1 06 20

Best precious gems online store from Chamal Gems? Chamal Gems LLC discussing about the best gemstones facts and informations: Red beryl, also known as bixbite or red emerald, is so rare it is estimated by the Utah Geological Survey that a single such gem is uncovered for every 150,000 gem-quality diamonds. Pure beryl is colorless and only gains its bright hues from impurities in the rock: chromium and vanadium give beryl a green color resulting in an emerald; iron provides a blue or yellow tint creating aquamarine and golden beryl; and manganese adds the deep-red color to create red beryl. Red beryl is only found in Utah, New Mexico, and Mexico, and the majority of examples found are just a few millimeters in length, too small to be cut and faceted for use. Those that have been cut are generally less than a carat in weight, and a red beryl of 2 or 3 carats would be considered exceptional.

By occupation, Vikings were farmers and, occasionally, they were warriors. Both the men and women of the Viking community wore a wide array of jewelry, shiny objects that added some glamour to their seemingly dark world. Note, Norse ornaments had a secondary purpose, they were also used as currency in trade, which is probably the reason why the Vikings preferred using precious metals to craft their jewelry. If an ornament was too large for the subject matter of transaction, the piece would be broken into smaller portions that would suit that particular undertaking. If you think about it, the Vikings used their jewelry like we use modern-day wallets.

Because you were drawn to the peridot, you are vibrant, energetic, and curious by nature. Your radiance and joy are a guiding light to those closest to you. Peridots are shrouded in great mystery. No one knows for sure where the word “peridot” comes from, and the stones themselves are very rare; most have been found only on meteorites and in exotic mines. Because of their uniqueness, peridots are greatly valued. For centuries, kings and queens have worn peridots for their perceived cleansing, healing properties. Don’t be surprised when an exciting new prospect walks into your life. Your glowing energy drew it to you. Go for it! Chamal Gems LLC introducing Chamal Gems : We are a gemstone company exporting the best gemstones to luxurious jewelers and specialty retailers in the U.S. Sapphire, Ruby, Alexandrite, Emerald, Padparadscha, and many more unique stones! Read more details on Chamal Gems LLC.

Marbles – Sea Glass marbles are found around the world. Possible sources were children’s toys, ballast for ships, spray paint can marbles and Codd Bottle closures. The most common sea glass marbles are machine made cats eye marbles. The rarest are the handmade marbles called Onionskin or Swirl Core marbles. Ceramic or Clay marbles are also found on beaches around the world.

Jewelry as a gift always makes people happy. Everyone likes to receive a piece of jewelry that was chosen carefully by a loved one. Even though jewelry has always been a perfect gift, it still continues to surprise and move people. To express your love, your friendship, your tenderness, your recognition or any other sentiment, there isn’t anything better than a piece of jewelry. It leaves a lasting impression. Jewelry surprises and delights. As we mentioned in the opening paragraph – few things are as memorable as receiving jewelry from a loved one. And even though it has always been a great gift – jewelry will continue to elicit surprised gasps and happy tears for years to come.

Chamal Gems LLC on precious gemstones , jewelry and gifts: Why jewelry makes the perfect gift. There’s nothing like receiving a gift, regardless of whether it is expected or not, large or small, or needed or not. A beautifully wrapped item is always so exciting to receive. It doesn’t have to be the world’s most expensive vacuum cleaner just to earn their excitement. In fact, perhaps what gets people so excited is the mystery of what’s inside – the idea of being thought of and remembered, or the fact you are about to get something that could potentially make you very happy.

1 06 20

Looking for a Colorado contractor fully licensed and insured?? When it comes to repair methods, trust that we have every known solution in our industry available to us such as foundation piers, helical piers, wall anchors, helical tie backs, epoxy crack repair, perimeter drainage systems, basement waterproofing in all forms and crawl space encapsulation. Providing you and your family a healthy stable dry home is our goal. Doing it cost effectively is your goal. We understand the balance between the two.

How do you uncover foundation issues? Carefully inspect the home, paying particular attention to the foundation. Though not required, buyers are highly encouraged to hire a home inspector to root out any problems. Even if the damage to a foundation is difficult to overtly see, there will be symptoms. The entire house rests on the foundation. If it is faulty, problems will show up somewhere.

If you have a broken water pipe, a plugged gutter, or a drainage problem in your yard alongside a perimeter foundation to weaken the area, a contractor might be able to shore up the area with more concrete or shim the sill plate to make the area level again.

We provide in-depth details regarding our solution options, whether they be foundation piers, wall anchors, helical piers or a simple sump pump, thereby empowering you to make an informed purchasing decision about how to best prolong the life of your family home and largest investment.

