30 08 19

Acne issues are becoming more usual this days, affecting a big percentage of adults. There are a lot of things that generate acne, we will review them and also review about some solutions to this problems. The major cause for acne problems is the poor diet. People eat to much garbage this days. But not only! Let’s see what are some major causes for skin issues.

There’s nothing more disappointing than waiting until your 20s to finally have clear skin, and then learning the hard way that bad breakouts don’t necessarily end when your teenage years do. Coming to terms with adult acne is difficult—best rest assured, you’re not the only grown woman dealing with zits.

Hormones. Androgens are hormones that increase in boys and girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy and the use of oral contraceptives also can affect sebum production. And low amounts of androgens circulate in the blood of women and can worsen acne.

If you have oily or combination skin and are prone to breakouts, you should be using skin-care products labeled “oil-free,” “non-comedogenic,” or “water-based,” Dr. Schultz says. Just one of these will ensure that the lotion you’re slathering on isn’t going to clog your pores and make matters worse. Try a gel-based moisturizer like Belif The True Cream Aqua Bomb; for an SPF option, we like PCA Skin Weightless Protection Broad Spectrum SPF.

Treatments: Glycolic Acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid and an exfoliating ingredient that targets both acne and wrinkles at the same time. “The same way it helps acne, it helps wrinkles—by removing dead cells on surface. If you have effective exfoliation, you’re stimulating collagen and hyaluronic acid,” Dr. Schultz explains. This will help improve skin’s texture and reduce fine lines and wrinkles while also clearing up breakouts.

Your detergent is irritating your skin. Per Dr. Downie, some of the chemicals in certain laundry detergents can be too harsh for your skin. And once you slip on your clothes or lie on your pillow, your complexion might react to the residue that’s left on the fabric, resulting in breakouts on your face, back, butt, chest, etc. What you can do differently: Choose a detergent that’s fragrance-free, dye-free, and dermatologist-tested for sensitive skin, like Seventh Generation Concentrated Free & Clear Unscented Laundry Detergent.

For our polish readers: Jesli uwazasz, ze im bardziej szorujesz skore – czy to za pomoca sciereczka do mycia, szorstkie zluszczajace (jak peeling do twarzy), luffy lub pedzle do czyszczenia – im gladsze bedzie, jestem tutaj, aby powiedziec, ze twoje wybuchy beda sie tylko pogarszac. Chodzi o to, aby naprawic bariere ochronna skory, aby chronic bakterie, a nie powodowac dalszych urazow poprzez szorowanie z niej sh * t. Co mozesz zrobic inaczej: umyj i nawilz twarz za pomoca lagodnej, ale skutecznej formuly zawierajacej zluszczajace substancje chemiczne, ktore nie wymagaja szorowania, takie jak kwas glikolowy i mlekowy. Wright poleca zel do spieniania Obagi, tonik i balsam z eksfoderma dla osob ze sklonnoscia do tradziku. Czytaj wiecej na dermatolog.pl.