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Looking for a digital marketing agency in India offering sales funnel optimization ? We have good news for you! We will talk about the latest marketing methods in 2019 and also introduce you to one of the leading digital marketing agencies in India.

Video marketing has been an important tactic for big brands for years. But video is changing. By 2020, video will make up more than 85% of all consumer internet traffic in the U.S. Most of the videos people will be watching won’t be uploaded by brands or businesses – they’ll be uploaded by individuals. One of the biggest hang-ups many businesses have with video marketing is the production aspect. They want their videos to look professional – like they were produced by Hollywood directors. But you can do fine by using simple recording and editing tools. For example, InVideo can help you create stunning professional-level videos in minutes with pre-made templates. Most importantly, people aren’t looking for dazzling special effects. They just want good content that’s entertaining, informative, and story-driven. Not only does HubSpot introduce its new video series, “Brilliant,” the company tells the story of an entrepreneur who overcame significant challenges and built a business through persistence and determination. The video contains some excellent production elements, but it’s the story that drives it. These are the types of videos that garner attention and go viral. Instead of selling software, HubSpot has found a way to build a community around its brand. And that type of brand recognition is priceless.

One of the most important parts to a successful SEO Campaign is the planning. Looking at the competitors in the sector and understanding what they have achieved and how they have achieved it. To begin the SEO Campaign we have to build content for Google to like and power to trust the content. Without power and trust even the best content will not appear on page one of Google search results. We have to understand where a website ranks initially before making changes. We also need to monitor the ranking improvements and back-links to ensure everything is as it should be. We are always fine tuning our SEO campaigns and this is due to the fact that Google is fine tuning the algorithm to ensure they have the best results for people using the search engine. Discover more details on Best Digital Marketing Agency In India.

If you think social messaging apps are just for sending emojis to your friends, take a look at these numbers: 1.3 billion monthly users are active on Facebook Messenger: 10 billion messages are sent between people and businesses on Facebook Messenger every month, WhatsApp has 1.6 billion active users and 55 billion messages are sent via every day, The top three social messaging apps – WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and WeChat – have more combined users than Facebook or YouTube. These statistics show the popularity of social messaging apps, and since people are spending more time messaging each other, it makes sense to market your company’s products and services where your potential customers are hanging out. Social messaging apps can be very useful in sending messages to customers directly, as they allow personalization and add value to the user experience. In addition, people expect businesses to have a presence on messaging apps because it’s a direct and easy way to interact with them. In fact: 63% of customers are more likely to return to a company website that has live chat.

We’re Go Lead Digital – your new favourite No B.S. Digital Marketing Agency that gets results, based in Mumbai, India but serving globally. We help your brand get smart, get noticed and get results. Go Lead Digital is the Ammunition & Digital Strike Force, with a knack for brave ideas and simple solutions. If you need a website, campaign or overhaul, let’s make things happen. Here are some of the digital marketing services we offer. Visit: https://www.goleaddigital.com/.