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Septic inspections professional firm in Copperopolis, CA? Don’t pour grease down the drain. If you pour grease down your drain, it could clog your septic tank drain field. Grease doesn’t allow the soil around your drain field to absorb liquids, which could cause a back-up and result in the added expense of digging a new drain field. Purchase the right kind of garbage disposal. Consider investing in a top-of-the-line garbage disposal, which will do a better job grinding your food waste. The more ground your food, the better it will be absorbed in your septic tank system.

Your septic system is considered a part of your home, so may be covered by your homeowners insurance policy, however any damage caused as a result of lack of maintenance or neglect may not be covered. LCRA has new rules in place for septic systems. This means that an old septic tank may not be able to be repaired – it may need to be replaced with often an even larger area for a drainfield. The average cost of a new septic system in the Lakeway area is $30k to $40k. A new system may also be required for home remodels that include the addition of a bathroom or bedroom.

First we need to explain the reason for pumping the septic tank or tanks. The normal riding level of waste water in a tank is approximately 4 feet deep, with a floating scum layer and a bottom solids layer. If a tank is not pumped prior to inspection, a proper visual inspection cannot be performed as no one can see through 4 feet of waste water. The tank floor & sidewalls, the tank center seam/seal, the tank baffle and the complete inlet/outlet sanitary tees are not visible for inspection and system evaluation without pumping the tank first. Discover extra details on find here.

To keep your septic tank and drain field in working order, having the tank pumped on a regular basis is essential. How often you will need to have your system pumped depends on the size of your household, total wastewater generated, the number of solids, and the size of your tank. The official EPA recommendation is that you have the system pumped every 3-5 years, but it’s a good idea to have it inspected and serviced more often than that. In addition to regular tank pumping, the most important thing you can do for your septic system is to be careful about what goes into it.

As incoming sewage from the house fills first compartment, clarified liquids are forced to leave the second chamber of the septic tank and flow out to the leach field or leach pit. The typical leach field is a series of chambers or rock filled trenches where effluent is further treated as it slowly percolates through the soil. A leach pit is a deeper, larger hole filled with rock for disposing of wastewater in a smaller footprint. Not as effective treatment as a larger leach field, where sewage percolates slowly over a larger area, leach pits are an alternative for smaller properties only where high seasonal ground water is not present.

Foothill Sanitary Septic and Foothill Portable Toilets has been serving California in the Calaveras, Tuolomne, Amador, San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties for many years. With locations in Copperopolis, Valley Springs and Arnold we are equipped to fulfill all of your septic or portable toilet needs in a timely manner to your complete satisfaction. We’re committed to providing you with the highest level of service, so you’ll always choose us for your septic pumping, maintenance and repair needs.

An Evaporative System is used when the soil cannot treat the waste water before it percolates to the water table. This occurs usually in rocky or sandy soils which drain to fast or where the soil absorption is very poor as you would find in heavy clay soils. An evaportanspiration (ET) bed treats the water by using evaportranspiration, which is the loss of water in the soil by both evaporation and transpiration from the plants growing there. The evaportranspiration bed is shallow and can be lined with a liner or unlined. A liner is required if the soil drains so fast the water can’t be treated before it hits the water table. In clay soils the ET can be unlined which also allows disposal through some absorption in the soil. These are often called evaportransition/absorption beds (ETA). Discover additional details on https://www.foothillsanitary.com/.