These inspections should be conducted both inside the home (within the basement) and along all exterior surfaces of the foundation. In order to make absolutely sure your foundation is in the best possible condition, a professional should be the one to conduct the investigation of your foundation and assess the situation. By hiring a professional you are guaranteed a thorough investigation of your foundation. A professional has comprehensive knowledge of what your home foundation repair needs. They will not only fix the problem but give your home a stronger support system.

We are foundation repair and basement waterproofing innovators in the Colorado Springs, Denver and Pueblo areas. We are led by partners who each have multiple years of experience either designing foundation repair solutions or installing those solutions. We are fully licensed and insured. The founding partners of Foundation Professionals of Colorado recognized a need for a foundation repair contractor in our community that provides straight and honest answers and leaves the buying decision in the hands of the customer where it belongs. As a foundation repair company, we seek to educate and consult our customers on all repair methods and let you decide how to proceed with your repairs. See more info at Basement waterproofing Colorado.

How can I spot an issue in the foundation of my home? There are a few different types of foundations a home could have – a crawl space, a full basement or a slab – and depending on the type they might be constructed from wood, pillars, stones, bricks, blocks or a solid wall of poured and reinforced concrete. Some types of foundations make it easier to spot when a repair might be needed. For example, homeowners with a slab are less likely to see their foundation because it is buried deep underground. The concrete part directly under your finished flooring, the part you walk on, is only a pad poured inside the foundation.

Looking for a foundation repair company in Colorado? You get what you pay for. We have all heard this before, and in most cases it is true. There are several companies that sell cheap foundation piers that won’t last. Their piers typically fail within a year and the home settles again, and you are back to square one. When you try to call the company to ask about your warranty, they are either not in business anymore or come up with some external circumstance as to why they won’t honor their warranty.

31 05 20

The climb of a investigative journalist : Victoria Redstall: Victoria grew up in Surrey, (Southern) England. When she was 18 she moved to live in her favorite country – Spain – to work as a nanny overseeing six children. She also worked as a print model in Marbella (Spain) and saved enough money to be able to move and establish herself in America at the age of 19. She earned a scholarship to the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute in Los Angeles and studied television, stage and film acting. Following that, she went on to study Broadcasting, Reporting and Journalism at Santa Monica College.

Victoria also currently works as an Emcee/Presenter/Host on television and live events including Weddings, Corporate Events, and Bar Mitzvahs. Victoria Redstall also travels the country and represents various companies such as: Ralph Lauren, Lamborghini, Mini Cooper, GMC, Acura, Audi, Harley Davidson, English Muffins, Phizer, Iplay, Sunsilk, Loreal, SKKY Vodka, Healthy Coat, Cisco, Ahnlab, EMC, Liebherr, Oracle, Cisco, the Mexican Embassy plus many more, at Conventions and Auto Shows. She is now ‘the face of’ various new products such as Solidea which is anti-cellulite clothing for women.

Writing books, reporting, being a correspondent, talking at Universities and producing shows for television on serial killers and other true crime. Fighting for the rights of the wrongly convicted (not serial killers). Those who are possibly ‘wrongly convicted’ of murder and also rape. Finding the truth in every situation without leaving a stone unturned. This is Victoria Redstall and i invite you to watch her story in today’s strange world.

Victoria’s dedication to her work along with her intense, yet animated, personality is portrayed very clearly throughout her body of work. She is now the host on her new radio show “Victoria Redstall Saves The Day”. It is so far on some radio stations airing Internationally and also on the Internet. She also works as a producer or as a host on a number of true crime shows, behind and in front of the camera. Along with juggling all these exciting jobs, she still manages to keep her ‘private life’…… very private!

Being very much of a ‘people person’, Victoria also works numerous live events as an Emcee and Host. She will be hosting a radio show, launching in 2015, interviewing interesting guests and also people with relationship issues. www.americanheartsradio.com. She has a knack of understanding people from all walks of life and wants to bring back the ‘human connection/communication’ to this world which seems to be getting lost with laziness and modern technology. She is also a mentor for young girls teaching them to have high morals, values and self respect which seems to be out of fashion in the world today. Additional Victoria Redstall videos on Youtube.

31 05 20

Full betting casino reviews for Korean players: Take all these different sections very seriously. It’s only if you learn how to apply the roulette tips I’m giving you here that you’ll know how to get your best shot to win money at Roulette. Also, if at any time you feel things get a little out of control, take this quick test. A little help goes a long way — trust me. The key to winning at roulette is to set up the game the right way and have everything ready before you play, not while you play. To me, it doesn’t matter if you gamble for real money or you use free chips to play a freeplay game of roulette online. My mission is to let you in all the roulette strategies that will help you win more than you do today.

