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Martial arts offers plenty of benefits to people, for an improved quality of life, better mental health, better self confidence, teaching teamwork and offering health benefits. In this article we will see why is good to practice martial arts and after that we will present you the best martial arts school in Sacramento.

Those who are looking to lead healthier lifestyles should look no further. Martial arts is the perfect catalyst for getting the most out of life physically, mentally, and spiritually. It teaches you to discipline yourself when it comes to making decisions on nutrition, rest, and recovery. Because it is such an intense physical workout, martial arts encourages you to eat clean. Improving your diet becomes second nature because your body will require more energy in general, just to perform many of martial arts’ various techniques. Secondly, martial arts improves your mental health because it teaches you how to meditate and draw upon your spiritual energy.

Meeting the physical activity guidelines of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention can be difficult. According to their research, only one in five adults actually meets their suggested amount of exercise. Cardiovascular health, in particular, is very important to manage, as it is closely linked to heart health. Especially during training, drills can really help ramp up one’s heart rate, helping you build cardiovascular endurance and increasing the positive impact of your aerobic exercise. Students of martial arts can increase muscle mass and help them become more toned over all. Punching and kicking requires a lot of strength, demanding the muscles in your arms, legs, and core work hard. Muscle mass and metabolism are connected, as the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolic demands become. This means that your body will burn more calories, even while your body is at rest.

A lot of martial arts require rigorous fitness training. If you really want to stay healthy learning a martial art is one of the ways to do so that also allows you to gain valuable skills and discipline at the same time. Practicing martial arts that involve agile and repetitive movements at high intensity requires a level of fitness that after a while may help to lower your blood pressure and heart rate. Read more info on Improve self confidence with martial arts.

Tokon Martial Arts has a clear goal for anybody of our students: We train black belts and develop leaders. We are not the right program if you just look for an activity to fill up some free time. We are an educational training facility and not a daycare or casual activity center. We are not a belt factory and not a candy store either – and though our classes are fun, they are also fast paced, demanding and challenging. That’s why we demand commitment from both our students (yes even the young ones) but also you the adult (or the parent). Martial Arts training provides children many benefits dearly needed in today’s modern life: Staying Away from Negative Influences: Just saying ‘no’ to drugs and negative influences isn’t enough; it should be backed up with deeds if needed. Structure and Discipline: Classes are structured with a certain demand for physical and mental discipline. This will help children to learn about acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

True character development, mental and physical strength can only be developed over time and through hard work and repetition. That is why our students learn how to work extremely hard physically and mentally. Real life skills, self-esteem and confidence that require dedication, setbacks, disappointments and years of commitment are not taught or enforced by most other schools because it could create a conflict with the students monthly payments. Yes at our school not everybody has what it takes to become a Tokon black belt. But true martial arts skills MUST only be in the hands of worthy students that went through those forging times. This must be the standard and measurement and what you are looking for. Isn’t this why you come to us? We are not a child care or day care facility. High five and attendance awards for showing up is not what will develop a strong human being. Even though this might impress at first sight, you will quickly discover that schools that have their efforts on all those side gimmicks have nothing deeper to offer, physically, mentally and spiritually. We are different and that is why students that look for the real martial arts experience come to us. This is why our program speaks to adults and children alike. The path of self-cultivation is never a question of age but rather of a wise person that wants to keep growing. See more details on Best martial arts school in Natomas.

?If you live in Natomas Sacramento you are lucky to have two world class traditional Karate instructions in your city. Come and experience the family friendly, high spirited atmosphere at Tokon Martial Arts?. Sacramento’s best Karate School for traditional Shotokan Karate and Martial Arts. We are a traditional Karate school that teaches Karate as it is taught in Japan. We are Sacramento’s best Karate school for Shotokan. Sensei Marcus has trained and coached many national and international karate champions. We have affiliations with all major Karate federations such as International KarateCoaching Federation, ISKF, JKA, WJKA, AJKA, AAU and USANKF.