WhatsApp’s web-view. Last but not least, WhatsApp can do wonders for your team or company communication. It’s extremely easy to create chat groups for different teams and departments. Instead of adding everyone manually, you can invite them using a group link. How? We are running free Whatsapp group to share knowledge about Indian Stock Market for those who do not know basics, concepts about Stock Market. No tips/no call/ no monthly,yearly etc service. No Financial Advise. Purpose is to create awareness about finance. We are sharing knowledge , incidents, special occasions like buy back, bonus etc. Language of group is Marathi.
What’sApp groups are not only good for talking, it can also help your business. With WhatsApp, companies can send appointment reminders, shipping alerts, order notifications, product demonstration videos, verification codes, boarding passes, and 2-way customer surveys and support messages. It’s immediate, more personal, and international in reach. And it’s secured by the end-to-end encryption that makes WhatsApp so trusted. If employed correctly, WhatsApp messaging can take your business communications to a whole new level of engagement: private, real-time B2C conversations delivered on the world’s preferred messaging app.
Don’t get personal: Don’t use chat groups as a medium to pass unnecessary comments or nit-pick against one another. Of course you are free to disagree, but never disrespect. If there is something that you think may not interest other members of the group or may offend someone, share it in a personal WhatsApp message rather than in your common group. Read extra info at Whatsapp Groups Join.
Do you have a website with visitors that are interested in hotel reservations? You can get some cash by joining partner program, one of the top hotel reservation partner network. How can you make money as a travel affiliate? Here are some advices.
Customers often know they want to book a holiday, flight or hotel a relatively long time before they actually want to travel. There is a wide window to catch their attention and make them think that now is the time to go for it. Promotions with publisher s incentivising traffic can really help tip them into buying when you want them to. Using increased commission and discounts that are passed to the consumer tactically can help reinforce or counteract seasonality depending on your brand’s business aims.
Travel affiliate marketing trend of 2019 ? Optimizing for voice search. Voice search is on the rise, thanks to phone assistants like Siri, as well as the increasing adoption of smart devices like Google Home and Amazon Alexa. Because of this, optimizing campaigns for standard SEO terms is no longer enough. In order to stay relevant in the long-term, affiliate marketers need to start optimizing for more natural speech patterns and long-tail keywords as well.
It will not be overnight success. Like any opportunity it takes patience and precise marketing strategies to be implemented to see success from your efforts. Spend your money smart as it can require a lot of start up funds to get things rolling. Partner with established travel company. To speed the results of attracting users to your travel portal, partner with a tour company or established brand and make agreement with them to cross integrate your programs to attract new visitors and bookings. is a reputable and well-known brand. As one of the top accommodations companies, can instantly provide quality hotels with customer ratings, rankings, amenities, and updated discounted prices in real time. Customers can even search hotels by popularity, luxury level, or the most cost efficient. With a mobile friendly website, customers can access last minute deals quickly and hassle free. The only aspects more gratifying than booking through is the undeniable abundance of savings they will receive and 24 hour customer service. See additional info on
How to achieve victory at casino poker is the topic of the day. When you bet aggressively, they will think twice about going head-to-head against you. Either that, or they think you’re bluffing and they will cough up to stay in the contest. Nothing is worse in poker than a pair of Kings that are not supported by solid betting. Imagine being beaten when you’re holding a pair of Royals by somebody who’s holding a pair of unconnected, low ranking cards. Worse yet, if a player holds 8-4 and eventually forms a Straight when the Flop, Turn, and River come in, you will rue the day that you never bet more aggressively. Be assertive, and make those players pay to see those types of cards. Your goal is to get as many players out of the game as possible, while playing a premium pair.
I can’t tell you how often I receive emails or comments from people who describe to me how they’ve tilted vast amounts of their bankroll away when things went badly at the poker tables. The reality of poker is that sometimes things will go badly for you, and there is absolutely nothing that you can do about it. This is what you sign up for every time you sit down to play. There’s always the possibility you might run terribly. You might run lights out as well, though. When you allow yourself to lose control of your emotions and throw your strategy out the window, the only person you are hurting is yourself. All those hours you’ve spent trying to learn and improve your game were basically wasted because you decided to choose your emotions over reason when it mattered. Respect the work that you have done. You owe it to yourself to maintain more composure and stop throwing away money when the cards go south. Source:
Fold When You’re Unsure: Want to know the biggest difference between a bad player and a professional player? It’s the good player’s ability to lay down a good hand like top pair when they think they are beaten. This sounds very simple, but it is very hard to do in practice partly because of the way our brains are built. We are naturally curious and we naturally want to win. When we fold, we surrender our chance to win the pot and we don’t get to satisfy our curiosity by finding out what our opponent has. Calling too often and in the wrong situations is the second fastest way to lose at poker (after ineffective bluffs). Whenever you’re unsure whether to call or fold versus a bet or raise, do yourself a service and fold.
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Ada garis tipis antara taruhan kurang ajar dan taruhan agresif dan terampil. Sebelum kita beralih ke poin berikutnya, penting untuk mengklarifikasi beberapa hal tentang taruhan yang tegas. Jika Anda agresif dalam permainan poker Anda, itu tidak berarti bahwa Anda hanya bertaruh besar di setiap tangan, apa pun itu. Anda harus berlatih sabar dalam strategi taruhan Anda. Tidak ada gunanya membuang uang baik setelah buruk dengan tangan awal yang buruk. Para pemain poker yang terampil menyadari bahwa sia-sia akan berhasil dalam seminggu, berharap untuk menangkap seorang pemenang di Sungai. Itu adalah resep untuk bencana dalam poker.