Alcohol dulls the senses and impairs judgement; that is why casinos keep offering you free drinks. Stay away from the alcohol and just concentrate on having fun winning. When playing these types of table games it is important not to reveal anything with your reaction – you need to channel your best poker face. By not giving yourself away due to your expression you have a better chance of bluffing. If you want to learn more advanced strategies for Texas Hold’em and Omaha read our dedicated article here!

Online casino games have become the most popular and engaging platform for many people in terms of spending leisure time and earning money. Many people find it interesting to play online casino games as they get to play them in the comfort of their homes. It is believed that the online transformation of casino games is better than playing them in the real world. Due to this, many famous countries are now creating exciting online casino games to entertain people and help them in making money virtually. Discover even more information on www.kings8282.com.

It averages 50%. In other words, on average, every time you spend $1 on a lottery ticket, you’ll lose 50 cents. Start with a million dollars and spend it all on lottery tickets. Then reinvest your winnings every day. You’ll be broke in less than 30 days. Keno is just a lottery game run by a casino. The house edge for keno isn’t as bad as the house edge for most state-run lottery games, but it’s still ridiculously high, like 35% or so. I don’t know about you, but I don’t understand the attraction of trading a dollar bill for 65 cents on a loop. If you play keno or the lottery long enough, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing.

For our Korean visitors:

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핵심정리 >>> %1994년 앤티가 바부다와 함께 자유 무역 처리법을 통과시켜 온라인 카지노 개설을 신청하는 단체에 면허를 부여할 수 있게 되었다. 온라인 카지노 이전에, 최초의 완전한 기능을 갖춘 카지노 소프트웨어는 아일 오브 맨에 기반을 둔 소프트웨어 회사인 마이크로가밍(현재 세계에서 가장 큰 카지노 및 슬롯 게임 개발자 중 한 명)에 의해 개발되었다. % 이것은 온라인 보안 소프트웨어 회사인 CryptoLogic이 개발한 소프트웨어로 확보되었다. 안전한 거래가 가능해졌고 1994년 최초의 온라인 카지노로 이어졌다. 1996년 카나와케의 모하크 준주로부터 온라인 게임 활동을 규제하고 세계의 많은 온라인 카지노와 포커룸에 게임 라이선스를 발급하는 카나와케 게임 위원회가 설립되었다.HOW WE CAN DO NOW? >>> (이는 허가받은 온라인 카지노 조직의 운영을 공정하고 투명하게 유지하려는 시도다. 1999년 직후, 인터넷 카지노 금지법이 도입되었는데, 이것은 한 회사가 어떤 미국 시민에게도 온라인 카지노 상품을 제공할 수 없다는 것을 의미한다.) 이것은 지나가지 않았다. 멀티플레이어 온라인 카지노도 1999년에 도입되었다. 2003년 ‘브릭 앤 모르타르 카지노’와 가상세계가 혼재한 플레이테크가 처음으로 라이브 딜러 카지노에 등장했다.

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우리카지노는 2007년 대한민국 최초로 온라인 카지노 사이트 서비스를 제공하였고 후 자체 운영을 중단하고 지분으로 나뉘어 여러 계열사로 운영을하게됩니다. 더킹카지노는 우리카지노 계열중 실운영 진이 직접 참여하여 자본과 신뢰성을 확보하여 국내에서 가장 큰 카지노로 성장하고 있습니다. 다양한 유사 카지노들이 매년 이름을 바꾸어가며, 새롭게 리뉴얼을 진행하기에 이런 계보를 우리카지노계열 또는 우리계열 이라고 부르고 있슴에도 불구하고 자본금 없이 시작하여 천만원도 출금 못해주는 현 카지노사이트 들이 즐비한것을 현실입니다. 하지만 저희 더킹카지노는 회원님께 신뢰를 드리는 국내 최고의 카지노 사이트라 자부합니다.

31 05 20

Who is J.Hutton Pulitzer ? Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, Award-Winning Inventor, is a highly active technology start-up founder, best known for creating and patenting :CRQ (See Our Cue – Q Code Platform for Scan Commerce and Scan to Connect) has founded companies have included seed investment rounds ranging from $1.6m to over $250m with companies supported and funded by Dreamit Ventures, and Microventures to name a few lead investors.

