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Piercing studio in Colorado Springs, CO? “A second factor is the length of the butterfly back posts. If post length is too short to allow for the initial swelling of your fresh piercing, you will experience what is called ’embedding.’ This is where the swelling becomes significant enough to swallow the butterfly back. At Maria Tash, your initial post length takes this into consideration with a longer bar to allow for this swelling. Then, at a later stage, you can change to a shorter more comfortable post length.”

And help things along as best you can. “It takes a patient mentality to help piercings heal 100 percent. Your body’s job is to get rid of foreign objects, so it’s a little bit of a dance you have to do,” Smith says, “You must be patient and nurse it to health. Sometimes the simple things are the best: Soap and water to clean, and ice for the swelling. If you take your aftercare seriously, you’ll avoid any problems.”

If you have someone special that inspires you, we can create portrait tattoo’s. Our professionals use vibrant colors that will give your tattoo stunning, realistic features. Our premier tattoo shop can handle anything that you put in front of us. With some of the most profound artists in this industry and great prices, our services are unbeatable. Come try us out for yourself here in Colorado Springs, CO. Read extra details at Piercing shop Colorado Springs.

Health Concerns in Tattooing : Because tattooing involves the practice of actually breaking the skin of a client, it is an inherently dangerous activity. Most of the time, there is blood involved, and that means that all kinds of blood-borne illnesses can be transmitted in the tattoo shop. A client’s blood could make its way into a cut on the artist’s hand, for example, or a dirty needle used on two separate clients could transfer a disease from one to the other. For these reasons, health and safety are major concerns in the tattooing world. Most equipment is not only cleaned, but also sterilized on a regular basis. Tattoo artists generally wear gloves while working, and many choose to wear glasses, as well. Left over inks are disposed of and not reused. The risk is so great, in fact, that tattoo shops must be certified and undergo health inspections. These are just a few of the precautions that are taken to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

How to become a tattoo artist: Once you’re done and you followed all the aforementioned ideas, and you now have all the requirements nailed down, the idea here is to learn how to become a tattoo artist. First, you need to check your art talent as you need to be good at tattoo designs. You may also want to read books about tattooing and watch tattoo video tutorials to see how other do it. If you can, learn solely from the experts. Thankfully, there are tons of books on this topic and video tutorials from famous people in the industry. So there’s no shortage of information that you may want to use in this situation. A good idea here is to become an apprentice for a professional. This helps you learn some of the best tattoo techniques, and it will also give you a more refined way of tackling this type of task. You also have to keep in mind that being an apprentice is a part of the process. You may have to mop the floors or do stuff that you don’t find redeeming, but this is the best way to learn tattoo techniques. Plus, you get to learn from the best, so a bit of internship will not be that problematic most of the time.