Pulitzer’s patents have been licensed to more than 330 companies, ranging from early-stage firms to Fortune 100 Industry Leaders such as eBay, IBM, AOL, Cisco, Google, Walgreen Co, TiVo Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.; Crate & Barrel Holdings, Inc.; F5 Networks, Inc.; Quick Logic Corporation; Rackspace Hosting, Inc.; Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.; Zynga Inc., Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Avaya Inc., Ericsson AB, MobiTV, Inc., Nikon Corporation, Pioneer Corporation, NEC Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd., Novell, Inc.; Leap Wireless International Inc.; Barnes & Noble, Inc., Broadcom Corporation, Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel Corporation, Sony Corporation, HTC Corporation, LG Electronics Inc., Nokia Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Best Buy Co, Inc., Fujitsu Limited, Intuit Inc., and Juniper Networks, Inc.

Additionally, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is an Author of over 200 individual history and treasure legend books is a well-known media personality who has appeared on Fox TV, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS History Channel, and other networks. Pulitzer is also known as an Explorer, Publisher and Inventor. Pulitzer has several hundred patents domestically and patents in 189 countries globally. His Scan-To-Connect and Scan Commerce Patents are now licensed to all global mobile device manufacturers who have more than 11 billion devices utilizing his vast patent portfolio(s). Discover additional details at Jovan Hutton Pulitzer.

Pulitzer was nominated for Entrepreneur of the Year by J.D. Powers. The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards or EY Entrepreneur of the Year Awards, sponsored by Ernst & Young, is a global competition that encourages entrepreneurship. Founded in 1986 in Milwaukee with just one award, as of 2016, twenty-five programs were run in all fifty states of the United States and also run in more than sixty countries.

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s software app CRQ and its desktop version were recognized by more than 1000 software and information companies for achieving excellence in the software development industry. During the past 27 years, the SIIA CODiE Awards have recognized more than 1,000 software and information companies for achieving excellence. The CODiE Awards remain the only peer-recognized program in the content, education, and software industries so each CODiE Award win serves as incredible market validation for a product’s innovation, vision, and overall industry impact.

The New York Times reported that Pulitzer, as Producer, Director, and Writer, won Top Industry Honors in 1998 as well. 41st Longest Weekly Episodic TV Series in Syndication History NetTalkLive the TV Series went on to be the 41st longest running weekly TV series based on the number of episodes produced and aired.

To know you are pregnant but to suspect you have been exposed to the Zika Virus and then have to wait over 12 weeks of a 40 weeks pregnancy for results is unacceptable. We had to do something about it and fast! The end result is a new patented line of pregnancy tests that will not only be able to detect your pregnancy sooner but will also be able to detect if you have been exposed to the dreaded Zika Virus, enabling women to make better-informed health care decisions. The United States Patent and Trademark office list the base patents as Arbovirus indicative birth defect risk test and a Pregnancy test to assess disease risk.

30 05 20

Autovehicle hail repair? PDR technicians require a large arsenal of tools to successfully complete a job. “Pro” kits include various shape and length rods, wire tools, door hooks, window tools, black beauties, whale tails, flat bars and tweakers. Additionally, it is common to see technicians use light readers for accurate dent readings, LED lamps, and glue pulling kits. Every job requires multiple tools, and it is not the same for each individual case. However, the most common tool is the long metal rods used to gently push the metal back into place. These tools can be expensive, and the average car drivers are much better off paying for the service than buying their own set.

Cheaper than professional repair. Paintless dent repair (PDR) kits can substitute a trip to the repair shop and help keep more money in your wallet. There are kits for tiny, medium-sized, and large dents, and the average price of the kits is generally a fraction of what you’d pay for repairs. Easy and convenient. With the right dent puller, it’s very easy to set up in your driveway or parking lot. The best PDR tools are shipped with detailed, easy-to-follow instructions. You can rest easy knowing they will not damage your car’s paint. The glue-pull PDR is a technique used on dents and dings. It involves using specialized glue to attach a tool or suction cup to the dented part of the surface and then pulling or twisting another tool to pull it out. When you’re looking for the best paintless dent repair tools, consider this method because most kits are sold all-in-one with everything you need to make your car’s exterior look new again. This method doesn’t damage your car paint, doesn’t require strenuous effort, and is environmentally-friendly. To begin working the underside of the sheet metal, the Tech uses long metal rods named PDR tools. These tools are used to reach into tiny gaps between panels and into other holes, and they prevent the need to remove panels and lining. However, for dents in difficult locations some disassembly may still be required. Using the PDR tools the Tech will slowly push the dent upwards repeatedly, stretching the metal back into its original position. Depending on the severity and location of the dent, this may take many pushing repetitions to flatten the dent.

Besides the obvious difference in achieved results, the PDR technique offers, in contrast with conventional repairs, a radical reduction in repair time. The arduous conventional process, which involved sanding, applying fillers, painting, drying, and polishing, usually meant at least five days in the repair shop, which could easily become weeks when the damages were significant. By using PDR procedures, a qualified technician can easily reduce the repair time to one fifth of the time needed for a conventional repair, and he can fix 1000 hail dents in less than 24 hours.

PDR is environmentally friendly, too. Car paint contains a lot of toxic fumes. These fumes can end up causing lung problems to the people who repair the vehicles. The fumes also cause environmental degradation. Because PDR relies on simple physics, pushing and pulling, it is an eco-friendly car repair technique. As car owners become more environmentally conscious, they want their auto body repair shop to go green, too. You can ignore several small dents on your car, but eventually, these dents will require a major body repair. This will end up costing you more money compared to repairing small dents as they occur. Your insurance may even help you cover some of these costs. When you address the problem when it first occurs, it will cost you less money compared to when your car is in need of a complete bodywork overhaul.

Joe Dent LLC will repair your door dings, hail damage, creases, and minor dents without the use of paint or body fillers. We are a family owned, independent company providing local Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) and Nationwide hail damage repair. To preserve your car and when dent repair is performed correctly it will retain its original manufacturer paint warranty. It also helps maintain your cars original appearance and saves you money as you get better results for a fraction of the cost. Not only that, we save our customers time while also protecting the environment. We can repair your auto hail damage very quickly where as an auto body shop would take up to three weeks, possibly more. We do not use hazardous chemicals, so no toxins are released into the air.

Getting a dent in your car is one of the certainties in life. Even if you’re the most careful driver, you don’t always have control over out-of-nowhere light posts, runaway shopping carts, misthrown footballs, and so many other things that could hit your car. Minor dings and dents in your vehicle could lead to bigger problems if neglected. When taking your car to an auto body shop, ask them if they perform paintless dent repair. Most experts recommend this method compared to the traditional way of fixing dents because it’s faster and more affordable for customers. Discover a few more details at removing minor dents Colorado Springs, CO.

Unless you really know what you’re doing, attempting to repair hail damage yourself may end up costing you hundreds of dollars and possibly cause further damage to your vehicle. Therefore, hail damage should always be addressed by a professional body shop. They’ll have the necessary tools and experience to safely repair your vehicle. How to fix hail damage: The two most common methods for repairing hail damage are paintless dent repair and using body filler.

30 05 20

IoT devices exporter: We believe Eelink Technology products are better compared to their competition like : Superpedestrian develops human-powered mobility for cities employing design, robotics and mobile technology. Specialists in “human-enhancing technologies,” the company’s widely compatible Copenhagen Wheel senses a bike rider’s motions and greatly boosts pedal power. With expertise in data and DevOps, 10th Magnitude uses Microsoft Azure to provide companies with cloud-based solutions in customer communications, operations and more. Services include data center transformation, site reliability engineering, application modernization and data intelligence.

Device management helps companies integrate, organize, monitor and remotely manage internet-enabled devices at scale, offering features critical to maintaining the health, connectivity and security of the IoT devices along their entire lifecycles. Available standardized device management protocols include the Open Mobile Alliance’s Device Management (OMA DM) and Lightweight Machine-to-Machine (OMA LwM2M). IoT device management services and software are also available from vendors, including Amazon, Bosch Software Innovations GmbH, Microsoft, Software AG and Xively.

The following are the broad benefits of utilizing GPS fleet tracking system for your business’s fleet. Accurate Time Record: Vehicle GPS tracking system helps you to maintain an accurate record of time spent by an employee at the job site. Improved Customer Service: GPS fleet tracking system enables faster dispatch to emergencies and increases the level of customer service. It also increases the number of customers you serve a day. Efficient Dispatch: The goods dispatch is made efficient by the use of features such as real-time location, ‘closest to’ map filtering, sending routes to drivers, and more.

We have an expertise in making plug and play tracking devices for our customers. Our devices can help you track real-time location, temperature as well as the driving behaviour events on the vehicle. The compact form factor allows you to install the device and forget all about it. The device will directly derive power from your car’s battery. These compact and lightweight 4G GPS tracking devices are perfect for cars and motorbikes alike. They can also serve the purpose of an anti-theft device for your vehicle.

Some of the biggest NB-IoT device technology improvements in the last few years have been to the chipsets that are put into the devices. Chipsets are inserted into NB-IoT devices in order to manage the communication and flow of data between the processes, memory, and peripheral. The technology within chipsets allows NB-IoT modules to be created out of a myriad of devices and makes way for an endless possibility of interconnected devices. Some examples of how people are utilizing NB-IoT modules and devices are cities connecting and creating smart streetlights and parking meters, monitoring of gas and water consumption, tracking of vehicles, connecting devices such as computers televisions and phones within the home, and even following animals in the wilderness for research purposes.

Fleet management is a challenging task that demands high attentiveness and great dealings of general contentions. Our comprehensive spy vehicle tracking devices and solutions let you handle these challenges in an easy and organized manner. More than a feasible solution, our spy GPS vehicle tracking system gives you the absolute vehicle tracking intelligence to exactly know & control what happens in the real field.

We deliver turnkey solutions to our clients and we can specifically develop tracking hardware or software solutions and part of the tracker based on their requirements. Over qualified and trained staff works in advanced environment to develop solutions for your needs. Our core R&D staff is technically trained and certified with Master Degrees to develop high class solutions with excellent team and top-notch technology. Explore more details on this website.

30 05 20

How to make real money by playing mobile games and SuponicGlobal’s blockchain platform? Many games have a form of currency within the game where players can earn, purchase, and spend within the game. The rise of gaming combined with the increased popularity of cryptocurrencies is the perfect mix for the tokenization of game assets. By using blockchain technology, gaming assets can be not only bought, sold, or traded outside of the game but can be actually owned by the player.

Considered as potential pyramid risks in MLM

Suponic Global blockchain platform

1. Products which have “no real world” marketplace.

1. Products have real world marketplace. Gaming industry is a $200 BN Industry.

2. Products which are sold at inflated prices.

2. SUPONIC GLOBAL is sold below industry market average.

3. Mandatory purchases of company product.

3. Games are free to play. Credits begin at $1.00

4. Plans which result in inventory loading distributors.

4. Games are purely digital. There is no inventory loading distributors involved.

5. Substantial cash investment requirements.

5. The lowest entry is $100 USD.

6. Mandatory purchases of peripheral or accessory products or services.

6. There is no mandatory purchase of peripheral or accessory products or services.

7. Plans in which company products are totally or substantially consumed only by distributors.

7. Distributor consumption is less than 5%

8. Plans in which distributors are left with substantial unsold inventory upon cancellation of participation.

8. Unused game credits can be sold on a public cryptocurrency exchange, based on natural supply and demand.

9. Plans in which distributors purchase products in order to further the marketing plan rather than out of genuine desire and need for the product.

9. Our technology and platform solution is already complete. Games are genuinely entertaining with existence of gamers playing up to 6 hours per day. Existing game publishing roadmaps are not impacted by marketers.

10. Plans which would fail without purchases by participants.

10. Company has been generating solid revenues long before distribution network was created. The gaming platform, games, coin, wallet, blockchain technology, exchange were all complete well before engagement of distributors.

11. Plans which make no effort to emphasize retail sales to the ultimate nonparticipant consumer.

11. Company has been engaging in retail sales long before Suponic Global was put together.

12. Plans which require no meaningful participation by distributors after becoming a distributor.

12. Every distributor is required to play games at least once daily to contribute to the concurrent user base and add to exchange liquidity pool, which is vital to the operation. A minimal concurrent userbase is critical to game publishing hence distributor’s daily participation is crucial to the operation.

13. Plans in which fees are paid to distributors for headhunting.

13. No payment is made for headhunting.

14. Plans in which commissions are not based on actual retail product sales.

14. Commissions are purely based on actual retail sales, in form of revenue share.

15. Plans in which emphasis is on recruitment rather than sale of product.

15. Millions of dollars were spent creating tools for retail user acquisition. 95% of the revenue is expected to come from sale of product.

16. Plans which contain elements of a lottery rewarding participants based on chance rather than on bona fide sales efforts.

16. Suponic Global Game credit relies 100% on skills and hard work. Participants are rewarded purely based on revenue share and direct sales.

17. Earnings misrepresentations or inflated earnings representations.

17. Earnings reported is 100% accurate, and based on sound mathematical models.

18. Promise of high returns

18. No false promise, all products’ price are subject to market supply and demand law and users are educated clearly on this fact.

19. Promise of guaranteed returns

19. No false promise of any guaranteed returns

20. promise of the investments carry little or even no risk

20. we have perfect business model, which is the foundation of success of every business model. Perfect execution of business plan, and adjustment on market reaction also counts, our project also needs our marketers to promote the game together, and engage more player base.

21. pay additional fees or costs to withdraw your profit or money

21. withdraw your money is conducted in our exchange, which is instantly, with no fees, no waiting time.

22. claim absolute safe

22. the coins are on blockchain.

23. claim technology is highly secret

23. Technology uses erc 2.0 (etherium)

24. pressure to buy RIGHT NOW

24. Coin price is based on Supply and demand

25. Participants make money solely by recruiting new participants

25. Participants not only make money by recruiting new participants, but also by retails of game credits packages, and the revenue pool of the company.

26. Promise of sky-high returns in a short period of time for doing nothing other than handing over money and getting others to do the same.

26. No promise of any type of return, investment is purely based on market supply and demand, participants’ purchase of packages are locked for certain period. Participants are needed to play games on daily bases to contribute game concurrent users base, which is essential for success in game industry.

27. No genuine product or service

27. we have perfectly built game platforms, and dozens of games ready to play. We have games already in the market for years. Game credits packages are products, plus, we have tangible products, such as earphones, fashions, etc.

28. buy-in required.

28. There is no buy-in

29. complex commission structure

29. We offer transparent and simple to understand commission structure which can be explained under 5 minutes.

30. emphasis on recruiting.

30. Our distributor to retail gamers are 1:30. Our participants consist of retail Gamers (90%), distributors, investors and video game developers.

31. Encourage you to quit your job, and tell you this opportunity is life-changer, and you even get rich by selling company’s products

31. Most of our participants come in to purchase video game coins, and consider this to be a part time job.

32. Encourage or require you to buy a certain amount of product at regular intervals, even if you already have more inventory than you can use or sell

32. Our products can be traded on exchange, there’s no overstock.

33. they ask you to buy products before you’re eligible to be paid or get certain bonuses.

33. No. But we do request they play at least one game. The cheapest game is 10 cents.

34. you may have to pay repeated fees for other items, like training sessions or expensive marketing materials

34. All our marketing materials are free.

35. company say you can ear lavish rewards, like prizes, bonuses, exotic vacations, and luxury cars. (However, it’s often turns out that you have to meet certain product purchase, recruitment, training. Or other goals to qualify for the rewards, and only a handful of distributors ever qualify.)

35. We host Esport tournaments with prizes including earphones and phones produced by the company. The esports are mostly free entry, and the purpose is to promote a wholesome fun video game designed for hours of fun, and online community participation. There is nothing overly lavish.

36. promoters make extravagant promises about your earning potential

36. all our earning potential is based on market supply and demand law.

37. Promoters emphasize recruiting new distributors as the real way to make money

37. we emphasize recruiting more gamers to build our gamers pool.

38. promoters play on your emotions or use high-pressure sales tactic, saying you’ll lose the opportunity if you don’t act now, and discouraging you from taking time to study the company

38. we have clear roadmaps and plan, and those are public information, we give no pressure to our participants. We encourage them to take time to study the company, and hold sessions to answer questions related to the company and it’s business plan and products.

39. Training session make earnings claims, tell you the fastest way to make money is to “recruit, recruit, recruit”, or suggest that all you need to do to build a downline is “find two people who find two people”

39. Training sessions of ours are to introduce our company, it’s business plan, and products, and share experiences of how to make the company work well. Besides recruiting people, which is going to end in October 2020, Participants are encouraged to market our games to more gamers.

40. Ask you to buy training or marketing materials. Or pay for seminars on building your business.

41. Our training or marketing materials are offered for free, seminars are provided online and offline for free. We don’t need participants to travel, hence no payments for any hotels and meals.

41. company says things like periodic product purchases or training are optional, but you will become ineligible for bonus or rewards if you opt out of them.

41. All trainings and sessions have no impact on eligibility for any type of bonuses or rewards.

What is SuponicGlobal? For each reward or skin, the game masters would then write a smart contract limiting the amount of tokens to ever be received or created. Then, run some code for the game to scrape the wallets and read what tokens are owned and likewise reward them in game with the ability to access skins or whatever the token represents. What this does is also give the players the ability to take these tokens to an internal exchange and trade them. They can also buy other rare tokens that grant rare skins or make money by selling ones they have obtained for a standard virtual currency the game chooses.

Suponic Protocol aims to setup the global standards in crypto game world, providing core base for the regulations and the development procedures for the game developers, analysts, designers, artists, publishers, and other participants in the industry. The goal is to establish an environment where eSports industry can flourish and where gamers and game developers can enjoy the convenience of the platform. After the endless endeavor to establish the protocol, the World eSports and Blockchain Association (WESBA) has officially recognized Suponic Protocol, and now we are contributing to invigorate the crypto game industry by providing open source API. Find more info at SuponicGlobal.

29 05 20

Smart home products online store? What is a smart home? That seemingly simple question has many different answers, depending on who you ask. In short, a “smart home” is a residence equipped with a number of devices that automate tasks normally handled by humans. Some are built into the structure itself and some added later, and homeowners operate them with applications, voice commands, automation, or using artificial intelligence.

Information conveyed through haptic feedback has advantages as it can alert users privately (as compared to a ringing phone) and during physical activities. Moreover, there has been increased interest in further developing haptic interfaces in devices in recent years. While distraction from visual and auditory feedback has been extensively studied, Asst Prof Asplund explained that the distraction caused by haptic feedback remains poorly understood. This latest study provides new information on the attentional capture effects in haptic feedback and offers suggestions for designing alerts in smart devices. The study was published in May in ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.

Here are the main benefits you will experience with smart home technologies. Convenience and comfort are a primary advantage thanks to the remote and sometimes hands-free ways you get to control devices and customize actions, from scheduling to automating to occupancy sensing. Related to convenience is accessibility, which is a particularly big perk for an aging population. Being able to shut off lights or change the temperature via voice command can be especially helpful for those with mobility, dexterity, memory or vision issues. Some smart speakers also allow family members to check in with each other to keep in touch. See even more info at Alexa Outlets.

Smart devices also increase your home value! As well as smart lighting, smart environmental control is a hugely sought after home feature. Automated heating systems allow you to pre-set your heating so that you have the perfect home temperature and environment at all times. Secondly, coming home to the house already illuminated is a wonderful way to be welcomed home. Thirdly, with smart lights, you are able to customize their settings to create the perfect mood. This may be low, romantic lighting for a night with your partner or warm light in the morning to wake you gently from sleep. Finally, with the use of your smart assistant, you can simply tell the lights to turn on and off as you go from room to room, making your life (and the lives of potential buyers) so easy.

Smart home tech makes life a little more convenient (and even more secure), but it can also help you make more eco-friendly choices every day. If you’ve always wondered what makes a smart home “intelligent” and how a smart home supports an environmentally conscious lifestyle, read on. What is a smart home? The term “smart home” is used to describe a home that uses technology to allow the home’s systems and electronics to communicate with one another, be controlled by a time schedule, and even be remotely activated from a smartphone or other web enabled device.

Building a resilient and sustainable supply flow. Our rigorous production standards keep the sustainability of our operations while improving social and environmental conditions through our industry’s supply chain. Valuing our team members and supporting our communities.Our commitment to team members is reflected in our core value People, and illustrated by our relentless drive to provide an engaging work environment that is ethical, diverse and inclusive. Valuing our team members and supporting our communities.Our commitment to team members is reflected in our core value People, and illustrated by our relentless drive to provide an engaging work environment that is ethical, diverse and inclusive. Discover more information at https://gosund.com/.

29 05 20

Top Southern Colorado Auto Classics & Hot-Rods company : Check what fuel grade you are using at the pump. Many people assume and put the wrong grade of gas in their car. This can cause damage to your vehicle’s fuel injection system. Cars that require premium gas have a higher combustion rate than cars that take regular fuel. Check your car owner’s manual or gas cap to see which grade is recommended. Using less than the minimum octane rating can have your car run sluggish and you may hear knocks in addition to fuel injection damage.

Spending about $20 to replace the fuel filter can save you a lot of money on a fuel filter. Most experts recommend owners change the fuel filter annually to keep it in top shape. While this is a fast and inexpensive replacement, it’s a more advanced project not recommended for DIY. A professional can take care of the fuel filter when you take the car in for maintenance.

Over the last two years, Jim has built up a trusted business using passion & precision as his guiding principles. Marquis Paint & Body works with all national insurance carriers, including local, state, and Federal governments, commercial fleets, and custom craftsmen. We provide high-quality auto body collision repairs, and pristine paint work. We are a team of highly skilled and certified technicians who use state of the art equipment and materials! This is a tight-knit team built of long term community members who share the same vision, to provide superior service at an affordable price.

Another setup question is quizzing you about the oil weight that your vehicle can take. If you appear ignorant, you can easily be duped into believing that your vehicle may need services that are unnecessary. Additional Tips and Warnings: Study your car owner’s manual. Besides appearing more knowledgeable about your own vehicle, you’ll also may be able to solve simple problems just by knowing more about the basic controls of your car, meaning you may not even have to take it into a shop. Find a few more details on this website.

Is the service technician A.S.E.-certified? Twice annually, the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence offers auto service industry professionals the chance to become A.S.E.-certified. By passing a written test and having at least two years of work experience in auto repair service, auto mechanics earn A.S.E. certification, placing them among the top practitioners in the industry. Inquiring about A.S.E. credentials is important, as the designation better ensures the competence of your prospective car mechanic.